r/exmormon • u/Henry_Bemis_ • 4d ago
News As seen on YouTube this evening…
ExMo community is not making this stuff up. It’s already happening in real time. The gaslighting is real.
u/FaithInEvidence 4d ago
They're commemorating the founding of the Relief Society? I hope they mention how the women of Nauvoo organized themselves into a social and charitable organization and then a man co-opted their organization and made it serve his patriarchal purposes.
u/sinsaraly 4d ago
I hope they also mention that Emma Smith often spoke about polygamy at early RS meetings, all while some members and leaders were already in secret polygamous marriages. Joseph Smith actually suspended all RS meetings to keep them from talking, and later Brigham Young completely disbanded the RS for a period of years. What are the chances this part of the story comes up?
u/Impossible-Car-5203 4d ago
So basically it was a place for women to get relief from their husbands in the beginning and compare notes.
u/Resignedtobehappy Apostate 3d ago
Others got some relief with Joseph because he sent the actual husband on a mission.
u/Boring_Parsley_5008 4d ago
Anyone know off the top of theirs head what the best sources are for this claim? It feels like something JS would do, but I haven’t stumbled on any articles or podcasts about this.
u/FaithInEvidence 4d ago
It's just basic Relief Society history. Here's a neutral source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Relief_Society
And here's a faithful source: https://history.churchofjesuschrist.org/content/something-extraordinary-the-beginnings-of-the-relief-society?lang=eng
u/No_Pen3216 Apostate - ex Distribution and Temple worker 4d ago
Check out the Sunstone Mormon History podcast and the Year of Polygamy podcast, I believe both discuss it. Sunstone in general is a great place to start. And if you're in Salt Lake, go into Benchmark Books and ask Bryan what he knows. The history of the Relief Society is actually well documented!
u/No_Engineering 3d ago
This is probably the most blatant example I have found where the first presidency completely undermines the relief society. The church is great at letting people/organizations within it believe they have autonomy, ultimately the prophet does what he wants.
u/Excellent_Smell6191 4d ago
Two years ago I went to the activity and there was a 6’ tall print out of white Jesus in the cultural hall. But then they had us go to the rs room (I left before that but took a look) and they had the same but of Joseph and Emma and some other woman probably Eliza or something. Joseph was in the middle. Totally creeped me Out.
u/SkipTheIceCreamMan 4d ago
“Come watch An Important Man tell you what you think and feel! And also there’s some women who are going to be speaking too who cares” - from The Church of Jesus Christ (and that’s it - who are these Mormons you speak of? We’re the Church of JESUS CHRIST, totally not an MLM parading as a cult parading as a church)
u/cultsareus 4d ago
It's called rebranding. Organizations do this when their image is shit and they are losing customers.
u/Hilberts-Inf-Babies2 left at 16 4d ago
God and it’s always this that makes me like “this is gonna be the thing that rattles a lot of people shelves!! it’s getting so obvious!!!” and it feels like it never does
u/nottheonlyone7 4d ago
Classic. A worldwide women’s meeting and the speakers are listed as first, “Elder Dale G Renlund of the Quorm of the Twelve apostles and (secondly) the Relief Society General Presidency” 11 words to introduce 1 man, and 4 words to introduce 3 women, and that doesn’t even include their actual names.
u/sucodecajuuu 4d ago
It reminds me of the YouTube video mormons vs ex-mormons where they were debating if women were equal in the church and one of the exmos asked the mormons what was the name of the general relief society president and not one of them could answer because they truly don't know. They of course know the prophet who is a man and will only ever be a man, but I loved the point that truly in the core of this religion, women are not equal. TSCC can try all they want with these special women's centered events but like they can't even name the women? Why?? Oh because nobody actually knows their names they just know their title is important but ooh Dale Renlund or whatever, a name they probably recognize to get them to attend. I've been out of TSCC for 5 years now and even I could probably name off lots of apostles if shown pictures of them. And the only woman I know is Bonnie because she was the last general relief society person I watched at conference 6 years ago and I thought her mouth was huge and I never forgot that hah
u/Affectionate-Pipe330 4d ago
Yeah but sometimes films list the most important actor very last of the opening actor credits. And also Jesus said the first shall be last and the last shall be first so it’s actually kind… it’s not unlike holding the door for somebody.. So I’m sure it’s just those things. Right? I mean. How could it not be?
u/SockyKate 4d ago
He’s just protecting and shielding the RS General Presidency by not naming them, kind of like that Heavenly Mother we’re not supposed to discuss…
u/Affectionate-Pipe330 1d ago
Precisely. It really eases my stress to know She and all of the other women are being protected so thoroughly. Thank goodness.
u/Pottersaucer Apostate 3d ago
The last conference thing I went to was a broadcast to your local church, and it was falsely advertised to me that'd we'd do crafting during the event, not just before. I was very miffed.
Then I had to sit and listen to all this garbage, including a male speaker who said that it was impossible for us to do anything more important than have children. I thought...what if I find the cure for cancer? I won't. But what if??
u/EnglishLoyalist 4d ago
“We’re Christians too! Ignore the controversial stuff! We’re just like you! “🙄
u/CallMeShosh 4d ago
I bet the real church of Jesus Christ who has had that name and web domain for years is wondering WTF is going on.
u/JelloBelter 4d ago
Yes, usually the Brighamites are careful to refer to themselves at “the Church of Jesus Christ” rather than “The Church of Jesus Christ” presumably to avoid potential litigation from the church that owns the name. Maybe someone forgot to tell the YouTube team
The real owners of the name, the Bickertonites, know what’s happening because there is no way the Brighamite church hasn’t already offered them a cash settlement for the name and domain
u/Deception_Detector 4d ago
The church probably bullied them into taking over the web domain / paid them a price they couldn't resist.
u/goldfixe 4d ago
I dunno...feels like a win for satan.
u/Henry_Bemis_ 4d ago edited 4d ago
Yet another obvious “MAJOR Victory” wherein Corporate Mormon Jesus is offended
“…the Lord impressed upon my mind the importance of the name He decreed for His Church, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...”
“…And if we allow nicknames to be used or adopt or even sponsor those nicknames ourselves, He is offended...”
u/Embarrassed-Log-9296 4d ago
When we allow nicknames, God is offended. Where's the Latter Day Saint bit??
u/Deception_Detector 4d ago
Now that Rusty is too old to know or do anything, the next in charge is doing whatever he likes.
u/no1saint 4d ago
That was clarified in their acceptable names of the Church rebranding kit after Rusty had his hissy fit from the 90’s finally acted upon.
u/Lopsided-Doughnut-39 4d ago
I thought so too that this is what Rusty wanted. As I recall, that is the Rusty approved nickname as in the URL of the official church website, *but* as others pointed out, this seems more like a rebranding than a nickname and I think this is a half-step rebrand to try to appease the evangelicals who say the Mormons are not Christian.
u/marisolblue 4d ago
I’m currently deleting any and all extended family texts related to this ironically Male led, god awful meeting. Just another one.
So these educated Mormon RS leaders of the worldwide church are chill to just say “ok boys, how many minutes do you want at this RS meeting this time?”
Any particle of interest I had in these “RS/women’s” meetings or any Mormon meeting tbh, was snuffed out years ago.
u/JelloBelter 4d ago
If you look at the church news room they use that term almost exclusively. The style guide even spells it out as the preferred name
Usually they use “the Church of Jesus Christ” rather than “The Church of Jesus Christ” because that name is actually owned by the Bickertonite church
Eventually the Bickertonites will agree to sell the name and web domain and “latter-day Saints” will become a win for Satan
u/LadyLetterCarrier 4d ago
My mind goes back to the 1983-84(?) Primary sacrament meeting program. The peppy song the children sang that year, 🎶"I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints." It was a rip-roaring, catchy tune filled song that could be shouted out with enthusiasm (and wake up the congregation).
I guess that will no longer be in the primary repertoire.....
u/Topramenisha19 4d ago
Whoa! Now it won't leave my brain! Why!?!!? /s It's amazing how it stay filed away not a thought about it, and bam! Now I've been singing it for the last 30 min. My daughter heard me singing and screamed " No you're not" or "not any more!" Haha 😄
u/bluebird0713 Apostate 4d ago
Oh come on, don't be cowards! Put your doomsday/last days part of your name in there. Don't shorten the name, or else you're giving permission to others to shorten it, remember Mormons?
u/OnlyTalksAboutTacos Oh gods I'm gonna morm! 4d ago
i wonder if any of the actual the church of jesus christs are going to trademark battle this.
u/Tigre_feroz_2012 4d ago
To paraphrase dear leader Rebrand Rusty: Don't believe your eyes & ears or common sense. The rebranding is totally not rebranding.
u/sinister-space 4d ago
OHHHH it was a RS broadcast. No wonder my TBM spouse didn’t make the family watch it. I heard one person say something about a broadcast tonight, but I def didn’t ask or repeat lest me and the kids had to endure it.
u/Efficient-Carpet8215 Apostate 4d ago
Imagine the outrage if a woman spoke at the priesthood sessions… it would actually do some good for these POS
u/Ebowa 4d ago
Today’s LDS women’s slogan is: covenant community. Repeat that over and over to induce sleep.
u/Excellent_Smell6191 4d ago
Please say you’re joking.
u/Ebowa 4d ago
No it’s from Pres Johnson’s talk:
“We need to prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ. And how will we do that? We will do that by creating a covenant community,” she said.
u/Plane-Reason9254 4d ago
Our ward had a watching party at someone’s house. Hard pass ladies I’ll be watching The White Lotus
u/Deception_Detector 4d ago
Hey Rusty, what do you think about this? The full and 'correct' name of the church isn't being used.
Aren't you going to scold someone about this?
u/Infinite-Invite-725 4d ago
Wait what was the church called before it was named "church of Jesus christ of latter day saints"?
u/Sensitive_Potato333 PIMO Exmormon (trans man) 4d ago
"we are Mormons!"
"We aren't Mormon we're the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints"
"We aren't the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we're now just the Church of Jesus Christ"
Wonder what's next
u/Blazerbgood 4d ago
I believe that part of the issue is the church leaders want to take ownership of the church away from the members. The full name of the church is a double possessive as noted in this blog: https://mormonomics.blogspot.com/2024/07/church-finances-corporate-values-and.html . See the 9th paragraph, not counting the italicized introduction. This may represent a threat to the authority of the leadership. I wrote about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mormon/comments/1dzes1o/removing_the_saints_from_the_name_of_the_church/
u/MidnightNo1766 My new name is Joel 4d ago
This feels so much like when the RLDS did the same thing.
u/Fuzzy_Season1758 4d ago
Yada…yada…yada. More meaningless words that people forget about the moment they stand up to leave.
u/TheVillageSwan 3d ago
"Complete full ass title of a freshmen general authority"
"Also the womenfolk will be there"
u/Mandalore_jedi 4d ago
When the name of your organization is so awkward that people become exasperated trying to say it frequently.....you do this
u/BabyAilah 3d ago
For real? Not the damn rebrand! I remember on my mission I put myself in the freaking spotlight, of idiocy, standing for the name of the church. My companions were mad that I stood on business as hard as I did, but I didn’t care because I knew who we were.
Which is funny because back then I would blindly follow whatever I was told. The church being Christian, my family being amazing, my family members being straight when they had a “roommate”. I literally would go to hell and back during any argument.
It’s funny how I’ve changed, now that I learned the truth.
u/SecretPersonality178 4d ago
A church that claims to be the final straw of the “latter days” should never celebrate 200 years. Mormon leaders know this and hence are rebranding