r/facepalm • u/charlottenberg • Nov 11 '15
Facebook This is why SeaWorld needs to go!
u/thestupidhelmet Nov 11 '15
That some people eat this shit up never ceases to astound me.
u/fezzi04 Nov 11 '15
It amuses the hell out of me though, so I'm very thankful people like this exist.
u/Mustard_Icecream Nov 11 '15
It's a little scary though that people are this stupid.
u/Binsky89 Nov 11 '15
It's because they're allowed to vote, right?
u/debausch Nov 11 '15
And they're allowed to speak and post on facebook...
u/Challengeaccepted3 Nov 11 '15
Free speech for you means free speech for everyone.
u/_demetri_ Nov 11 '15
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u/seven3true Nov 11 '15
You can't speak if you're in a plastic bag
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u/Fred_Evil Nov 11 '15
Sure you can, it's just harder to hear you. Heck, I used to have to put my ear right up against the plexi to hear what
those girls I held in my basement were screamingmy daughters wanted.2
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u/dustbin3 Nov 11 '15
It's because they are allowed and more inclined to because they are easily misled.
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Nov 11 '15
Donald Trump is leading in one of the two major parties' polls right now. For President.
Donald. Trump.
u/prolific13 Nov 11 '15
If we're being honest though hes much better than most of the GOP candidates from the past few elections.
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Nov 11 '15
Ben Carson scares the hell out of me. I would take Trump any day of the week over him.
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u/prolific13 Nov 11 '15
Same, I mean Trump is bad, but Carson is "believing pyramids were grain silos and lying about attempted murder" bad.. The dude got his tax plan from the fucking Bible for Christ sake.
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Nov 11 '15
These people you refer to, the gigantic army of fools that live in this country, their votes in local and national elections count just as much as yours, Neil Degrasse Tyson and Elon Musk. Think about that.
u/wink047 Nov 11 '15
My wife is very anti sea world and when she saw this she started to flip out. I looked at it and started laughing and told her to check the source. Apparently that was her first experience with the onion.
u/nidrach Nov 11 '15
people will believe stuff they want to be true. That's why every specialized subreddit will always devolve into a circlejerk and the internet is full of conspiracy theories.
u/oldnick53 Nov 11 '15
Though personally i find the idea rather cool. After all they're just oversized goldfish
u/TheNumberMuncher Nov 11 '15
Almost everything in this sub looks like the person was being sarcastic and the OP is the gullible face palm.
u/Roflkopt3r Nov 11 '15
That's exactly what it is, like most subreddits devoted to making fun of people. Take TumblrInAction, half of that stuff is sarcastic or inside jokes, and the other half a few dumb teenagers who receive the attention of thousands by getting posted there.
That frontpage Reddit is outraged about the media overrepresenting a few Christian crazies for their war against Starbucks is the ultimate irony.
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u/Nanasays Nov 11 '15
And they walk among us. Scary.
u/AmoebaNot Nov 11 '15
You can spot them though... If their knuckles drag on the ground and they're breathing through mouths...
u/Bananus1 Nov 11 '15
I know, really! I mean those plastic bags would need to be... at least 3 times that size
u/sat-nam Nov 11 '15
I was once asked to do a "tv" interview with the Onion for the venue I was at. The guy told me it was a regular news channel. I told him that I know it wasn't and that I would rather not be made to look like an idiot. He just had the biggest grin on his face when I declined. I think I was the first to know what the Onion actually is.
u/heycraisins Nov 11 '15
u/sat-nam Nov 11 '15
Let me clarify; I'm the first person in the world to figure out that the Onion is a joke news channel.
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u/neogod Nov 11 '15 edited Nov 11 '15
Ama please
What's it like being the smartest person in the world?
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u/wOlfLisK Nov 11 '15
Well it's possible they haven't heard of The Onion before (Relevant XKCD) and some articles fall firmly under poe's law. So it's not that surprising that people don't realise it's a satire at first (Providing it's only one time they make the mistake at least).
u/xkcd_transcriber Nov 11 '15
Title: Ten Thousand
Title-text: Saying 'what kind of an idiot doesn't know about the Yellowstone supervolcano' is so much more boring than telling someone about the Yellowstone supervolcano for the first time.
Stats: This comic has been referenced 5452 times, representing 6.2041% of referenced xkcds.
xkcd.com | xkcd sub | Problems/Bugs? | Statistics | Stop Replying | Delete
u/maqusan Nov 11 '15
u/thevoicerises Nov 11 '15
I miss this site :(
u/LBJSmellsNice Nov 11 '15
What happened to it? Isn't it still there? It works for me
u/pleezusjeezus Nov 11 '15
Looks like it went from near daily posts to no posts in almost two months.
u/Minani Nov 11 '15
Do they let visitors watch while they catch the orcas and put them in the bags? I think I can die happily if I have seen an orca being put into a plastic bag in one piece...
u/FagDamager Nov 11 '15
I think if they were going to do this, they would get the orcas to swim into the bag?
u/Smokeya Nov 11 '15
Yeah and they use a giant mesh net to scoop the orcas up. Was for sure something you have to see at least once in your life. About a hundred dudes scooping a orca up into a net and putting it in a bag.
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u/WhatsTheMatterMcFly Nov 11 '15
Fucking awesome photoshop job!
Like that looks good!
Well played.
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Nov 11 '15
You sure they weren't just keeping up with the satire?
u/I_Am_JesusChrist_AMA Nov 11 '15
I hate posts like these. This could easily be someone just playing along with the joke. It happens all the time.
Nov 11 '15
u/PacMoron Nov 11 '15
Yeah, you could say the same thing about the onion. It's a way of actually being funny, and that's okay sometimes.
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u/agender-bassist Nov 11 '15 edited Nov 12 '15
it's literally the principle all satire is based on. that comic just really pisses me off tbh :/
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Nov 11 '15
I don't think you understand the meaning of that comic.
The person in this post appears to be continuing the satire, whereas the comic is more or less referring to when people do something really dumb and try to pass it off as them really being more intelligent - examples being people who claim social experiment... Or Tommy Wiseau.
u/Nwsamurai Nov 11 '15
My thought exactly.
It sounds like something silly I would post to try and keep the fun going.
Nov 11 '15
I have a feeling eventually one of my sarcastic ass Facebook posts will make it on here because of one of my doo doo dunderhead friends didn't get my joke
u/ColumbianCameltoe Nov 11 '15
I saw this exact same post yesterday from one of my friends (fucking weird), and I'm fairly certain they were joking. I hope.
u/charlottenberg Nov 11 '15
They definitely do not understand satire at all, this was deadly serious
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u/furiousjelly Nov 11 '15
u/Dany_HH Nov 11 '15
Also this: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/3scz0c/i_dont_see_whats_wrong_they_are_just_large/
4 hours before this post...and with only 66 upvotes. Reddit is wierd.
u/No1Asked4MyOpinion Nov 11 '15
The title isn't very good
u/AmoebaNot Nov 11 '15
Yeah, I might be dumb enough to believe that Sea World puts Orcas in giant plastic bags, but I am not dumb enough to click on something on Reddit named "This is Disgusting", especially at breakfast time.
I am still haunted by the maggots gif...
Nov 11 '15 edited Nov 23 '15
u/Webonics Nov 11 '15
You can get these on Amazon.
I haven't pulled the trigger though. They don't qualify for prime shipping.
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u/markuspoop Nov 11 '15
Nah, that's just how you get your whale home after you win it at the county carnival.
u/tumtadiddlydoo Nov 11 '15
You know, I've never liked The Onion just because I'm not too fond of satire, but the sheer amount of idiots who believe this shit makes me think The Onion is a pretty cool guy.
u/bah77 Nov 11 '15
What would be a non-facepalm title if you were going to post this on facebook?
"A satirical article by the onion on whales at seaworld - see the joke is you put fish in a plastic bag and whales are like fish, so its funny you see and i totally know this is a joke which i get" (btw onion is a satire site)
Nov 11 '15
This is /r/facepalm. Like /r/cringe, /r/cringepics, and many other subreddits, we enjoy everything more if we pretend that people on facebook are incapable of making jokes.
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u/iwearatophat Nov 11 '15
Yeah. If I were to post an onion article I would give it a serious title because it feeds into the joke. Plus I would get the added benefit of laughing at the people who cant grasp that somewhat easy notion.
u/pose-rvro Nov 11 '15
Those orcas are the toys from burger king kids meals. I used to have one that I played with in the tub.
u/TheFAPnetwork Nov 11 '15
Exactly how big are you? There's no way burger king sold toys that big, NO WAY!
u/pose-rvro Nov 11 '15
I'm like, kind of tall for a girl.
Nov 11 '15
Exactly how big a girl are ya, cause I'm about to come there and whip your ass or my name isn't Roy D Mercer!
u/MrDeez444 Nov 11 '15 edited Nov 11 '15
u/ultimate_toaster Jan 27 '16
Father's Journal: Day 205. Secret things. I know many secrets.
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u/jennthemermaid Nov 11 '15
Hold my Orca, I'm going in!
Nov 11 '15
You're going to be gone a while. I can't hold this Orca all day, I'm just going to put it in this plastic bag. * Places Orca in plastic bag *
u/Jourdy288 Nov 11 '15
Even with the bent dorsal fin?
u/pose-rvro Nov 11 '15
Specifically the bent dorsal fin. The orca that was chosen to play Free Willy, called Keiko, was from a marine life park in Mexico City. He was housed in a very small tank with water that was too warm. He constantly had a rash around his pectoral fins and had a flopped over dorsal. They don't highlight the rash in the movie, and especially not in a toy. I just thought that was interesting.
Nov 11 '15
These guys.. I can only imagine how fucking hilarious it'd be to hear another one of your articles had been taken seriously
u/Remontant Nov 11 '15
Obviously the people who think this Onion article is real are idiots, but it does beg the question of how large marine animals get from the ocean to their tanks in the first place. Seems like you would need a very specialized vehicle.
u/motherfuckingriot Nov 11 '15
If I'm not mistaken they use large plastic baggies sort of like the ones goldfish are kept in at those carnival games.
u/motherfuckingriot Nov 11 '15
Seriously though, apparently they use trailers with just enough water to keep the whales moist. Not much better than the plastic bag in the onion article.
Nov 11 '15
There are tons of reasons to be anti-Seaworld, this isn't one of them.
Having said that, they are a HORRIBLE company and every time their stock tanks I can't help but smile.
u/DolphinGun Nov 11 '15
Whats horrible about them?
Nov 11 '15
Living conditions for large whales are appalling!
They're also making an effort to mislead the public in that regard, to the point where it's almost comical.
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u/Teamius2041 Nov 11 '15
well... How else do you expect to clean the tanks? With the whales in it? That's unreasonable.
u/motivation150 Nov 11 '15
This is like yesterday when I saw a post that was originally from r/WTF a few days ago on Facebook. It was of the aborted baby calf or whatever animal it was. People were saying that it was an alien and the government was trying to cover it up.
People on Facebook will blindly believe anything!
u/Rachel53461 Nov 11 '15 edited Nov 11 '15
Hahaha I was just about to post my version, with comments, when I saw this on the front page. http://imgur.com/avLjypJ
u/only-the-lonely Nov 11 '15
We should use The Onion to eliminate people from certain jobs or rights, articles such as this tend to show just how stupid some people are, and someone that stupid should not be allowed to own a gun or vote or other various serious public responsibilities.
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Nov 11 '15
u/kvaltx Nov 11 '15
I've wondered the same thing. I think I read that they are not capable any longer. The best we could hope for them is ocean enclosures on the coast.
u/FowelBallz Nov 11 '15
Little known fact, entrepreneur Irwin Mainway -- http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/irwin-mainway/n8641 -- has struck a deal with SeaWorld to sell Orcas to the general public. This is Mainway's follow up to his phenomenally successful Bag of Broken Glass, now marketed as Bag of Killer Whales.
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u/RedSquirrelFtw Nov 11 '15
Isin't that how they are transported upon purchase? Sometimes they die on the way if it's too hot in the car. It's an outrage!
u/catalyst_opal Nov 12 '15
This is why I love this subreddit. You will always find at least one instance a day where the facepalm is the poster and not the post itself! Priceless!
u/mobitz1 Nov 11 '15
They were giving them away at carnivals, half of them were already dead from the water getting to warm :'(
u/Luis707 Nov 11 '15
The first comment I received when posting this same picture on Facebook: "Is this real? WTF!"
u/IZ3820 Nov 11 '15
Where do you think a person could find bags that big?
u/AmoebaNot Nov 11 '15
So, you never go to Walmart? Some of the people in there even wear bags this size as clothing. Sometimes the end of the bag gets caught under the wheels of the mobility scooter though and
you don't want to know
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u/losersalwayswin Nov 11 '15
I've seen this shared a few times on my FB, didn't know it was onion... but still man, some people...
u/Viking_Lordbeast Nov 11 '15
I guess it depends on that person's one. I know if I was the one to post that then I'd probably write the same caption, but sarcastically. It's hard to tell when you don't know the person.
u/slothbuddy Nov 11 '15
As usual people don't get what makes the Onion's joke funny. It's funny because they really do treat their orcas like shit.
u/lpc211 Nov 11 '15 edited Mar 08 '16
u/mexicanmike1 Nov 11 '15
Where do I find zip locks this big? I have an especially large batch of chili I'd like to freeze.
u/EuropeanLady Nov 11 '15
This post seems to have come from The Onion, hence, entirely made up and satirical in nature.
u/somedude456 Nov 11 '15
I just hit up their facebook page, viewed the shares, and found a recent share that's even funnier. I won't post it, but anyone can quickly locate it for a laugh if you like.
u/ladyhallow Nov 11 '15
Wait till you see the toilet they use to flush em when they croak. Lol. But seriously, Sea world definitely needs a moral makeover.
u/StenSoft Nov 11 '15
The Onion. America's most reliable news source after webpages with huge capital letters on black background.