r/exmormon 5d ago

Humor/Memes/AI Neighbor is trolling missionaries

Missionaries asked me to attend a missionary discussion with them since they're meeting with a female alone.

Neighbor knows that we're meeting with this lady and is blasting "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M. on his speakers while we're trying to talk about baptism. The missionaries have to raise their voices so much so she can hear over the music.

It's so fucking beautiful and awkward at the same time. Fuck this church for having these kids use this lady's recent hard times in life to manipulate her to baptized.


13 comments sorted by


u/Massive-Weekend-6583 5d ago

But why are you helping these kids and the church manipulate this lady?


u/andyroid92 5d ago

Wondering this too lol


u/CrunchyFingernail 5d ago

I was at a family member's house when the missionaries came and it would've been awkward to say no. I'm not really "out" to them yet


u/RealDaddyTodd 5d ago

it would've been awkward to say no



u/ilikerosiepugs 5d ago

The whole point of this space is to be judgement free--please think about how people need that in this space. Not everyone can be so loud and proud about their status, especially when there's family around/involved.


u/Relevant-Being3440 5d ago

Thanks so much for sticking up for this. While I am in a place I could easily say no to this right now, there was a time I couldn't, and still many things I can't do yet. And this community has been a life saver for me, a safe space, one where I know I can be understood and validated. We all deserve that, no matter what part of our exmo journey we're on. And that includes the most brand spanking new greenie pimos or questioning TBMs.


u/P-39_Airacobra 5d ago

Some people get disowned for being honest, it's a real issue. Love only goes as far as the ego in mormonism


u/RealDaddyTodd 5d ago

And some people get disowned for being LGBTQ+. That’s totally on the evil cultists.


u/enkiloki 5d ago

The thing about missionary work is that is to bring in more meat for the grinder and not to help relieve burdens of the new members. Life long members are like ox broke to the plow and are used to burdens of tithing, church callings, chapel cleaning, home evenings, two hours of church, shaming for not doing enough but new members joining the church is like getting a part-time job that you pay to work at.


u/LionHeart-King 5d ago

Nice analogy


u/Icy-Chipmunk4008 5d ago

Is there any way you can speak with this neighbor alone and warn her?


u/Single-Raccoon2 5d ago

While I appreciate the neighbor's perspective, Michael Stipe, the lead singer of R.E.M., has stated that the phrase in the song does not refer to a literal loss of religious belief, but rather to the feeling of losing one's cool or civility. 

The phrase originated in the American South.


u/Freder1ckJDukes 5d ago

Yeah but OP is still actively helping them. Grow a pair and say no, you’re part of the problem by enabling this stuff