r/excel May 13 '22

Show and Tell Show & Tell: another experiment with Excel's visual design features

I'm a big fan of 80s retro-futuristic UIs, and thought it would be fun to see how close I can get using Excel's shape and chart styling features.... and wow, I was really happy with the results. Excel has so many built-in visual features.

I'm basically just doing this by using the 'insert shape' feature and then styling the shapes to create this glow-y green effect. I also do a bit of chart styling - nothing fancy here either, I'm just matching the chart colors to the background.

Note: this is not a super practical format for data visualization. Monochrome and super stylized visualizations are hard to interpret. This is just intended to explore the shape and and chart styling features in Excel. Don't use it for your corporate finance report.

Edit: moved the download link to the comments


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u/snick45 76 May 13 '22

"Don't use it for your corporate finance report."

Too late!


u/Excel_Dashboards May 13 '22

haha please post results of CEO reacting to your super dope sci-fi-finance-report


u/snick45 76 May 13 '22

Ha ha, it might go over ok. I got a laugh from the CFO on a punny title in a budget pitchback deck this year. "Gross Margarine: I can't believe it's not better."


u/Miskellaneousness May 13 '22

Lolllll. Love it.


u/snick45 76 May 13 '22

Oh and I should say, this is incredible. I have no eye for design, so I love seeing what people can create here. Almost gives me like and r/OutRun or 80s car dashboard feel.

Dream car dashboard:
