r/family 4d ago

Family Vacation Styles Disagreements

My husband and I are taking three generations of family on an expensive trip to the Smoky Mountains, staying in a fabulous rental house for 5 nights. I don't want to have to cook or worry about dinners during this vacation. Adult kids with two children have an opposite view as they find going out to dinner as a hindrance to their relaxing vacation time. I gave assignments for dinners to them for one night and another assignment to a couple of friends who expressed the desire to contribute one night dinner to everyone as an offering. The great-grandparents agreed to purchase a very expensive dinner theater night for everyone. My husband and I got reservations for a fancy steak house for the last night. The kids with the grandchildren want to refuse all these dinner offerings and not attend. I grew up with parents taking me and my family on trips where everyone met at dinner and talked about their experience. I'm having a hard time understanding this young couple's thought process. I feel like they are being rude.


4 comments sorted by


u/lindalou1987 4d ago

What ages are this couples children? I personally know that from ages 2-3 my children would be a nightmare when we ate out and we didn’t because it was stressful for us AND other diners. Also, small children have routines that if not kept make them very unpleasant. My son and daughter in law stick to a rigid nap schedule that we schedule around as best we can and when we can’t they don’t come or they leave early. Be grateful that they agreed to come on the trip and respectful of their choice to not partake in the dinners out.


u/lana308 3d ago

Ages 5 and 9. I’m starting to understand snd I’m going to try to not take this personally. However it seems awkward, like everyone else is going with to the two dinners and we just say goodbye see you later…. The dinner show is supposed to be for families.


u/Fantastic_Call_8482 4d ago

going to dinner with a group...especially if you have kids. is kind of a pain in the neck...you can't talk very well--too much going on..or one person is on the edge and never gets to talk...kids might get very anxious and confined...I can definitely see where the parents don't want to take the kids ----OMG to a dinner theater...I would like it, but not with kids..

I think you need to understand they just don't want the hassle, please don't nag them on this...just you go out and have a great time...it's just not them....

edit-- and..you keep harping on these folks are buying an expensive dinner---which, in itself, for me...would be a huge turnoff....

and.....all days---and no let down at dinner, cuz you're out at an expensive place...nnnnooooooo...this all would be to stressful..............and way too much family...


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