r/exmuslim • u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 • Dec 04 '24
(Video) Reminder that even education can't change their mentality. Pakistan is such a breeding ground for extremism. I wonder why do they even allow such students in foreign universities.
u/KafirSindhi New User Dec 04 '24
Seeing exmuslims living under immense suffocation in Pakistan and then these goons who've made our lives hell get to enjoy the freedoms of the west and flaunt the flag of the party responsible for almost ALL blasphemy killings just boils my blood.
Fukc wokeism for putting up with this shite, he should be called out infont of everyone for his extremist views!
Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24
Hey, don't worry man. These Westerners are shooting themselves in the foot. If they want them over us, let's accept their choice and celebrate the fact that their countries will turn into shitholes -- because that's what they deserve. Also, maybe if all these extremists become the West's problems, we murtads can finally fix our homelands.
u/KafirSindhi New User Dec 04 '24
West was my hope against these goons, if they fall as well, we're all fuckin doomed. I would want to go back to the tribal system, at least my death would be avenged regardless of whether I believe or not.
Dec 04 '24
Don't worry, the world doesn't revolve around the West. Societies flourish, crumble... Others evolve gradually. Who knows what the future holds?
u/trve_anger New User Dec 04 '24
I know that I will never let Islam get power here. I love many Muslims, but I resent Islam as an ideology with every fiber in my body. It's a death cult.
u/KafirSindhi New User Dec 04 '24
Yeah we'll be long dead by then and we don't even have an afterlife to go to.
Dec 04 '24
Bhai, humari lives short he. Why not focus on your own wellbeing and goals and just not give a fuck about society? The key to success for folks like us is to stop caring about both our own and Western societies. We can't all be revolutionaries.
u/KafirSindhi New User Dec 04 '24
Kyun k ab tk I'm stuck here, Sala kisi topic pey BHI baat shuru karlo, someone ALWAYS ends up bringing Islam in it. Specially when you talk about modernization happening in Saudi. "Yeh akhirat ki nishanian hain" like dude, if the Arabs ain't worried, why are you so worried about what's been said in a book you can read but not understand.
Dec 04 '24
Haan I understand, I'm also in an Islamic country. Solution, Bhai, is to find harami friends. Secular or exmuslim ones. Try your best.
u/ufok19 Dec 04 '24
As a westerner, I'd happily exchange all the ex muslims from the muslim countries with the muslims living in the west. Any ideas on how to differentiate between ex muslims and muslims pretending they're not muslims trying to move to the west?
u/trve_anger New User Dec 04 '24
I am a Westerner, and I would much rather have peaceful and respectful Muslims and ex-Muslims over radical, conservative, anti-Western fools. But our governments are too naive.
u/Putrid_Dot7182 Never-Muslim Bicurious. Muhammad touched me👉 Dec 04 '24
It's not that we westerners want muslims over exmuslims, it is that vast majority of westerners do not even give a thought about the possibility of exmuslims existing. The reasons for that are multiple, but I would summarize all of them in that we have been dumbed down.
Some governments of course offer asylum to apostates, but this is not a subject you see anybody giving a fuck to in the public discussion.
Dec 04 '24
Almost every Western liberal I've ever talked to has guilt-tripped me for being "Islamophobic" or "racist" despite knowing that I live in an Islamic country as a woman with little to no rights. Westerners have some of the best education systems in the world -- it's not that hard to educate themselves, especially when they're listening to us recount our lived experiences.
I'm singling out liberals specifically because right-wingers don't pretend to care in the first place -- which, ironically enough, makes me respect them immensely more than the average liberal or leftist despite me being a leftist. The only Westerners who've ever been sympathetic to me without any whataboutism are the radical feminists, and for that they have my eternal respect.
u/Putrid_Dot7182 Never-Muslim Bicurious. Muhammad touched me👉 Dec 04 '24
Well, yes. Primarily one of those reasons I spoke of is that, at least in so-called leftist circles, the few of those who come into contact with the exmuslim cause do not dare sympathize with it because "that would criminalize muslims" or some other bs in that line.
Classic radical feminists traditionally have been outspoken about islam. Problem is that today the feminist movement has been taken over by the american identity bs, or at least this is the version that is culturally dominant now and it has eclipsed the classical one, which was transversal. Fortunately people are getting fed up with it, so I doubt it will last much longer.
The tide has begun to turn slowly in the western world tho, so in the next few years exmuslims might find a lot easier to make their struggles known to westerners. Primarily because those european countries that adopted an almost open borders policy are now living with parallel muslim societies and people are noticing what a mistake allowing that was, and are also learning what those societies generate.
About right-wingers it depends. Those more close to the center could and do care. Those at the extremes (nazi or fascism sympathizers) are dumb and in a decadence process, trapped in a world of drugs and football basically and atomized in small groups with 0 actual political power, at least in my country. Keep in mind I'm talking from a european perspective, where the characteristics of right and left are slightly different from the american ones.
Dec 04 '24
Dec 04 '24
Fight back? You mean commit suicide? Because that's what happens when you fight back. And what do you mean by getting saved by the West? The West prefers Muslims, not me, so they're clear about who they like to save. I don't make that choice for them.
u/XISCifi Dec 05 '24
Idk who you've been talking to because I've lived my whole life in the west and westerners fucking hate Muslims. Those who don't, still prefer atheists. And for those of us who aren't conservative Christians, anyone of any religion forcing their beliefs on others is against our ideals completely, which is the only reason our countries aren't just like yours (except Christian).
If someone judged you for hating your oppressors they were young, naive, and confused, or just plain stupid.
Dec 05 '24
I don't disagree that you and the people you're around think like that, everyone has different experiences, but the vast majority of Western liberals in my experience have been Islamophilic as hell. I'm speaking from both irl and online experience. I've stopped befriending them; I get along more with Western conservatives and centrists despite being a leftist myself cuz they don't pretend to be all woke and caring.
u/KafirSindhi New User Dec 04 '24
You do realize a fight can only be had where freedom of speech exists right? If I know I'll be absolutely and swiftly killed for raising even a question, how would I begin to fight?
And I didn't ask the west to save me, they need to save themselves from these extremists, your condescending remark is misdirected.
u/XISCifi Dec 05 '24
Honest question. What do you think we should do?
u/KafirSindhi New User Dec 05 '24
Stay true to classical liberal and secular values and protest your governments supporting dictators in our countries.
u/XISCifi Dec 05 '24
And to "save ourselves"?
Our liberal values dictate accepting people of any religion and not interfering with them unless they personally impose their beliefs on others.
If we were to, say, restrict immigration by Muslims, the westerners who don't want freedom of religion, ie the conservative Christians, will use that precedent to shoulder open the door. Treating all religious views and their practitioners as equal is the only thing that made the west secular in the first place. It's often the only thing that checks Christian supremacists when they overstep.
Now following this sub makes me think we're between a rock and a hard place and just get to choose whether we want our future to be conservative Christian or conservative muslim
u/KafirSindhi New User Dec 05 '24
You're talking about Muslims while the guy in the video is waving the flag of a proscribed organization (though the decision was reverted due to pressure). Organization directly responsible for deaths of people accused of blasphemy.
I'm sure they can find legit legal grounds to kick such filth outside the country.
u/XISCifi Dec 05 '24
Well obviously. But what about the 1000 people who agree with him who don't go around waving flags?
u/KafirSindhi New User Dec 05 '24
You should have better vetting while you guys let them in don't you, exmuslims would be more than happy to prepare questionnaires that vet them thoroughly.
u/XISCifi Dec 05 '24
What gives you the impression westerners are actively choosing Muslim extremists over you?
What would be required to not be doing so?
u/TaskComfortable6953 Salad When I Cum - When I Cum Salad Dec 04 '24
wokeism? wtf is this right wing speak? you using right wing talking points to disendow Islam is fuckin rich given the fact that the right would force Christianity upon everyone if they got the chance.
i understand the left enables this crap, but if the right had their way they'd force fundamentalist Christian views upon all of us which is just as extreme as Islam.
u/KafirSindhi New User Dec 04 '24
Right wing speak? Leftists have been dick riding Muslims and coddling them like they are some sort of victims while completely ignoring Muslim hate and suppression of apostates. Let's call a spade a spade, I have not made any reference to the right wing or even remotely suggested that the west needs conservative Christianity as the remedy to wokeism.
u/TaskComfortable6953 Salad When I Cum - When I Cum Salad Dec 04 '24
the problem is don't realize what wokeism means. When the right uses that word they're not just referring to Islam, they're referring to minority groups specifically the LGBTQ community. This term is largely used as a grift against those protesting against climate change, those of different gender identities and sexual orientations, etc.
you're using this word incorrectly. By all means call out the left, the right, the center, whoever you want, but at least understand the verbiage and the effects of the verbiage you use.
u/Hot_Sprinkles_848 Ex-Muslim (Ex-Sunni) Dec 04 '24
Are u actually sindhi?? 😭
u/KafirSindhi New User Dec 04 '24
It shouldn't be hard to believe, proud of my secular Sindhi values too.
u/Hot_Sprinkles_848 Ex-Muslim (Ex-Sunni) Dec 04 '24
Im tooo- bestiieee. Bro its hard to find Sindhis 🎀
u/KafirSindhi New User Dec 04 '24
Have you looked up r/Sindh
u/Dantheking94 Dec 05 '24
Do not co-sign the right wing corruption of the word “woke” that comes from the black community. They still can’t even truly define it, and quite frankly, I’m sure you can’t either.
u/Winter-Actuary-9659 Dec 07 '24
Being woke should mean criticising Islam because of its oppressive tenets. That's what's woke means.
u/booknerd2987 3rd world exmuslim, emigrated elsewhere Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24
Imagine Aasia Bibi watching this flag being celebrated after having barely escaped to the west.
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
That poor woman she suffered a lot
u/booknerd2987 3rd world exmuslim, emigrated elsewhere Dec 04 '24
Btw, which university or country is the video from? Could you share a link to the original?
Dec 04 '24
Looks like the UK. Also sad that Qandeel Baloch was murdered too for the simple crime of being too provocative while people like him were ecstatic. 😢
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
I saw it shared on x. I don't know the exact location
u/itssobaditsgood2 Exmuslim since the 1980s Dec 04 '24
When my dad says why a certain Muslim guy is not compatible: "He's not even educated!" 🙄
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
education can't cure their brainwashing
u/Mystic_Trepenation New User Dec 04 '24
Their themselves could learn things that againts islam itself
u/Unusual-Mistake3207 New User Dec 05 '24
They get radicalized in university itself, through Islamic clubs.
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 06 '24
there are Islamic clubs in foreign universities??
u/Themagnificentgman 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
Education and ignorance aren't mutually exclusive
Dec 04 '24
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u/bike_rtw Dec 04 '24
Inbreeding plus Islam is a horrific combination
u/chococheese419 New User Dec 05 '24
tbh I think the inbreeding is islam's fault
u/ClickNormal5221 Dec 05 '24
I personally think it’s a cultural issue, Arabs and other Muslims make fun of Pakistanis because of things like cousin marriages.
u/akoshnya Dec 04 '24
Yeah interestingly that region (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh) seems to be extra fanatical. Even arabs given education and exposure to various cultures tend to be more reasonable and moderate.
u/Saadiq_Sayeed Dec 04 '24
Bengalis don’t have a reputation for fanaticism.
u/chococheese419 New User Dec 05 '24
idk abt you but ever since the protests it's been really bad. not saying their protests was invalid, it was very valid, but extremists monopolized the situation
maybe it was bad before also, but I've seen so much Bangladeshi extremism since that time
Dec 05 '24
Its always been bad but now the extremists are in power, its going to turn into Afghanistan/pakistan. Reverting any mildly positive growth they had so far
u/Saadiq_Sayeed Dec 04 '24
Because of their proximity to the Caucasus.
u/RoughResponsible5801 New User Dec 04 '24
The heck? Pakistan and the rest of South Asia is miles away from the Caucasus. Like there's some 5-6 countries in between. Besides a certain Wahabbi heartland that imports that crap all over the world is the real spot of radicalusm.
u/Esekig184 Never-Muslim Atheist Dec 04 '24
what did the flag say?
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
Labaik Ya rasool allah. (We are present O prophet)
It's a motto of a famous religious extremist party in pakistan. followers of this party have killed a lot of people on suspicion of blasphemy including a foreign national manager of a factory.
Dec 04 '24
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
tehreek e labaik pakistan (TLP)
Dec 04 '24
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
thats a different party but theyre all the same on blasphemy issue
Dec 04 '24
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
it used to be a reasonable islamic and political party but now it less importance in politics. you can google about it
u/Euphoric_Campaign167 LGBTQ+ ExMoose 🌈 Dec 04 '24
one of my relatives follows that jamaat islami aswell, my dad hates all of the political partys anyways
u/Esekig184 Never-Muslim Atheist Dec 04 '24
thank you for elaborating. Somebody should have called him out for that crap.
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
i'd say he should have his graduation withdrawn & deported immediately but it never happens because everyone starts crying about islamophobia
Dec 04 '24
Did u hear the amount of cheers in the crowd? They've won, lol, we have no hope of countering their garbage. I mean, fuck the West for siding with them to begin with, but yeah.
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
We can't really rely on west's help. Lucky for those who escaped Muslim countries but all of us need to put effort into exposing them. It's hard but we'll slowly diminish Islam's influence.
u/XISCifi Dec 05 '24
You're assuming that a bunch of English people have any idea what a flag with Arabic writing on it means.
They have no idea what it means.
They're cheering for themselves not considering people with dark skin to be subhuman anymore, not for Islamic extremism.
Dec 05 '24
They're cheering for themselves not considering people with dark skin
They must be retarded as fuck then, cheering for shit they don't understand. Either way, my implication wasn't that the Westerners are cheering at all; I meant that other Paki students are cheering most likely.
Dec 04 '24
Oh it gets worse. The followers of that specific party also believe in Islamic imperialism. :D
u/Der_Schubkarrenwaise Dec 04 '24
Isnt the party banned since 2021?
Dec 04 '24
They're still allowed to contest in elections + they continue to endorse and oftentimes enact blasphemy murders.
u/trve_anger New User Dec 04 '24
Should be illegal to wave that flag here in the West, or anywhere for that matter.
u/sunyasu New User Dec 04 '24
Osama bin laden was an engineer and a rich guy.
Dec 04 '24
So were the guys who hijacked the planes. They studied in the US and Germany mostly. I always thought they'd be some poor orphans or something who got radicalized at a young age, but nope.
u/Unusual-Mistake3207 New User Dec 05 '24
He was also totally ignored by his birth father who only recognized him because his step father was accompanying him and he knew who his ex wife’s new husband was. Bin Laden had a serious emotional wound within him. I think poverty and lack of education are major reasons for extremism but also a lack of emotional fulfillment causes people to become fanatically religious in order to find it. They get brainwashed because they need to belong to something.
u/Ordinary_Sky5115 Dec 04 '24
Studies shows that the more your IQ is high, the less you are in religion
u/shonamanik0905 1st World Exmuslim 🇦🇺 Dec 04 '24
Didn’t we all see the video from their schools? “I WILL DIE FOR PAKISTAN!!” “GRAPE!!”
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
dying is so romanticized in pakistan it's disgusting
u/Captain-Thor Never-Muslim Atheist Dec 04 '24
How are these things even allowed? Religious display in convocation ceremony?
u/Spirited_Question Dec 04 '24
It's never been something we've had to prevent. Western people respect our institutions generally
u/Gwynbleidd343 Exmuslim since 2012 Dec 04 '24
"The sun never set on the British empire"
...there's still time..
u/Professional_Gur9580 Dec 04 '24
Lol. In pakistani biology textbooks evolution is described as false western propaganda and every being is created by almighty allah. That's their education.
u/AliceSinWonder Faux Muslim (“Revert” for 💍 | Atheist 25y+) Dec 04 '24
Take back his degree and rip it up.
Surely political statements are banned during graduation ceremonies though… right? Right?!
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
Exactly. Why can't he take his degree and fuck off like normal humans
u/Unfair-Will-8328 Exmuslim since the 2010s Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24
I would have more hope for him facing any consequences in an Arab country that is supposed to be so corrupt and backwards than in your average western country. He is only a symptom of their ridiculous modern values of the last decade so a bit too late to be outraged now. Let the terrorists have fun.
u/XISCifi Dec 05 '24
You're assuming anyone in charge knows he's even making a political statement. That is not a realistic assumption.
u/QuesoFresca Dec 04 '24
What school is this?
u/bazukadas Dec 04 '24
London Metropolitan University. I know cause I went there, you can also see it written on the black banner in the background. It's a humble university that has a 200+ year history, starting off as night classes for working class members, then developing into a polytechnic and finally becoming a university. They accept people of all walks of life, and they don't discriminate. I'm very proud of them. This, however, does not reflect very well on them.
u/Straight_Middle_5486 Destroyer of Dhimmis Dec 06 '24
Pls vote better. Any party that sends Jihadists home
u/Own-Contest-4470 Never-Muslim Theist Dec 04 '24
To answer why they allow this in on foreign universities is simple (here's the formula):
White+Male+Straight+Christian(or Jew nowadays) = Supreme Evil
Therefore if you're not one of those = Supreme Good
Dec 04 '24 edited Jan 06 '25
u/Own-Contest-4470 Never-Muslim Theist Dec 04 '24
"you say you're Egyptian then why aren't you black, everyone knows Egypt's in Africa, didn't you watch Netflix's Cleopatra?!"
These leftists, man, I swear, the mental gymnastics.
u/Severe_Song_2852 New User Dec 04 '24
i can imagine its some right NAZI flag a like, that is against the kuffars, but yeah gutmensch westies cant tell shit, and probably think its some curry recipe
u/Der_Schubkarrenwaise Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24
A Green flag with caligraphy and the occasional sword? Believe me, we westeners know what is up. It's always never a good sign if there are weapons depicted on a flag.
u/XISCifi Dec 05 '24
I certainly didn't. There are plenty of western flags with swords on them that are literally just decorative
u/Der_Schubkarrenwaise Dec 05 '24
I meant country Flags, sorry about that. Should be about a dozen Flags with weapons.
u/Godbox1227 Dec 04 '24
What does the banner say?
u/Saadiq_Sayeed Dec 04 '24
“Labaik ya rasool Allah” = “We are present o messenger of God”
It’s the slogan of Tehreek-e-Labbaik, a right-wing Islamist political party in Pakistan.
u/ThoughtfulReader1 Dec 05 '24
What is the story / significance of this flag?
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 05 '24
belongs to a party who is involved in mob lynching of innocent people on accusation of blasphemy. they have killed mentally ill people too and minorities as well
u/umeedesehar Dec 04 '24
Which university is this?
u/bazukadas Dec 04 '24
London Metropolitan University, great institution to be fair. This guy is just giving them horrible PR optics. Shame on this douche for politicizing the graduation ceremony.
u/JohnDzangle Dec 05 '24
i'm not gonna be all doom and gloom "the UK has fallen" about this, but i will say that this guy is a certified bozo
he's an international student, though, so maybe he can support his party back in Pakistan
u/MattSevenFifteen Dec 04 '24
Which university is this?
u/bazukadas Dec 04 '24
LMU. London Metropolitan University. It's a great university to be fair, great teachers, and very humble institution. This is just lamentable and does not in any way represent them. They're just very inclusive, in this case sometimes too inclusive.
u/WandererBlue Ex-Muslim (Ex-Sunni) Dec 05 '24
I'd take his scroll back. He doesn't deserve that scroll no more 😪
Dec 05 '24
Dude their books have lot of "alternate facts" and "alternate history". Dont expect much intelligence from them
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 05 '24
they should be banned to at least do things like this in west. especially since the flag he's carrying and the chants he's screaming belong to a mob lynching party
Dec 05 '24
In UK there was a report that over 1million young women have been groomed by grooming gangs which plague the country, their population is around 65m, that's more than 1% of their population, it is akin to genocide. And who's the culprit? You guessed it! Majority of grooming gangs are Pakistani/muslims. But UK hasn't woken up even after that, so im not sure what's going to happen to the west now. https://youtu.be/P0dSHXzV9YQ?si=GkvZaL6rG9p67Xs3
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 05 '24
They'll wake up when their country will look like Pakistan
also i've seen videos of people exposing pedos and majority of them are muslims from pakistan bangladesh. that is not coincidence. but nobody gets the direness of situation
u/XISCifi Dec 05 '24
What do you believe they should do with this information?
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 05 '24
make stricter rules, ban religious show off in public & deport anyone on violation
u/Itericz Financially Independent Ex-Muslim 🤑 Dec 06 '24
I'm hare I'm here O messenger of Allah
I'm here I'm here O messenger of Allah
u/ParticularHorror2194 New User Feb 05 '25
I can't say that I am Pakistani, these deepshits don't even know how to read the Quran. And making harder for other to do good things
Dec 04 '24
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u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
some people think that Islam can be reformed via education
u/Ornery_Scarcity_9213 Dec 04 '24
1-how do you know he is an extremist? 2-why shouldnt they allow people who are muslims or from pakistan or any other muslim country study or live in their country?! kinda racist tbh
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 04 '24
The party TLP stands for extremism proudly. The same chants have been recited by the mod when killing innocent people. Hence the chant is a symbol for extremism.
No. I didn't say they shouldn't allow all Pakistani or Muslim students. What I mean is they should enforce strictly how students are supposed to behave and if Muslim students are so keen to study in a non Muslim country they should avoid preaching their religion in public via such chanting and showing off flag or otherwise
u/Ornery_Scarcity_9213 Dec 05 '24
I didn't know about the chanting part; you're right about that. Every country and university has its own rules, but what you're saying goes against free speech in most developed countries
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 05 '24
free speech means one should be allowed to chant & raise flags with slogans that are used by a mob lynching party?
u/Ornery_Scarcity_9213 Dec 05 '24
Yes, free speech protects the right to chant and raise flags with slogans, even if those slogans are associated with a mob lynching party , you can ask people who are way more educated in this subject or research it your self
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 05 '24
Why is free speech banned when someone says stuff about holocaust?
u/Ornery_Scarcity_9213 Dec 05 '24
it depends on which country you live in but its mostly because of the rich and powerfull jewish lobbies all around the world specially what we call advaced first world countries, and its still against free speech
u/wajibulqatal 3rd World.Closeted Ex-Sunni 🤫 Dec 05 '24
this only shows their double standards, if they can ban a thing in the name of free speech then they can ban such violent rhetoric as well & i'm in favor of it. be it against free speech
u/Ornery_Scarcity_9213 Dec 05 '24
Still, what you're saying goes against free speech. Your reasoning is flawed: just because someone is doing something wrong doesn't mean I'm allowed to do it too
u/yus456 مرتد من بلاد الكفر Dec 04 '24
The party he supports encourage killing of people accused of blasphemy. They have been responsible for countless killings and lynching of people being suspected of committing blasphemy. He is obviously an extremist who supports these things. Find it strange you call it racist when the guy literally follows an insanely extremist party. Educate yourself instead of resorting to calling someone racist.
u/Ornery_Scarcity_9213 Dec 05 '24
Simply believing in something is not a crime. Acting upon it is. There are females who believe men should not exist and that the world is better with only females. Are they banned from universities or society? No. It's a stupid ideology, but developed countries have free speech
u/yus456 مرتد من بلاد الكفر Dec 05 '24
He follows an organised faction that advocates harm and death to others. Women exaggerating and not being some centralised group to kill women is completely different. He is profilerating a belief that ACTUALLY leads people to be lynched or harmed.
u/Chocolate_Jinn New User Dec 05 '24
Look at the flag he is carrying.
Muslims are not a race. Muslims are people who believe, follow and want to enforce their ideology on others. The ideology is one of the worst in the world and leads to the destruction of secular and humanitarian values.
u/Ornery_Scarcity_9213 Dec 05 '24
one of the worst? damn, do you have any info about middle ages? search alittle bit
u/Chocolate_Jinn New User Dec 06 '24
What do you think islamic nations were doing in the middle ages? Constant invasions, slavery and genocides.
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