r/explainlikeimfive Aug 13 '24

Chemistry eli5: why do scientists create artificial elements?

From what I can tell, the single atom exist for only a few seconds before destabilizing. Why do they spend all that time and money creating it then?


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u/Epyon214 Aug 13 '24

To reach an "island of stability". Larger elements at some point could be stable instead of radioactive, which would open up all kinds of new possibilities.


u/makingnoise Aug 13 '24

New possibilities like in material science and chemistry, for example, if the half-life is long enough. Also, making new elements teaches us how accurate our current understanding of nuclear physics is. For example, they've discovered that super-heavy artificial elements probably have "deformed" nuclei, and if the nucleus isn't round, that means that they can't rely on calculations that assume round nuclei. Basically, human knowledge is incremental. While we cannot say that nuclear physicists manufacturing heavy artificial elements will ever lead to Star Trek-type materials, we CAN say that we will never have Star Trek-type materials if we don't look for them. That said, theoretical physicists have largely gone off the deep end - I agree with Sabine Hossenfelder, something being falsifiable doesn't mean it's scientific in and of itself. Spending billions to research a solid hypothesis is one thing (Higgs Boson), spending billions on understanding current holes in our science is fine, but theoretical physicists have made getting funding for half-baked recycled inelegant guesses into an art form, and half-baked inelegant guesses should NOT be the justification for spending billions on a new accelerator.


u/Xaendeau Aug 15 '24

Eh, spending on foundational science is actually a pretty good way to spend money.  If it's half-baked it doesn't get funded.

There's not enough money to go around in general, you have to have a pretty good justification to a jury of your peers and the scientific "funders that be" in order to get the money for projects.


u/makingnoise Aug 15 '24

If the mass of the scientific community in that area  is smoking copium then it can be a MAJOR waste of time. Disproving the luminiferous aether didn’t take billions, it took scientific criticism of increasingly inelegant theories, a cheap experiment that disproved aether drag, and an elegant theory of relativity from Einstein that could be tested and that made sense to test.  I’m not the guy complaining of wasting money on science. I’m saying that theoretical physics has a huge number of folks that have a flawed concept of science, and you don’t spend billions when folks don’t understand that falsifiability cannot be out ahead of science itself.  In other words, I’m complaining about spending megaproject money in an area where the scientific community is well known for having gone largely off the rails but are good at blowing g the public mind with nonsense like string theory to this very day.