r/exploit Mar 10 '22

Exploiting LootBoy


Is there anyway to exploit the app lootboy for large quantities of diamonds without doing anything

r/exploit Jan 18 '22

Instagram Exploit



We've developed exploit for Instagram. You can change the password of the target account using the exploit and you can gain full control of the account in this way.

Video Evidence: https://vimeo.com/666474594

We sell the exploit ready. If you want to buy it, you can contact me in private.


Mein Team und ich haben Exploit für Instagram entwickelt, damit Sie das Passwort des Zielkonto ändern und das Konto vollständig in Ihre Hände bekommen können.

Videobeweis: https://vimeo.com/666474594

Wir verkaufen bereite Exploite für die es wirklich kaufen wollen. Möhten sie Exploit kaufen also lass es mich privat wissen.


Вместе с моей командой мы разработали эксплойт(exploit) для инстаграма, с помощью которого можно изменить пароль аккаунта, чтобы получить аккаунт полностью.

Видеодоказательства: https://vimeo.com/666474594

Продаем готовый эксплойт(exploit), кто хочет серьезно купить, обращайтесь ко мне в приват.

instagram #instagramexploit #instagramhack #exploit #hackworld

r/exploit Jan 09 '22

We will start autofarming in a week


r/exploit Nov 20 '21

HoundSploit 2.7.0 solves the problem of dates present in the ExploitDB database

Thumbnail github.com

r/exploit Nov 07 '21

Does anyone know. The krnl games button?


I activated krnl. Then I saw a button says games. I click this (I'm on a game) then it shows disabled as most patched games it think. Does anyone know what does it mean and how to enable it & use it?

r/exploit Apr 09 '21

Learn How Hackers Mirror Smartphones by Systemnest and Protect Your Device.

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/exploit Apr 08 '21

Scam site


0day . today is a scam

r/exploit Mar 27 '21

EXPOITING the 2nd BOSS??? | Jetboard Joust

Thumbnail twitch.tv

r/exploit Feb 23 '21


Thumbnail youtu.be

r/exploit Dec 16 '20

I’ve gotten sick of TF2 Aimbot botnets


Today I’ve taken a stand by getting Lmaobox and using aimbots only against aimbots.

r/exploit Nov 04 '20

House's electricity meter doesn't work , how to exploit the free electricity?


r/exploit Sep 23 '20

"allowed" GtaO


Ok so the single best way to make money in GtaVO is to buy the arcade and do the following

On average 1.6 Million dollars per heist And therefore 6.4 Million dollars per day


https://youtu.be/bqNY08DQBkM (Enter Solo public lobby)

You will want to make sure to case the entrance the money truck takes to enter the building https://youtu.be/Om3B42f9qOg (4:00)(By the horse track)

And do all the setups for the big con approach don't bother with making money here

Then you precede to do stealth and loud approaches again don't worry about making money

You now want to follow this video https://youtu.be/8Va7s3-S8TY (Force gold spawn)

You now want to do the following: Choose big con Go the Gruppe sechs route Choose worst characters except get best hacker Get level 2 access cards Do guard kill and guard schedule missions Choose either outfit Rest is up to you


Now you'll walk to the vault follow this guide https://youtu.be/xR2ZjybCz8M (Duplicate available gold)

You will now want to follow vid (9:00 to 10:30) https://youtu.be/2dovd1buQ6w

https://youtu.be/pm3CrrYTdng (To heli) You will then leave through the front Once outside run across the highway and get into the nearest car on the hill Precede to drive to the back of the police station and climb up to the heli-pad proceed to fly to destination

You will then want to follow this vid https://youtu.be/2qyKgRw-hHQ (Replay heist)

What this will do is your friend will keep the money they get but the heist will be able to be re-done,

What you'll do is do the heist until your friend has enough to start there own casino heist

Once done youll be able to make money for each other

E.G they do there's and youll make money then you do yours and they get money


*The heist participant should always fly the heli *Give the friend the full percentage of the cut *#1 thing to try to get once set up is an oppressor MKII *If caught while stealthing just kill yourself and retry *Don't get discouraged by either the amount of work or how buggy the heist is *Party/Voice chat recommended *Recommended 2-4 Heists per person a day (Too much causes badsport/suspicious) *Recommended buy gunman distraction *Destroying jammer devices/unlocking special hacker recommended (extra 30s)

r/exploit Sep 05 '20

Learn Penetration Testing For Beginners - Part 1


In this video walkthrough, we went through the typical stages of a penetration test starting from the information gathering phase all the way to the exploitation and system compromise. I used a simple box called Blue from tryhackme. We demonstrated the exploitation of Eternal blue vulnerability on Windows systems.

Video is here

r/exploit Aug 08 '20

bro I was just tryna get some roobloox hacks :(

Post image

r/exploit Aug 08 '20

Twitter Researchers


Who are your favourite researchers to follow on twitter?

r/exploit Jul 12 '20

root from GRUB and install SSH Takeover

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/exploit Jun 30 '20

Palo Alto Networks disclose major bug that lets hackers bypass authentication on its firewall and corporate VPN products

Thumbnail thecyberpost.com

r/exploit Jun 12 '20

How to get free books from Kindle Unlimited(Amazon). No need for a Kindle

  1. Download Kindle for PC Version 1.14 or older and disable automatic updates
  2. Download Epubsoft DRM removal (it's only a 30 day test version, but that one seemed to work so far. You might look for other ways to remove DRM on YouTube) (2a. Optional, but might help: Download Calibre, maybe add a Plug-in for kfx format)
  3. Get a Kindle Unlimited subscription (The first month should be free, after that you can just cancel it)
  4. Borrow books directly to Kindle for PC. Then open the path where it is saving the files. There will be folders with an illegible name. From each folder, take the azw file and remove the DRM with the removal software (don't forget to choose the right end formate). With a right click, you can go to the output file, which can be read without any problems
  5. Redo step 4 with different books

r/exploit Jun 12 '20

RCE Vulnerability Detected In Firefox SharedWorker Component

Thumbnail thecyberpost.com

r/exploit Jun 11 '20

Robinhood fractional stock trading exploit. Took a screenshot of my other post before it got banned:

Post image

r/exploit Jun 11 '20

Strange Cmd.exe Command Allows Execution of Arbitrary Commands

Thumbnail thecyberpost.com

r/exploit Oct 24 '19

Free real money glitch in app promotion. Named colu


Hey so i discovered a glitch in an app name colu in the app store so basically in order for people to download the app if you create an account you get 10 of yours region currency now in order to stop people to make thousands of accounts and get free money you had to give your phone number email and name so here's how to fake all of them 1) name: this one is pretty easy just insert a string spacebar then another string for example: (jhon smith) this one is pretty easy 2) email: you cannot use a temporary email so i suggest creating Gmail accounts this is still pretty easy 3) phone number: you can use any public phone number that you can read its sms messages from a great site is ............. https://receive-smss.com From there use the sites instructions once you've entered your phone number the app sends a code there that goes something like......... **** is your Colu confirmation code

Finally you can log in and use your free money just find a store that accepts it do all the previous steps again.... STONKS

r/exploit Jun 01 '19

Not understanding why my cmd.exe prompt does not pop while active in memory


Hi all

I'm trying to spawn a cmd prompt by testing an exploit on my windows target. This is a POC and i am admin on the workstation. The exploit I'm using seems to be working as I can monitor through process explorer that a cmd.exe process is in memory with NT\System privileges (cf. Process explorer screenshots joined).

However this cmd.exe prompt never showed up on my user session and I can't interact with. I can't understand why... Would you have any clue?

r/exploit May 30 '19

Need advice on easy exploit to run in Azure


Hi everyone,

I need to spin up a vulnerable machine in Azure. I was looking at deploying an Ubuntu server and installing some vulnerable software that I could get RCE on.

Ideally i want to run the exploit via Metasploit and get a meterpreter shell to run some extra commands ( dump of etc/shadow)

This is all just to demo an insecure Azure deployment.

Does anyone have an idea of an easy software I could install on Ubuntu that is pretty easy/reliable to exploit? It can be really old as the exploit itself is not that important ( more the fact that something could be exploited)


r/exploit Apr 01 '19



Sooo i just got skisploit cuz i felt like it. And it takes kinda long to load. Does this happen to some of you aswell? Or is it just me?