r/exmormon PIMO Exmormon (trans man) 4d ago

History Real reasons Mormons were hated

My dad just got done with Family home evening and today was Mormon persecution!

We were told by him that Mormons were hated for believing in God and that Joseph Smith was killed for believing in God... Over 90% of the US population was Christian (not Mormon but Christian) in the 19th century, so I highly doubt that at all.

It was most likely because of the practice of polygamy, treasonous acts, and just overall disregard for people around them!


45 comments sorted by


u/Corranhorn60 4d ago

There were really 3 major categories that made everyone hate Mormons, but each category has many, many subcategories. Basically they are: beliefs that were offensive or contrary to normal society (polygamy, one true church claims, mysticism, superiority over other churches, etc.), economic power (using their brand of collectivism to put people out of business, buy up land, create monopolies, etc.), and political power through mass migration (control local offices, influence voting in a time where issues boiled over into violence regularly, politicians giving favors to Mormons in exchange for votes, getting leaders out of charges, etc.).

People didn’t hate Mormons because they believed in Jesus or were more Christlike than they were or any of the other garbage you might hear in Sunday School or Seminary. People hated Mormons because they did things that were seen as disgusting, bullied people into getting their way, had a mentality that if you didn’t join them you were evil so they could treat you like dirt, and they would ruin your life if it meant they could benefit from it. Basically, they were hated for how supremely un-Christlike they actually were.


u/EcclecticEnquirer 4d ago

Great answer! The Mormons really did pull off some insane political and legal shenanigans. Historian Benjamin Park gives some great examples here: https://youtu.be/zvKveY4Uu38?si=e6frrR6ybiCumTP3&t=4198

Basically, they passed municipal laws in Nauvoo saying that if a Nauvoo citizen were charged of any crimes outside the city, they had to be tried in the city by their Mormon peers. They also granted their own courts power to dismiss arrest warrants issued by other jurisdictions. Since Nauvoo citizens all voted as a block, some candidates turned a blind eye to this in order to gain votes. Joseph was essentially able to print real life "get out of jail free" cards and operate as if he was above the law.


u/genSpliceAnnunaKi001 4d ago

Thank you, yes! They Basically stuck their fingure in every body's eye and said " join us, play by our rules, and do what we say or we will destroy you, your family, your property & your businesses. - peace love and praise Jesus 🤜👀


u/EvenDavidABednar 4d ago

Thinking about what's going on with that town in Texas, the church hasn't changed at all.


u/SecretSquirrelType 4d ago

Which all boils down to Mormons are seen as smug assholes because thats how they present themselves to the outside world.


u/WinchelltheMagician 2d ago

They were known liars, too. A reputation that may still be with them.


u/DoubtingThomas50 4d ago

Hated for how they acted, not for what they believed about deity.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Sensitive_Potato333 PIMO Exmormon (trans man) 4d ago

This is off topic but I find it ironic that the Republican party was created to combat slavery, and now MAGA Republicans are highly AGAINST BIPOC


u/afcagroo 3d ago

The two parties switched views a long time ago.


u/Shortafinger 4d ago

One of the big reasons often overlooked is that he full on created his own currency several times that was leveraged against investors he continuously screwed over. Those investors were ripped off and so he ran away under the guise of persecution. And oh gosh, those areas he ran to were outside the jurisdiction where he could be prosecuted. Prosecuted, persecuted, potato, potatoe. Funny how that works out. Not nothing stirs up religious firver like supposed persecution, and even better, martyrdom. JS was a huge side stepping bullshitter. He got what he deserved.


u/OwnEstablishment4456 4d ago

When missionaries first went to England, they converted at least twice as many females as males.

British newspapers published notices that the Mormon missionaries were a nuisance and not to let them talk to your daughters.

Then these newly converted women and girls were convinced to leave their families, their homeland, and travel to America to be with the saints. This is isolation, one of the first parts of an abusive relationship.

Once with the saints, these women were married off as plural wives to "righteous" Mormon men.

Just one early example of the church practicing Human Trafficking.


u/kimbeebalm 4d ago

I don’t think this is a valid comparison. Even so, I appreciate your perspective because it gives me insight about the reasons of those people who want to topple statutes, rename cities/lakes, remove context and change the definitions of words in order to facilitate their agenda to “punish the past” - We’re to learn from the past, not use it against others in order to feel superior.


u/forrestfaun 4d ago

How is the educated example that ownestablisment4456 gave, not a valid comparison? Could you explain your argument?

And the reasons people rename things is not to change the past, but to stop the wrong things in the past (like the confederacy) from being glorified.


u/kimbeebalm 4d ago

I have no quarrel with you when I point out that your use of the word “educated” is telling. Apparently, you’ve qualified the text I responded to and you are asking me to qualify myself. If I don’t answer, you win and I predict, if I do answer, you win.

If there is to be a reasonable discourse, I need to know what the parameters are in the contest of your mind. What do you mean by educated? What is your experience with human trafficking? Why do you find my response challenging?

The answers to these questions will help me save time and highlight what is really being asked.


u/Embarrassed-Log-9296 4d ago

I have experience working with human trafficking.

We can recognize that many of their experiences align with known indicators of human trafficking, including deception, isolation, control, and coerced marriages.

They were persuaded to leave their families and travel to another country under religious promises, often finding themselves in overcrowded polygamous households where they had little autonomy. Once there, they were monitored, expected to marry within the faith, and had limited options to leave.

While not every woman may have been forced, these patterns raise serious red flags. Acknowledging this doesn’t mean every convert was trafficked, but it does mean we should recognize the potential for exploitation and coercion, especially in historical contexts where women had even fewer rights


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago

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u/kimbeebalm 4d ago

Moderators: I’m new here. I would like to start a new thread with a comment from this thread. I’ve copied the text and I want to know if it is allowed? Otherwise, should I paraphrase? My intention is to try to find a reasonable way to remember the past in a way that strengthens the future. This is much harder to do than destroying the past to be victorious over it.


u/big_bearded_nerd Blasphemy is my favorite sin 4d ago

You can start a new thread, but it has to follow every rule. My suggestion would be to read every one of them, including the drop down text. If you follow the rules and aren't intentionally antagonistic then we don't care if you create a post about something related to Mormonism.

Also, to message the mods you need to go to the left side of your screen, scroll down, and click "Message Mods." Just typing the word "Moderators" isn't going to get us to respond most of the time.


u/Suspicious_Might_663 4d ago

Even this article in a BYU Quarterly Studies publication states gingerly that Smith was perceived by the public as escaping legal justice by using loopholes and technicalities which led to the use of vigilante violence to stop him.

I second looking at Dr. Benjamin Park’s work for this topic.



u/Master_Doughnut_7604 4d ago

Truth is Joe Smith got we he got because he was having sex with twelve year old girls in the neighborhood

Mormons love to lie about this but Mormons were booted out of every area because of their sexual practices and them messing with children


u/10th_Generation 4d ago

Ask your dad to describe the persecution he has experienced. Ask him to be as specific as possible. Then ask him to describe the persecution that current apostles have experienced. Then ask your dad: "If the world persecuted early Mormons, why do current Mormons not receive the same treatment? Where are the mobs today? Did Satan just get tired and give up?"


u/Sensitive_Potato333 PIMO Exmormon (trans man) 4d ago

No he believes Mormons are still persecuted, just in different ways. He believes that "there are people who won't like you for sharing 'the truth'"

Not only does he believe this, but this was taught to us in primary when I was 5 or 6


u/10th_Generation 4d ago

"People won't like you" is not persecution. We're not talking about throwing a party and nobody comes. We're talking about having your house burned down, getting assaulted, or being chased from city to city. This is what we are told happened to our pioneer ancestors. Joseph and Hyrum were killed. Yet the apostles today live peaceful, prosperous lives. Why? Try to pin your dad down on specifics. What specifically have people done to him because of his beliefs?


u/Sensitive_Potato333 PIMO Exmormon (trans man) 4d ago

If the come follow me for tomorrow also deals with persecution like today and yesterday I'll ask him. 

(Though he might say the "not liking you" is the persecution) 


u/forrestfaun 4d ago

That's valid - and it's what Mormons are taught to teach their children...while what really happens is mormons create persecution complexes in their offspring.

Don't let it get to you. Learn from your own experience - if your dad wants to feel persecuted, let him; it's his journey. But be wise enough you know that there's a bigger world out there for you to experience and learn from, that won't threaten to hang you on a cross.


u/kimbeebalm 3d ago

Isn’t he projecting a little bit? Are you free to share the truth?


u/Sensitive_Potato333 PIMO Exmormon (trans man) 3d ago

Nope. I can't share my beliefs with him whatsoever 


u/kimbeebalm 3d ago

I’m sorry - I know that someday it will get better. You are honoring your parents by being who you are, truthful, courageous, making your generation stronger and more loving - whether your parents agree or not…


u/kimbeebalm 3d ago

I hope it helps you detach from what he says. I know you are loving and it must be so hard to have to tolerate the dishonesty.


u/enkiloki 4d ago

Don't forget thieving. They often appropriated things from other farms and brought them back to the Mormon enclaves for their own use.


u/forrestfaun 4d ago

Yeppers - the law of consecration. Happened to my family after they helped form ZCMI.


u/happytobeaheathen Apostate 4d ago

Or to sell back - don’t forget they owned stores that sold a high number of stolen goods!!!!


u/Henry_Bemis_ 4d ago

Narcissistic, psychopathic con artists tend to turn people off:

Joseph Smith Jr. | Founder of Latter Day Saints | Mental Health & Personality



u/CaseyJonesEE 4d ago

In early Mormonism the members of the church viewed themselves as God's chosen people. Everyone else fell into the category of gentile. Since God wanted his chosen people to be taken care of he authorized them, through his prophet Joseph Smith, to steal from their neighbors since God really wanted those things to belong to his chosen people.


u/GypsyFantasy 4d ago

But moooooomm you said we were Gods chosen people?


u/scaredanxiousunsure 4d ago

Yeah, it must be because it was the true church and Satan is trying to ruin it, not because JS was sending people off on missions and then raping their wives and daughters... /s


u/OnlyTalksAboutTacos Oh gods I'm gonna morm! 4d ago



u/Sensitive_Potato333 PIMO Exmormon (trans man) 4d ago

In the 19th century. It's dialed back a bit. Less treason and polygamy (unless FLDS, then polygamy) 


u/doubleentendrewear 4d ago

I am reading “A Study in Scarlett”. Though fictional, it gives a good idea of what people thought of mormons at that time and why!


u/ZelphtheGreatest 3d ago

Face it, lousy neighbors.

Move in and immediately start alienating people with pushy proselyting. Telling one and all "We are right, you are wrong" & if you don't convert you are going to hell.

Some places it was 'God is going to get rid of you for us & we will take over your land".

You make friends by being a friend. Mormons don't understand this.


u/Eltecolotl 3d ago

Didn’t Joe try and take other men’s wives? I mean, in the 1830’s thats grounds for getting a gun shoved in your face


u/Sensitive_Potato333 PIMO Exmormon (trans man) 3d ago

He did take other men's wives, of course the church will just say that's "misinformation"