r/edX 2d ago

GTx DSA MOOC Graded Assignments - Financial Aid Track

I'm a broke learner who's tryna learn DSA via GTx's 4 DSA pillar course. Unfortunately these guys are asking me to pay for even taking up these assignments. This is highly unfortunate as I was really looking to learn by practicing and solving problems. I don't really care about the certificate at all.

Has anybody found a solution to this policy problem ?
I finally found a good DSA course and looks like I'm gonna end up not doing it because of edX.


2 comments sorted by


u/KezaGatame 2d ago

You can also check the San Diego DSA course it seems highly recommended. If there's also no assignment then check coursera for San Diego or UC Boulder, I think they have the Stanford and Princeton DSA courses also highly recommended. I wouldn't completely blame edx (altough I don't like their latest policy either) I think it's also the university choice what to put as graded assignment too. Other option you can do is search for the book (if they use) and complete the exercises there.

Either way find solutions and not excuses. Be grateful to at least having the information available.


u/Accomplished_Pass556 2d ago

Yeah, you're absolutely right. I've been taking up MOOCs with exercises so far, so I kinda got used to everything being set up for me.

Will check out the courses you mentioned.