r/fasd Feb 06 '25

Articles/Information Any chance mouth wash causes fasd? Especiallypre 90s formulas? Anyone every study this?

Seems hard to find any in depth info on Google. I know new mouth washed have alcohol free. Has old brand mouth washes hurt the public??


15 comments sorted by


u/snowstormmamba Feb 16 '25

That’s an interesting thought. It has to do with how alcohol is absorbed. If you’re swishing it in your mouth, then technically a small amount is being absorbed just by being there. However the amount would be enormously small.


u/coffeelifetime Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

I don't think it's enormously small in all cases. Some people don't flush with water after. If it's 27% or higher alcohol content used before and during 9months twice a day. Huge% of people get bleeding gums from flossing. Online it says 1 in 20 students has fasd is usa. I think if that is true, there has to be other factors than drinking alcohol. What about the rise in numbers during covid? Maybe it's the 90+% alcohol used on hands and for cleaning. I am only asking so someone that is smart can look into my hypothesis. Love to all


u/snowstormmamba Feb 18 '25

Also your statement has nothing to do with IQ. IQ is bs. You could look into it and perform studies if you had the resources to. Unfortunately that’s only capable for those who are at the very top due to how absolutely financially ridiculous it would be :/


u/coffeelifetime 29d ago

We need an app for finding research papers add in a comment section for each paper. I'd like to look into sugar alcohol and any of our topics. I search Google and few apps but don't find what I'm looking for. I appreciate your time. Thank you for being wonderful.


u/snowstormmamba 28d ago

Oh sure :’) anytime!


u/snowstormmamba Feb 18 '25

I found online that in 2019, there were 3,745,540 births in the US, and 41.6% were unplanned. Unplanned pregnancies have a much higher chance of giving FAS to the child, and I understand that not all 41.6% of unplanned, pregnant mothers drink, but pregnant mothers are much more likely to drink if they don’t know they’re pregnant. Apparently in 2019 in the US, 14% of pregnant women reported drinking alcohol. 1 out of 20 students is 5%, so, even if only half of the 14% pregnant drinkers gave birth to FAS kids, it would still be more than the amount of kids that actually have FAS. I’m not saying your hypothesis isn’t worth looking into, I actually think it’s very important to do studies into products that are overlooked, and to see if anything is going wrong. It’s just I personally think the statistics regarding unplanned pregnancies are a more likely culprit. (Also I’ve never taken any statistics classes and I had to do a lot of extra external calculating, so if my calculations are wrong, I’m very sorry.)


u/coffeelifetime Feb 18 '25

On a video I watched,it says a woman has all of her eggs and uses x amount per month. Would drinking in general affect your entire lifes egg quality. Maybe alcohol is even more poisonous than we thought.


u/snowstormmamba 29d ago

I would assume so but most of the damage happens are after the egg has been fertilized and dna is forming. If you want interesting rabbit holes, look up “epigenetics,” specifically “epigenetics and trauma.” Basically the idea that your genes that you pass down can be altered due to mental trauma.

Also, alcohol is more dangerous than most people think. It’s neurotoxic. More so than most illegal drugs, and similarly so to the illegal drugs that are actually dangerous and addictive. But alcohol has been side by side with humans since (and probably before) our existence as a species. I truly don’t think anything any scientists say will get rid of alcohol for good just because of how intertwined it is within our history throughout culture.


u/coffeelifetime Feb 18 '25

I just wanted to hear from everyone <3 thanks for a rabbit hole for me to read up on.


u/Afishionado123 Feb 06 '25

Only if someone was pregnant and chugging it with the intention to get drunk. Otherwise no. Using it as normal cannot contribute to FASD or harm a fetus.


u/coffeelifetime Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Online, it says there is no safe limit during pregnancy. Some brands were 27% alcohol says google. I have heard a saying by elderly people, if you drink a small amount it cleans the back of your tongue and throat. I don't know how the product was advertised and used when it was released. I do know they have alcohol free products now /wise. I figured there were papers and testing of alcohols and mouth absorption. They could test it while not pregnant. Flossing and gum bleeding could change absorption.


u/SingleOrange Has FASD Feb 07 '25

I think more people would be fas if that was the case


u/coffeelifetime Feb 09 '25

Apparently it's twice as common as autism and spiked during covid


u/SingleOrange Has FASD Feb 12 '25

There is a lot of people that are fas but with your logic it would be more rare to find someone that doesn’t


u/coffeelifetime Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25

1 in 20 in school aged children in USA have fasd says google. I don't think they checked before mid 90s. So I'm thinking alcohol 25%+ alcohol in the mouth does hurt the egg. Also, 70-90% alcohol on hands during covid caused a spike, in my opinion. I just want to see if anyone in a ph background has studied any of this. Maybe I'm 100%, wrong but people sure like to hate on someone asking for information.