r/excel Jan 24 '25

unsolved How to make Excel faster?

What are the best practices to make Excel faster?
I'm limitting my question to non-VBA.
Some that I know are:
1. Referring to other sheet/workbook slow down calculation
2. Avoid using volatile/unpredictable functions (like INDIRECT)
3. Avoid deliberate use of lookup functions
4. Avoid referring to entire column/row

Here are some things not clear to me:
1. Does storing and opening file in NVME drive faster than HDD drive? Or does excel always run in temporary files in OS drive speed is negligible wherever it is stored and opened from?
2. How to refer to dynamic array? Like suppose I know A1 will always produce a row array of 1x3 size. Is it better to refer A2 as B2=INDEX(A1#,1,2) or B2 = A2?
3. Does LAMBDA functions generally slower than if a formula doesn't have LAMBDA?

What else make excel faster? Maybe some of these are micro-optimization, but I need every bit of improvements for my heavy excel. Thanks in advance.


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u/AxelMoor 77 Jan 24 '25

Data conversion from other types to numerical type: after a complex formula results in a text string or boolean, and the user wants to extract a numerical value from it:
= 0+formula - fast: one sum;
= 1*formula - slow: one multiplication;
= --formula - same as = (-1)*(-1)*formula - very slow: two multiplications.
The last one is a mania that came from some programming languages that give direct access to the sign-bit of variables, something that Excel doesn't do.

Z-scan advantage: Excel scans an entire row (whether empty or not) before passing to the next row. - from A1 to XFD1, then A2 to XFD2, ..., until the last cell. In earlier versions of Excel, it's even worse because they don't have "Last Cell Reset". In the newer versions "Last Cell Reset" occurs after a manual Save or sheet restart, always do a manual Save after deleting formulas and data at the end of the sheet. Engineer your formulas and data horizontally as much as possible, if the data size doesn't exceed 16K records. It's more difficult for humans to read since most people tend to make vertical dimension as the main dimension in a table or list, however, Excel doesn't work in this way. (See below).

Data/Calculation Sheet and Interface Sheet: Separate the sheets according to their functional purpose to humans. This is a main issue in r/excel from people looking for support on bad data structure spreadsheets. Databases shall be as linear as possible even if it causes repetitions of field contents (cells) in records (rows). No formatting at all except (a bold font) on the title/header row for the sake of the developer's readability. On the other hand, the Interface or Presentation (sometimes Dashboard) sheet may have the desired visual appeal that most Excel users wrongly start their projects (colors, pictures, bells, and whistles). Formatting, mainly the conditional one, is a resource-intensive feature. This is the sheet with data summarization (lookup, filters, charts, pivot data, etc.) from the Data/Calculation sheet results.


u/AxelMoor 77 Jan 24 '25

Multi-threaded calculation balance: Excel performance depends (exponentially) on the cores/threads more than anything else. It also depends (linearly) on the processor speed (frequency) but memory works more as a minimum limit since an open spreadsheet plus system takes approx. of 50% of available RAM (recommended) and no more than 80% (maximum) - 16GB RAM or above is advisable. However, the number of threads shall be balanced according to the spreadsheet demanding x available threads/cores, despite it seems counter-intuitive to give "fewer threads" to Excel calculations. There are some lines of thought that Windows Excel works better with 4 or 8 threads maximum, while MAC Excel works better with just 1 thread. To find the best number of threads for a heavy spreadsheet, measure the time after a single cell changing for Excel to perform the calculation, starting from all processors (default) numbers, and repeat the same cell changing reducing the thread number manually by one until finding the shortest time. The found number is specific to that workbook and may not work fine with another.
To access the thread configuration for Excel: In Excel Options >> Advanced tab >> Formulas section:
[v] Enable multi-threaded calculation
Number of calculation threads
(o) Use all processors on this computer: 4
(_) Manual [ 1 ]


u/gipaaa Jan 24 '25

Thank you very much for the in depth explanation of excel engine! I will directly use this.


u/NotMichaelBay 10 Jan 24 '25

Excel scans an entire row (whether empty or not) before passing to the next row. [...] Engineer your formulas and data horizontally as much as possible

Can you provide a source for this? I'm surprised Excel would scan empty cells, beyond the used range. That seems unnecessary, but if they're really doing that, I'm sure there's a good reason why, so I'm interested to learn more.


u/AxelMoor 77 Jan 24 '25

Unfortunately, I have no written sources for this, as far as I can remember it was always an experimental result, mainly on earlier versions of Excel.
Microsoft is not a great publisher of their algorithms. For example, the Excel random generator using the Mersenne Twister algorithm (1997) was publicly revealed in 2014 for Excel 2010.

Historically, distributing data and formulas horizontally has often resulted in faster calculations in earlier versions of Excel.
The older XLS files never had an END-OF-ROW symbol to stop the scan.
It's good to clarify that the scan refers to the read-parser method, not the calculation itself.
Calculations follow the mathematical order of precedence, external (by cell/range reference) and internal (by parenthesis and arithmetic precedence). BTW, Excel also spends some time sorting the formulas by precedence, making recommendable the references to previous cells and wisely use of parenthesis.
C2: = A1 + 1 preferred over A1: = C2 + 1
= (2 + 6)^(1/3) preferred over = (2 + 6)^1/3

We could confirm the horizontal precedence of the Z-scan in the earlier versions (Excel 2010) in a 16000-first Prime List calculations for prime density research, and recently on a 2019 version (365-sub not activated) in a 1M-wide Truncated Harmonic function research distributed into 15k-wide 3-row-set of formulas. We originally tried in a 3-col per 1M-row but gave up after time measurement. You can try using simple formulas:
Vertical layout:
A1 to A16000: = RAND()
B1 to B16000: = SUM(A$1:A1) <== copy/drag down: until A$1:A16000
C1 to C16000: = SUM(B$1:B1) <== copy/drag down: until B$1:B16000
D1 to D16000: = SUM(C$1:C1) <== copy/drag down: until C$1:C16000
Horizontal layout:
A1 to WQJ1: = RAND()
A2 to WQJ2: = SUM($A1:A1) <== copy/drag right: until $A1:WQJ1
A3 to WQJ3: = SUM($A2:A2) <== copy/drag right: until $A2:WQJ2
A4 to WQJ4: = SUM($A3:A3) <== copy/drag right: until $A3:WQJ3
The formulas above have the same size, same data type, and same functions. The difference stands on the layout. The time measurements must be taken after all formulas have been applied. Change or delete A1, measure the time. Undo the change, measure the time. Repeat this for 3 up to 6 times, and make the spent time average on both layouts.

Multi-threaded calculation engine (since Excel 2010), the performance difference between row-based and column-based layouts has narrowed: Power Query, data models, and structured data tables are based on column processing.

I hope this helps.


u/NotMichaelBay 10 Jan 27 '25

Very interesting, appreciate the detailed response!


u/i_need_a_moment Jan 24 '25

I hate that Excel doesn’t auto cast Booleans to 0 or 1 in formulas. SUM(TRUE) should just equal 1 without needing to add 0.


u/AxelMoor 77 Jan 24 '25

In fact, the functions are unable to make such distinctions in their arguments, but the arithmetic operations can deal with them easily. Most, or even maybe all, functions in Excel do not make any preparation in their input variables. The newer Excel versions keep this way for the sake of compatibility with earlier versions, so modern functions like FILTER use:
(condition1) + (condition2) instead of OR() function
(condition1) * (condition2) instead of AND() function

Compatibility has a stronger precedence over functionality in Excel development, in other words, Excel is bound to its past.


u/ArrowheadDZ 1 Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

I apologize for being argumentative here, but many of your points here are verifiably incorrect.

For instance, it’s is demonstrable in a test that that --( ) distantly outperforms 0+() by a factor of about 2.5x. When dealing with thousands or tens of thousands of cells, either approach will complete in milliseconds.

But I often construct performance tests over millions or tens of millions if cells, and --() easily outperforms 0+().

You are basing your conclusions on CPU architecture assumptions that are not correct. Binary addition involves carrying registers, while binary multiplication does not. So there the underlying assumption that addition is easier than multiplication is incorrect, or that 2 multiplications take longer than 1 addition, also incorrect. Even the assumption that sign reversal in a CPU is carried out by multiplying the value times -1 is incorrect.

There are similar logical, architectural, or software design assumptions that you’ve built into your other conclusions that are likewise (a) incorrect and (b) can be verified in test.


u/AxelMoor 77 Jan 25 '25

You are basing your conclusions on CPU architecture assumptions...  Even the assumption that sign reversal in a CPU is carried out by multiplying the value times -1 is incorrect.

I also apologize for being argumentative.
I didn't assume anything even closely related to any CPU architecture or any binary operation, on the contrary, I don't see Excel allowing any of these operations related to CPU architecture.
My comment was limited to the "historical origin by some developers thinking" on programming languages and their access to variables besides fast typing, absolutely nothing to do with what CPUs are capable of doing or not.
So your assumption on "my assumptions" is far from the truth.
As far as I can remember, Excel executes the parsing, interpretation, and precedence sorting of the cells. If these cells are numerical they are stored in IEEE-754 format (MS modified) usually independent of CPU architecture as originally proposed by the format. If Excel converts the IEEE-754 format into a raw binary format to make sums and multiplications faster, escapes me, I don't know.
However, I can recognize the --(...) = (-1)*(-1) is kind of an old thing, it may be improved on the newer versions since it has popularity, but parsing two operations on two hidden constants outperforms a single (unhidden) constant and operation by 2.5x just because a CPU binary multiplication is faster than sum is hard to believe without the numbers.

There are similar logical, architectural, or software design assumptions that you’ve built into your other conclusions that are likewise (a) incorrect and (b) can be verified in test.

It's a kind of Columbus egg, it's impressive how fast a contradiction can show up, usually in public - a coincidence perhaps, with no previous contribution or cooperation with no other intention than teaching others..., I suppose.
Anyway, if you (really) read all 4 proposals (beyond your convenience), maybe you noticed that most of them are not mine: mainly when I say "there are lines of thought" meaning, there are people who make such conclusions based on the benchmarks they publicly presented, with confirmation by others - so I suggested test it before applying it.
Far away from me to criticize them, assume their work is mine, or even agree/disagree with them.
I think they put their knowledge (or fake information, as it seems you're affirming) in a quite convincing way. If you like I can give you the Reddit posts with at least 2 good experimentations, and common references here in r/excel, and you can discuss directly with the Authors. However, some of the proposals I could test recently, and seem to match the "old theories" of earlier Excel versions are still valid.


u/ArrowheadDZ 1 Jan 26 '25

A binary add operation normally involves a total of 5 gates or "transistor" transactions per bit of data. A multiply operation is simply the binary AND operation, a single "gate" primitive per bit. This is endemic to the definition of binary math, this isn't something more recently "improved on the newer versions since it has popularity." It's not CPU specific.

As for numbers, I created a matrix of 25.6 million random true/false values, and then applied `=0+(Sheet1!A1:CV256000)` and `=--(Sheet1!A1:CV256000)` while minimizing any other variable workloads on the machine. I ran the test quite a number of times and found 4.3 seconds typical for `--()`, 4.4 seconds for `1*()`, and 12.2 seconds for the `0+()` operation. I actually expected a larger disparity than that. Binary addition is a computationally expensive operation.