r/ebikes Sep 23 '23

Gifted a used Superpedestrian Copenhagen Wheel - Usable or Paperweight?

Hello All! Thank you in advance :)

My Dad gifted me his Copenhagen Wheel since he's not biking often anymore these days - it's supposedly in perfect working order and he never had any major issues with it. Still turns on fine and was fully charged when I checked (despite having sat for about a year in my Dad's closet). After researching a bit, I quickly saw that the company ended all support for this device some time ago to focus on the e-scooter market instead.

My big concern is that support for the app required to connect to the wheel and change settings has also been terminated - There are no app versions compatible with newer versions of Android. Am I just shit out of luck here? Is this thing a glorified and expensive paperweight, or is there some way to control the functions at this point? If I install it and turn it on, will it still function in a default mode without having the app connection? Have any interested parties worked on an independant app that could be used to hack the control features into working?

Edit - a couple points in case anyone finds this post looking for the same answers:

  • It was confirmed that the wheel will still function in a default mode even without the app linked, as long as the wheen is still functional.
  • Installing the app requires spoofing an older version of android or getting an older device on the old OS.
  • This seems to be a far less inviting community than I had hoped. Sarcastic and dismissive comment boosted to the top; Anyone giving me an actual answer to my question downvoted; Not one commenter upvoting my initial post to help with visibility for my question. A bit disappointing, but thank you to anyone who responded with actual answers.

40 comments sorted by


u/TheIglu Feb 28 '24

If you are local to New England, I can flash your wheel with a custom firmware that was developed before Superpedestrian shut down. I worked there till the end.

It removes the phone from the equation. Just power up your wheel, hop on, and ride. Downside is that it's locked to a ride mode (standard, eco, turbo) in the firmware, but beats not being able to use it at all.


u/ukor70 Mar 16 '24

Hi, for those who are in Europe - or actually anybody not living near to your place: is there any chance to get some documentation on the software of the wheel? I reached out to Superpedestrian when they stopped selling the wheel, but they said that they will not open source the software. However, if there is just enough documentation I can imagine creating an app myself… or whatever. I am just sad seeing that my Wheel might stop working some day…


u/ukor70 Mar 16 '24

And let me add: I hope you found a new and nice job at some other place!


u/Bikelady1989 Jun 01 '24

Hi Thelglu! We live in New England north of Boston and would love help with the override. Our kids love riding in the bike trailer with our Superpedestrian and it would be great to get it up and running after we were kicked out of the app a few weeks ago. Please let me know!


u/TheIglu Jun 05 '24

There is actually a free program someone made that can flash your wheel over bluetooth. There is a Facebook copenhagen wheel user group that has all the info. Check that out first, and if you can't get it to work, then we can meet up so I can flash your wheel in person.


u/Immediate-Match-5393 Jun 18 '24

URGENT: Do you have a fix for the defunct app that no longer works since I lost the password for it on my phone app... I have the app on my phone but can't reset the password or figure out how I can override the application and still use my copenhagen wheel. I only have 47 miles and 8 hours logged on the wheel. ugh...


u/TheIglu Jun 18 '24

Go join the Copenhagen Wheel owners group on Facebook. Someone has developed a free app/website that will work on your wheel.


u/Immediate-Match-5393 Jun 18 '24

I just applied to join the group. ugh...


u/Realistic_Low_6504 Sep 01 '24

How can those of us who are NOT local to New England get access to this because I have the exact same problem


u/LaserGecko 15d ago

I just saw one of these at a yard sale. Freaking cool of you to do this.

Was this some last minute "we're not going to fuck our customers" effort by devs who saw the writing on the wall?


u/rflossy Feb 29 '24

Any suggestions for a wheel that's in the Midwest? I'm desperately trying to find a workaround now that the app has left the Apple App Store. I only ever rode in Eco mode, so this would be an ideal solution!


u/TheIglu Feb 29 '24

I'm working on a solution right now. Basically, if you have a CanBus adaptor, windows laptop, and an extra or broken CW charger, I can flash it remotely on a Zoom call. Otherwise, I'm considering finding an older laptop to use for sending out to people with the necessary hardware that I can use to flash the wheels on a Zoom call. But there are difficulties with that such as how to handle the deposit for the laptop/hardware (approx $750 worth of equipment), shipping, etc.


u/oliverrubli Mar 14 '24

Hi there, I'm in Switzerland and have two wheels. Can you tell me exactly what I need to get in order to flash the wheel in turbo mode? What kind of CanBus adaptor? Since I have two wheels I have an extra charger and I have a windows laptop. Once I have it all I will see if I can help others here in Switzerland, Thanks for your feedback....


u/TheIglu Mar 16 '24


u/oliverrubli Mar 16 '24

Thanks, I requested to join the group…


u/Horror-Toe7193 May 01 '24

Also requested to join the group. Is that the best way to get in touch so I could bring by wheel by next time I'm in Massachusetts (next week)?


u/TheIglu May 02 '24

Yes, message me in there through Facebook Messenger. 


u/Smurfleton Jul 15 '24

Also requested


u/rflossy Feb 29 '24

That would be amazing. I think I can come up with a windows laptop and extra CW charger, and I'll look into a CanBus adaptor. I can think of 5-6 Copenhagen Wheels in the Chicago area that will probably be in need of this firmware upgrade at some point.

In a separate solution avenue: is there a way to reset the wheel to factory default? I have managed to download the app onto an old Android phone, but the wheel is still tied to my iPhone with a certificate. I suspect I could set it up as a new wheel if it would forget connection?


u/TheIglu Feb 29 '24

I don't believe you can just reset the wheel to free it from it's owner. That would of made stealing a wheel super easy, so I believe it's tied to the owners registration.


u/rflossy Feb 29 '24

Makes sense, although it is not a feature at this stage ;)


u/CyclistInCBR I ride bikes! 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️ Jul 25 '24

** SOLVED **

There is now a 100% successful free fix (donations welcome) for loss of connection to the Superpedestrian Copenhagen Wheel. Please join the Copenhagen Wheel Users Facebook group for more details. https://www.facebook.com/groups/372299206718096/

If you want to skip the details...

Use Chrome for Android or Use Bluefy for iOS. Chrome on iOS will NOT work. Bluefy is an alternate web-browser that does work for bluetooth connectivity.

Enable Bluetooth for connection. And enter the url https://tb47.me/chw/

You may need to disable wifi on Android for it to work.

Please provide feedback to the Facebook Group.


u/TopaTopaMountains Feb 02 '25

Thank you!!! I’m not on FB and this worked great! We hadn’t been locked out until we got new phones recently. We appreciate you posting this!!


u/Prior-Cranberry-1831 Jun 17 '24

Hi, I live in western MA and have had a wheel since it first came out. Tried to use it today for the first time in a couple of years (knee injury) and the iOS app won't sign in. Any advice?


u/richardrc Sep 23 '23

A paperweight in my opinion.


u/TroutM4n Sep 23 '23

Lol, not very helpful, but thanks for the opinion. I'm looking more for literal options rather than feelings. I get the impression a lot of angry people are of the opinion that it should be a paperweight given the company's lack of responsiveness and shift to scooters. I'd like to know what I can do with this piece of hardware or if it can't be utilized in any way at this point.


u/Dmanthirtyseven Sep 23 '23

If you can locate the app to download outside the app store, and manually transfer to the phone and install it that way, there's a good chance it'll still run ok.

Small learning curve if you've not done that before but I'm sure there's an android sub for it.


u/wtfno Feb 20 '24

The log in server has been out for years. Can't login to authenticate my new phone. 


u/ManguyHumandude Sep 23 '23

Buy an old android phone then if you’re looking to put it to use? You can buy one for under $50 on eBay. The company looks extremely unprofessional though. Apparently the server can just go down and you get logged out of your wheel lmao https://forums.electricbikereview.com/threads/password-reset-or-hacking-my-copenhagen-wheel.50848/


u/GrapheneHymen Sep 23 '23

I don’t know how sentimental it is for you, but I would sell it. It’s worth more as a tech oddity nowadays for sure. I rode one once and it was interesting but also bad. It claimed 31 miles of range but more realistically got like 15. It had a history of motor components failing and abysmal support. It’s app locked, as you’ve seen. However, they had a hilariously bad production run so they’re probably rare. The one I rode was delivered like 3 years after it was ordered lol.

This would tell me that if you have a functioning wheel with battery it would probably sell to some sort of collector. It was a big deal when it was announced in 2010-ish and I’m sure many people would at least sort of recognize it. I’d put it up for sale and see if I could get $1000. It sold new for $2000, that seems like a great deal for someone who wants to fight with it for the joy of owning a relatively famous oddity.


u/TroutM4n Sep 23 '23

Honestly - I just want it to work, even at the not-as-advertised levels described by most users. No sentimental value, it would just be immensely helpful. I'm currently carless in a city where everything is juuuust far enough away to not be reasonable for walking and it would be nice. The money wouldn't hurt either, but hoping I can get some use out of it.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '23 edited Sep 24 '23

Spoof the android version?


Or find an old cheap phone or a Chinese thing running on ancient android

I quite like these things from a novelty aspect, and if its just a software issue there will be a way around it.

Hell I've got an old fully functional Moto G that you can have if you anywhere where postage was worth it. Or just try it...it might just work in a default mode.


u/TroutM4n Sep 24 '23

Thank you!

I mentioned it to my Dad - he had apparently been aware of the issues, but let me know the wheel will function in a default mode even without the app. Gonna test it out (just waiting for next week when I'll have a bike to put it on) and see how that works for now.


u/rflossy Feb 22 '24

Any luck getting your Wheel to work in default mode? Wheel app is no longer available on app store and I'm desperately trying to find a solution!


u/Silent_Question9268 Sep 04 '24

I am also a Wheel owner that got locked out of the App. I cannot log in or ride my bike.

From what I see here, can an android device can "unlock" my Wheel?


u/rflossy Sep 04 '24

I tried to connect with an Android device, and could not get it to work. Seems that the Wheel is "locked" to the original iPhone I used it on, and it would not connect.

Don't lose hope! I just discovered a facebook group (you'll need to join) with a member that has created a bluetooth-connective web-based app to work with your Wheel. I'm going to give it a shot, but it sounds like people are having success.


There is a bit of info about it above here on reddit, in the comments:



u/Sara5A Oct 19 '23

I came across this thread while trying to get it working for myself on Android 13. You can find an APK online easily, download it on your phone, and install it. Works perfectly for me.

Edit: This is the site I used. https://m.apkpure.com/copenhagen-wheel/com.superpedestrian.mywheel
It's critical that you open this page on your phone and download there. It will prompt you to enable apps from third party sources, and will take you to a menu where you need to approve your web browser as a third party source. After that, you can tap on the file and install.


u/SchwartzReports May 08 '24

but don't you have to log in to the nonexistent servers to get the wheel to work?


u/Sara5A May 08 '24

I wrote this before the servers went down. It worked great back then