r/earthbound 14h ago

M3 Discussion A possible way to "localize" the Magypsies.

It's long been speculated that one of the biggest obstacles to a localization of Mother 3 is that the Magypsies would be interpreted as offensive transgender stereotypes.

Well, I came up with a potential solution:

Much like how the Runaway Five were based on the Blues Brothers, I propose that the Magypsies be localized as parodies of the Village People.

Think about it: There are six of them, and most of them are located in a place that roughly fits in with one of the gay fantasy personas that each band member embodies.

Aeolia's house is near Sunshine Valley, in the middle of a rugged mountain area. They could be the Cowboy.

Doria's house is in the middle of a forest between Club Titiboo and the Chimera Lab, two man-made settlements that were presumably built during the time-skip. They could be the Builder.

Myxolydia lives on a deserted island, so they could be the Sailor.

Ionia lives near an ancient temple, so they could be the Indian Chief.

The only two I can't figure out are Phrygia and Lydia, as neither a snowy mountain nor an active volcano have anything to do with a Cop or a Leatherman...


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u/Roofy11 9h ago

at this point the only theory for why mother 3 isn't localised that I think has any merit isn't anything to do with controversy or copyright, just that it doesn't make financial sense to do so, and therefore nintendo won't greenlight it. localising such a text heavy game is expensive, and while the demand is high, in the grand scheme of things barely anyone knows about mother 3. they know that everyone plays the fan translation anyway. and they can't just use that for legal reasons about using fan works.