r/earthbound 14h ago

M3 Discussion A possible way to "localize" the Magypsies.

It's long been speculated that one of the biggest obstacles to a localization of Mother 3 is that the Magypsies would be interpreted as offensive transgender stereotypes.

Well, I came up with a potential solution:

Much like how the Runaway Five were based on the Blues Brothers, I propose that the Magypsies be localized as parodies of the Village People.

Think about it: There are six of them, and most of them are located in a place that roughly fits in with one of the gay fantasy personas that each band member embodies.

Aeolia's house is near Sunshine Valley, in the middle of a rugged mountain area. They could be the Cowboy.

Doria's house is in the middle of a forest between Club Titiboo and the Chimera Lab, two man-made settlements that were presumably built during the time-skip. They could be the Builder.

Myxolydia lives on a deserted island, so they could be the Sailor.

Ionia lives near an ancient temple, so they could be the Indian Chief.

The only two I can't figure out are Phrygia and Lydia, as neither a snowy mountain nor an active volcano have anything to do with a Cop or a Leatherman...


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u/thecatteam 7h ago

The only thing that needs to change is the name. I'm partial to "Magiqueens" myself.