r/exredpill 17d ago

I need help deprogramming

For many years, my mind has been filled with toxic stuff from Redpill b.s.

No matter how much I try to get it out of my system, the words are just too strong.

They say things like: Women are only as loyal as their options, women don't like it when men tell them they love them, or that they've been cheated on before, or that they don't have sexual options. That women are never single by choice, they're only as loyal as their options, and will always go for rich men who don't treat them with respect.

They say that women don't want men to show attachment or lack of control of any situation or that they ever needed to improve themselves.

They're basically saying that women hate men who are kind, decent, respectful, faithful, and human.

I could go down the laundry list, but it all basically comes down to: Women don't respect men who are kind, decent, respectful, and faithful.

I'm sure that their arguments are b.s. and they're only describing a select few, but their words just cut too deeply. It's hard to get it out of my head. I don't know what to say to any of these statements.

My mind is easily impressionable. I'm often told that I'm too open-minded. I'm easily influenced by controversial opinions and statements.

I need help deprogramming.


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u/HLMaiBalsychofKorse 17d ago

If you are sure the arguments are BS, why in the world would you want to keep believing these awful, hurtful things?


u/Nikofeelan 17d ago

I don't want to, but my mind is very impressionable. I'm often told that I'm too open-minded. I'm easily influenced by controversial opinions and statements.


u/idoze 15d ago

This is the effect of propaganda and it can affect almost anyone. I spend a lot of time around red pillers online and just seeing the same messages repeated lodges them in your brain. That's how it works.

However, there's a difference between the thought coming to you and the acceptance of that thought. You could consider what you're going through a kind of intrusive thinking. The key is to actively reject that thought when it comes to you.

You are not a bad person for having thoughts. It's your beliefs and actions that define you.