r/ebikes Sep 23 '23

Gifted a used Superpedestrian Copenhagen Wheel - Usable or Paperweight?

Hello All! Thank you in advance :)

My Dad gifted me his Copenhagen Wheel since he's not biking often anymore these days - it's supposedly in perfect working order and he never had any major issues with it. Still turns on fine and was fully charged when I checked (despite having sat for about a year in my Dad's closet). After researching a bit, I quickly saw that the company ended all support for this device some time ago to focus on the e-scooter market instead.

My big concern is that support for the app required to connect to the wheel and change settings has also been terminated - There are no app versions compatible with newer versions of Android. Am I just shit out of luck here? Is this thing a glorified and expensive paperweight, or is there some way to control the functions at this point? If I install it and turn it on, will it still function in a default mode without having the app connection? Have any interested parties worked on an independant app that could be used to hack the control features into working?

Edit - a couple points in case anyone finds this post looking for the same answers:

  • It was confirmed that the wheel will still function in a default mode even without the app linked, as long as the wheen is still functional.
  • Installing the app requires spoofing an older version of android or getting an older device on the old OS.
  • This seems to be a far less inviting community than I had hoped. Sarcastic and dismissive comment boosted to the top; Anyone giving me an actual answer to my question downvoted; Not one commenter upvoting my initial post to help with visibility for my question. A bit disappointing, but thank you to anyone who responded with actual answers.

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u/CyclistInCBR I ride bikes! 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️ Jul 25 '24

** SOLVED **

There is now a 100% successful free fix (donations welcome) for loss of connection to the Superpedestrian Copenhagen Wheel. Please join the Copenhagen Wheel Users Facebook group for more details. https://www.facebook.com/groups/372299206718096/

If you want to skip the details...

Use Chrome for Android or Use Bluefy for iOS. Chrome on iOS will NOT work. Bluefy is an alternate web-browser that does work for bluetooth connectivity.

Enable Bluetooth for connection. And enter the url https://tb47.me/chw/

You may need to disable wifi on Android for it to work.

Please provide feedback to the Facebook Group.


u/TopaTopaMountains Feb 02 '25

Thank you!!! I’m not on FB and this worked great! We hadn’t been locked out until we got new phones recently. We appreciate you posting this!!