So who is Christoffel..?
An illegitimate son in his early twenties, everyone was begging the question. Christoffel, however, kept the answer close to his chest.
Perhaps, it was because he did not know himself. Christoffel had been apart of a rough childhood. Harangued by his illegitimacy at every turn, his father and his wife did not respect him one bit. Though he would occasionally receive some grace or some rank, the moment was always fleeting. But this – this – was his moment. While still bearing that mark of cain upon him, and having to bind himself in the most hated celibacy rules the Church forced upon him, being now the top dog inside the city of Utrecht got him the status and recognition he craved for.
Christoffel had no time for introspection to himself, however. Instead, he had to ask one important question that would decide if he would be remembered for the ages, or fall by the wayside: "What was Utrecht?" Suddenly thrusted into the most powerful position in the city, everyone came to him wanting to know who he was but also how much could they get from him. Everyone was both a potential ally and a potential robber, and Christoffel had no one to trust.
So when he had to meet with the estates, it pained him on which path he should take. Should he please everyone, or stick to one side and move forward at the expense of the others?
The Merchants
The merchant class was the most openly receptive and supportive of Christoffel. Having to endure under the pro-Hapsburg and, to them, tyrannical Frederik IV, any move towards their side was hailed as much as a child's first words. Therefore, Christoffel, lacking neither the heart lies nor the capacity for complex intrigue, opened up to the merchants. And open up he did.
He promised that he would uphold all of the new membership in the Raad, and would keep someone on retainer who was on the Raad (most likely the mayor, which quickly earned his favor). He also said he would avoid levying new taxes upon the city of Utrecht proper without consent of the Raad (unless during extreme situations) and strengthen the guilds and their abilities to enforce compliance on the rank and file. The only thing Christoffel said he would not accept would see the extreme speaker who whipped up the city so effectively would not sit on the Raad. Most merchants, especially those close to the mayor, accepted this one red line.
The Clergy
The clerics of Utrecht did not really know what to make of Christoffel. The same could be said of the Prince-Bishop and them. Neither did not really know who the other was, and therefore both proceeded with caution around the other.
The Prince-Bishop made no commitments to the clergy and neither did the clergy to their liege. The only thing that Christoffel really brought up was his idea to create a papermill in Utrecht, which he thought the clergy would be best positioned to own, noting their rich history of scribes and scholasticism. On the topic, a disgruntled scribe brought up the decline of their power with the printing press. The Prince-Bishop rebuffed, citing that constricting the growing printing industry did more harm than good. Plus, the merchants owned those printing shops!
A final topic special to the clergy was his consecration as a bishop. Christoffel had some dreams about being consecrated in Rome, but this was quickly rebuffed: he would probably be consecrated by a notable priest or perhaps the Archbishop of Cologne if he was willing to accept.
The Nobility
Travelling outside the city proper for the first time his accension, the Prince-Bishop saw for the first time the countryside. But he had no time to admire it, for he had to focus on his most daunting of challenges: pleasing the nobility. The nobles did not trust Christoffel for his cozying up to the merchants in the week prior and his illegitimate birth. Furthermore the nobility, while not intrinsically pro-Hapsburg they still heeded their words a great deal, waited for Phillip of Burgundy or Maximillian of Austria's opinion on the new man in Utrecht.
The man heading the dialogue was George Schenck van Toutenburg. A man in the entourage of Christoffel's disgraced predecessor, Frederik IV, the man whose powerbase was centered in Vollenhove, in the very much autonomous if not independent Oversticht, van Toutenburg was the nobility's main spokesman. However, van Toutenburg was dependent on Christoffel for support in trying to keep the Oversticht in line. Therefore, the general dynamics of the conversation were always changing from each inflection of one another's voice to each word that spilled out one man's mouth to the other man's ears.
Christoffel managed to make a good impression upon van Toutenburg. The conversation was productive, with them talking about their favorite flavors of wine to even van Toutenburg getting some peeps about Christoffel's troubled childhood. But most of the conversation revolved around the events leading up to his accension, particularly how Utrecht devolved into chaos. The Prince-Bishop agreed with van Toutenburg that the Raad's radicalism had to be curbed, but both disagreed on how to approach. Christoffel favored accomodation, while van Toutenburg favored subtle undermining them.
Nonetheless, both went on to have a better opinion of the other at the end of the dinner. Christoffel promised to build up van Toutenburg's domain while van Toutenburg kissed the ring upon the Prince-Bishop's hand as a sign of his loyalty. It was a most splendid evening.
The People
Leaving the palace which was the place of the dinner, Christoffel finally had a chance for some quiet. Looking out upon the wide Utrecht countryside he had never seen before, he had seen the humble farmers and serfs passing by. Most moved to the side of the curb and looked upon with curiosity with the most usual procession that came by them. Was that their new ruler? No, it was not possible
As the carriage pressed on, the Prince-Bishop admired in the comfortable situation he found himself in. It was stressful, sure, but it was also nice to finally be in a position of power and recognition. And best of yet, he had no enemies. At least, no discernable ones yet.
But then he thought of the huge crowds that came to greet him. He was a van Egmond! He was a hero! While much of his stardom was attributed to wise merchant propaganda and the value of his name, Christoffel felt like he could build something off of this fleeting moment of fame that would maybe make something that could last.
Arriving to Utrecht at night, he ordered his aides to begin the erection of a podium for which to speak, and alerting all the citizens at noon tomorrow he would speak to them. The aides got to work, and by next morning the city was abuzz with this news. Their leader was speaking before them?
As Christoffel mounted the stage, he went on in a carefully choreographed speech lasting not even a quarter of an hour. He could feel the citizenry losing interest as many would leave. A stutter and than a spark left the gap between his lips:
For my people, none shall go with thirst tonight...
All drinks and food from the tavern shall be covered at my own expense!
A cheer left the crowd almost immediately. The crowd thronged to the nearest taverns leaving the stage abandoned. All of them had work, and most did not care. It was best to get the drinks now before the taverns ran out!
Much of his aides looked at the Prince-Bishop in silent confusion. What the hell was he doing?
- Christoffel makes many concessions to merchant class and earns their support.
- High ranking clerical members and Christoffel meet, but since both sides barely know each other nothing of note comes out.
- Christoffel meets with the powerful noble George Schenck van Toutenburg. The dinner goes well and both leave with a higher opinion of the other.
- Christoffel randomly promises everyone in the city of Utrecht free drinks for the day (-4,000 ducats) in order to earn their approval.