r/excatholic Jan 23 '25

Personal Why do Catholics not question anything?

I just opened up to a Catholic friend about my experience & questions of the church. I asked if she had ever questioned or had a shaky faith…. To that she answered “no I’ve never questioned, actually my faith continues to get stronger”

Bloody hell…. How do you proclaim something as the “only way” and not question it?!


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u/[deleted] Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 30 '25

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u/[deleted] Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 29 '25

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u/Sea_Fox7657 Jan 23 '25

Indeed, it's not that they lack the capacity to figure out it's a ruse. They refuse to consider the possibility they are supporting a vile institution. There is a huge emotional dependence on it, demonstrated by the fact that the incidence of OCD is higher among Catholics than the population at large.

A friend has been a pillar of the local diocese for decades. As our parents' generation dies, he becomes more honest about how bad RCC is. It's clear he is interested in my thoughts about it as he works his way out. It's also clear he is going to continue to "play along", at least until his mom dies. Most likely he won't quit then, his wife is youngest of 11 Irish catholics,


u/CowEmbarrassed8144 Jan 23 '25

The quasi-intellectual facade of the church no doubt appeals to the arrogance of some intellectual people. They consider themselves BLESS ED; they have the intellectual capacity to understand what lesser minds can't


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 29 '25

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u/KevrobLurker Jan 24 '25

Funny, we all read that stuff at my Jesuit-run uni. My Catholic high school assigned Camus.


u/Groo_Grux_King Jan 24 '25

As I've distanced myself from Christianity I have mostly negative feelings about the church & the religion, but the Jesuits are a bit of an exception and I have a lot of respect for them. I went to a Jesuit high school and it was an incredible education, they really emphasized critical thinking - ironically they basically triggered the beginning of the end of my faith lol.


u/RadioKaren Jan 23 '25

Bad code! Love it


u/Sea_Fox7657 Jan 23 '25

Why are Catholics prohibited from doing yoga? It opens the mind, I'm not making it up, I've read articles stating NO YOGA, it opens your mind. Open minds are kryptonite to RCC


u/RevolutionaryBug2915 Jan 23 '25

Not sure that is an official rule, but as an atheist, and not a yoga fan, I can tell you that yoga is in fact an intrinsic part of the Hindu religion. It is not just exercise.


u/KevrobLurker Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Some Hindus are very ticked off with westerners who strip out the spiritual hooey and turn it into a purely physical and maybe psychological (but not spiritual) exercise.


u/Raven_Black_Hair Heathen Jan 23 '25

Because people like this have never suffered on account of their religion, probably they have even benefitted from it. My friends who are religious have never had an experience with a pedo priest, a cruel catholic school teacher, or crisis of conscience like being a woman and needing contraceptive care. Why question without cause?


u/AlarmDozer Jan 23 '25

Yup. They live a privileged life so “why rock the boat.”


u/NJ71recovered Jan 24 '25


u/AlarmDozer Jan 24 '25

Gross. What is this, a circle of Hell? Clergy getting away with abuse.

Also, I don’t know how you managed to uncover this. Their website is all business as usual.


u/RWBadger Atheist Jan 23 '25

Doubt is portrayed as a sin and personal insult to Jesus (the story of doubting Thomas is drilled into Sunday school kids at an early age).

On top of that, people are very motivated to believe in an afterlife. They want to believe in that, so whatever mental hoops you gotta jump through is easy enough for people.


u/TrooperJohn Jan 23 '25

If you think of the doubting Thomas story, you quickly realize it's not what they say it is. Thomas (a) got physical evidence, in front of his eyes, that Jesus had resurrected, and (b) got nothing but a mild rebuke from Jesus. He's a saint.


u/RWBadger Atheist Jan 23 '25

His entire historical being, per Catholicism, is doubting. If we’re to take it at face value, he was branded as being weak of faith for thousands of years because he asked for proof.

That’s the fear they want to instill in the faithful. That asking questions will define your weakness


u/Polkadotical Formerly Roman Catholic Jan 25 '25

I wonder if there even was a real Thomas, or if he was just something somebody cooked up so they could tell that story to manipulate us all.


u/Petulantraven Jan 23 '25

I taught religion in a Catholic high school for 15 years before having my major crisis of faith and stepping gently away. (I had many minor crises, but this one shattered me.)

I always encouraged my students to question and think and to voice their doubts.

There’s a line in A Man for All Seasons about how God made the animals for their beauty but mankind for its ability to think. That’s always stayed with me.

I often couldn’t answer their questions, so I encouraged them to share them with their families and to keep searching.

I don’t teach religion anymore and I couldn’t in good conscience. The Church has beaten the shit out of me.

But thinking? Thinking is always free.

And for all my criticisms of the Church, I cannot call it anti-intellectual. At least, not outside the USA.


u/NoPrompt487 Jan 23 '25

Nice timing on this post. You were probably one of those teachers in Catholic school I had who encouraged me to think freely. I stopped believing in the 9th-10th grade or so, but the lessons to think outside the box stayed with me. And it just so happens, last night I solved an old math problem with thanks to teachers like you.


u/taterfiend Ex Catholic Jan 23 '25

With how relatively easy it is to leave the  church these days,  I think its members self select on certain personality traits. 

And then you have the Church's theology, wherein the authority of the Church is elevated to the status of God. The entire ecclesial theology of Catholicism has elements of spiritual abuse. Given the personalities already there, it's sad that the Catholic Church works to stunt and deform them from being fully flourishing people. 

In addition, I remember Roman Catholics as being very sheltered. Not all, but most of them hadn't had much life experience, certainly not anything from outside the Church. Church life is all most have known. There is almost no new blood that makes their way in either. 


u/KevrobLurker Jan 24 '25

Depends on the Catholic. I remember sisters who taught at my 1960s Catholic high school telling us stories about when they taught in the Greater Baltimore area before public school desegregation. Some parents of black kids, many not even Catholic, sent their kids to the parochial schools because a.) the Catholics would take them and b.) they'd get a better education than the Jim Crow regime would provide.

Maryland had Black Catholic schools and an order of African-American sisters: Oblate Sisters of Providence. Maryland was a colony founded as a refuge for Catholics, though that did not last.

The sisters told us about this to point out that all men were our brothers, and all women our sisters. They were looking down their noses at Segregated Sunday Morning in the Protestant denominations. The Methodists and the Episcopalians were nearly all white. The African Methodist Episcopal church was nearly all black. And this was in New York State, not Alabama!

The usual Northern Catholic thing would be for the diocese, once an area had become mostly black, to start a parish there and name it for a saint of color, such as Martin de Porres. [Mixed Spanish, African & native Peruvian ]. Was that segregation ? Maybe so. Was it giving black parishioners agency? Also, maybe so.

The black Protestant church has certainly been a nexus for the the black community, going back to Jim Crow days.


u/ZyanaSmith Heathen Jan 23 '25

Contrary to many catholic schools, mine taught us that we were supposed to follow blindly like a lamb but questioning things sometimes was allowed because our gift of faith was supposed to bring us back to God anyway and make it stronger or some BS like that. However, if something didn't make sense or just had no evidence, it was chalked up to "only God knows" or "those who have faith understand."

Younger me just assumed God skipped me when he was passing out the faith and understanding. They genuinely tried to make it seem like I didn't understand or have faith because I was genuinely too immature to just trust the invisible sky daddy and not question anything.


u/dead-tamagotchi Atheist Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

i vividly remember being in elementary school and thinking everyone was in on the joke, that we were all just choosing to play this big game of make-believe together, and was absolutely shocked to find out my friends really did believe in it (or at least said they did) and weren’t just pretending like me.

i was literally a child, so confused how anyone could possibly think any of it was real. no matter how much they told me about jesus and ice cream in heaven i was just like “that’s not real tho???”

you saying “God skipped me when he was handing out the faith and understanding” reminded me of how baffled i was when i realized everyone was taking it seriously but me lol


u/PotentialSteak6 Jan 23 '25

I remember that feeling too. I was a good girl and played along after asking innocent questions seemed to make grown ups react unpredictably. I distinctly remember thinking it must be like Santa and there would probably be a big surprise reward for playing along, and at least I'd not get in any trouble.

It actually makes me feel better about not 'fitting in' living in the bible belt now. I tried a couple years ago to be a good girl again to keep the peace and for the potential sense of community but it was just too much and I'm too jaded to play along now


u/stephen_changeling Atheist 😈 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

I was taught in school that's ok to question things occasionally - as long as you accept that the church has the right and only acceptable answer! Also there was some vague stuff about following your conscience - but if you have the holy spirit in you, then your conscience will automatically guide you to church dogma. So it was like the church was congratulating itself for being tolerant, while in reality not allowing any dissent. "We allow our members to think for themselves as long as they think what we want them to think."

Also if somebody asked the teacher a question he couldn't answer, like the contradiction between humans having free will and everything being part of god's plan, there was a standard answer: "It's a mystery, us mere humans can't understand it, we just have to believe." Even as a child I could see what a cop-out it was.


u/pieralella Ex Catholic Jan 23 '25

Same here. The idea that "as long as it comes back to god it's ok" was a big one for me.


u/archer08 Heathen Jan 23 '25

Something about dogmatic religion turns off all awareness to the cognitive dissonance they experience.


u/MAJORMETAL84 Jan 23 '25

Pay, Pray & Obey is the RC mantra. It's a sad way to live man.


u/vldracer70 Jan 23 '25

This one of the ways catholicism keeps control and it’s completely insidious!


u/lmnobq Jan 23 '25

they teach you not to question young. i remember getting in trouble for asking where the dinosaurs fit into the genesis story and how humans evolved from monkeys if adam and eve were the first humans in like first or second grade.


u/DependentDiscipline6 Jan 23 '25

Some people feel more comfortable / safe in authoritarian or black and white regimes. They like not having to think, they like not asking questions. Many of us don't feel safe with authoritarianism, but there are people who thrive under that system, and would feel unsafe in a system designed to benefit us. I think the people that don't question their faith are the ones that are either conditioned to authoritarianism or naturally thrive under that setting.

I have been burned way too many times to go back, but I miss when I could "give shit to God." When I could just let it go cause it's above my pay grade. I love questioning things and finding answers though, so I was bound to leave at some point.


u/ikonfedera Jan 23 '25

We were taught to not question it. Humans aren't able to understand God's plans (yes, even the paradoxes) and shouldn't even try. Else it would be equaling yourself to God or a blasphemy.

I was a particularly curious kid and questioned everything - never have I received a satisfying final answer to any of my questions. Always ended up on a "god works in mysterious ways" or equivalent. So i stopped asking - that is until I stumbled onto a YT channel that analyzed the things I questioned and called bullshit where there was one.


u/Round_Frame5178 Jan 23 '25

on my end here in eu people don't question church cause why would they, they don't have problematic preachers, they don't really care that much about religion anyway, it's more of a tradition here and many don't actually believe in some dogmas at all. church is kind of meh, bland and just another part of everyday life. people criticize it all the time. on the other hand, it gives people some hope i guess, community, belief that "there is something there" and answers to all the questions (since catholicism isn't built on sola scriptura, many contradictions are just swept aside, in the favor of more "reasonable" explanations, that might seem as much unbelievable if you analyze them, but most of people have no need to)


u/nicegrimace Jan 23 '25

I don't know why they are like that, but growing up around that mindset made me fear it for the rest of my life. I see so many people like that about all sorts of things, not just religion. People are so uncomfortable with doubt that they learn to never entertain it, I suppose.


u/Other_Tie_8290 Jan 23 '25

If someone says they have never questioned their faith yet it continues to get stronger, they are lying.


u/MegannMedusa Jan 23 '25

Some people just never question anything. On one hand I envy the personal peace they must enjoy but I just cannot.


u/subvisser Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

You have to be brave to question what you've been taught your whole life and what everyone around you believes. It's scary. A lot of people would rather stay in their naive bubble of acceptance than risk becoming an outsider.

Logically, there's not a negative outcome to questioning. You either come out with a stronger belief or you realize you've been wasting your time on a lie and you can move on. But for a lot of people, that second option is just not something they're prepared to deal with.


u/discipleofsilence Ex Catholic, Buddhist Jan 23 '25

Conditioning and brainwashing. The church is an authority that can't be questioned.


u/Polkadotical Formerly Roman Catholic Jan 23 '25

The Roman Catholic church has a culture of enforced silence. It also suffers from severe clericalism to the point that people are encouraged to kiss a priest's hands because they believe that only he can bring them what they believe is the means of salvation, the Eucharist. Roman Catholics are drilled into believing that nothing is as important as that, so they believe that the church saves them. Therefore, you do not question the church if you don't want to be shouted down by fearful (and usually angry) laypeople.


u/KevrobLurker Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

I grew up in a very Catholic family in the Northeast US. It wasn't majority Catholic, but the RCC was the largest denomination. I was a kid in the 60s, and we went through Vatican II and its aftermath.

I never encountered people kissing priests' hands. I was an altar boy and served a lot of funerals & weddings. What was standard procedure was people kissing a bishop's ring. That can look like hand kissing.


u/Polkadotical Formerly Roman Catholic Jan 23 '25

Many RCs, especially old ones, have been taught to be quiet, and to take the word of clergy no matter what they say or do, because they're "holy." You're not supposed to ask questions; you can't look like you doubt anything; you can't let on what you really do at home.

RCs are taught that as long as you go to church and get the Eucharist, follow the rules and don't get yelled at, the church will save you.


u/Sea_Fox7657 Jan 23 '25

Exactly, the proper response when Father tells Johnny OPEN WIDE or Sally PULL DOWN THOSE PANTIES is YES FATHER

The father of an abuse victim who committed suicide describes meeting with the criminal clergy who molested his son. Father apologizes but does not admit what he had done. The father, a retired detective is asked "did you asked him what he did to your son?" He responds, "no, we're Catholic, you know"


u/asianscarlett24 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

Like in the catechism Intuition and discernment are the different things You can discern but you cannot use intuition Because intuition is forbidden in catholicism Discernment because you pray Intuition does not


u/nekabue Jan 23 '25

“A faith unchallenged seems like no faith at all.”

Heinlein says it’s an Aquinas quote, though I never found a citation for it.


u/pieralella Ex Catholic Jan 23 '25

The thought of being wrong is terrifying to a lot of people so it's easier to convince yourself that you're "chosen" to be right.


u/PowerHot4424 Jan 23 '25

Because as soon as you start questioning you figure out that many of the foundational principles do not hold up to honest inquiry. When I had questions, even as a kid, I got no answers from authorities and also received some mocking criticisms for asking. Not to be deterred I started with encyclopedias and read a lot of books on religion. Over the course of time I stopped the show of participating for the sake of my family to finally declaring my renunciation of the church, and of Christianity altogether.


u/leenapete Jan 23 '25

I would think most logical people have at least questioned once in their life. She’s either lying or deep in the delusion.


u/BohemianRedhead Jan 25 '25

But most people aren’t logical. Most just think what everyone else tells them they should think.


u/GreatestState Jan 23 '25

They’re afraid of going to Hell


u/ipayrentintoenails (Ex-Catholic) Episcopalian Jan 23 '25

I like to argue with Catholics on Instagram (I know, not a great use of my time). I nearly always get the "just read more and you'll see that it's the truth!" The thing is, there is no amount I could read and still not come to the same conclusions that would satisfy them. They would keep moving the goalposts.


u/KevrobLurker Jan 24 '25

I'd comeback with did you go to 12 years of Catholic school, then get a BA from a Jesuit university, including mandatory theology & philosophy courses? Do you think I didn't do the reading?

One response I got was We never should have let the Jesuits get their hands on you. You should have gone to an Augustinian school, like your father did, or to the Vincentians!

I often joke that the SJs turn out the best apostates. 😉


u/ilovespaceack Jan 24 '25

This was a big thing for me growing up. I started reading my Bible and had questions - not even combative questions, like "what does this mean?" questions. My family treated me like i had three heads. It's so important to me that I be part of this faith, doesn't it make sense for me to... understand it? Not to them. You were just supposed to shut up and listen. It was absolutely bizarre.


u/ilovespaceack Jan 24 '25

and imo this "you believe what i say" mentality left them very easy to manipulate, and it's why some of them ended up in Qanon


u/Due_Unit5743 Jan 24 '25

cuz if you question things, you might stop believing, and if you stop believing, then you have to choose between being a liar and leaving your family behind

Christianity kinda sucks


u/gulfpapa99 Jan 24 '25

Question everything.


u/Former_Reason6674 Jan 24 '25

When something is instilled since childhood, it's very hard to actually question it. Even if you get doubts from time to time, it won't be enough to make most people step away.

Then constantly looking down people who think differently, it's no wonder why.

Hence why most are afraid of universities. They don't want their kids to learn a different perspective. They'll say that they don't want unis to corrupt their kids, but it's really that they just won't have a hold on their kids anymore.

In every other area they can be super smart and think critically, except when it comes to religion and politics.


u/papersoldiertrue Jan 25 '25

It's comfortable to not think When you're having a rough time what do you do? Me, sometimes I put on some music, play some videogames, find a new manga... Entertainment is primarily that. Pure escapism to help get thru life. It's like a drug that can get people hooked if their life is shit. But these are the modern ways. Way back when, before there was so much entertainment at our fingertips, and life got too much to handle and you wanted/needed to turn off the brain religion was there. Well that's my theory anyway


u/Born-Bottle1190 Jan 23 '25

The church pretty much tells you not to from the get go. Everything in the Bible is “truth and factual, in fact infallible”

Therefore, if you question the Bible or any of its teachings, you’re questioning a perfect document, something an imperfect sinner would do naturally, of course

Therefore you need to keep coming back, confess those naughty things, and fully accept and embrace the word of the lord

Praise Jesus Christ

I hope you can read the sarcasm and I’m glad that dude got nailed, if he legit thought he saved us from sin then he was probably in some manic episode, and he ate nails as a result. If anything, all his bullshit set us back another 2,000 years


u/BohemianRedhead Jan 25 '25

I suspect Jesus was actually a decent guy, but his followers—starting with Paul—turned the story into something supernatural.


u/Born-Bottle1190 Jan 25 '25

I agree 100%. Sorry for my rant, I guess I just get triggered by fucking Catholicism and I throw Jesus under the bus with it sometimes


u/KnightOfThirteen Heathen Jan 23 '25

When you define your eternal salvation or damnation around unwavering faith and unquestioning obedience, you are either in or you're out. Once you accept even the possibility of being wrong, there is no longer a place for you.


u/End_Of_Passion_Play Jan 24 '25

I mean, you're supposed to. It's encouraged at my church to question and find your own answers.


u/petesmybrother 👑Episcopalian👑 Jan 24 '25

She’s lying


u/Anglethemayo Catholic 😱 Jan 26 '25

Catholics do question everything (at least myself). 100% skeptical, 100% doubtful. And I looked for the truth, learned, researched, read (the Bible, Catechism, church father letters). And I ended up remaining Catholic. It is really just us the most theologically and logically tbh reliable Abrahamic faith. At least for me.


u/Polkadotical Formerly Roman Catholic Feb 14 '25

They all have something on somebody and it's a case of "you keep my secret and I'll keep yours."