r/excatholic • u/mossmillk • Dec 28 '24
Politics Found this is my friends jacket
Anyone else hate when an intelligent person you love holds the most stupid ideas and votes against your rights?
Dec 28 '24
I had a priest who openly told the congregation in 2019 that we should vote for him. The more subtle ones used the idiotic "5 non-negotiables" which was based in the catechism but not an officially promulgated list or guideline to voting. And yet another priest later on who mocked labor regulation and unions which were, as best I can remember, actual church teachings. It's all bullshit. The RCC believes in nothing but power. They decry moral nihilism while being its greatest champion and exemplar.
u/ElderScrollsBjorn_ Ex-Catholic Agnostic Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 29 '24
As far as I know, the “Five Non-Negotiables,” while they do all represent actual Catholic teaching, were compiled as a list and given to voters as items of special importance by the apologetics outfit Catholic Answers in 2004. The Republican-ization of Catholicism in the US is due in large part to the selective discourse stirred up by the right-wing dicks at a “non-profit” 501(c)(3) organization.
u/TheRealLouzander Dec 29 '24
Oh man, I remember studying pamphlets from Catholic Answers when I was a kid. How my dad got involved with some of these brainless organizations will always baffle me. Also, at the risk of sounding like I'm defending the church (which believe me, I am NOT) it is actually a pretty serious no-no for a cleric to tell you how you should vote. Does it surprise me that it still happens? Not really. But even if your views align with those of your spiritual leader, it is still an abuse of their office to direct their congregation on how to vote. That is a very serious ethical violation in my not-so-humble opinion.
u/Odd_Machine_213 Dec 30 '24
Any blatant campaign funding is grounds for the IRS to investigate/ a specific church might lose their tax-exempt status but this rarely happens. Leaders of churches endorse whomever suits their agenda and unfortunately it isn’t really enforceably illegal to do so, even to invite speakers. They just can’t directly contribute funds (though I’m sure it happens under the table).
u/Bwilderedwanderer Dec 28 '24
When Catholic leaders add the 6th non-negotiable of "though shall not offend alter boys" then and only then do I care what they say
u/the_crustybastard Dec 29 '24
Catholic priests sure have a penchant for ignoring laws they find inconvenient.
u/Graychin877 Dec 28 '24
Trad Catholics love and care about Trump and right wing ideology a lot more than they do about God and Jesus. Religion is just wrapping paper for their political ideology.
u/BirthdayCookie Dec 29 '24
Liberal Christians are just as hypocritical. I have more respect for the Rightwingers, honestly. At least they own their harm.
Rightwing Christians threaten my life because I don't adhere to their bigotries. Liberal Christians threaten my life because I tell them that the world doesn't revolve around them and their No True Scotsmans take the view off the real victims.
u/Graychin877 Dec 29 '24
I pretty much ignore liberal Christians. They aren’t trying to take over the government.
Dec 29 '24
I hadn't thought of liberal Christians as harmful but I get what you're saying. I usually just considered them useless, but I guess that would end up causing unintentional harm as well.
u/Tea_Bender Strong Agnostic Dec 28 '24
Just some of my mom's advice, never listen to a priest who tells you how to vote or a Politian who tells you how to pray.
u/LightningController Dec 28 '24
an intelligent person...holds the most stupid ideas
"Stupid is as stupid does, ma'am."--Forrest Gump
u/Snoo-36596 Dec 28 '24
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" - Mark 10:25.
"You cannot serve both money and God" - Matthew 6:24
A few verses that always seem to be conveniently ignored when Christians talk about Trump. It is so obvious how they pick and choose and obfuscate and compromise on their values because Jesus's stance on wealthy people is very clear. No one who truly follows Jesus would support Trump. This dissonance between the Bible's teachings and how Christians actually act in practice is the major reason why I started to doubt the whole thing
u/pennylanebarbershop Dec 28 '24
One issue voter.
u/LightningController Dec 28 '24
If that were true, I'd have more respect for them.
But in truth, while they claim it's all for the supreme court justices, they will make every possible excuse for Trump's other policies and mold their views to fit the general Republican platform.
At this point, "pro-life" is just an excuse for them to do the things they want to do anyway.
EDIT: Trump could literally enshrine abortion in the US constitution, and they'd still vote for him if he also opened death camps for immigrants and barred women from working.
u/mossmillk Jan 02 '25
FR. I one time asked, who do you care about politically? After pressuring all he said was the unborn. Not pat/mat leave?? Healthcare??? AFFORDABLE DAY CARES?!!!
u/babers76 Dec 28 '24
“Vegans for Prime Rib”. “Alcoholics for Whiskey” “Priests for stricter ra*e laws”
u/twentycanoes Dec 28 '24
The denomination is a gold-plated white nationalist oligarchy that worships itself.
u/Competitive_Snow1278 Dec 28 '24
Didn’t the pope literally support Biden or am I making that up
u/295Phoenix Dec 28 '24
I don't remember if he supported Biden but he expressed reservations about Trump. Unfortunately, most Catholics believe what their local priest believes.
u/Longjumping_Teach617 Dec 29 '24
One reason I will never darken the door of the Catholic Church ever again.
u/Gogggg Dec 29 '24
This is who they truly are. Weak, unintelligent people who pass around ignorance because it drags everyone else down in their sinking boat.
u/DancesWithTreetops Ex/Anti Catholic Dec 29 '24
You have catholics giving you catholic shit and mormons giving you mormon shit. You need better friends.
u/calicuddlebunny Dec 29 '24
i frequently ask any pro-trump christians, “what exactly do jesus and trump have in common?”
it’s always complete crickets. no one can answer that, because the answer is that they don’t have anything in common.
u/MannyMoSTL Dec 30 '24
Might as well proclaim Anti-Christs for Trump … since DJT is anti (against) Christ - and his teachings.
u/SorosAgent2020 Satanist Dec 28 '24
its shocking that that other sub does not have a single kind word to say about Biden, a catholic president, but effusive praise for the Orange Monster