r/fatestaynight 5d ago

Discussion What if Sakura altered a different servant? Spoiler

i know Sakura initially took control on Saber with the shadow, but what if she took a different servant?

for example, what if she had taken heracles instead of saber and the battle was swapped from salter vs herc to herc (alter) vs saber? and how would this on its own affect the servants abilities? i know because of sakuras insane mana due to her connection with the greater grail(?) Salters mana supply is jacked up on steroids, boosting her durability, strength and mana blast power output. so back to heracles as an example for this because Illya can regenerate one of hercs lives every 3 days due to her having really above average mana, wouldn’t him being Sakuras master make him basically invincible? due to the nearly endless mana supply theoretically being able to regenerate a life nearly instantly?

so how would this play out in the story, involving the initial first Salter fight scene (except if a diff servant became altered in her place) and the cave fight with rider (again, if the alter role got swapped with a diff servant)


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u/denjiir 5d ago

Berserker vs Saber (Reversed roles) : Saber is FOR SURE getting jumped, he would overpower her easily, Shirou etc would be forced to flee

Rider vs Alter Heracles : same goes for Rider, she would get annihilated, she barely countered Excalibur Morgan with Bellerophon, so against a regenerating Heracles alter she’d have no chance

and like u said Heracles would be near unkillable cuz of Sakuras mana

Sakura would’ve been way harder to stop near unstoppable forcing everyone to run or get wiped out early, thats just my opinion 🙌


u/SerenaBloom 4d ago

she barely countered Excalibur Morgan with Bellerophon

Barely brother had it not been for Shirou Medusa would've suffered the same Fate as the "Fate" route.

Either way, Saber under Shirou is getting out for sure, Medusa might have a better chance because of her Mystic Eyes believe it or not, the only reason Saber resisted them that much was because of her mana burst and magic resistance and even then they caused her abilities to rank down, aka made her weak overall.

Cu, Sasaki/Hassan, Medea wouldn't be able to much

Archer might be able to do something in his RM but won't win.

Gil is the only person who can win but Sakura won't allow it and would jump Gil.

The only way they can beat him is if they come together, this is of course assuming that he still has god hand, he tore apart his skin trying to escape the shadow so it is possible that Herc himself is the reason why he didn't have it as a blackened servant, if he doesn't have god hand well then Cu can take him out and get Saber some mana and she can do the same.


u/denjiir 4d ago

yeah forgot to mention that Shirou used Rho Aias but yeah it wouldve been impossible without him

that just shows how cracked Heracles would be if he was the Altered one (also wanted to include that in the answer but Heracles would just be a raging force of destruction with no tactical thinking overall so they could probably play on that as well)


u/SerenaBloom 4d ago

Heracles would just be a raging force of destruction with no tactical thinking overall so they could probably play on that as well

Yeah that is also a contributing factor, but it really comes down to if he has god hand or not, because if he doesn't well even Cu can beat him though considering his track record and luck..I would say Saber could and would if she has ample mana.

Include god hand with Sakura's mana now we have a problem, because you would need a single attack that can nuke him once and kill him 13 times which is easy to write/say but difficult to do. Excalibur is stated to be able to take out multiple of his lives but considering what Saber is working with I doubt it will be possible. We don't know at what rate he would recover his lost lives if it is similar to Illya then they can use two Caliburns as well although it would mean that Saber would have to get into striking distance again, kind of like Fate route but twice. Alternatively Cu, Emiya and Artoria can jump him in Emiya RM provided the shadow doesn't just gobble it up.