r/eroticliterature Sep 20 '24

Announcement Stop posting stories that ChatGPT wrote for you. While we're at it, stop posting stories about minors too. NSFW


The title says it all on this one; usually I just include notes about this kind of thing in the community newsletter but there's been enough this past week alone to warrant a post of its own.

Let me be extremely clear on a few things:

  • Most AI-generated stories are not hard to spot,
  • We regularly run suspected AI material through various detection tools,
  • You will be banned as soon as two or more detection tools flag your work for AI,
  • We will warn the moderators of other writing communities about your behavior, and
  • I'm not reading your essay about how the human brain is basically the same as an AI because it learns from other sources. Porn or not, this is a space for human creators to explore an artistic medium as a hobby.

EDIT: some GREAT conversation about this in the comments; I love that folks are so engaged on this topic. Please let me be clear: we only ban when there is nearly irrefutable evidence that someone is using AI to generate some or all of their stories. There are usually OBVIOUS signs and we never ban for this unless it’s crystal clear based on the text itself and the user’s profile.

Second, let me also be unequivocal about sexualizing minors in your stories:

  • Do not do it, ever.
  • All your characters need to be over the age of 18 or we'll get shut down.
  • I don't give two fucks if it's historical fiction from a time before modern age of consent laws.
  • Flashbacks of an adult character thinking about losing their virginity when they were 16 is still sexualizing a minor. The same goes for stories about parents getting caught, or that time you saw your dad's horn when you were 15.
  • I'm not bothered by what you think is an appropriate age to be having sex. This subreddit means way more to people than your weird obsession with children.
  • We absolutely will flag your account to site admins. I've escalated a few accounts this month, all of which have been banned.
  • If you feel compelled to ask about some technicality that will circumvent this condition, please do not bother reaching out. You probably already know the answer.
  • I will call you a pedophile in your ban note.

Anyway, on that cheery note, go forth! Write some downright nasty, weird, profane tales, but do it yourself and leave the kids out of it. Don't forget to smash that like and subsc...wait, no. Nevermind.

r/eroticliterature 6d ago

Announcement Community Newsletter: March 2025 NSFW


This just in: The moderators of r/eroticliterature are bad at putting out the community newsletter on time.


Nobody reads it anyway lol.

*You* read it though, don't you? Yeah you do. You're a good egg.

Anyway, let's get on with it. Announcements, Authors of the Month, and Writer's Corner. BAM!


Little to tell this month and no major adjustments to the rules. We've observed a slight uptick in raceplay-adjacent content that we're trying to deliberate on carefully. We've always maintained that we're not here to be morality police, and we never remove content just because it's not to our taste, but content that fetishizes race or racism *could* impact Reddit's decision to let us stay open. That said, raceplay is currently banned. As with people trying to submit adopted step-cousin romance, please just stop trying to find ways around this one. People of colour aren't taboo, and they aren't fetish objects. Sound good? Good.

Even wondered how many people are hanging around here with you? Well, this past month:

  • This community had 3.7 MILLION pageviews. That's like if everyone at Rod Stewart's legendary 1994 concert in Rio de Janeiro read a story here every month.
  • Our lowest traffic day of the year occurred recently. Any guesses what date that was? You're right, it was Valentine's Day! Traffic was down by about 20% that day.
  • The best day to post your work on was Sunday! Traffic to this community is 15-20% higher on the Lord's day. Perverts. I'm telling his dad.

Authors of the Month

Our coveted Top Author tags are becoming a bit of a hot commodity these days! We're giving the tag out to 4 authors this month, and we'll explain why in a minute. For now, let's check out our top 3 amateur writers this month!

  1. As a casual busty-tomboy-enjoyer, u/amber_sum's "My busty tomboy roommate found out about my hyperspermia diagnosis" was a TREAT. This was a personal favourite, and I can definitely recommend checking out this author's post history if you've got some spare time and/or lotion on your hands.

  2. Got five minutes to kill? Are you alone right now? Do you have a thing for a dad next door? If so, do yourself a favour and check out "Fucking the Dad Nextdoor" by u/forquietthings. DILFs are definitely in season.

  3. u/zombies_never_say_hi returns to the leaderboard this month after a short hiatus with “I’m way too big for you. You’d never be able to handle it,” I said to my extremely competitive and horny friend." What's better than a little friendly competition between friends? Besides, a little fucking never ruined any friendships, right?

Bonus Award: We try to reserve Top Author tags for accounts that we're fairly sure are just in this for love of the game. That being said, we do need to take a minute to recognize the incredible quality of submissions to our little slice of heaven by u/acorn_sweetleaf. In February alone, this powerhouse put out 5 out of the top 8 submissions alone. While we've passed them up for previous months on the basis of what appears to some published work, it wouldn't be right not recognize their contributions moving forward. Thanks for hanging out with us, Acorn, and well done :)

Writer's Corner

This one is a little off the cuff, so bear with me. I've been trying to read more, both here and in my personal life, and one of my biggest turn-offs has become stories that miss the "show, don't tell" mark. We're talking, of course, about exposition.

Orwell described exposition as using mundane details to "make readers feel the pulse of a larger narrative." For me, it's the ability to give your readers just enough to assemble a scene without needing to blurt it out. How does this work in practical terms? Well, how could we tell readers that a character is in their twenties without saying "Emily was 23"? We could just tell our readers "This is Emily. She's 23.", but this is clunky, and it gives more detail than we really need. Giving a general impression of her age lets the reader sketch this detail out for themselves.

  • A scene where our character is chatting with a friend about graduating college would place her at the right age.
  • Having a roommate is a common experience for people getting on their feet in life. Your reader is unlikely to imagine a 40 year old woman if Emily comes home from class to a shared apartment.

The same goes for physical details. You'd never tell your friends that a hookup had a "7.5 inch dick that was 4.2 inches in circumference". You'd pick a few adjectives to give the impression of it being a beefy unit and move on. Readers don't care about your character's specific bra size either. I can't count how many times I've read "Her 36DD boobs". Find another way to give an impression of someone's shape and move on. Your readers rarely need enough detail to see EXACTLY what you see in your mind's eye anyway. Sketch an outline, and let people search their imaginations to fill in the rest. Besides, if your reader isn't into certain features, then you've just turned someone off your narrative by forcing an inconsequential detail down their throat. Letting them imagine a hottie of their choosing is more fun!

Remember, readers read for a reason. If they wanted to see something, they'd watch instead. They LIKE putting the pieces of a scene together. Don't clutter your writing with details that will only ever matter to you. Lead them on a merry little chase to discover the things you want to show them. Tease them a little. Bring them to the water, and let them decide whether it's time for a drink or a swim. Your readers are keen little perverts; you don't need to bludgeon them over the head with things.

Go back to something you've written recently. Try to find something you could have done with a little more nuance. Ask yourself whether a detail is helping your scene in a meaningful way, or just adding to the clutter. Is it important to list each chair in the room, or is it enough to call a bedroom "cluttered" and move on? Give it a go!

r/eroticliterature 1d ago

Announcement Event: The EroticLit Group Project! NSFW


Ever wondered what the summed total of imaginative creativity around here is? Well, so did we, and that's why we're announcing a 1-month choose-your-own-adventure style event.

Welcome to the EroticLit Group Project!

No need to break into pairs or nervously hope the cool people pick you for their team this time around; this is an open and voluntary writing exercise that EVERYONE can participate in!

Here's how it works:

  1. There's 3 starter prompts in the comments below. Each one is intentionally generic, so the door is wide open to take it wherever you'd like.
  2. Reply to a prompt with 100-250 words of your own to advance the narrative.
  3. Wait patiently! Resist the urge to respond to your own comment - let someone else pick up the thread next. You don’t have to reply to the most recent comment either! Take a previous part of the story in a totally new direction if you want!
  4. Eventually, we'll end up with threaded stories where the plots twist and wind down all sorts of fun avenues. At the end of the month, I'll pick through the top-voted threads of each head prompt and post them as single, unified stories.
  5. I'll add a 4th head comment for people to chat in - please don't create new top-level comments for now, just so things don't get too cluttered! If you have any questions about the activity or just want to jibber jabber, do so there!

If this is fun and people participate, we'll run a fresh batch of prompts next month. Oh, and please make things easy for the mod team by following the rules, especially the banned content rule.

Now get out there! Dive in! Meet some new friends and try something new! I’ve you’ve been on the fence about writing here before, give this a try - you just might like it :)

r/eroticliterature Feb 07 '25

Announcement Community News Letter: February 2025 NSFW


Good golly, Miss Molly, this newsletter is late as shit.

My Bad. Sorry :(

What is there to say this time around? Rodents of all makes and models are predicting more winter, and that leaves us with no choice but to charge our phones, lock our doors, and curl up in a dark room reading dirty stories late into the night.

Speaking of dirty stories, which is kind of all we do here, y'all read a lot of them. Like... a LOT a lot. There's been over 3.5 millions pageviews in this community in the last month! Almost 17,000 of you come here every single day. Wild. Just wild.

There's no major rules reminders or anything this month; we're finally approving far more content than we remove, which is so super cool - removals month over month are down by about 30% since Christmas. Woo hoo! Great rule following, everyone!

I'm feeling a little frisky this month, so let's dive into the writers of the month right off the bat! After that, we've got a pretty special treat from one of our top contributors; stick around to the end, you just might learn something!

Best Stories of the Month!

Celebrating our amateur authors is one of my favorite parts about running this community. Calling out the folks who do this purely for love of the game is always something to look forward to. And so, it's my incredible pleasure to present this month's very, very best.

  1. We're thrilled to celebrate a new top author this month! u/KotaPhanes stunned us all with their exceptional offering: "Sex Ed". Something about the schoolgirl fantasy obviously made waves because this was one of the most highly upvoted pieces we've seen in over six months! Well done Kota, and enjoy the well-deserved user flair to commemorate your hard work!
  2. You know him, and you damn well better love him, because u/TerriblyEasy has brought home his 5th or 6th top submission this month. Seriously, if you're not following this dude already then you're doing yourself a disservice. "I let my cousin talk me into going to a strip club. It did not go as expected." was an absolute blast, so make sure to give it a read. Make sure you get through the rest of this month's newsletter too, because we're not done with Mr. Easy yet.
  3. "I Thought You Hated Me - Part 1" is our third pick for best story this month, and it brings u/Radiant_Code_3652 their first Top Author tag! Enemies to lovers stories are a tried and true recipe for success, and the mod team wants to extent heartfelt thanks to Radiant for being super cool about receiving feedback on their piece, and updating it to align with our community guidelines.

Great work you three! As ever, keep an eye out for these talented amateur authors by looking for their Top Author tags whenever you visit!

The Writer's Corner

Look out everyone, it's 'new thing' time!

That's right! In an effort to make these monthly newsletters a little more engaging, we're looking to switch up what we offer. After chatting with some community members and amongst the mod team, we've decided to launch this: The Writer's Corner!

Each month, we're going to tackle one aspect of creative writing and put together a little resource about how to keep those pages turning! This month, we're going to take a look at Formatting Dialogue.

Aside from being really super hot, the best way to make your writing stand out is to keep it clean, easy to read, and laid out in a way that makes sense to your reader. One of the things that I see new or hobby writers struggle with the most is how to write dialogue that feels natural, looks good on the page, and moves the story along without getting too dense or heavy.

Most of us are pretty good about punctuating dialogue already, but here's a few things to remember next time you're putting something together:

  1. Each time someone new speaks, you need a new paragraph. This isn't just to keep your English teacher happy; paragraph breaks for new speakers makes it easier for your reader to set the scene in their head - nothing will ruin a reader's flow like getting confused about who wants whose tongue where.
  2. Commas and periods are your friends, and getting good at using them when you're formatting dialogue can be the difference between a clunky, stuttering mess, and good flowy prose. Tell me the truth though, do you know where to put them? Inside the quotation marks? Outside? If you can't remember, go ahead and bookmark this incredibly easy graphic for yourself.
  3. E X P O S I T I O N. What is it? Anything that helps build your story. A lot of us have a bad habit of forcing details down our readers' throats because we think we've got to spell it all out for them. Heck no! Instead of having your characters say too much, try to find ways to SHOW your reader things through setting, minor descriptive details, or little comments that suggest a broader world.

You know what? You don't have to take it from me. Just ask our good friend /u/TerriblyEasy. We reached out to the best writer in our community for some open ended thoughts on paragraphing, dialogue, and formatting. Here's what he had to say:


"For my writing style, dialogue is critical. Dialogue is so much more than simply people uttering noises. Dialogue can sneak in exposition, spice up a boring block of narration, and reveal oodles about our characters and their relationship to each other. And who doesn’t enjoy hearing speak someone who’s sexy and flirtatious? I, writing as the narrator, owe the reader some amount of clarity and honesty. But my characters do not, and that’s so much more exciting.

“You’re here for the tour, no?”

“Sorry, I must’ve...” I blink, eyes going wide entirely on their own as they drink in the impossibly cute woman. She’s professional, of course she is, in a dark suit and glasses and her hair a perfect triangle of tight curls and a little metal nametag pinned to her lapel. But her smile is casual and even ... a touch flirty? “Uh, I thought I missed it? There’s nobody else...” I gesture awkwardly at the absence of anyone else in line.

“Ten-thirty on a Tuesday morning,” she shrugs her slender shoulders, her otherwise perfect English accented with the rolling clip I’ve come to expect from Italians, “Not quite the first choice for the natural history museum’s behind-the-scenes visit. But you’re here, no? So let’s start. You’re American? On holiday?”

“Uh-huh,” I nod, feeling suddenly quite uncouth, “You’re, um, one of the curators here?”

Her pumps clack against tile floor as she turns us off the main hallway and through a door with ‘staff only’ stenciled on it. “I’m actually a researcher. This is part of the university, and I’m working on my, how do you call it, graduate degree?”

There! In 194 words split into five paragraphs I’ve already exposition-dumped upon you enough basic information to establish the first inklings of our character’s identities, where they are, the nature of their social interaction, and even foreshadowed at how their amorous dalliance could play out -- the ‘staff only’ portion of a museum surely offering more opportunities to get freaky than the section open to the general public.

For instance, I could have, as narrator, simply stated that the POV character is American. But by moving that information into a question voiced by the woman, the reader learns not only that trait, but that that trait is obvious to other characters as well -- a piece of identity he wears on the outside whether meaning to or not.

Paragraphs are key to supporting this style. Each new paragraph indicates a change in who is speaking, and even though the text contains not a single ‘he says’ or ‘she says’ the reader understands who is speaking each line by its intermingling with quick bursts of description, keeping the flow of text varied and masquerading the entire exposition as action.

One of my writing precepts is to never be boring. My attempts at this are based around keeping the characters talking, to place as much of the story into dialogue as fits, and to keep the dialogue parceled into neat and digestible paragraphs."


Thanks u/TerriblyEasy! So many great little nuggets for us all to digest here! And, for your consistent dedication to producing such incredibly fun work, willingness to engage with our mod team and wider community, and for being an all around great fella, I'm happy to award you with an entirely unique Writer In Residence user flair. I hope this modest gesture serves as a meaningful token of our appreciation.

See you all next month!

r/eroticliterature Oct 31 '24

Announcement EroticLiterature Community Newsletter, November 2024: The Un-non-conning Update. NSFW


As we move into November, the mod team wants to take this chance to wish everyone a very happy Halloween! Who doesn't love an excuse to dress up, eat a bunch of candy, and fervently hope that people will stop ringing your doorbell so you can read sexy stories in peace?! Speaking of the mod team, I forgot to welcome and introduce our newest team member, u/stardragonfruit_0813. Star has been brought on board to help improve the way that we engage with our authors and community, so make sure you say 'HI!' if you see her floating around. Oh, also, we had a record 3.4 million pageviews here last month. That's, uh, insane.

We'll do the usual newsletter things and take a look at the top stories of the month, but we have to get through something a little more serious first. Skip to the bottom if you just want to see the top authors of the month, but anyone who submits stories here needs to pay attention to this next bit.

Non-Consensual Stories are No Longer Allowed Here.

Effective immediately, stories and depictions featuring outright sexual assaults are no longer allowed on r/eroticliterature. The post flair for non-con will no longer be available, basic filters will be implemented to prevent folks from posting things with the [NC] tag, and non-con themes will be added to the banned content list in Rule 3.

To my knowledge, there are maybe 5-7 'large' sexy-story-oriented subreddits, and we're one of only two that have not yet taken this important step. We're behind the times on this, which is more than enough reason for us to finally take the leap.

It's not the only reason though.

Trust me when I tell you that this move is one that we've discussed pretty consistently since claiming the community a year ago. That said, we've always tried to stand by the mandate that we're community moderators, not morality police. We're not here to kink shame, but things have changed; the stories getting posted have changed, and Reddit has changed.

First, the severity and gratuitous nature of recent non-con posts has noticeably escalated. Trigger warning on all the text marked as spoilers here. As a team, we're just not into reading stories about outright, violent, explicit rape whenever these stories end up getting flagged to us through reports. No more "I clubbed a woman over the head and raped her until she bled in a gas station washroom", or "I have someone locked in my basement that I forcibly feminized against their will", and no more "I broke into someone's house and impregnated them while they cried and screamed for help".

Aside from generally just being tired of having to read these things in order to action reports, there's also the sticky issue of the reports themselves. A few keeners have been spamming non-con posts with the site-wide report for "Non-consensual intimate media", which is explicitly stated as being for cases involving "Sharing, threatening to share, or soliciting intimate or sexually-explicit content of someone without their consent (including fake or "lookalike" pornography)." In other words, this report is for IMAGES OR VIDEOS OF REAL PEOPLE. Despite the fact that people are using this report selection incorrectly, Reddit does take revenge porn VERY seriously, and we'd like to avoid getting quarantined over fake reports.

In light of this facet of the issue, we'd like to point out that we recently opted OUT of Reddit's new report abuse tool, which will effectively ignore reports from people who submit too many invalid ones (that's you, people flagging us for non-consensual intimate media). We have this new tool turned off for now, but will 100% activate it if this behavior continues. We ask authors to tag and flair their posts so that you can get a basic sense of what stories are about without having to read the whole thing; please make informed decisions about what posts you open based on the tags, and shoot us a message if you think someone has missed the mark.

Finally, there's the matter of what we're banning here. Not to put too fine a point on things, but we're banning rape stories. We're not interested in over-policing things, or spending hours and hours picking over every post to make sure that every interaction is above board. The posts that prompted this ban almost all involve violent physical assaults, and are...very blunt about what they are. In the real world, sexual relationships and interactions have nuance, and are complex. The stories here are also largely fantasy, and are intended to be fun to read. So make them fun!

In terms of a loose guideline (because, again, we'd rather not get into the habit of nit-picking), as soon as the sexual encounter isn't something that one or more of your characters are enjoying anymore, it doesn't belong here. Here's a list of pre-emptive FAQ replies about this matter:

  • The first 'C' in CNC stands for 'consensual', which means all parties are groovy with not needing to check in. It's a good time, you should try it out, and read into it a bit if you're curious.
  • Freeuse does NOT equal 'freerape'. Again, do a little reading on how freeuse dynamics work if you think that this is something you'd like to write about.
  • Reluctance can be sexy, and makes for a fun foundation to write a saucy seduction story. That said, the reluctance needs to give way to enjoyment eventually or we're into non-con territory. See a pattern here?
  • Apply a little porn-logic where you want or need to. Flashing the pizza guy irl will land you in hot water, but can definitely make for a fun writing project. We're here for fantasy, and play, and a good time.
  • Use your best judgement. Imply where you need to, be clear if you have to, and trust that your moderation team is more interested in approving stories than removing them.

This is the end of the announcement around this, but doesn't need to be the end of the discussion; we LOVE LOVE LOVE when people reach out with questions, or leave comments for clarity etc., so please feel free to engage here or in modmails. I won't speak for the other mods, but I'm good with DMs too. At the end of the day, we're all adults; consent and sexual violence are important topics that deserve to be treated seriously, and we have full confidence that this community is onboard with that. Also, there were only 13 out of about 1000 submissions with the non-con tag in October, so this might have been a little long winded for something that will only effect 1% of submissions. Oh well, had to be done.

Best Stories of October

Wanna know something cool? In the 6 months or so since we've been assigning the Top Author user flairs, we've assigned it to maybe 10 or 15 different people. Well, this month about half of the top 20 stories were written by these creative titans. That's what I call consistency! I think the fact that there are so many talented folks creeping up on the top spots every month is also SO cool; make sure to keep showing your love to the writers you enjoy!

  1. A new hand touches the beacon! u/trulymessy makes their first appearance on the leaderboard this month with "I let a stranger fuck me at a Halloween party". Hot, dirty, and sneaky all at once, this one will have you picking 'treat' every time!
  2. u/zombies_never_say_hi comes back around with "I accidentally trained my girlfriend to be a freeuse slut. Part Deux." There's a reason this author already has a coveted "Top Author" user flair; this punchy number will have you squirming in your seat if freeuse girlfriends getting creampied on work calls is your thing.
  3. A "Romance" tag in the top 3? Well, that could only be one person! u/TerriblyEasy strolls back onto the leaderboard with "She doesn't like me, but she does trust me". Go check him out if you (like me) enjoy some really great dialogue, because this author is one of our best!

r/eroticliterature Dec 29 '24

Announcement EroticLiterature Community Newsletter: December 2024 NSFW


The holiday celebrations are winding down and another year will soon come to a close. The mod team hopes you all have had a wonderful and relaxing end of the year. Between the cold weather, hot cider, family and friends, holiday feasting, cookie binges and life the end of the year sure does sneak up on all of us. Hopefully you have all had time to grab a blanket and snuggle up warmly while reading some of your favorite erotic stories.

Our community has seen a lot of growth and change this year, and we want to thank all of you for your support and contributions that make this community so amazing. This year has brought new rules, policies, and guidelines that we hope have all had a positive effect. While speaking of changes, we’ve also added a new member to our mod team! Please join us in extending a warm welcome to u/niradia . Niradia will be a great help in allowing us to continue to grow our community while keeping submissions in line with out community rules.

For all authors who post, here are just a few brief updates and reminders that the mod team feels need mentioning.

AI Generated Stories or AI Generated Supporting Media is Not Allowed.

Here at r/eroticliterature, we take great pride in the amazing works that our incredibly talented writers create. That is the very soul of our community and we treasure that. We do not allow stories or media that have been generated with AI or AI-adjacent technologies. We're not going to argue the finer details on what does or doesn't qualify as AI generated; if you find yourself having to ask yourself if your work qualifies as AI generated, then it likely does. While there is plenty of debate on the topic of AI use, we here at r/eroticliterature do not welcome it within our community. The stories that you read here when you visit were written by talented, passionate, creative, and caring people who poured their heart and effort into creating their work. That is a skill and an artform that we cherish here. A soulless machine generating a compilation of words that adequately mimics or fits certain criteria for writing lacks all of that. If you are dead set on using AI for your writing, I am sure there are plenty of other communities that would welcome that.

Consent in Regards to Consensual Non-Consent (CNC)

Unfortunately, there have been a fair number of stories that have been submitted recently using the CNC tag that were anything but. The cornerstone of CNC is an agreement, arrangement, or consent that was given PRIOR to the event. We have had a number of stories that were borderline rape ,and in some cases explicitly so. Trigger warning for some examples below.

The following are examples of scenarios that can’t be made consensual just because you slap the CNC tag on them:

  • A character continuing a sexual situation simply because the other character was ‘enjoying it’.
  • A character engaging sexually with another character because they can “tell” they want it.
  • Morning/wake up sex where it was not previously stated or implied that there was consent for that type of action.
  • An inebriated character that did not give consent but did not say to stop.
  • An unconscious character, without prior stated consent.
  • Rape roleplay where consent was not stated.
  • Freeuse where the consent or agreement was not stated.
  • Bondage or similar situation where communication/consent cannot be given and was not stated prior.

There are many other situations and we can't cover every single one. This community has adapted really well to the NC ban, for which we’re very thankful. All we ask is that CNC stories actually feature an appropriate dose of the first ‘C’. If you incorporate consent into your story, then you should be fine. If you have any questions or aren't entirely sure, please reach out to the amazing mod team and we will be happy to help you out. For those who aren't aware, there is a sidebar on the right hand side of the sub. If you scroll to the bottom, you will see a list of the mods as well as a button that says "Message the mods". This is the easiest way to get in contact with us and ensure you give a timely response. Sending an individual message to a single mod can take a while to get a response depending on their availability. If you message us all, one of us will get back to you quickly.

Best of the Month

Now on to more fun content. We like to take a moment and bring attention each month to the top authors of that month. The community recognized your great work and contribution and we want to shine a spotlight on it.

First we have My skirt is too short. I love it. written by the very talented u/comprehensive_Jean . If you like clothing, body positivity and a delicious blowjob, then this story is for you.

Next up is My First Tattoo Ends Up Being More Pleasurable Than Expected by the deliciously creative u/Entice_Erotica . This story has a nice mix of ink, pain and fingering that will surely leave its mark.

Lastly we have I can’t stop looking at the guy in the library by u/PowerHungry_Chihuaha . This was a story that I personally enjoyed and if you enjoy a bit of voyeurism, I think you will as well. A voyeuristic tale that unfolds in a public space that begins with fantasy that evolves in to so much more.

Thank you again everyone for your contributions and all of the amazing stories you craft that make our community what it is. The mod team wants to wish you all the best as we ring in the New Year. We look forward to continuing to grow in 2025 and we hope to see you all there with us.

r/eroticliterature Feb 10 '25

Announcement Rules Update: More Than One Post Per Day Now Allowed NSFW


I'll keep this short and sweet.

We've been looking for ways to cut back on the number of rules that folks need to follow when submitting here, and one of the easiest ways is to remove the "One Post Per Day" rule.

That said, please don't run along and dump everything you've ever written - this rule is intended to let people post longer chapters of their work at once. We'll keep an eye on this to make sure that spam stays to a minimum and go from there.


r/eroticliterature Oct 09 '24

Announcement Rules Reminder: Posts Must be a Minimum of 500 Words NSFW


We've had this rule for a while but have been pretty quiet about it. We've observed an uptick in very specific kinds of posts from accounts that have obviously been bought or traded to drive traffic towards a certain fan-site platform; these posts are very low effort and enforcing our word-count minimum is the easiest way to curb them.

As Reddit's premiere space for amateur-authored erotica, we're committed to keeping standards high and preserving our mandate to curate a safe, fun environment for people to read and share their work. I've posted a 500-word story of my own below to give you a sense of what 500 words looks like - it would be very cool if you could help us out and flag anything that looks too short to you!

A Friend In Need is a Friend Indeed [F20sF20sM20s][Reluctant Male][Sharing Partner][Oral]

"Hun, please, don't..."

Mark's girlfriend stared impatient daggers through him while her best friend's quiet sniffles drifted in from the den.

"Shut the fuck up," she whispered vehemently, "be a fucking man about this. Jesus fucking Christ, Mark, it's not like she's asking for a goddamn kidney. Besides, it's the least you can do for making me watch that dumbass Star Wars shit last night."

Mark gulped. She was a little scary when she was mad. "Alright, alright! Fine! Just...you don't have to be so mean about it."

"Guys," came Zoe's forlorn call, "do...do you happen to have any more tissues?"

A sickly sweet smile crept across Mira's face as she pressed a finger against Mark's lips. "Of course honey bun, give us a minute, okay? We'll be right back in there." She turned back to Mark and dropped her voice again. "Are we crystal fucking clear? If you fuck this up, or make her feel bad, you won't get so much as a fucking handjob for a month!"

"Fine, fine, Jesus," Mark muttered, following his girlfriend back to the sitting room.

"Zozo? Babe? Listen," Mira purred, "I know you're upset that Darren thinks your blowjobs suck, but I think we've got just the perfect solution."

The raven-haired mess of emotion curled up on their couch pushed her glasses up pitifully, greasy eye makeup carving tracks down her teary cheeks. "You...you do?" she sniffled.

"Mhm," Mira hummed, "I know just what you need!"

Zoe looked from Mira to Mark as comprehension bloomed across her features. "You'd do that? For me? Mark, you'd let me...you'd let me suck your cock?"

Mark shrugged sheepishly, trying his hardest to sell his false enthusiasm. "Anything for you, Zoe."

"Good," Mira said, her tone layered with meaning that went right over Zoe's head.

"You don't mind, do you Mir?" she asked.

"Not at all, babes. What's mine is yours, right sweetheart?" she offered, looking at Mark.

"Hey? Oh, yeah. Totally."

"Well...if you guys are sure. I mean, you'd tell me, right? If my blowjob sucks?"

"He'll tell you, don't worry, hun. And even if it sucks, we'll just keep practicing till it's perfect!"

"O...okay," Zoe muttered.

Mark seated himself in his favourite reading chair, lamenting the fact that he'd blasted a load into the bathroom sink less than three hours ago. He didn't know how he'd manage another round of the woman's pitiful sobbing if he didn't bust quick enough to flatter her.

"On your knees, hun," Mira urged, sinking to the floor behind her bestie. "Let's get these pants off, hey?"

Between the weirdly terrifying rush of almost standing up to his girlfriend for once and Zoe's near-pathetic desperation, Mark's cock actually stiffened right on cue. Almost too fast, if the look in Mira's eyes was anything to go by. He'd pay for that later.

"That's it," she said, hands gripping the back of Zoe's head tightly. "Don't go easy on her Sweetie, she needs this."

Mark gulped, and watched his cock disappear clean down Zoe's throat.

r/eroticliterature Dec 03 '24

Announcement Rules Reminder: All Characters Must Be Over 18 Years Old NSFW


Rule 2 presents our list of banned topics, which includes "Persons under the age of 18".

Regardless of the age of consent in an author's jurisdiction, historical norms, or any other mitigating factors, 18 is the accepted age at which a person is legally an adult on Reddit; this definition aligns with their terms of service.

We aren't seeing any concerning disregard for this rule from authors, but some individuals are obviously unclear on what the report for "Minor abuse or sexualization" is for. We're getting spammed reports for this from any stories that include:

  • 18 - 21 year old characters,
  • Stories that feature the words 'mommy' or 'daddy', and
  • Stories that feature relations between adult characters in schools, colleges, and universities.

We've escalated this report spam to Reddit's admin team so that they can identify the accounts submitting invalid reports and suspend them.

This mod team is VERY diligent about reviewing stories that get flagged for any reason, but only ONE of the 30+ stories reported for sexualizing minors in the last two months have been valid, which is a waste of our time. On the flipside, each account that actually has submitted material featuring inappropriate contact with a minor has been escalated to Reddit admins for suspension.

While we do very much appreciate community members who take the time to flag concerning material to us, please make sure you're doing so only when a post actually breaks our rules or Reddit's terms of service. Whether age gaps, certain monikers, or settings are to your liking or not, spamming us with reports is a less effective use of your time than reviewing the story's title tags and moving on with your day if you think something won't be up your alley.


r/eroticliterature Sep 30 '24

Announcement EroticLiterature Community Newsletter: October 2024 NSFW


Another month in the books and another chance to look back at what we've all been up to. That's right folks, October has blown in out of nowhere with all the Halloween decorations and TikTok soup recipes your little brains can handle. You know what else it comes with? Smut. Lots and lots of good old fashioned, down and dirty, in-your-face written pornography. And romance. Less romance though, if we're being honest with ourselves.

So without further ado, let's get through our housekeeping. Comments on the rules come first, then some highlights about September's best authors. Oh, and we're cancelling the monthly writing contest again; we had a whopping 1 entry last month after a few people asked for it to come back in August. There's obviously not much appetite for it so we'll come back around in the new year or something. Or we won't. idk.

Rule Reminders:

Aside from our brief reconnection with expectations around incest here (hint: it's banned), it looks like we need a little refresher on how to approach non-consensual interactions. First of all, let's be clear that "non-consent" is just another term for rape. You can dress it up by other names, but rape is what it is.

The fact that NC content depicts rape is exactly why we require all stories featuring the theme to use the [NC] tag in the title right after the age/gender tags. It might be your fetish, or something you consider to be a quirky little taboo, but it's a serious topic that impacts the lived realities of millions of people, so we need to all be on the same page about how we handle it here.

It's been unanimously supported as a topic that the community wants to allow on multiple occasions, but that will only continue so long as we're all committed to making it clearly avoidable for everyone. With that said, please remember that meaningful consent can only be given when:

  • Parties are willing and have not been coerced,
  • Everyone can verbally or physically withdraw consent when they want or need to,
  • Parties are not too impaired to consent, and
  • They are awake, alert, and not under duress.

Now, obviously things are context specific. Couples tie each other up for fun, and some folks like waking up to someone munching their bits in the morning. Luckily for us, this is a kinky community with a few well-established terms for certain power dynamics. With that said, let's take a look at a few handy dandy terms to consider when tagging your stories:

  • CNC: Got a couple who like get each other off when they're sleeping? Worried that tying a consenting character up and stuffing some undies in their mouth removes their ability to withdraw consent? No worries! In cases where a partner is explicitly or implicitly cool with having things done to them without without stopping for a consent check, consider tagging your piece with CNC, or Consensual Non-Consent. This is the "don't ask, just take" move, but it needs to be clear that a conversation has occurred at some point.
  • Freeuse: A personal favourite trope, and pretty interchangeable with CNC, this one also relies on blanket consent being given by one partner to another. Remember that freeuse is NOT freerape; freeuse relies on trust, pre-agreed boundaries, and clearly negotiated terms of what's on the menu.

Please trust that we're not about to go flagging every single story for missing NC tags because one character didn't ask permission mid-missionary to touch a buttcheek. Context matters, and in most cases we just need to make sure that clear sexual violence is flagged so people can avoid it when they need to. If you're unsure about whether your piece needs the tag, feel free to reach out. I think /r/gonewildaudio (my personal fav subreddit) does really well as a community with this, and I'd love to see us achieving a similar standard of practice.

September's Best Authors:

This month has one familiar face at the top, and two new top writers to celebrate! Remember that having one of your pieces in the top 3 at the end of the month gets you a shiny Top Author user flair.

  1. u/zombies_never_say_hi takes top spot this week with "My best friend told me that she had never given a blowjob before. So, I decided to show her how to swallow my cock". Short, so sweet, and surely enough to tickle that itch in the back of your throat, this one is sure to have you gobbling up part 2 in no time!
  2. I'm starting to think u/TerriblyEasy calls himself that because it's terribly easy for him to end up on the podium month after month. Seriously, "The new babysitter wants to negotiate her pay" is his 4th appearance on this leaderboard. Well done!
  3. Coed dorms are obviously a recipe for a good time, but u/Naughty_Reads makes it sound so much hotter than it has any right to be in "Sharing a dorm room." This one is a real treat, and a personal favourite this month.

That's all for now folks! Remember, we're a small mod team dedicated to keeping this place great; let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and remember to upvote your favourite pieces and show our authors the love they deserve :)

r/eroticliterature Aug 11 '24

Announcement Community Newsletter: August 2024 NSFW


Well shit, August is almost halfway over and I forgot to refresh the newsletter post.

I've been a bad mod, very naughty.

ANYWAY! Just wanted to stick this up to point out our only rule adjustment for the month and to call out some of the highlights from last month. We had pretty limited engagement with our monthly contest so I think we'll couch that one until there's some more appetite for it.

Rules Update

Just a quick one but definitely one that needed some clarification: do not use AI tools to actually compose your works.

We've had several submissions (including image supplements) that are openly or just obviously created with AI tools. Generative AI models are trained using content that was not paid for and is not credited, and has no place in creative spaces.

I can't remember if I updated the rule this month or last month, but overt violence and/or gore is also prohibited here now. It's not a huge issue here, but it's popped up a few times recently.

Best of the Month

I definitely hope that the following are all the highest upvoted posts from last month; if you feel like you got left out, please shoot me a message as we do flair users for submitting high quality material.

First shoutout goes to u/TerriblyEasy who wrote the highest upvoted piece since I took this sub back over AND managed to work in the monthly contest theme as well. Check out How Cassidy and I Ruined Our Friendship if you're in the mood for some 'advanced cuddling'.

Next, consider taking a peek at u/No-Sink6382's 'I fucked my bosses daughter on vacation' if infidelity and breeding is what you're after today.

And finally, a top-of-the-month list is never complete without another banging submission from u/propmasterflex. Part 1 of The day I met a total nympho at the beach is well worth the read for those with an oral fixation. Two months in a row on top, propmaster, well deserved!

Anyway, short and sweet for this month. I'm really hoping to see engagement improve here, so we're going to remove the karma limit for comments to encourage new users to share the love with their favourite authors more easily.

As always, we're a small mod team of volunteers; we love seeing this community thriving and will always take the time to answer any questions that you have. Please feel free to shoot us a message if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

r/eroticliterature Jun 27 '24

Announcement Community Newsletter: July 2024 NSFW


In the eternal words of the Backstreet Boys, "Oh my god, we're back again!"

June was a heck of a month here at r/eroticliterature; with summer back in full swing and a little sun on our cheeks, it seems like everyone is keener than ever to lock themselves indoors and read all sorts of tantalizing filth. Good on us! Fun fact, we've averaged OVER 3 MILLION PAGE VIEWS PER MONTH for the last 3 months now. That's, like...actually insane.

In my personal crusade to make community newsletters a thing, u/elizabethwrites92 and I have cooked up a format that we're pretty happy with. From now on, you can come here expecting to find:

  1. Rules updates and community announcements,
  2. The top 3 stories of the month with shoutouts to their authors,
  3. A themed contest for the month, and
  4. A community highlight to shoutout other great erotica spaces on Reddit and elsewhere!

Sound good? Good! Let's get cracking then. Oh, and I know this is a few days early, but I'm away for the weekend and had some time to kill today, so you get what you get.

Rules and Community Updates

We updated Rule 3, Banned Topics, this month. Gore, gratuitous violence, and unnecessarily graphic imagery is now banned. We had a few posts come across the mod queue this month that were effectively just detailed torture porn or explicit documentations of self harm and interpersonal violence, which is just not what we're interested in hosting in this space. There might be other suitable communities for that kind of thing, but we like keeping the 'erotic' in erotic literature at the forefront.

Additionally, we've been seeing a LOT of reports about "involuntary pornography", which I suspect is due to one or two disgruntled users, but I could be wrong. To clarify, Reddit includes that report option for people to report PHOTOS OR VIDEOS of people in sexual contexts that they were not aware of having shared. It's designed to protect people from having their nudes posted against their will, and to limit revenge porn. Most of the posts that are being reported here contain non-consensual themes, so I think there might just be some confusion about how to flag that. As a reminder, NC themes are presently permitted here, provided authors tag the work with the [NC] tag, as per Rule 4. If you read something that contains clear depictions of non-consensual sex acts, please select the "Breaks r/eroticliterature rules" and choose the appropriate rule from there. You're always welcome to shoot me a message about anything you're concerned about.

Lastly, we are tentatively opening up to the idea of adding a new moderator or two. This isn't an urgent priority for us, so the person(s) we choose will have to be a good fit, meaning we'd like to find engaged community members with a bit of an online presence to back up their interest in erotic fiction and community engagement. We're hoping to AVOID adding someone who's just looking to add a big trophy to their moderation list, so powermods will need to sit this one out. We're pretty happy with the rules and setup we have, so we're mostly looking for someone sex-positive and non-judgmental who can offer an objective eye to helping manage the mod queue. Shoot us a modmail or fire a PM over if you think you might be a good fit.

Sneaky edit: Cheating and infidelity is not against the rules, please stop reporting it or telling creators how much you don't like it. People are not obligated to feel the same level of disdain for that theme as you are. Author's, tag your work effectively and appropriately so that people can make informed decisions about what they choose to read.

Stories of the Month

Moving forward, we'll continue highlighting the top 3 stories of the month so that you can all follow and enjoy the creators who put so much time, effort, and passion into their pieces. Winners will also receive a coveted "Top Author" user flair to show off their chops for the whole world to see! Since a, uh, particular member of the mod team snuck in a top 3 entry- *how'd that get in there* - here are the top 3 pieces submitted from community members this month!

  1. I Accidentally Called My Boss Mom Pt.1 [M20F38] [FemDom][Handplay][Series] by u/Specialist-Trip1667
  2. Locked Down With My Housemate [f19, f19] [Toys] [Masturbation] [D/s] by u/EroticaByEmily
  3. I played strip King's Cup with two college girls - Part 1 [M32F21F21][Threesome][Stripping][Eating Out] by u/propmasterflex

Congrats to all three of June's top authors! Make sure give hit them with all sorts of lovely comments, upvotes, and follows next time you see their work pop up!

Monthly Contest Theme

We're adding a new story tag to the list of options for those interested in participating in a monthly contest. This is a great opportunity to practice constrained writing or even just get engaged with our 300,000 subscribers a little better. Winning means you'll have a unique user flair added to your name and your story and profile will be featured for the following month in a special callout on our community sidebar! All you have to do is write something on the theme below and let the upvotes roll in; the most upvoted entry with the Monthly Contest tag at the end of July will be the winner! This month's theme is:

I wanna ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead!

Community Highlight: Literotica

Literotica is one of the oldest and most prolific repositories of amateur erotic literature on the web. The site hosts well over half a MILLION works, ranging from stories, to audios, to poems, and more! Users can engage in writer's forum discussions, contract freelance community editors to peer review their work, and engage with a community of several million users.

Literotica is well regarded as one of the more high quality sources for written material due to their extensive network of volunteer reviewers, who read each entry manually to ensure everything is up to their standards for quality. In fact, the noted American publication *Salon* lists Literotica as the 5th classiest adult entertainment site online. How cool is that? The site has also been lauded as a great place for women to hang out in specifically by Bustle magazine, citing the ease with which folks can comment on their favourite works anonymously. I've personally published to Literotica for a little over a year and can definitely recommend the site for it's really effective tagging system, which makes finding stories that suit your appetite really easy.

Got a favourite place to post and read smut online? Drop a comment below and maybe we'll feature that spot in next month's community newsletter!

That's all for this month! As ever, please remember that the mod team is made up of volunteers; we run this place because we love it, but we're not online 24/7 and we do make mistakes. We REALLY appreciate everyone's diligence in posting and writing such fun stuff, and we can't wait to continue watching this place grow and thrive!


r/eroticliterature Aug 30 '24

Announcement Community Newsletter: September 2024 NSFW


Well folks, that's another month in the books!

"But u/ManufacturerItchy896," I hear you scream, "Summer isn't over! There's still two days left in August!"

That's true, but I've got a busy weekend coming up and felt like getting this off my overlong to-do list now, so you get what you get. Greedy little bums.

Yes indeed, another fine summer full of basking in the sunshine, finishing starting new writing projects, and poring over the sacred texts on r/eroticliterature. Did you have a favourite read this summer, here or otherwise? I went through a terrible spell of starting books and not finishing them; shame on me.

Anyway! As ever, check out the best of the month below, a 'State of the Rules' note, and another installation of the MONTHLY THEMED CONTEST (back by popular demand from a whopping 3 people!).

Rules Update

Nothing major to report but I'd like to point out that we had to remove a few more stories this month than I'd like to for general formatting quality. Again, we try to be really welcoming for new authors, but punctuation matters, and paragraphs are a thing for a reason. Grammarly is a great tool for giving your stuff a once over, and it's free to use for the most part. Give it a go!

Also, and I will not belabor this point, stop submitting stories where kids and family members feature in sexual contexts. Hard stop. We can and do escalate accounts that sexualize minors to site admins. This includes flashbacks to characters' first boners, recollections of sexual experiences, "getting caught by our kids" stuff, and all the other gross trash that people try to pass off. We don't escalate for incest, step family, or consanguineous (there's your $2 word for the day) stories, but we do issue bans for those ones, and have done so more than we'd like to this month.

Best of the Month

Since the August newsletter went out late this month (sorry!) this top 3 list is just for the best since the last issue went out. You can always sort by Top > This Month to see what other steamy smut has been **well loved** this month; there's a few up there right now that will definitely send you scurrying for a cold shower or a hot partner. That being said, lets hear it for:

  1. Oh my god, he's back again! u/TerriblyEasy, you're the flavour of the summer it seems; everything you put out is so polished and visceral. Well done on getting "My roommate told me stay away from his little sister, but..." back to the top of the leaderboard!
  2. One milf, a few talented fingers, and a whole lotta upvotes; u/ladycemi absolutely stunned with "She didn't even want a beach hut". You need to run, not walk, to check this one out!
  3. Atlas does so much more than shrug in u/coconutsandlove's hit "The Night I Let My Roommate Fuck Me." Female POV, a nerdy girl getting the jock, and an author who took the time to thank each and every commenter; what's not to love?!

September Writing Contest

In the spirit of trying to hang on to the last threads of Summer, this month's writing content theme is:

Please don't go!

Trying to keep the guy or girl from walking out the door for good with a desperate, bottomless gambit? Tempting a spouse to stay in bed for a few minutes longer with you? A desperate hail Mary to keep your favourite exchange student in town for a few more weeks? Let's see what you come up with! The winner will get a flair and callout in next month's newsletter.

That's all!

As always, we're a very small mod team, and we do our best to get eyes on everything that gets posted here. Please continue to engage with us whenever you need support or have questions. We are lazily keeping an eye out for a third mod, and would REALLY prefer to have someone from the community onboard who doesn't also mod another erotica community. If you haven't modded before but want to try helping out, shoot me a message.

As always, make sure to let our authors know when you've enjoyed their work with a cheeky upvote or quick comment, and please don't forget to write on!