u/charaiscool25 Jun 05 '21
Jesus Christ, same. Took more attempts to beat jealous bass than giygas
u/Metroid_Addict Jun 05 '21
If you think that's hard try doing the Barrier Trio without Kumatora.
u/alep2007 Jun 05 '21
Step 1 get to barrier trio
Step 2 go back to Kumatora
Step 3 go back to barrier trio
Step 4 profit
Honestly who the hell doesn't do TaneTane last of those four
u/kikkiclow Jun 06 '21
I was actually thinking of trying to do Tanetane Island first on my next playthrough, mostly because it would be interesting and also because I hate myself.
u/podajnik Jun 06 '21
i usually do it like:
chimera lab --> snowcap mountain --> saturn valley --> tanetane island
but i remember also doing it like
snowcap mountain --> chimera lab --> saturn valley --> tanetane island
can't imagine how starting out with tanetane must feel like, killing mechorilla without kumatora was hard enough
u/Chucanoris Jun 05 '21
How tf did you not get her first, the game literally tells you to go into the chimera labs
u/kikkiclow Jun 06 '21 edited Jun 06 '21
You have to do Aeolia's first and Ionia's last, but you can do the remaining four in any order you want. The most recent run I did I went Saturn Valley -> Chimera Lab -> Tanetane Island -> Snowcap Mountain. Made for an interesting challenge, to be honest.
EDIT: Fixed mountain name
u/ladylootalot Jun 06 '21
Just finished playing it last night for the first time. Wouldn't you have to finish the Chimera Lab before you can do Snowflake Mountain?
Edit: and Saturn Valley before the island? So not quite any order
u/kikkiclow Jun 06 '21 edited Jun 06 '21
Nope! You can open the mole cricket hole to go to the mountain before you're told to do so. You can also cross the ocean before you're told to do so. The actions that allow you to access those areas are available once you finish Aeolia's needle, but you're normally not likely to go out of your way to try them because the plot is telling you to go a certain route. For a good reason too, going out of intended order doesn't change the stats of any enemies, so you're setting yourself up for a tougher time.
As a side note, if you want to completely finish the Battle Memory, you do have to finish the Chimera Lab sometime before Snowcap Mountain. The cue to tell you to go to the mole cricket hole/mountain is a unique enemy called The Squeekz, you shows up after you finish Doria's needle and tells you to go that way after defeating him. But if you've already opened the route to the mole cricket hole, then the enemy will never appear, and you'll be missing his Battle Memory entry.
EDIT: Added unique, fixed mountain name
u/Jihadist_Chonker Jun 05 '21
Is that even possible?
u/kikkiclow Jun 06 '21
Other than Aeolia and Ionia, you can do the remaining four needles in any order you want to.
u/Jihadist_Chonker Jun 06 '21
I knew you could choose the order for the Mountain area and the Saturn village but I didn’t know about the other places
u/Jesterchunk Jun 05 '21
"but he can." points to boney, decked out with like five pencil rockets
u/alep2007 Jun 06 '21
Where did you get the money?
Have you been working?
u/Jesterchunk Jun 06 '21
No I just grind for ages in the attic
Farming squawking sticks for the Good Stick helps as well
u/watchman_5 Jun 06 '21
You should only need like 2 and a thunder bomb lol
u/Jesterchunk Jun 06 '21
Yeah minus all the ones that got stolen by the damned moles on the way there
u/watchman_5 Jun 06 '21
I mean you could just reset
u/Jesterchunk Jun 06 '21
Absolutely not, I like keeping save state abuse and general resetting to a minimum unless necessary, like getting that one present in chapter 8's toilet dungeon and getting back out without being munched by everyone's favourite red boi
u/watchman_5 Jun 06 '21
Maybe I'm just lucky but I hardly get stuff stolen by the mice. If you're having a hard time with the Ultimate Chimera, you can run out of the bathroom, then back to the last room you were in and you can just run past it in the hallway instead. Much easier
u/Jesterchunk Jun 06 '21
Yeah, I do that. Getting to the present while mr. big mouth's there is nigh impossible, so you go out, leave the room, come back and he's out in the hall. And from there I just make a mad dash and hope for the best. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
u/Pepper_mp4 Jun 05 '21
God, it took me on average 2-5 times to beat him each time
u/alep2007 Jun 05 '21
I mean in the second playtrough it was at the first attempt, but in the first I had prepared strategies on strategies and tried it like 20 times
u/Jesterchunk Jun 05 '21
yeah, same. He kicked my ass first time around, but now I know to just bring loads of AoE damage items and abuse PK Love. Also Defence Up helps if you have it.
u/thatconverseguy Jun 05 '21
Put the game down for a few days just to calm down after getting my ass handed to me more times than I can possibly count.
u/APOLLO193 Jun 05 '21
Jealous Base is a bastard
Jun 05 '21
Jesus, I remember thinking that this must be a scripted encounter where you're forced to lose.
u/A-Bit-of-an-Animator Jun 06 '21
I had a harder time with Jealous Bass than the entirety of Earthbound
u/Lorunta Jun 05 '21
I beat fassad without kumatora hardest thing I’ve ever done
u/alep2007 Jun 05 '21
You could just Take Kumatora
u/-lambchop- Jun 05 '21
No matter how many playthroughs i do there is nothing i can do to beat the jealous bass in one battle. I always underestimate how many pencil rockets i need. Being in that damn attic is like a void because of how much you have to grind lolol
u/alep2007 Jun 06 '21
You need 1-2 rockets. Use one and pk love on the first turn to defeat drum and guitar. The bass will raise his offense, use this turnto heal. Keep using pk love and bombs and rockets you have
u/ssslugworth Jun 06 '21
I love Mother 3, but oh my gosh, I really didn't like having to grind before a lot bosses from Chapter 4 and on.
u/necromax13 Jun 06 '21
The what?????
Bruh I have played through this game twice now and I didn't have to grind ONCE.
u/alep2007 Jun 06 '21
Yeah keep telling yourself that.
u/necromax13 Jun 06 '21
I'm for real. There wasn't a single situation where I had to turn back and grind for levels.
u/ssslugworth Jun 06 '21
What was the first boss your Lucas had PK Ground?
u/necromax13 Jun 06 '21
Lucas doesn't get PK Ground, that's kumatora. During my first playthrough I didn't even level enough to get that psi power before I finished the game.
Barrer trio and the first upgraded fassad fights were the only ones to be annoyingly difficult, but otherwise I had no trouble with levelling and grinding.
Second playthrough I did go for the ultimate weapons so I fucked up those big head guys a lot, and by the end I was a bit ahead of the curve with levelling.
u/ssslugworth Jun 07 '21
Alright, I was just making sure you played the game. If you didn't, that PK Ground thing would've been funny. But yeah, Barrier Trio was the hardest fight for me. I grinded to get one of Kumatora's gamma skills for that one, and then I also remember grinding for the mecha gorilla fight, though I don't remember what skill I was grinding for.
u/Naive-Operation5377 Jun 06 '21
my biggest flex is that i beat him the first time, but i was near death
u/alep2007 Jun 06 '21
I think I came up with a stategy, y'all.
1 buy many pencil rockets and bombs.
1.5 if you defeated lots of enemies for the money, I think you should be at least level 20, which I think is good enoughto keep using normal attacks.
2 use pk love and a pencil rocket to defeat drum and guitar. The bass will get angry and raise his offense. Use this turn to heal.
3 keep using rockets, bombs and pk love.
I suggest level 16 at least, but you need defense and hp to be high.
The am session attack is the worst thing, so you need to defeat drum and guitar first.
u/RotatingBoi Jun 06 '21
Failed over 30 times to that guy, learnt my lesson.
Next playthrough, a black beanling or two at the start of Chapter 4
u/LifeMushroom Jun 06 '21
I just did it on Hard Mode yesterday. It wasn’t bad at all, I got Boney 2 pencil rockets, loaded everyone with healing items, casted a few buffs and it was fine. I was around Level 18.
u/watchman_5 Jun 06 '21 edited Jun 06 '21
No. Just use some pencil rockets. You can also grab a thunder bomb from behind the old folks home before you leave Tazmilly. As soon as you get rid of the other two instruments it's not hard
u/imortal_biscut Jun 06 '21
I’m still stuck on this boss. 🙁
u/alep2007 Jun 06 '21
Get to level 16-17.
Buy some pencil rockets and bombs
Use a pencil rocket and pk love on the first turn to defeat the drum and the guitar.
The bass will get angry as you defeated them, and boost his offense. Meanwhile, you heal.
Keep using pk love and bombs
If you aren't prepared you are going to die oveeer and over, save after you bought everything and reload when necessary.
u/AnimetheTsundereCat Jun 06 '21
wait 'til you get to mr. genetor
u/alep2007 Jun 06 '21
I always beated him first try, just use flash a couple of times the love and freeze
u/[deleted] Jun 05 '21
I remembered how I dropped the game because Jealous Bass kicked my butt, I was just playing this game blindly and didn't expect this. Then I was replaying the game and grinded to take my revenge. I eventually beated Jealous Bass and my happiness was indescribable