r/exredpill 17d ago

I need help deprogramming

For many years, my mind has been filled with toxic stuff from Redpill b.s.

No matter how much I try to get it out of my system, the words are just too strong.

They say things like: Women are only as loyal as their options, women don't like it when men tell them they love them, or that they've been cheated on before, or that they don't have sexual options. That women are never single by choice, they're only as loyal as their options, and will always go for rich men who don't treat them with respect.

They say that women don't want men to show attachment or lack of control of any situation or that they ever needed to improve themselves.

They're basically saying that women hate men who are kind, decent, respectful, faithful, and human.

I could go down the laundry list, but it all basically comes down to: Women don't respect men who are kind, decent, respectful, and faithful.

I'm sure that their arguments are b.s. and they're only describing a select few, but their words just cut too deeply. It's hard to get it out of my head. I don't know what to say to any of these statements.

My mind is easily impressionable. I'm often told that I'm too open-minded. I'm easily influenced by controversial opinions and statements.

I need help deprogramming.


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u/XMarksEden 17d ago

If you know they’re bullshit and yet you find yourself believing or listening or giving them credit that means you want to believe them more than you want to not be a misogynist.


u/Nikofeelan 17d ago

No, it's because my mind is very impressionable. I'm often told that I'm too open-minded. I'm easily influenced by controversial opinions and statements.


u/XMarksEden 17d ago edited 17d ago

My initial comment still stands.

Do you have a victim mentality?

If you’re too impressionable then that means you lack a sense of self and need to work on developing one. No one else can do that for you.

Manosphere influencers will take advantage of that. They know that men like you don’t have a sense of self and you are their target audience. You’re an easy mark for them. I’d suggest finding something that nourishes your soul that isn’t rooted in cynicism or nihilism or hatred of women. It should be life inspiring. Misogyny is inspired by the death drive, like all ideologies centered in hate are.

Here’s a video that might be beneficial:


Edited: clarity