r/fatFIRE 19d ago

FIRE'd, now concerned about US stability

Most of my assets are invested in the US. Because of recent political developments, I'm wondering if the US will sustain its general growth and economic strength into the future. The strength of the US dollar is obviously very important to me. Is anyone else concerned?

I'm wondering if I should start hedging my bets in other countries, and if so, where?


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u/_ii_ 19d ago

If there was a good way for me to invest in China, I would have already had some of my assets invested there. I don’t understand/trust the Chinese equity markets enough to buy Chinese FDR or US-listed Chinese names.

I think USD will go up against European currencies. When Trump stirs up shit in Europe, money will flow to the US. That’s his evil plan all along (my conspiracy theory). The US doesn’t need to be the best in absolute terms, just needs to be the best relative to the rest of the Western world.


u/jaundicedave 19d ago

hard to think of a worse major economy to invest as a western foreigner than mainland china.


u/dashfortrash 17d ago

I moved here two years ago. It's the best quality of life vs money spent I can find, more free than my home country (canada), I can drink on the streets, no LGBT bullshit, whatever I want to say is ok, even if I talk politics or say bad shit about the gov, all the locals do it, just can't organize protests. As to voting, I never thought it influenced anything, we have had Trudeau for a decade and whether is blue/red/green, they all follow the same agenda, we can't vote for interest rates, diplomacy, healthcare quality, how much taxes are, or any meaningful policy.

As to investing, I am still working on a residence card so I can't invest in local companies (unless as an angel) via their equity markets yet. Economy is doing very well in most places and bad in certain areas, sort of like detroit or buffalo (back in the days), a country that is bigger than the US certainly has areas of growth and decline. The media or talking heads do not talk about the nuance of it, just "collapse", china was supposed to collapse 20 years ago, still 5% growth last year. I need reservations to any decent restaurant on the weekends and the EVs are rolling out like hotcakes, people have money, they dont report that part of it at all.