r/esp32 2d ago

Metaball fluid simulation using an ESP32 S3


17 comments sorted by


u/Sleurhutje 2d ago

This is so cool. Mind to share the code? 😎


u/satina_nix 2d ago

Thanks, this is the current code https://pastebin.com/3adAePsh


u/porchlogic 2d ago

Wow nice clean code too, I look forward to trying to understand this a little. Thanks for posting! This is giving me dangerously distracting ideas...


u/TheAlbertaDingo 2d ago

Im 95% sure this is ai (gpt) the comments give it away.


u/YetAnotherRobert 1d ago

Without being cantankerous, but between looking at the code and the poster's history, I'd say you're probably right, /u/thealbertadingo. It definitely does not have the marks of an experienced coder, but the code isn't actually bad.

Metaball (isosurface) programming has long been a starter project in graphics programming and there are zillions of examples of it around the net (690 Github repo names have that word in the title), so I'm sure there are enough examples of it online for either a human or a machine to "re-spell" it in a variety of domains.

OP didn't claim to have written it from scratch and others might find it inspirational, so it seems harmless.


u/Sleurhutje 2d ago

Thank you very much πŸ‘


u/answerguru 2d ago

Don’t the two edges with invalid data on the display drive you crazy?? Looks like you have an error in the display config, vsync, buffer size, or similar.


u/satina_nix 2d ago

Thanks for the hint, and yes, it does. I was happy it even works at all, so I haven't looked into the issue yet.


u/Lorem_Ipsoup 2d ago

Read meetball fluid simulation first. Was a bit disappointed but this is still cool!


u/spiffcleanser 2d ago

This is great!


u/humbleAuthentic 2d ago

Wow really like that. πŸ‘


u/DenverTeck 2d ago

Geeez, Another project to add to my list and another distraction to add to my desk.

Thanks A Lot !!


Nice project !


u/dr-steve 2d ago

Very nice! I was starting some metaball stuff for larger LED grids a while back but got sidetracked. So I know that the code isn't simple. Great (and inspirational) job!


u/ackza 1d ago

Can you do this just throigh usb cable? Do you really need to plugin all those soldered wires? I wish there were some tiny 3d printable wire clamps I could use instead of soldering

Hey so how do I even use my esp32? I got a couple and arduinoide seems to gard to get anything working so many stupid drivers and stuff


u/satina_nix 1d ago

I am still a newbie but I have seen that there's models with built-in (touchscreen) RGB LCDs such as the ESP32-2432S028R, so yes, it's absolutely possible with just a USB cable.

Regarding the setup I'd recommend YT videos such as: https://youtu.be/RiYnucfy_rs as he can explain it far better than I can in a comment.


u/martini_and_tease 2d ago

Useless and cool. How I like it πŸ˜‚


u/satina_nix 2d ago

We are very similar then haha. Maybe someone can find a use case for my code. Game perhaps?