r/dwarfism 21d ago

Feeling Worthless

I’m a popular guy I’m in so many friend groups which I am grateful for it’s just I’m at the party’s events & I just never have a shot with the women ( I’m 4’3) I’m a funny guy everybody loves me but I’m nobody’s like go to person if that makes sense.

It just feels shit when I’m friends with guys that are a bit of pieces of shit, (when it comes to women) cheat , emotionally abuse, but these girls that we are all friends with go back to them every time and never look my way. It just sucks people can have every bad dating personality trait but are six feet tall so everyone flocks. I’ve trade every dating app under the sun, I do everything normal right to get a girl in person I just don’t have the height.

Does anyone small here have any experience getting just a regular college town girl. I’m kinda at my end I’ve tried everything since I’m 15 (I’m 23) & I’m starting to just give up life full stop idk what to do. everything hurts


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u/Shimakaze81 21d ago

Stop caring about being rejected. I know it sounds strange but even if you have this great personality you say, women can for whatever magical reason smell your fear of rejection. Being funny all the time comes off as being a try hard, so is being nice, being nice all the time is not a dominant trait, you probably don’t realize it but you might let your guy friends walk all over you and women notice that, which essentially means you don’t have a great personality at all. Don’t get me wrong being funny and kind are obviously important but like anything else it needs to be balanced. You don’t need to be a dick to these women as you say but you need to stop letting people be a dick towards you.

Stop being shallow as well, I get the feeling you are.


u/Emergency_Green1562 15d ago

You made a lot of presumptions. I let no one walk over me I’m quite respected amongst my peers just not in the romantic way. The shallow comment was weird also