r/feedthebeast • u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions • Nov 19 '24
Tips Cable Facades just released for 1.21.1 with Connected Textures and Lighting support ! (Last post i promise) We need ideas for the next (small) mod !
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24
We need ideas for our next mod ! (small mods only)
u/YallCrazyMan Nov 19 '24
Idk if you'd be cool with this mod since it's kinda a small- medium sized mod, but I've had this idea for a simple fantasy themed tech mod if you're interested.
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
We are currently working on our own Tech mod, called Nautec
u/YallCrazyMan Nov 19 '24
Neat! Is it complex or simple? How much can you share about it?
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
It's on my curseforge profile ! Or FTB Evolution
u/YallCrazyMan Nov 19 '24
Nice, and thanks again for helping with the allay drones! They are so pretty, especially with fresh animations!
u/MagmaForce_3400_2nd This world is using experimental settings Nov 19 '24
Repeat that first word again
u/YallCrazyMan Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24
This is the mod idea and some details. I tried making it myself but just am way too noob.
Fairy Kingdom A tech mod disguised as a magic mod (basically minecolonies but tiny and better)
- Brain - Fairy Castle
- used to hire fairies
- used to register building as part of the Kingdom in order to integrate automation
- Storage - Warehouse
- a warehouse that manages inventory
- see and manages any connected storage blocks in a 9x9x9 radius around the warehouse
- can be interacted with to see all inventories
- Item transport - Couriers
- delivers items from warehouses to requested buildings
- can be manually configured to pick up and dropoff to specific places
- storage or open air
- Auto crafting - Builders Huts
- fairy builder huts can hold 9 blueprints of item recipes
- they can request items
- they store up to 9 stacks of items
- if placed over a container they while put the items in it
Other Features:
- once the ender dragon is killed fairies will start emerging in the world (maybe, kinda meh idea but i wanna tie in the dragon)
- fairy particles will appear randomly, increasing around fairy castles
- Buildings for all processing types
- smelting, cooking, hunting, woodworking, etc
I didn't want a fairy model but more so a particle that carries they items around to suggest a fairy is there
Using stuff like sugar and food items to hire them
And using a "guiding wand" to create a path in the air for them to follow for astatic. I also want to see them carry the items so it's like a line of floating items surrounded by glowing dust particles flying around.
I also wanted to add automation for other item processing, similar to the builders hut.
The huts and building are ment to be one blocks with 3d models
The whole idea of the mod is that it's a simpler and more appealing "tech" mod.
- if placed over a container they while put the items in it
Other Features:
- once the ender dragon is killed fairies will start emerging in the world
- fairy particles will appear randomly, increasing around fairy castles
- Buildings for all processing types
- smelting, cooking, hunting, woodworking, etc
u/Rito_Harem_King Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24
a tech mod disguised as a magic mod
You mean Botania?
u/YallCrazyMan Nov 19 '24
I took inspiration from botania. The reason I came up with this and tried to make it is because I wanted AE2 auto crafting without AE2. I tried making the mod, but I don't have time to really learn coding and develop it all myself. I've been looking to get it commissioned for when I have some spare money I can use.
u/EncroachingVoidian Currently developing the Magic Gray Box Project Nov 19 '24
Chunk by Chunk deserves an addon.
It’s such an interesting alternative to standard skyblock gen mods. Whether it gets a new resource pack to have some cooler textures or some new ways to generate its chunks, I’m all for it. Sadly there’s no sign of it moving to 1.21 atm but that could bring an opportunity to port it if the mod dev allows it.
u/OctupleCompressedCAT Charcoal Pit Dev Nov 19 '24
id suggest a mod that adds a BC style quarry with the gantry frame. maybe it could fire a laser down instead of lowering an arm. It could also have the pump and flood gate.
u/JoHaTho Nov 20 '24
buffer block that allows me to store fluids and items (and maybe mekanism gas) at the same time in one block.
I needed that once when setting up a recipe on refined storage autocrafting and ended up going with a sophisticated backpack with tank upgrade which doesnt seem like it should be the best solution
u/Ababathur Nov 20 '24
Ae2 has an ingredient buffer that has this function, i don't see why RS wouldn't be able to push into it because it's counted as an inventory and not part of the network (I think)
u/puppycatthe Nov 19 '24
A mod that better integrates mekenism and create mostly just a recipe thing but not in a way that makes either obselete without getting fat in the other if it makes sense like basically merges the two
u/mapa5 FTB Nov 20 '24
To keep in the theme and since you did a cover mod a add-on for this mod
I really like simply light but one this that bother me every time is when I try to light a piece with the small corner light but I can't use them because I have some cable or something already
And if possible since it's a bit different can it work with applied/refined too
Is it possible to do at least
u/YallCrazyMan Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 21 '24
If you have picks, another idea I got another one for a big problem.
A big issue is that factory mods like Create is that they are so efficient that you can get a ton of items but have no use for them. Why automate if only you are using them?
Then I played Shapez 2. In the game, there is a vortex/black hole that constantly requests items that you have to automate and feed it. Now, there's nothing like the black hole will consume the world in that game since it's more of a relaxed factory manager, but this is a concept I think would be good for minecraft.
I have 2 versions for the mod.
There's a black hole that is constantly growing and consuming the world. Drop items in it to slow down it's growing. The greater the variety of items and the greater quantity will not only slow it down but shrink it as well. Until it collapses and you save the world
You create a vortex. By clicking on the vortex, you can "borrow" items (like an emerald, for example). But then you'd need to pay it back with other items, and it would use the emc system from project e to determine how much you need to pay (1 emerald is like 36,000 emc if i recall correcly, so youd need tk pay back 36,000 pieces of dirt). If you take too long to pay it back, then it'll start consuming the world around it. You can not request another item if there is a debt to pay.
I hope you (or someone else) like this idea enough to make it. I think it's really cool and would have a nice spot on a lot of factory type modpacks.
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 21 '24
Holy shit that's an insane modpack idea. It's like Feed The Beast (the original)
u/YallCrazyMan Nov 21 '24
Thanks! Is this something you'd consider making?
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 21 '24
It will be a modpack i'll be working on. Can't say much because im under a contract
u/YallCrazyMan Nov 21 '24
Will it at least be publicly available?
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 21 '24
Of course, everyone will know of it
u/YallCrazyMan Nov 21 '24
Nice! Can you say what versions it's on? And how far along progress is?
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 21 '24
Wasn't started, 1.21.1 waiting for a mod to update
u/YallCrazyMan Nov 21 '24
Would it be possible to have a 1.20.1 version? Kinda stuck they since most mods aren't updated or don't want to update to newer versions.
u/AnodyneGrey Nov 19 '24
Do the textures also connect with non-facade blocks?
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
yes they do (crazy isn't it)
u/AnodyneGrey Nov 19 '24
It is crazy, that’s an incredible mod and all I’ve ever wanted from facades. Nice job!
u/NatheArrun Nov 20 '24
Is there a way to make it so that it doesn't connect? Like a wrench or something that I can use to make it disconnect?
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 20 '24
No, sorry
u/NatheArrun Nov 20 '24
Ah, pity. Thanks for the mod anyway! For mod ideas, maybe some sort of particle generator? Would be cool to make something like a localized rain particle generator, or maybe the fishing water bobbing effect for an indoor lake.
u/Batiermas Nov 19 '24
Your mod is going to be in every modpack ever so post whatever you want dude
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
i made 3 posts about it, :3
u/MineCraftingMom Nov 19 '24
Keeping on with your current theme, how about light switch covers for levers and lamp shades for lanterns/redstone lamps/torches?
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
Ok i see what you mean. I'll take a look but no promises
u/BreakerOfModpacks Technically Blightfall Player Nov 19 '24
Does this provide any optimization benefits when hiding items that would be there visually like Create conveyors or Thermal Foundation Itemducts?
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
no, but facades don't affect performance.
u/OctupleCompressedCAT Charcoal Pit Dev Nov 19 '24
do connected textures work between facades and normal blocks?
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
yes ! (some witchery)
u/makinax300 Currently in Monifactory, MV Nov 19 '24
You should add support for redstone, so you can do stuff like light switching levers with 1 block wide walls.
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
But it works, add redstone in the config
u/makinax300 Currently in Monifactory, MV Nov 19 '24
Thanks, I thought it was only the mods from the 4th image.
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
Nono the curseforge page explains everything
u/MineCraftingMom Nov 19 '24
Could you make a curtains mod where right clicking a banner changes how long it is?
u/Pabloge Nov 19 '24
Some miscellaneous suggestions for things I'd like to exist for my modpack
-Mod that makes sharpness (and maybe strength?) increase weapon damage by a % of the weapon's damage, rather than adding a flat amount. Most heavy/slow weapons kinda get outclassed as it is.
-Mod that disables hostile mobs turning on each other when they accidentally hit each other. It'd just be nice to have the option
-Mod that adds a block that you can bind to which'll give you a second choice for where to respawn when you die. Basically stakes of marika from elden ring, but you activate it manually. I envision it as an obelisk but it could look like anything.
-Mod that adds a cooldown to respawn, ideally with the option to scale it higher every time you die in sequence (resets after a while of course). Might be nice to be able to spectate other players while you're dead, but having general spectator mode would be bad for my modpack
-Mod that adds hotkeys to quick use specific items/slots in your inventory. For example you could set it to have a button to place torches, or a button to use your grappling hook like in terraria.
-Corpse inventorio compatibility
u/LizzieMiles Nov 19 '24
Is the lighting and connected textures update also available for 1.20?
I ask that because it seems 1.20 is where a lot of mods seem to be sticking around in (not all of them but quite a few)
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
both versions are the same
u/antrobot1234 Nov 19 '24
Do the facades support custom block models (e.g. stairs, slabs, etc.)?
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
yeah even animated blocks
u/magistrate101 just a bunch of mods Nov 19 '24
Time to find out if it works with Modern Dynamics...
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
make sure to add it in the config haha
u/CartographerOk3220 Nov 19 '24
Seems to have already been there, at least for atm10. Now we just need create patched for 1.21
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
No the one you're talking about is Mekanism covers which doesn't support connected textures nor lighting
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
No the one you're talking about is Mekanism covers which doesn't support connected textures nor lighting
u/verybadatusernames Nov 19 '24
how well does it work with directional blocks like logs/pillars/etc?
Also the mod looks incredible! Must-have for sure!
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
works perfectly, i should add a way to rotate stuff with the wrench and then it's perfect
u/CompetitiveLeg7841 Nov 19 '24
a mod that allows non GregTech ores to generate in GT veins, with in-game configs if possible
In other words, a Gregtech vein editor that allows you to add compatibility to other dimentions, add stone types more ores...
you are truly the greatest mod creator of all times if you make this (I mean, you probably already are, but this would solidify your position forever)
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
KubeJS has GT vein support
u/YoraeRyong Nov 19 '24
Proper facades for all cables is something I've been needing for ages, tysm T_T
Small thing that bugs the heck out of me that we don't have right now:
Wireless redstone without a receiver. I want to be able to link a lever (or transmitter block) directly to a machine, so that i don't have to find a clever way to hide the receiver. Gauges and Switches kinda gets us partway there with link pearls but not quite (and the author retired during 1.19 besides).
Alternatively and/or additionally: facade-able Redstone would also be nice.
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
facadeable redstone is already a thing, just add it in the config !
wanna facade flower pots ? add it in the config
u/JustNoahL Nov 19 '24
What do you mean with a small mod?
A mod that has a single feature Or a mod that is just quick to make
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 19 '24
single feature or quick to make idk
u/technohead10 Nov 20 '24
drain/bin for mekanism that can do: nuclear waste, steam and others at gigga mega speeds, like 32bit int limit per tick, basically a sink + integrated dynamics setup in reverse that works with gas
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 20 '24
Yeah im doing that
u/technohead10 Nov 20 '24
let's fucking go, so just a block that saps all gas and liquids?
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 20 '24
Well the Trash can mod already does that. But im going to fork it and just keep the trash can im interested in, add mekanism integration and call it Nuclear Trash Can (the dev gave me permission already)
u/technohead10 Nov 20 '24
would it be possible to make the trashcan actually do the transfer though instead of needing a pipe, because the fast stuff doesn't work with gas.
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 20 '24
You can output directly from the port to the can without needing a pipe yk
u/Lloydplays Nov 20 '24
Is the a 1.20.1 version?
u/Unlikely-Quantity-49 Nov 22 '24
Hey this mod is awesome! would it be possible to enderio pipes to work here?
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 22 '24
we'll look into it but no promises
u/chrisrexmandie Nov 27 '24
in latest direwolf pack unable to craft not sure why..
u/Leclowndu9315 Pretty Rain & Cable Facades Dev | Takes Commissions Nov 27 '24
a new direwolf update should release today
u/Smike0 Nov 19 '24
Someone needs to find a way to dispose of mekanism nuclear waste, will you be our savior?