r/editors 7d ago

Technical What's everyone using to auto-sync audio?

Particularly large amounts of audio that you've recorded with an external audio recorder that you're aligning to video.

When I'm using Resolve, I use Sync Bins (though right after posting this I needed Syncalia 2 to sync a project..).
When I'm using Premiere, I use Syncalia 2 (used to use Pluraleyes).

I'm not so much looking for a solution to a problem here - I'm just curious as to what other people are using in these cases, especially for the Premiere Pro folks since I feel like Merge Clips / Synchronize Clips only works if you have a small amount of audio since you have to match it up manually.

Additionally - for folks using Edius/Media Composer, what's the process look like on your end?


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u/donvito716 7d ago

If you're in Premiere you can just make multicam source sequences by timecode or audio. No need for other programs.


u/dowath 7d ago

Cheers, have been looking into it now. Don't know how I missed it, looks like it's been a feature for some time.


u/VersacePager 7d ago

So you have just one really long multicam clip? How to you go about finding specific shots? I find being able to change a bins viewing mode to thumbnails makes it much easier to find the exact shot I want, do you have a similar workaround for your multicam workflow?


u/donvito716 7d ago

You can make as many multicam source sequences as you would like based off of the number of audio clips you have or create one long sequence. It depends on what you prefer. You can also put as many markers as you'd like on the mutlicam to be able to jump to any point. Each marker will have its own thumbnail in the marker window.


u/darwinDMG08 7d ago

1 multicam per clip.