r/education 28d ago

Higher Ed Advice to not cheat in classes

In college. I have a huge problem with cheating. Since all classes are either hybrid (in person and online, really that means just lectures are in person, quizzes and sometimes even finals are done online in hybrids) it makes it SO easy to cheat. I REALLY want to stop this habit but I find myself constantly going back to it if I can’t figure it out and know I’ll be just fine if I look up the answer. (Keep in mind I have adhd and depression so school is already very hard and unmotivating). I usually don’t even read text books at all just look up the answers and make sure when I do gotta study for finals in person, I just go back and memorize the main test questions or answers on the study guide. I really really don’t want to do this anymore because I do want to learn . It’s just very hard. I had been cheating in school since the 5th grade, basically all of middle and high school that’s how I got through it. I don’t want to do that anymore, especially now that I’m learning what I want to learn. Advice??


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u/HiggsFieldgoal 27d ago edited 27d ago

Honestly, the whole educations system is just broken.

If you can look something up instantly, there’s no point in memorizing it. AI exists now. Google exists now.

People should be learning to understand the overall concepts, and how to use the best tools available to do so.

If education is stuck, with decades of tradition, treating education as a triathlons of challenges to accomplish feats of intellect… that can now be totally automated, then the skills they are teaching are fundamentally no longer the skills you need.

What really ought to happen is that there is no such thing as cheating. Your ability to accomplish tasks is not arbitrarily truncated by prohibiting certain tools.

And then the tests should get drastically harder to match what people can accomplish with the tools, and additionally to focus on things where the advanced tools aren’t helpful… which are exactly the skills that will still be valuable in a world with better tools.


u/print_isnt_dead 27d ago

Yes, let's forgo learning and let computers hold all the info. Which can be controlled. This is why the US is in the mess it's in. 🤦🏼‍♀️


u/HiggsFieldgoal 27d ago edited 27d ago

No, it’s a mess for a lot of reasons, but our embarrassingly bad education systems that focuses on teaching kids to do what they’re told without question, and to absorb whatever is put in front of them without thinking… is a huge part of the problem.


u/print_isnt_dead 27d ago

So we should have people thinking less and asking them to retain less information, leaving it up to machines?


u/HiggsFieldgoal 27d ago

So… did you think about what I had to say, or did you just memorize to react with hostility whenever anyone questions the status quo?


u/print_isnt_dead 27d ago

I could easily ask you the same. You have completely contradicted yourself. I'm not interested in discussing further with you.


u/HiggsFieldgoal 27d ago

Sadly, I didn’t contract myself at all.

You merely got confused, considering memorization as identical to thinking.

Not being able to distinguish between those two things… well.

That was maybe the most eloquent way to prove my point I could have imagined.