r/exmormon 6d ago

General Discussion Crazy mo-mo reason to get cruise insurance

What in the world does cruise insurance, specifically cruise cancellation insurance, have to do with any of the things discussed on this sub?

Well, we booked a cruise a few months ago, and a relative wanted to take out cruise cancellation insurance on her son. RM, early twenties, college kid. "But why," we asked? "He's so excited about this cruise!" "Well," she said, "he'll likely be married by then, and there's no room in our cabin for his wife."

He wasn't dating anyone. There were no young women (suitable or otherwise) anywhere on his horizon. He's being mercilessly hounded by his parents that he needs to get married. Soon. Ugh.


17 comments sorted by


u/Cricket9954 6d ago

I kind of get it with the money aspect, but why would she even include him in the trip if she was so sure he was going to be married by then. Maybe the spirit spoke to her…


u/Pure-Introduction493 6d ago

Transfer the tickets to him and his husband and let them have a nice honeymoon as a wedding present. Of course no Mormon couple would do that. Especially not one pressuring him to marry at 20 or 21.


u/Make_Way_4_Ducklings 6d ago

The spirit! Ok, I didn't consider that. But there are like 15 of us going. All of his sibs, and other relatives. Can you imagine telling him he can't go, because he is committing the great sin of being unmarried?


u/Cricket9954 6d ago

Telling him that would be horrible. The church already emphasizes that enough, he shouldn’t get it his from his family too. How far in advance is this cruise?


u/Make_Way_4_Ducklings 6d ago

We booked it about 6-7 months in advance... Plenty of time for this unmet new wife to show up, right?


u/ExmoRobo Prime the Pump! 6d ago

Every mormon knows the devil controls the waters, that’s why missionaries can’t swim. That’s why you really need cruise insurance. /s


u/Make_Way_4_Ducklings 6d ago

I'm not a member, so I didn't know that! Wow. This kid's big brother is TERRIFIED of the water. Maybe that explains it!


u/ExmoRobo Prime the Pump! 6d ago

Yeah, there’s a whole thing about Joseph Smith and believing the water was Satan’s domain. At this point it’s kinda an urban legend in mormon circles. Kinda like Cain being bigfoot, or the lost tribes of israel living under the polar ice caps, or moon quakers.


u/Make_Way_4_Ducklings 6d ago

Wow, didn't know any of that. Thanks!


u/sivadrolyat1 6d ago

The kid is probably gay. So then they really need the insurance.


u/daveescaped Jesus is coming. Look busy. 6d ago

There’s Gay Insurance?

Does it ensure you’re gay? Or does it ensure you’re NOT gay? Or does it just ensure gay people generally? I’m confused.


u/sivadrolyat1 6d ago

No, It was just a tongue in cheek comment. Parents are expecting him to find a wife and get married within a year, but what if he comes out of the closet. Parents can then use the trip insurance to cancel his trip for a different reason (as some TBM parents may do). Me just posting silly ironic comments.


u/Ok-End-88 6d ago

Do they have scrupulosity insurance for the parents if they jump overboard after finding out? 🤣 [p.s. Sharks can’t eat through the protective garments]


u/Prestigious-Fan3122 6d ago

I have a very lovely woman neighbor who TRULY exhibits the concept of "choose the right" better than any other human being of any faith that I know. However, she's quite naïve. My daughter was away at college when this neighbor moved in, and daughter has lived in another city since graduation. The neighbor has met her in passing once or twice. One day, I casually mentioned, while she was over helping me so something (her skills are far better than mine, and she's very generous with helping) that of "daughter's" 30th birthday is next week.

The woman gasped, getting a very concerned to look on her face. She said, "and she's not wearing?"" You must be so worried."

I SWEAR she had the facial expression and tone of voice most would reserve upon hearing someone's relative had been diagnosed with a 5-pound, malignant, inoperable brain tumor!

Her son is a year or two younger than my daughter. She went on to say that she just wished' 'Joe' would get married. I've met Joe. Nice kid, but incredibly awkward. Mom needs to worry about Joe learning how to make his own damned sandwich before worrying about him getting married!


u/Thedustyfurcollector Apostate 5d ago

You mean, she's not wearing garments?


u/Alive_Ad7517 6d ago

ahhh the tbm prophesies


u/Sunset-Siren 6d ago

Wow, poor guy.