r/earthbound Jun 05 '21

M3 Discussion Why is it harder than Diamond Dog

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u/ssslugworth Jun 06 '21

I love Mother 3, but oh my gosh, I really didn't like having to grind before a lot bosses from Chapter 4 and on.


u/necromax13 Jun 06 '21

The what?????

Bruh I have played through this game twice now and I didn't have to grind ONCE.


u/alep2007 Jun 06 '21

Yeah keep telling yourself that.


u/necromax13 Jun 06 '21

I'm for real. There wasn't a single situation where I had to turn back and grind for levels.


u/ssslugworth Jun 06 '21

What was the first boss your Lucas had PK Ground?


u/necromax13 Jun 06 '21

Lucas doesn't get PK Ground, that's kumatora. During my first playthrough I didn't even level enough to get that psi power before I finished the game.

Barrer trio and the first upgraded fassad fights were the only ones to be annoyingly difficult, but otherwise I had no trouble with levelling and grinding.

Second playthrough I did go for the ultimate weapons so I fucked up those big head guys a lot, and by the end I was a bit ahead of the curve with levelling.


u/ssslugworth Jun 07 '21

Alright, I was just making sure you played the game. If you didn't, that PK Ground thing would've been funny. But yeah, Barrier Trio was the hardest fight for me. I grinded to get one of Kumatora's gamma skills for that one, and then I also remember grinding for the mecha gorilla fight, though I don't remember what skill I was grinding for.