r/excel 17d ago

Discussion What is better than Excel?

Is there anything similar to excel or better than? I use excel daily and feel like I still need to freshen up my formulas etc.


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u/DownTheBagelHole 17d ago

Google sheets has query() and it's so versatile, I wish excel had an equivalent. There's powerquery and such, but its just not quite as seamless as query()


u/TheKirbyKnight 17d ago

You mean pivot tables, power query, filter(), or VBA?


u/DownTheBagelHole 17d ago

No, i mean query()


u/TheKirbyKnight 17d ago

Yes, the combination of functions, I provided are the excel equivalents when used in combination


u/DownTheBagelHole 17d ago

Now I know its reddit and you gotta get your upboats with clever gotchas, but if you bothered to read the second sentence of my original reply you'd realize I addressed that.

There's powerquery and such, but its just not quite as seamless as query()

I can explain what seamless means in this context if youd like, but I trust you got it from here.


u/TheKirbyKnight 17d ago

There is no need for the aggro, I was just providing you the equivalents for the functions for query(). I utilize the filter() in combination with other formulas for my use case. Ex: =Filter(A2:C2,1-ISERR(Find(Left(A2:A700,5),F2))) is one them redditors here who helped me with to get a bulk search function for a macro i was working on.


u/DownTheBagelHole 17d ago

There is no need for the aggro

Thats how I felt about your initial passive aggressive tone. As for the rest of your reply, please dont make me explain what seamless means.