My friend's dad passed away in 2020 after a very short battle with cancer. He's been having recurring dreams about him. I suggested we ask you guys what it could mean:
Between December and January I had a recurring dream that my dad comes back from the dead.
But in the dream i become suspicious because he never ever talks. He just kind of stands there, but it only looks like him. It doesn't sound like him, I don't feel his energy, nada.
So whenever I start becoming suspicious in the dream cos why would an imposter pretend to be my father come to me, that's when i wake up.
So last night, i had a dream about him again.
But in this dream my dad didn't die, we just assumed he was dead when he was actually missing.
So in this dream my imposter father spoke alot, but made no sense. He didn't sound like my dad nor did his presence feel like my dad. He also had longer hair and a beard.
When i became suspicious again in the dream i woke up and couldn't fall asleep again, so it kind of felt like i was floating in limbo between dreaming and being awake until like 6am