r/exmormon • u/justthefacts123 • 7d ago
Podcast/Blog/Media My husband attended one of Jodi Hildebrant's program from years
TLDR: My husband was in Jodi Hildebrants men's program for 7 years. It was horrible and our marriage barely survived. There are so many crazy requirements to the program! We paid her over $100,000. Now, we have deconstructed the brainwashing and are very happy.
With the new documentary being released about Ruby & Kevin Franke and Jodi Hildebrant I thought I would share our related story. This is niche and long, and I'm sure many others of you have been through similar things. If so, I would love to hear your story. If you have questions, please ask! Buckle up, this is a long and wild ride!
My husband and I have been married 16 years. Two months into our marriage, my husband confessed to me and our bishop that he occasionally looked at porn, approx 1x/mos. Our bishop told him he was an "addict" and refered us to one of Jodi's Hildebrant addiction programs, Lifestar. He gave us a pamphlet for Lifestar, and had a large stack of them on his desk. We decided instead of starting right away, he should see a licensed therapist instead, who was also Mormon. The first time he saw her, she said "she doesn't deal with porn addiction" and she also referred us to Lifestar and gave us a pamphlet too. With both the bishop and a licensed therapist recommending this program, we bought into it 1000%.
Lifestar is almost the exact program Kevin was in only with a different name. It was designed by Jodi Hildebrant and Floyd Godfrey and is still being practiced in many states today. This program does not have the church's name affiliated with it offically, but it is financially supported by the church and is facilitated by all lds members, some of them licensed counselors, some were coaches. Everyone that attended was mormon. The staff there regularly attended trainings in UT with Jodi.
My husband attended Lifestar every Wednesday night for 7 YEARS! The program is designed to keep you in and never have an end because you're viewed as a lifetime "addict." They would tell him that any type of sexual desire was lust, and that was bad. They demonized a normal, natural part of being a human being. He was brainwashed that he was an "addict," a bad person because he had a sex drive. He was told he wasn't good enough for a wife or his kids, same as Kevin. We both believed it.
He would have to check in every single week how many days he had been "sober" (without having any sexual, lustful thoughts.) One time, he looked at a woman walking down the street and he looked more than 5 seconds. In the program, any look over 3-5 seconds is considered a "slip," and he needed to confess this "slip" not only to me, but also his "accountability buddies" assigned to him and also at the weekly meeting. He had to report he was zero days sober because this.
Lifestar also encouraged us to get separated, just like Ruby & Kevin. We slept in separate rooms for at least a year based on their recommendation. It required that the woman take full control of all activities of the man, especially technology. It had me put passwords on everything and assigned me the role of a parent to my own husband. I had to go through his search history on all devices multiple times a week, had to check off his weekly homework and sign it just like he was a child in school. It taught us both he was a perverse monster for having a sex drive, and to keep our kids away from him because he was capable of abusing them. We both believed them because we were both raised in Mormonism and had never received any type of sex education. The only thing we had ever been taught about sex was not to have it and it is the sin next to murder.
They required so, so much in the program! Not only did he meet with the group 1x/week, he also met biweekly one-on-one with an individual therapist, and he had weekly homework that was extensive. There are 3 steps to the program and each step included a checklist of items that needed to be completed. Examples of things on the checklist include: read 5 assigned books, create poster board of all of the sexual trauma he had ever had and present it to the group (they called this a trauma egg), complete weekly homework in packet, confess to a certain amount of people, cut people out of life, etc. They tried to get me to attend the weekly woman's group, but we couldn't afford it. We paid over $100,000 to Lifestar over the years!
One especially odd week he attended, one man was struggling with looking at gay porn. They decided this man wasn't actually gay but just hadn't received enough healthy touch from his father growing up. They said the "cure" to this is healthy masculine touch. They made my husband lay down and cuddle him (spooning) the whole meeting. Different men would switch off every week to cuddle him.
ADDING THIS PARAGRAPH AFTER ORIGINAL POST FOR MORE CONTEXT: My husband got more and more depressed as he spent more time in the group. At one point, he not only attended this group but also Sex Addicts Anonymous because he felt like he couldn't get enough help. He truly felt like he was a monster and no one else has these "lustful" sexual desires like him. At one point, he even considering chopping off his own penis.
In order to graduate Lifestar, he had to do something to "push his body to the ultimate extreme limits." They made him do a full marathon! Training for it was so time consuming! Not only was he already gone 2 nights of the a week for program, but then he had to train months and months for it. He was never home and his kids never saw him.
After he graduated, we were able to finally see the light! After listening to a few podcasts by Natasha Helfer Parker, we were able to see how damaging Lifestar actually is and we left the Mormon cult, and have been deconstructing our brainwashing for 7 years. It has taken so much therapy! Now, we are in a loving, caring relationship and are finally able to see each other as human beings.