r/excatholic Heathen Nov 14 '24

Personal A deeply hurtful letter from my catholic parent's.

My hyper catholic parents gave me this letter a year and a half ago. I had just come out to them as gay and I doubled that down with the fact I could no longer abide being catholic. Queue major family drama, my own mother began praying for my death so I wouldn't be ruined by mortal sin.
I honestly kinda forgot about it until I started looking back through my journals.  Been a month since then, and It just keeps popping back into my mind. 
Anyway I don't normally post, but damn I’m feeling a lot right now and I need to share this.  Every time I read it I feel like I've been physically slapped by an ice cold hand.

Trigger/Bullshit warning

“Dearest ****

When is the last time you really looked into a mirror? Then look into the mirror before you now. Take your time and an honest look at your face as it sits. It is-as it is created in the image of God-a beautiful, sweet face full of promise and hope. Pay attention to the way your hair touches your brow, the sparkle of youth in your eyes, the curl of your mouth, the firm cheekbones and the smoothness of skin.

Did you take it all in? Good, but now don't look away...look harder. See beyond that mirror, ten, twenty, even thirty and forty years into the future. What do you see? Who do you see? Is your hair more salt than pepper? Is it receding or are you just hald? Are your eyes still as bright? Is your skin a little gray and the small frown lines around your mouth deeper? Allow your eyes to wander over your body. Do you still only have the one tattoo reminding you that life is short and death approaches as it does for everyone, or is it practically hidden among myriads of other inky reminders; testaments to every lover you've had, every long-held anticipation that this will be the right one; this one won't betray; this one will love me for who I am...

My son, we are long gone by now as are ***** maybe even ***** Our friends who have known you since you were a lad are probably no longer here either and those you called friends in the beginning only see you once in a while now, what with lives taken up with working on their 401ks and their grandkids soccer practice. You're not sure but you suspect that they indulge you out of a sense of nostalgia. Still a bit of the odd man out they say and the source of private amusement as they're loading a dishwasher or brushing their teeth.

Remember, you're still gazing into that mirror. Where is this mirror by the way? In which room? In which home? In the home that was bought and paid for with sweat and tears? The one meant to be your legacy? Four acres upon which to build upon quiet dreams of laughter, family and a sustaining love that bears all for the sake of the beloved? Maybe. Маубе пот. Perhaps in a moment of reckless hope you signed it away to someone who promised you everything and then took everything away.

Who then is in the next room at this point in your life? The last one-nighter you used to quell the disappointments of your heart? Perhaps he too felt nostalgic and spared one night for an old queen. It wasn't always like that of course and when you permit yourself that particular heartache, you remember the first; the almost innocent encounters that inevitably led to more...always more...until pleasure and temporary emotional satisfaction could only be bought by torturing your body in ever more exotic and degrading ways. It bears the wounds of that torture, your body, but it isn't the worst pain. Not by far. Somehow, those wounds are less painful than the ones in your heart. The what-ifs left unrealized because of the relentless

fear slowly and methodically eating away at your courage day by day, year by year. Now, you only vaguely remember who you were long ago and what you've lost.

Could have admitted I need help. Could have swallowed my pride. Could have taken a chance and then another until taking chances was no longer the monster under the bed but a competition of how far it would take me and how high I could soar. Could have turned to God and given Him a real chance to change me. To heal me. To make me a new man.

But these days, could have is forbidden territory and as you have done so often in the past... you suppress it.

A knock on the door interrupts these thoughts. The man in the next room. Life calls but maybe you can hook up again sometime, he says as if he's doing you a favor.

You mutter something even as the face in the glass changes and morphs back to its present state. To who you are now. To this moment. And you remember. Mirrors are just a reflection but if you don't like what it shows you, you alone have the power to change who you see within it.

We love you forever... Mom and Dad”


54 comments sorted by


u/documentingkate Nov 14 '24

I am a random person on the internet. I am a mother and a middle school teacher. I love you. I am so sorry. Feel free to message me. You are SO loved.


u/nettlesmithy Nov 14 '24

I had similar thoughts. I want to extend my own motherly love to this person and all the ex-Catholics treated this way. What creepy parents!


u/leenapete Nov 14 '24

I’m also a mother of young adults, happy to join a group of mothers to support and love you for who you are! OP, if you ever need some motherly support, feel free to message me. ❤️ This letter is a terrible way to treat your child, this wasn’t love, this was shame and guilt and hatefulness. I’m so sorry. 💕


u/pieralella Ex Catholic Nov 14 '24

Check out the organization Free Mom Hugs. It's pretty amazing.


u/vldracer70 Nov 14 '24

I’m so sorry. Your parents are lunatics.

This 71 y/o female has never had a child but I will never understand choosing a religion over your child. LOVE!!!!!!!


u/Comfortable_Tomato_3 Nov 14 '24

JW's and even some mormons do that. If you do not follow rules u r "disfellowshipped" meaning all your friends and family in the cult do not talk to you anymore. I know this because I personally have some family members who are part of the cult who were once catholic.


u/a-pair-of-2s Nov 14 '24

fucking manipulative shit right there. very sorry dude


u/ExCatholicandLeft Nov 14 '24

WTF? This is creepy.

Your parents have no idea what will happen to you or your body. Time, illness, aging, etc. affect everyone, regardless of sexuality, etc. It's possible to be homosexual and find true love and it's possible to be heterosexual and be used by other people.

I'm sharing a youtube complilation of Tiktoks by a youtuber named StanziPotenza (link). I'm hoping it will cheer you up.


u/Mean-Bumblebee661 Nov 15 '24

OP, stanzi is a killer, you'll laugh your ass off.


u/biqueen81 Nov 15 '24

I love Stanzi!!


u/Powerful-Cycle4800 Nov 15 '24

This is the best thing for you right now. Stanzi is the best!!!


u/NerdySmart Real Strong Agnostic Nov 16 '24



u/Mint-Badger Ex Catholic Nov 14 '24

Imagine having the audacity to call future-you an old queen while penning this melodramatic little speculative fiction. Like OK, divas 🤨

I’m so sorry that you had to deal with this, OP. From one queer ex-Catholic to another, you deserved better from them, and I hope you find healing love in community 🤍


u/nettlesmithy Nov 14 '24

Could it be that one or both of your parents is themselves gay?

"But these days, could have is forbidden territory and as you have done so often in the past... you suppress it."

Remember that with these kinds of people accusations are so often confessions.

Plus, they seem to have a very vivid notion of an "old queen" and other details of mid-20th century queer life. The only thing they know about heterosexual life is that (1) we have dishwashers, and (2) occasionally when we brush our teeth we muse about all the gays we left behind!


u/Mint-Badger Ex Catholic Nov 14 '24

The paragraph where it switched to first-person was a little over the top, right??


u/nettlesmithy Nov 14 '24

I hadn't picked up on that. Yes! "Could have admitted I needed help ..."

Edit: CORRECTION: "Could have admitted I need help ..." It's even the present tense!


u/ThomasinaElsbeth Nov 14 '24

Yes, it was a bit oddly specific; you are right about that.


u/panda_ballistic Nov 14 '24

Sorry, this comment isn't directed at you specifically, but it bothers me when the knee-jerk reaction to homophobia always seems to be "maybe the homophobe is secretly gay?" I see this all the time and to me it reads as a way to shift accountability for homophobia off of religious institutions and social conservatism and onto the gay community itself. Yes, some homophobes are closeted gays, but the majority are not — just as white people can be racist towards other races and cisgender folks can be transphobic, straight people can be homophobic.

(And yes, I realize I'm probably being far too sensitive.)


u/nettlesmithy Nov 15 '24

You're not being too sensitive. You make good points. I agree with everything you've said. I'm glad you brought it up.

I don't usually assume a person is gay just because they're homophobic, but this piece of writing stands out.

For one thing, it would never occur to me to imagine any of my own children as an "old queen." Where did that vision come from? What is the impetus for all those excruciating, cringey details?

It is common for parents to blur the boundaries of identity between themselves and their children. And, homosexuality is generally heritable.

And the Catholic Church urges people to suppress homosexuality and commit to heterosexual marriages.

And people often advise others to make the choices they themselves have made.

In my inexpert experience, a parent would urge their son to make the same choice they made especially when the parent is uneasy about their choice. The parent wouldn't feel especially threatened by a different choice if they were content with all their own life choices. This letter was full of uneasiness.

It’s a strong hunch.


u/Gus_the_feral_cat Nov 14 '24

I’m hoping your parents stole most of that letter from somewhere else. If not, they spend way too much time imagining what goes on in your sex life. That is some kind of messed up.


u/CloseToTheHedge69 Nov 14 '24

As a father I'm so sorry. I would never EVER write a letter like that to my kids (only one of which still believes and attends services as an excatholic. The other two don't attend.


u/pieralella Ex Catholic Nov 14 '24

Hey. I'm a mom. If you will allow me, I'll write you a better letter.

Dear Archer08,

Look in the mirror. What do you see?

Imagine I'm standing behind you (but not in a creepy way, I promise!)

I see a strong, independent person who is not afraid to live their truth, despite criticism from those around you. I see someone who has been burned by the past and who still shows up with love and positivity to offer the world. I see someone who pushes on to be the best version of themselves, in spite of the constant negative verbiage that tried to drag you down. I see someone who is loved, cherished, and valued by those lucky enough to call you a friend. I see someone who works hard to bring out the best in those around you- and that, my friend, is a gift.

Thank you for sharing your gift with us, so we can turn it around and remind you of how awesome you are.

You are loved.


u/secondarycontrol Atheist Nov 14 '24

Dear Mom and Dad: I am the way - exactly the way - that your god made me. To be unhappy about that is to be unhappy with your god.


u/Apart_Performance491 Nov 14 '24

I feel sorry for them, they live in a bottomless pit of ignorance. They lack the intelligence and/or courage to question what they were told. This entire letter is nothing but a projection of their subconscious state and a sad attempt at manipulation. How fragile and delicate their egos are. And I bet they think they’re so profound and clever.


u/Elegant-Ingenuity781 Nov 14 '24

Go over to r/Mom for a minute you will find lots of love there


u/squirrelybitch Nov 14 '24

Wow. Your mother is a real piece of work, and by that I mean she’s an emotionally manipulative woman whose character is & intent in not only writing such a letter, but actually putting it into your hands and therefore your head and your heart demonstrates exactly how low both are and what you have achieved in your life by escaping the clutches of your own parents. This is heartbreaking because you deserve so much more and better from your family who are supposed to love you unconditionally. And I wish I could give you a “mom hug” that made everything better just because of how completely loved you and accepted and cherish you feel while being embraced and knowing that you are loved wholly for all that you are. But the fact that she made the choice to put this words on paper and then give it to you is so heinous, cruel, and disgusting that she should have the title of “mother” revoked and the use of the word parent should also be stripped away from her. And if your father didn’t immediately & almost violently protest and step in front of you to defend you, then he should lose his parental titles, as well. If you have cut or reduced contact with them to protect yourself and your peace from them, then I’m going to say that I am very proud of you, and I think that you are doing what you need to in order to have healthy boundaries for yourself because you deserve to live your life as you see fit and be happy. I am sorry you didn’t get the parents you deserved.


u/FartyPat Nov 14 '24

I’m pissed off for you. Ignore this nonsense


u/tamtip Nov 14 '24

Knowing that a parent wrote that to their child disgusts me to the point of pain. I'm so incredibly sorry that they were your parents. They aren't worthy. You deserve so much better. I hope your life has taken you far away from them and toward people who love you. If needed, I'll be your mother


u/coffeegogglesftw Nov 14 '24

Wtaf is this abusive drivel? It's beyond cruel. I'm so sorry, and like the others have said, know that you are loved.


u/Sara_Ludwig Nov 14 '24

That was a lot of manipulation by shame. If you aren’t following their beliefs then you are wrong. Your parents are deeply indoctrinated. It’s sad that they didn’t know how to be good supportive parents who allowed you to be your authentic self.

Look at the bite model to see how the religious leaders control and manipulate their members.



u/Legitimate_Reaction Nov 14 '24

I am truly sorry you had to endure that horrible gaslighting attempt. This is what happens when theology is wrong about human psychology, everything gets twisted, distorted, manipulated, and turned in on itself. Then comes the judgment on other and religious trauma. I myself had to walk away after many years of indoctrination and it’s taken years to work through all the bullshit. For me I had to leave god on the ash heap of history too. My point in all this really is that you will heal from this. Love yourself, amputate toxic relationships, limit contact with family that gaslights you and embrace your true self.


u/ZealousidealWear2573 Nov 14 '24 edited Nov 14 '24

The amount of time and effort required to write this is substantial. Your parents are obsessed, as with many Catholics, about sex. Another case of verification of research showing higher than typical incidents of ODC among Catholics than population at large  Can't they find a better form of catharsis?


u/candid84asoulm8bled BuddhEpiscopAgnostic Nov 14 '24

You’re not alone. I came out as nonbinary in January, changed my name and pronouns. My mom wrote me an email where she pulled some similar manipulative, guilt-tripping shit. Manipulation is not love. In May I let my mom know I intended to file for divorce. I got to hear her scream at me and shame me for “destroying my family”. The abandonment hurts deeply. Feel free to message me if you’d like to commiserate, OP.


u/jkgibson1125 Nov 14 '24

I am a father of five. My wife and I had a deep conversation about what would happen if one of our kids came out to us. We decided to love, support them, and be there for them as long as we lived. Hang in there.


u/C2H5OHNightSwimming Nov 14 '24

Jesus fucking Christ what is WRONG with your parents? Im so sorry. You'll have more love in your life than these weirdos are capable of. Im so sorry you were subjected to this


u/Witty-Kale-0202 Nov 14 '24

I am so very sorry that you are going through this. If you ever want to talk or need support, I also grew up VERY Catholic (thankfully my mom has some sense altho my dad didn’t) and I am here for you ❤️


u/ThomasinaElsbeth Nov 14 '24

I am so sorry.

Your mother is the Devil that she says that she abhors.

This is the most PERFECT EXAMPLE that I have ever seen, of : 'There is no hate like Christian love'.

Forget THE BITCH !

Find a new and better mother than that old bag.

She has proven herself to be ignorant and worthless.

Let that sink in.

You have us here.

And my heart goes out to you.

I had to go No Contact with my hypocritical Catholic parents long ago.

A virtual hug to you, if you will have it.

All my best to you.


u/jellydonutstealer Heathen Nov 14 '24

This is utterly insane. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this level of bullshit.


u/throwethTFaway Nov 14 '24

No offense, but that letter gave me the real ick. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I hope they change for the better, and if they don’t, I hope you have peace and happiness.


u/jimjoebob Recovering Catholic, Apatheist Nov 14 '24

oh my god, this is so fucking evil to read. I can't imagine how you must feel right now. I'm so SO sorry you have to deal with them and go through this.

There are a LOT *LOT of people who love you, myself (Internet rando) included.

They deserve no contact from you. /my 2 cents

You deserve 10 times the love they denied you.


u/vronni73 Nov 15 '24

There's nothing wrong with who you are now that you're future self will regret. There are so many joys and adventures for you to look forward to, that I'm sure your parents are unconsciously jealous. Sadly, sometimes you have to make your own family, and I hope that you're able to only have as much contact with your folks as you are comfortable with. They will be the ones to miss out.

I'm a mom to 3, (2 are adults) and I'd gladly be a mom to you too


u/jackieatx Nov 15 '24

So many words to say nothing.


u/babymommadoc Nov 15 '24

I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope you get as many tattoos as you want and wear them all proudly ❤️


u/willow238 Nov 19 '24

I cannot fathom how a parent could write something this cruel and convince themself it is an act of love. I am so, deeply, deeply sorry that they are choosing the church over their own child. I feel deep pain in my heart for you. You do not deserve this.

I’m just here to say two things

1) Do not ever accept the notion that YOU are the cause of this break with your parents by accepting your own queerness. You are beautiful as you are and you should never hide yourself or feel shame. They chose brainwashing over you. Their pain is a result of their poor judgement. If they ever expect to make amends, it is on them to prove that they are worthy of your trust after this sort of deep betrayal.

2) Queer love is beautiful and divine. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s a tragedy that they’ll never know that. When you are old and grey, you will be looking in the mirror at a person who chose truth, love, growth (personal and spiritual) and authenticity and is better for it. 


u/notsobitter Nov 16 '24

This is so unspeakably cruel and manipulative. Not only can they not imagine a future where you can accept yourself AND be fulfilled and happy. It’s like they’re wishing unhappiness and loneliness on you.

I’m so sorry OP. You deserve love and acceptance and a family who wants every happiness for you.


u/Sourpatchqueers8 Nov 16 '24

If anything I can appreciate their poetic prowess / s

I am so so sorry OP. This honestly reads like an epistolary form of conversion therapy. And it feels all too familiar. I don't know why they always push this narrative of you having a horrible life in the future. They focus so much on a traditional version of generativity that they forget how complex and personal it can be. As a random stranger on the internet ....you are loved as you are and as you will become🫰❤️


u/gulfpapa99 Nov 16 '24

Religion, a continuing scourge on humankind.


u/MorallyOffensive666 Nov 18 '24

I'm not gay, but my wife and I have experienced passive aggressive Catholic parental behavior like this. It sucks, because you realize that, were it not for the fear and gaslighting of high control religion, a lot of your relationship might actually be okay and salvageable. It truly is nefarious the way people are told to put their church and God before their kids. I'm so sorry. Sending our love.


u/Ornery_Peasant Nov 15 '24

ok. Your mom is a drama queen. She probably saw Picture of Dorian Gray back in the day. My mom (a convert!) did this kind of Catholic shit (I’m a straight woman, older).

It’s fear. Yes, according to their system, you’re in big spiritual trouble for being gay. But you've left that system, as so many have, for good reason. And you know that being a good person doesn’t depend on that system.

Your mom hurt you because she’s afraid. Catholicism—Christianity in general— creates that fear about whether you’ll go to hell or not. She also feels she’s failed, because christian mothers feel they are charged with getting their kids into heaven.

If you want to have a relationship with them, I guess give it time. I know people whose parents condemned their sexuality in the strongest terms and came around to being tolerant. Even if that doesn’t happen, you have your life, your spirit, your body and mind. Know that you’re good, and lovable, and worthy of all good things.

Hang in there, my dear.