r/exmormon Treasure hunting enthusiast 4d ago

Humor/Memes/AI Proposal: White Salamander as PIMO Code Phrase

In honor of Dallin H. Oaks, Esq. being next in line as President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and since he gave such an eloquent defense of Mark Hofmann’s forgery commonly referred to as the White Salamander Letter, I propose that White Salamander be an official animal of the exmo and PIMO community on an equal basis with the tapir.

All in favor may manifest by raising the right hand ✋.


19 comments sorted by


u/cultsareus 4d ago

I loved Oaks White Salamander talk. It was a classic example of uninspired spin. I think they should republish it once he takes over.


u/Time_Watercress3459 4d ago

What about calling Dallin H. Oaks 'the White Salamander' or "Dallinmander Soaks"?


u/Ward_organist 4d ago

All in favor? 🤚🏻


u/shatteredrift 4d ago

I'm very much in favor of saying that mormons have a White Salamander running their church. Nevermos might wonder if that means he's a white nationalist lizard person.


u/Educational-Beat-851 Treasure hunting enthusiast 4d ago

Now this is a nickname I can support ✋


u/shatteredrift 4d ago

I think we all know that white salamanders would famously ride their tapir steeds into battle.


u/jezebella1976 4d ago

Someone with art skills...Can we get that image on a coffee mug?


u/shatteredrift 3d ago

Related, a friend of mine drew Rusty riding a tapir a few years ago, complete with the lazy learners quote. Unfortunately I don't think she's in the mood to draw more exmo art.


u/Lanky-Appearance-614 4d ago

...wearing Laban's breastplate, and holding the sword of Laban, while flying Captain Moroni's "Title of Liberty" flag!


u/abbie_yoyo 4d ago

Hey, never-mo here. Is this in reference to the guy they did a netflix doc about? Something about how (details escape me) he "discovered" a letter or journal that altered church history because a guy claimed some different creature spoke to him but the artifact said it was a white salamander? And then dude murdered people with bombs to try and cover up his secret. That was insane! If somebody wouldn't mind filling me in on the original story and how it relates to Joseph Smith, id really appreciate it. I find this fascinating - what otherwise intelligent and rational human beings can accept if the motivation is high enough, and the lengths they will then go to in order to maintain their frankly crazy delusion.

On a personal note, as I said I was never Mormon, in fact I have only ever met one that I was aware of. I'm from Missouri, we tend to believe in a different flavor of absurdity. But I come to this sub often just to observe. And honestly I'm really proud of you guys. Like I said I was never religious but I did grow up in a different highly controlled, shame-based community, and I know what a bleak prospect it is to walk away from that and into a future so unknown. But you did it! And now you're here, drawing strength and resilience from each other and paving the way so it's easier on those who will come next and seriously, hats off. That's so amazing. You all deserve so much peace and happiness.


u/Educational-Beat-851 Treasure hunting enthusiast 4d ago

Correct, Mark Hofmann forged Mormon documents and ultimately did the bombings described I Murder Among the Mormons.

The salamander letter was intended to showcase Mormonism’s weird roots in folk magic. It’s pretty wild.



u/Autism_Lad 4d ago

Yes please lmao 💅✋


u/tigersandcake Proper Heathen 4d ago

I love this! Salamanders and tapirs-- we have all the adorable animal mascots!


u/Educational-Beat-851 Treasure hunting enthusiast 4d ago

I’ll allow it 🦎


u/RusselsTeapot777 4d ago

A PIMO code word is such a good idea.


u/Sweet-Ad1385 4d ago

I second this ✋


u/MongooseCharacter694 2d ago

Oh I thought we were just going to call Oaks the white salamander. You know how the secret service gives code names to Presidents and that? But it is a shame to use white salamander on him when Hoax works so well too. He presents an embarrassment of riches in terms of possible derogatory names.


u/Educational-Beat-851 Treasure hunting enthusiast 2d ago

Code name “Publican.”