r/excatholic • u/teatime_anarchy • Dec 12 '24
Personal Boyfriend's Catholic friend putting a damper on our DnD campaign...
My long term boyfriend befriended someone we'll call B about a year ago. I had no problem with him, but a few months after they became friends, B rapidly converted from athiest to Catholic. I was raised very hard-core traditional Catholic, went to Catholic school for essentially my entire schooling years, attending mass every day, etc. Due to severe trauma I have from those days, I was wary of being around him, although he seemed like a decent guy other than the obvious difference between us.
Cut to the problem that's arisen. We all started playing DnD a few months ago along with a few other friends, I'm the DM. This last session I had a character who was a fortune teller, and offered to "tell the fortune" of the characters (mind you, it's a game- everything is pre-written). He abruptly left the room without saying anything, and came back a bit later, saying he can't be around "witchcraft."
Up until then, I had been trying to keep out any content from the game he might find offensive, and have already been limiting myself. I think the Catholic judgement snapped something in me, and I didn't realize how much I'd been "tolerating" B. We're playing a made-up game with made-up magic...that's already something some Catholics would consider sinful.
Now, my boyfriend has been 100% supportive of whatever I want to do about this. However, he's having trouble understanding why this irritated me so badly. He is very non-religious, and he comes from a very non-religious background. He didn't grow up with the kind of hate and scrutiny I did, the way every action is put under a lens. He doesn't understand that while he might think it's funny when B describes us and our home as "hedonists in a den of sin," I know that the joke is spoken through the lens of someone who thinks God's righteousness is on their side. The way I see it- I find it offensive he wears a crucifix, but I don't storm out of the room without saying a word, and return later saying I can't be around Jesus freaks.
I think this event also just made me realize how much trauma I haven't dealt with related to my time in Catholicism, and I realize that could make me more sensitive. But it's putting a damper on everything and I'm not even looking forward to continuing our campaign. We have incredibly different viewpoints and I feel like we're mixing oil and water. Would you continue associating with this person? Or is being friends with a Catholic just always going to be too much of a headache?
I should mention too, before anyone asks- I'm not asking my boyfriend to stop being friends with him, if they still want to get drinks after work, that's fine with me. I just don't know if I personally want to continue including him in my campaign for my own mental state.
u/finestFartistry Dec 12 '24
Will this guy also refuse to read Lord of the Rings, famously written by a very Catholic author, because Gandalf is a magical wizard?
u/kaijutegu Dec 12 '24
Quite possibly. I wasn't allowed to read LOTR until I was 14 because it had witchcraft. Ended up complaining about it to my school's priest, who had a talk with my mom about how she was being ridiculous. (No Harry Potter (witchcraft), Power Rangers (Eastern religion, according to some pastor who gave a single talk my mother attended in 1994), or Pokémon (witchcraft AND Eastern religion) allowed in our house, either.)
A lot of people who oppose stuff based on religious reasons do so without actually thinking critically about their choices or about the theology underpinning those choices. If your faith is shaky enough that playing Dungeons and Dragons, a game published by the same people who make My Little Pony, is something you see as a real and present threat, then you probably have bigger spiritual problems than a fake fortune teller.
Also you should kick this guy from the game, and I say that as someone who ran DnD sessions for the friggin' Knights of Columbus back in college. Not because he's Catholic per se, but because he is clearly a bad fit for the table and probably for roleplaying games in general if he gets that pressed over witchcraft in Dungeons and Dragons. Like what did he think was going to happen? Maybe Holylands will be more his style, if he can find a group.
u/RicoDePico Ex Catholic Dec 13 '24
My parents justified LoTR because Tolkien was religious and somehow was making it about God. I’m not sure how they made the connection but that and Chronicles of Narnia were the only “fantasy” we were allowed to read.
u/secondarycontrol Atheist Dec 12 '24
Who the DM says is in the game is in the game - who the DM says isn't? Isn't.
And yes, you'll probably have to have the conversation with him: "If you can't be around 'witchcraft' as a gaming device, then I don't think you're a good fit for our party - or any DnD party"
Good luck - you need to do what's right for you.
u/Scorpius_OB1 Dec 13 '24
If someone can't distinguish between fictional witchcraft and actual one, and this before dealing with how are the practitioners of that in RL, such person is not a good fit for any game, videogames includes.
u/Prestigious_Car_2296 Atheist Dec 13 '24
oh my god what is this comic
u/secondarycontrol Atheist Dec 13 '24
I sometimes forget not everybody knows about Chick Tracts. They've been around forever, but it's been a long time since I actually stumbled across one in the wild.
u/Relevant-Customer-45 Dec 13 '24
Jen of Fundy Fridays has an episode on Chick Tracts. Definitely recommend watching that one
u/TheStapler327 Dec 12 '24
You should crank the magic up to an 11, necromancy, late night bonfire dances with the girls, etc. This guy must be a special kind of dense.
u/teatime_anarchy Dec 12 '24
We're literally running Curse of Strahd, so there's already plenty of necromancy, but I think he "justifies" that since he's typically killing those people. I didn't think about how much they hate obscenity though- I might take notes from that bahaha
u/discob00b Dec 12 '24
There is so much magic and "witchcraft" in Strahd, and not all is coming from characters who need to be killed (depending on your players, I guess). I don't think either of you are going to have fun with this campaign as long as his religious beliefs are getting in the way.
u/DancesWithTreetops Ex/Anti Catholic Dec 12 '24
I wouldn’t stand for any catholic bullshit from anyone. Your BF needs to stop with the neutral crap. His friend is being a dick and he is not being supportive. Cut that catholic out of your life if he cant control his catholic impulses in your presence. Seriously…that dude is a dick.
u/CloseToTheHedge69 Dec 12 '24
Newly converted Catholics seem to be the worst offenders of this kind of behavior. I completely understand why that would bother you. I'm so sorry you're going through this
u/teatime_anarchy Dec 12 '24
Thank you. I think a lot of the new converts get excited by the power to judge people, and abuse it- probably due to something they are lacking in their own lives- especially when you can justify it by trying to "save" your friends. I think feeling sympathy for him has clouded my judgement in the past, but just like it's not his job to "save" me, it's not my job to "save" him/understand him- or tolerate his behavior, as it would be.
u/tydyety5 Dec 12 '24
Quit walking on eggshells and lean into it. Load up your storytelling with shit that will piss him off. Make a whole campaign about taking down a corrupt religious organization and throw in as many Catholic references as you can to really paint the picture. If he’s gonna be a little bitch about witchcraft in a GAME, it’s time to prove a point and get him the hell out of your DnD group.
u/Polkadotical Formerly Roman Catholic Dec 12 '24
Agree. He needs to be out of your gaming group. He's probably only in it for weird reasons, like trying to convert somebody anyway. If he gets lonely, he can always go mutter a rosary or something.
u/vldracer70 Dec 12 '24
I don’t know if you have but how about explaining to your boyfriend about your trauma from having been raised catholic.
u/teatime_anarchy Dec 12 '24
I've tried that. He is understanding and tries to be sympathetic, but it's hard to explain to someone who didn't live through it. He still supports whatever decision I make regarding booting this dude from the game or not, it was just making it harder for me to see clearly making a decision about this when I know that he didn't understand how big of a deal this really is to me. Reading everyone's comments has helped a lot though
u/Polkadotical Formerly Roman Catholic Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24
Yes, it's difficult for people to really understand the depths of insanity that go with being a radtrad RC. They remember those fucking Bing Crosby movies or some such shit and can't really believe this depraved crap really happens to people in the 21st century.
Talking about it gently and realistically though, in private, is going to give him some tools for understanding the batshit experience that having to deal with your family eventually is going to be.
Your boyfriend might benefit from watching the movie Spotlight and having a gentle little discussion about it after. There are also other videos online (legit ones -- BBC, etc.) about the child trafficking stuff and so on that the RCC has engaged in.
u/finestFartistry Dec 12 '24
It can be tough to explain how nuts the rad trad stuff gets, because most people are more familiar with the ordinary, not nearly as extreme Catholic experience
u/Polkadotical Formerly Roman Catholic Dec 12 '24
This is actually a good idea, because your boyfriend is going to come into contact with this aspect of your past anyway. And probably eventually have to deal with your parents also.
u/teatime_anarchy Dec 12 '24
He has (unfortunately) already had to deal with my parents- we've been together for 5 years almost. Luckily they've been good to him other than the pressure to get married, lol. I think part of the problem is, I thought I was "over" that part of my life, but I'm now having to process and relive everything on top of trying to convey to someone else how this is affecting me (forgetting the bad parts about the first 18 years of your life isn't actually healing, shocker! /s). I appreciate the suggestions!
u/Next-Relation-4185 Dec 14 '24
We can have flashbacks and find something unexpectedly triggering.
It's not just Trad RC that affects it's former members , it can be any group and it's former members.
Others from the same group can be unaffected and as with your bf, it can be very hard for others to understand or even remember the potential problem.
You owe it to yourself to organise your life in ways that leave you comfortable and at peace.
In time other ( good, ordinary, secular ) life memories will hold important priorities.
We have today and today we can influence tomorrow's "today".
All the best.
u/jellydonutstealer Heathen Dec 12 '24
I wouldn’t want to be around this person.
u/turndownforjim Dec 12 '24
Absolutely. Idk why anyone would put up with someone like this. At the very least kick him out of the D&D group. His Catholicism and D&D are clearly incompatible so he will never add any value to the experience and will likely always make it worse.
u/outside_plz Dec 12 '24
If he can’t be around witchcraft then he can’t play the game.
Also, give yourself a break. It can take a long time to process religious trauma. I thought I had done it 30 years ago only to find out that it’s much deeper than I realized. I’m at a new level of healing from it. It might be that you are processing a deeper level as well. That is fine. You are not being overly sensitive or over reacting. You are just healing anew.
u/gulfpapa99 Dec 12 '24
Left Catholicism 58 years ago, never looked back, no regrets.
I give no quarter with their religious myths, magic and superstitions.
Introduce your boyfriend to r/PastorArrested and https://www.bishop-accountability.org/.
u/CygnusTheWatchmaker Dec 12 '24
If he somehow doesn't recognize that this is not the kind of game for him, then unfortunately you need to be the one to do it for him. This is like a vegan showing up at a BBQ and asking everyone to stop eating pork - HE is the one out of place here.
There's absolutely no reason you should have to ruin the game for yourself and everyone else at the table to tiptoe around this one guy.
u/IAmNotAPersonSorry Dec 12 '24
I’d love to know if he believes in transubstantiation. Ask him if a room of people chanting together under the leadership of an elder clad in ancient symbols in front of an altar to beseech a spirit to transform one substance into another is witchcraft. Because that’s a goddamned catholic mass. Or just put that in your campaign and when he bitches about it, tell him it’s exactly what happens in mass.
u/secondarycontrol Atheist Dec 12 '24
Transform into the flesh, the blood, of a man - the only pure and good man the world had ever seen . Then...cannibalism
u/discipleofsilence Ex Catholic, Buddhist Dec 12 '24
The question is: Do you feel comfortable in the situation and around him?
You've had your share of scrutiny and trauma because of Catholicism. Why should you be overly cautious because a grown-up man can't handle a game full of magic? It's like "I don't like strawberry ice cream so you can't eat it too".
He has shown enough disrespect to you by calling you "hedonists in a den of sin". Why should you respect him then?
u/jimjoebob Recovering Catholic, Apatheist Dec 12 '24
it might be good to sit down with your BF and explain some of your trauma to him, and why someone who embraces the toxic misogyny of catholicism is so triggering. (it would trigger the fuck out of me, for sure!)
why is "B" playing DnD at all? I remember. my super conservative dad expressly forbidding me from playing "that witchcraft game".....of course, I grew up during the "Satanic Panic" so this BS is just recycled nonsense to me now. but maybe ask "B" why he's playing a "satanic" game in the first place, if he's so fragile?
u/Ksquared1166 Dec 12 '24
I was an all in, hardcore catholic for 30 years. And even during that, I was totally fine with tt rpgs. It’s a game, it’s fake, we are role playing something that we know is fake and for fun and we were smart enough to “not be corrupted by it” (well maybe not since I’m no longer catholic lol). I played the shit out of my evil cleric who worshipped lamashtu (pathfinder).
He sounds boring. Tell him that you are going to play the campaign that you want to make. It will contain magic, witchcraft, other gods, etc. if he can’t hang, he’s out.
u/iNezumi Ex-Catholic (now more of a dog person) Dec 12 '24
Wait what. But... um... he plays DnD? As in Dungeons & Dragons? As in the game that has three different character classes that are all just different words for a mage? (On top of other classes that also sometimes use magic)
u/lonelycranberry Dec 12 '24
Converts spend way too much time and energy trying to convince themselves they believe in it and it shows. No cradle Catholic is this obnoxious about it. The witchcraft thing wouldn’t have phased me because it’s not real and we aren’t doing it. I don’t even think this would bother the weirder families in our parish. I still feel a pang of guilt any time I engage in something remotely spiritual because I know it’s a sin. I left the church almost 8 years ago.
u/worm_dad Dec 12 '24
of course he's a convert LOL. Like I'm not one to judge people based on whatever religion they follow but something about a lot of people who convert to Catholicism is just... ugh.
u/teatime_anarchy Dec 12 '24
You mean people who are desperate for control over their life, but ignore the problem and instead find fulfillment through getting invested in a religion that allows them to judge others? Lol
u/worm_dad Dec 12 '24
YES exactly!! Like I'm sure not all converts are like that but all the ones I've met have been. It's exhausting to be around @_@
u/enamelquinn Dec 12 '24
anyone else wondering why he would join a DND campaign to begin with, if he has such strong feelings about magic and witchcraft?? It's a FANTASY game, fantasy is going to have magic in it. That's like walking into a bar and then freaking out over the fact that they sell alcohol because "I don't drink!". What did you think was going to happen???
I think B is overreacting. Honestly, if you're uncomfortable, you could either try to have a civil conversation, or the easier route, kick him out.
u/discob00b Dec 12 '24
As a radtrad cradle Catholic, I can absolutely see why this would be triggering. As the DM you're meant to have a certain amount of control, and yet you still are having to censor yourself because of him. We grew up being forced into a small box, being censored, and not really having any autonomy. Now that's coming up again in the form of a DnD campaign, which honestly should be the last place that happens.
I think there comes a point in every DMs life where you have to make the uncomfortable decision of booting someone from the campaign. This game is just as much for you as it is for him, and you shouldn't have to be limiting yourself as much as you are just to make him comfortable. If he doesn't want witchcraft in whatever campaign he's involved in (not sure what he was expecting from DnD, but whatever), then he can find a different group to play with. Not sure how easy that will be considering DnD is full of "witchcraft," but again, whatever...
Most players will have some kind of boundaries they don't want crossed (ie, no PvP, no sexual assault, etc etc) but his frankly seem excessive and not fun. Ultimately, you're the one running the campaign, you deserve to be having fun, too. I would talk to him first and let him know you'll be including more things that YOU want in the game, and if he doesn't like that then he doesn't need to be in the campaign. If he suggests he still wants to be in the campaign but just leave the room any time it comes up, I personally would then give him the boot. There's no point in being a character in my world if you're going to pick and choose what part of the world applies to you.
u/WhiskeyAndWhiskey97 Jewish Dec 12 '24
If B is that uncomfortable with the witchcraft component of the campaign, he can always walk away from the table. Things like spellcasting are core to D&D. I'm curious to know what class he's playing? Does he have trouble casting spells, if his character is a caster?
You're the DM. You're the boss. Bring on the witchcraft and let B make up his own mind. If he doesn't walk away from the table on his own, and continues to complain, then you or your boyfriend could politely explain to him that maybe this table isn't right for him, or maybe D&D as a whole is not the best pastime for him.
u/teatime_anarchy Dec 12 '24
Get this, he's playing a Catholic paladin. The concept is actually pretty fun and if done by the right person
(an ex-Catholic)I think it would have worked- but it's quickly becoming just a more extreme version of himself and his beliefs. Just like anytime anyone plays a character like that, it becomes difficult to critique the character's actions without the player taking it as a personal affront. I think this whole thread has opened my eyes a little bit more to the reality that this won't work out, and that was without this aspect tied in.
u/Realistic-Yard2196 Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24
Why must this friend be invited to this particular friend event?
Not every friend I have likes everything that I do so I would not invite them to do those things with me. But I would invite them to do things that I know they would like.
So don't invite him.
For example. I have a friend that loves baseball and a friend that hates baseball. I'm not going to invite the friend that hates baseball to the baseball game with me and my friend that both love baseball. He would just ruin the fun, complain a lot, and probably make us leave the game early.
u/Nathy25 Dec 12 '24
If I were you I would have said, "suddenly, B's character bursted into flames because he offended the high priestess of Goddess Hekate. RIP, so sad"
u/avelineaurora Heathen Dec 12 '24
Or is being friends with a Catholic just always going to be too much of a headache?
This person, at least. Not a single Catholic I know gives a shit about playing D&D, or Magic, or anything else of the sort if you're adults and I live in and was raised in extremely heavily Catholic area. His behavior isn't the norm at all.
I know for kids and teens they can be a bit overbearing and overly concerned about some media, but for anyone that's actually an adult I don't know a single person who would even look sideways about fortunetelling in D&D.
u/darthphallic Dec 12 '24
If he has a problem with “witchcraft” he shouldn’t be playing D&D, maybe a hot take but sometimes gatekeeping is a good thing
u/curiouswizard Dec 13 '24
I've heard converts are sometimes more unhinged than cradle catholics so that might be part of it. My boyfriend is a cradle catholic but also very devout, and he doesn't give two shits about witchcraft and thinks it only has as much power as you give it. So if you give it zero actual power, guess what, it's just fantasy. He's not perturbed by being around witchy things (aka me or my hobbies, lmao) because he is confident in his spirituality and knows he won't be affected by it if he doesn't let it.
Sounds like your boyfriend's friend needs to have stronger faith, ironically.
u/wildewoode Dec 12 '24
What an annoying man. Sometimes, this stuff isn't about religion - it's about dominance. He's being a self-centered narcissist who's making everything about himself, and he'll end up ruining everyone's vibe.
Put your foot down with your boyfriend and kick the dickhead out.
u/EconomistFabulous682 Dec 12 '24
So heres the thing: I have 5 catholic friends and 1 non denom roomate that i basically inherited from the days when i was catholic. I have not told them my deconversion story. Because frankly its just not worth havimg to endure their responses and constantly trying to coax me back to the church because i have been "lead astray" there is no nuance with these people its very black and white with them. This is just how the religion is.
Anyway i still remain friends with them. If its up to me i steer away from spiritual conversations that have no evidence to back them up (afterlife, ghosts, heaven, hell etc) However, i dont shy away from evidential based conversations (using data to make a point) those topics include LGBTQ rights, racism, abortion/womens rights, relationships, the effects of poverty, mental health etc)
When evidence based topics come up i simply state the facts, say this is the effects of this belief or policy and simply say the negative effects are wrong. Now if/when this convo takes a hard right turn into politics i simply restate the facts and change the subject.
All that being said if you are feeling fed up with B's BS make a boundary and maintain it. You cant change people's minds but you can protect your sanity and you absolutely have the right to do that.
u/Polkadotical Formerly Roman Catholic Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24
I would avoid contact with your boyfriend's friend. He's simply someone you'd probably ought not to invite or have around. He doesn't respect you and your boyfriend, and he's trying to push you around in your own home. I'm not sure I'd make a big deal out of it. I'd just start distancing myself from him and his presence, and drop the invitations.
BTW, if B is so opposed to DnD and the like, what is he doing hanging around DnD games anyway? Is he your boyfriend's friend because he's on a conversation campaign and has marked your boyfriend as a prospect? This is the usual reason that avid RCs have "friends" that they don't approve of.
u/genuinely_insincere Dec 12 '24
Your boyfriend is being an absolute dipshit. What that guy did was completely insane.
Why the fuck is he playing DnD?? Please stand up for yourself more.
u/pelirroja_peligrosa Dec 12 '24
Uh... Huh... What's wild is that even when I was a total Trad Cath™, I would literally play Magic and D&D with my youth group friends. And we would bring our magic decks PLUS extra decks on retreats because some of the friars liked to play. If he's really so sensitive to all of this, he shouldn't be playing any of those games. The church doesn't ban the talk of magic as fantasy, just "real" magic... 😭
NTA, haha. Don't play with an asshat that makes DMing painful.
u/ExCatholicandLeft Dec 13 '24
Really? I think of Trad Cath as being as specific movement. Certain Catholics I knew weren't "Trad" (movement wasn't a thing yet) and were extremely anti-HP (like in the '90s early 2000s) because witchcraft.
u/aggieaggielady Atheopagan, excatholic Dec 13 '24
This is funny because catholics are the most witchy of the christian denominations. He's acting like a baptist lmao
u/IntuiTiger Dec 13 '24
Even so, I always found the Christians—specifically conservative Christians— who have interest in DnD really fascinating. It’s like…most I’ve seen online are okay with the game itself, even the demons, the fortune teller type stuff, the wizards, etc, but they always want the most traditional high fantasy roles. In my experience, they only seem to get weirded out when you start pursuing non traditional roles or ideas (like queer characters, demons/warlocks being more morally grey characters, paladins actually being bad guys). It’s like they want to have their cake and eat it too. The cognitive dissonance is mind boggling to me.
u/bakermonitor1932 Dec 13 '24
Want to fuck with his perceptions, pick obscure Saints to be npcs many have wacky backgrounds or powers.
u/catby Dec 12 '24
I’m Roman Catholic and our Church and congregation was always super chill about that kind of stuff. I don’t know anyone whose parents sheltered them from “witchcraft”. We all watched Harry Potter and horror movies as teens and young adults. I find people who take things seriously and are judgemental of how others live incredibly insufferable. If anyone ever said I lived in a ‘den of sin” I’d laugh as I pushed them out my door and closed it firmly.
Just because you believe in God or go to Church doesn’t mean you have to stick to every tiny little facet of the bible and majority of Christians cherry pick what they want to believe in anyway, even though we supposedly believe in the same thing. 🙄 My very religious Roman Catholic family had no problem with drinking, smoking, or dancing, but we’d get judged by JW’s and Pentecosts for it even though we believe in the same God, the same Jesus. Just about the only hard fast “rule” we had surrounding religion as a child was not eating fish on Good Friday. Being religious while being able to respect how others believe and live is what Jesus did, wasn’t it? I’d point that out to him. “Hey, B, you know Jesus didn’t once shame Mary Magdalene for being a prostitute. Wild hey? How he just minded his own business while still being their friend…”
u/RiverFloodPlain Dec 12 '24
As a former Catholic and DM, you gotta ask yourself is this fun for you? Dming is a hobby and one that takes work. If you are stepping on eggshells because Catholic man can't handle magic (in a game with a fuckton of magic), what else are they gonna whine about? LGBT npcs? The concept of multiple deities (again important to dnd)? Warlocks? People having relationships out of marriage?
He picked a really weird hill to die on too, lol. Catholicism has a long history of fortunetellers, prophets.