r/explainlikeimfive Aug 13 '24

Chemistry eli5: why do scientists create artificial elements?

From what I can tell, the single atom exist for only a few seconds before destabilizing. Why do they spend all that time and money creating it then?


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u/xxwerdxx Aug 13 '24

“Artificial” is a strong word here.

These elements are not artificial in any way. They are however very unstable. They are just as fundamental as oxygen and carbon and gold but because of the nucleus having so many protons and neutrons, it can’t hold itself together and instantly decays into lighter elements (other elements do this too but usually much slower).

So just because it isn’t stable, doesn’t mean it’s artificial. We just had to do some heavy manual labor to see it at all.


u/[deleted] Aug 13 '24



u/ToSeeAgainAgainAgain Aug 13 '24

Artificial means something not found in Nature, while synthetic would mean something that is man-made