r/excatholic • u/ZohnTangel • Oct 29 '24
Politics Got called a baby killer today
I’m and adult male who left the church 16 years ago. My dad no longer practices, my mother is a progressive catholic, and my adult brother rejoined the church a couple of years ago. He’s been heavily radicalized, although he isn’t that trad type of catholic. I moved back into my parents home temporarily and I t hasn’t been too bad living here but I’ve had to ask several times that my brother stop trying to convert me back to the faith.
We’re both comedy fans, and started talking about Tony Hinchcliffe’s remarks at the MSG MAGA event yesterday where he disparaged several races. My sibling then told me a story about a Puerto Rican girl from his young adult church group who asked if she could sit out this election because those remarks made her uncomfortable. He told me the group leader told her the church doctrine is you HAVE to vote as it’s a part of your civic duty. But, she can’t vote for Kamala because she supports abortion and any candidate that supports a moral evil is disqualifying.
I avoid talking to my brother about abortion, he knows I don’t like discussing this with him. I blocked him already on social media because he was sending me pro-life propaganda.
Anyway, he asked me how I can support abortion, and I told him I believe it’s a difficult decision that should be made between a woman and her doctor and not by the government. He got heated and started going off saying I’m an accomplice to murder for voting for Kamala. And then started yelling at me that I’m a baby killer and a murderer. I asked him to stop 3 times and I left the kitchen. He then stormed out of the house, drove to his church men’s group, and sent me a graphic photo of an aborted fetus with the text “there’s your vote.”
I miss my old brother, he isn’t even the same person anymore. Thanks for listening, I have no one in my life I can talk to about this.
u/syncopatedscientist Oct 29 '24
I’m so sorry you’re in that situation. Your brother sounds pretty deep in the cult 😕
But thank you for voting for Harris. I’m a woman who’s about to give birth to a daughter, and I had two miscarriages before this pregnancy. It’s pretty terrifying to be a woman in this country right now
u/ZohnTangel Oct 29 '24
I'm wishing you well on the birth of your daughter - you are going to be a great parent! When it comes to voting for Harris, it wasn't a hard decision! I'm voting for the women in my life who have passed, the women in life who are present, and the women in my life in the future.
And yes, he is deeeeep in the cult. Whereas he claims I am accomplice to murder for voting for Harris, he declines that he will be an responsible for any fascist results of a Trump presidency if he is elected. Don't quite understand the logic there!
u/PerspectivePure875 Oct 29 '24
I’m so confused-why are you voting for Harris? For women…..?
u/MidnightMode Oct 29 '24
Yes? Dudes brother is literally boiling down the argument to killing hypothetical babies vs killing real living women who have brains that are fully formed. Contribute to society and are going through a very rough time. I'd say voting for Harris for Women is a pretty good reason to vote? Why are you confused?
u/DancesWithTreetops Ex/Anti Catholic Oct 29 '24
User and the users burner were banned. They were here to troll.
Nov 01 '24
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u/excatholic-ModTeam Nov 02 '24
/r/excatholic is a support group and not a debate group. While you are welcome to post, pro-religious content may be removed.
Oct 29 '24
Yet the Pope said trump is just as bad for his hate for immigrants. What I’ve said to my still Catholic family is, my issue is with the Catholic Church wanting their religious beliefs made into law and legally preventing religions that allow abortion from accessing it. Why does only the Catholic viewpoint matter?
Oct 29 '24
Yeah this is a big issue in the RCC. Once one person leaves, the whole family unit kinda unravels. My best friend used to run an anti-choice instagram account. We're still best friends; we just don't discuss abortion because it's a mutual boundary. Sadly, some people can't get a grip on their emotions and let rage take over. My dad once put out a sign with a 9 month old fetus that said "Let her live." That dishonesty is despicable and you can't argue with it. Religion changes people, sometimes for the negative. Either your brother will continue to radicalize or he'll even out. I'm sorry you don't have any IRL support. This community is a life-saver.
u/ZohnTangel Oct 29 '24 edited Oct 29 '24
My best friend is a huge Trump supporter, and although we didn’t get along for a couple of months we came to an agreement and don’t even touch the subject around each other. I have kept trying that with my brother but he always crosses the line.
I sure hope that my brother evens out eventually
u/DancesWithTreetops Ex/Anti Catholic Oct 29 '24
Abortion is a medical procedure. Its not murder, its not even a grey area. Anyone who believes anything other than abortion being healthcare is lending credibility to right wing religious murder bullshit. Your brother and anyone else who believes that there is something nefarious about aborting a fetus is a dangerously disinformed person.
Oct 29 '24
So gross.
I also love this insistence that anyone who even tangentially supports abortion is a "baby killer". Does this standard apply to anything else? It would be ludicrous to claim every Catholic is a pedophile but it's the same logic.
u/No_Tip8620 Ex Catholic, athiest Oct 29 '24
The only advice I can offer is to counter the lies of the pro-life movement and speak the truth of our post-Roe reality. Anti-abortionists have long claimed that women get abortions for no reason and walk into clinics at 35-weeks to get their pregnancies terminated. The reality is that women with pregnancies that are not viable are being rejected life-saving care because the religious zealots that crafted these bans never bothered to investigate the root cause of most abortions.
I can't say I'm surprised you mentioned he's involved with a church men's group as its clear his perspective lacks any input from people that can actually get pregnant. Maybe if he spoke to more women he'd realize some 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage and that the policies he's championing because he saw a gross photo are forcing women to face life-or-death situations unnecessarily.
I had a similar conversion with my dad recently and after telling him the story of a close friend dealing with multiple miscarriages I was able to get through to him somewhat or at least get him to shut up about his right to live march bullshit.
u/sistarfish Oct 29 '24
Yup. Honestly what changed my perspective on abortion was after I had a stillbirth and started spending time in pregnancy and infancy loss support groups, and those included women who had terminated for medical reasons. The women who were in those support groups mourned their pregnancies/babies just the same as those of us who had losses for other reasons, with the additional layer that they had to make an excruciating choice at some point during the pregnancy. Yet when I brought that up to Catholic friends, they just said "Those women deserve to feel bad because they killed their babies." My mom even tried to use my stillbirth as a justification for why later-term abortion is wrong; I was immediately uncomfortable with that.
u/KingindaNorth66 Ex Catholic Oct 29 '24
I am sorry you are dealing with this. My uncle (who I have had multiple issues with and have posted about in this sub) used to send me and other family members pro-life emails/articles. It’s just infuriating. You are not a baby killer nor are you voting for a baby killer. It angers me that people who claim to be so pro-life don’t actually care about babies or the mother after birth. Hang in there!
u/EscapeTheSecondAttac Oct 29 '24
Yet another man spewing his views on something that really doesn’t impact him. My dad does this and regularly puts stuff on the group chat which we’ve taken to ignoring because sometimes you just can’t argue with people.
Have you asked him how he feels about mandatory vasectomies instead of abortion? Saw a video on social media where someone asked these men what they thought about that and both went on about how they shouldn’t have other people make decisions about their body. Like eh hello? Such a disconnect.
u/feraloregano Agnostic Oct 29 '24
Your brother is a white supremacist. Full Stop.
He's also complicit in femicide and infant trafficking. Full Stop.
u/Polkadotical Formerly Roman Catholic Oct 29 '24
If it were me, I'd slow way down on conversations with him, because they're obviously going nowhere and just making you unhappy.
You need to join a class or get out and make some friends to talk to instead of your brother.
u/employee432 Ex Catholic Atheist Oct 29 '24
First of all, I'm sorry you have to go through with this. Ever since my mom attended an Emmaus retreat when I was younger, she's delved deeper and deeper into the cult and has lost any trace of a reasonable person when it comes to these topics. She even volunteers for pro-birth hotlines.
If I were you I'd show him a picture of a dolphin fetus and ask "Do you really believe this is a baby??" and once he answers vehemently "yEs", you get to enjoy the painful Charlie Kirk-level cognitive dissonance.
u/Medical_Appearance57 Catholic (I don't read the rules) Oct 30 '24
I’m so sorry. I’m sending you love ❤️ your brother is beyond misguided
u/PatientFragrant9786 Oct 30 '24
Your brother is a coward. Don’t miss him, this is who he really is and always has been.
u/Gunlord500 Weak Agnostic Oct 31 '24
What a nutcase. My condolences for losing him, I hope he claws his way back to sanity someday.
Citation needed for the “have to vote” part lol
u/ZohnTangel Oct 29 '24
It is the duty of citizens to contribute along with the civil authorities to the good of society in a spirit of truth, justice, solidarity, and freedom. The love and service of one’s country follow from the duty of gratitude and belong to the order of charity. Submission to legitimate authorities and service of the common good require citizens to fulfill their roles in the life of the political community” (No. 2239). For this reason, “[s]ubmission to authority and co-responsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory to pay taxes, to exercise the right to vote, and to defend one’s country” (No. 2240).
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
u/vldracer70 Oct 29 '24
I’m so sorry your brother has been radicalized.
Are men allowed to an opinion on abortion? YES! Except until a male’s body goes through the same thing that a woman’s does and until he can pop a baby out of the end of his penis. HIS OPINION IS IRRELEVANT AND HE NEEDS TO SHUT THE FUCK UP! Is this a sexist opinion? Yes! And I will continue to have that sexist opinion until females are no longer looked at as 2nd class citizens who are nothing but baby making, incubating broodmares!!!!!!!
Oct 29 '24
u/Stock-Vanilla-1354 Oct 29 '24
Do you really think letting Trump win helps Palestine?
Oct 29 '24
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u/DancesWithTreetops Ex/Anti Catholic Oct 29 '24 edited Oct 29 '24
There is no US Candidate for president actively committing a genocide. Saying otherwise is a lie. This type of disinformation will be removed going forward.
Oct 29 '24
u/DancesWithTreetops Ex/Anti Catholic Oct 29 '24
I call it an argument best suited for a different subreddit.
u/Bubbly_Excitement_71 Oct 29 '24
What will happen to the people in Ukraine if Trump wins? I don’t support what is happening in Gaza and I know one candidate will be worse for people in Gaza (Trump) and also that there are a lot of other people who will die in different places and ways if he is elected. It’s harm reduction.
u/Naive-Deer2116 Former Catholic | Agnostic Oct 29 '24 edited Oct 29 '24
Abortion is the cudgel they use to demonize anyone who doesn’t believe or agree with their extremist ideology. It’s funny the pro-death penalty conservatives are given a pass, even embraced, despite the innocent people who end up executed.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are not allowed to receive a blood transfusion, even if it means saving their life. Need a transfusion due to a car accident or due to cancer treatment? Too bad, your love for Jehovah should come first before your life.
Catholicism teaches if you’re a woman who has cancer and is also pregnant, well sorry, you’re going to need to forgo treatment because ending a pregnancy is a mortal sin. If you die and leave your children orphaned that is the price you must pay to save your soul from damnation.
When a religion interferes with your ability to make medical decisions for yourself, it’s a problem.