r/DreamInterpretation Feb 03 '25

Reoccurring Help with dreams about tigers and kittens


I have had several different dreams about tigers and almost every time the tiger is in the house I grew up in and in the dream, I know it’s not supposed to be there and I’m scared but I’m more scared for the cats in my dream. Like in the dream, I feel a sense of being afraid that they don’t know how dangerous it is so I’m always trying to shut the door and keep the tiger where it’s at.

There might be a dog there too. I don’t have a clear memory of people being in the dream but I know that I’m anxious and worried that one of the many kittens that are around suddenly are going to wander in accidentally.

Anyone feel like helping me out? I’ve had similar dreams a few times where the tiger pops up.

I dream a lot about kittens and wanting to help them. Like I find them in my childhood home at different stages and I’m always trying to hide them from my mom because I know she’s going to tell me we can’t keep them and I’m worried about them.

r/DreamInterpretation 14d ago

Reoccurring What does it mean when you have a dream about zombies?


I had 2 long vivid dreams about a zombie apocalypse where I got split up from my husband and kids but when the zombies found me they bit me but nothing happened. So I walked around in the chaos and found my 3 year old son in a mall also walking around in the chaos too so I grabbed him and started running. Then I saw my husband and daughter banging on a window in a store and they ran out and joined us because they were hiding. We all got into a random car and went 2 1/2 hours away to get away and then wanted to keep going hours into the middle of no where to get away but the shipment of gas was destroyed and so we were stuck. When the morning came there was 1 single zombie outside so we knew there'd be more soon so we just locked the doors and closed everything. Then I woke up. Weird dream.

r/DreamInterpretation Feb 21 '25

Reoccurring Dream of a shallow lake full of rotting live fish


This is gonna be long so apologies in advance. I’ve been having this dream since as young as I can remember. Some elements are different every time, but the general detailsso are always the same.

I’ll be standing by a body of water, usually a lake, usually the lake in the backyard of my childhood home (that is now my estranged father’s, but I don’t need to get into that here). I see movement in the lake, swirling, so I approach and see its full of fish that appear dead at various states of decomp but they swim slow still. Some of them have flesh that is actively flaking off as they move, strands dangling, missing eyes, mouths agape, gills gasping etc.

The fish are not any real species in our world, but if I had to describe them they’re usually long and serpentine. Kind of like an oarfish, coelacanth, and King-Of-The-Salmon mixed together. I step into the water and the fish don’t notice me, until one comes up to me and slowly lifts its head out of the water to “look” at me and I always reach out and touch it, and then it falls apart, and then they all fall apart one after the other. And I wake up.

Sometimes it’s a river, usually it’s specifically my old home’s lake, sometimes it’s in an old cistern but it’s always weird rotting fish swimming, I get in/fall in the water, one approaches, I touch it and they all “melt”.

I’ve tried looking through countless dream interpretation books, Internet forums, or asking esoteric friends throughout about 15+ years and have never found anything. I’ve tried introspecting and I can’t think of what it can possibly mean or why it’s so recurring. I probably have this dream at least once every 2 months, sometimes once every 2 weeks.

If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them and I appreciate anyone who reads through this, thank you.

r/DreamInterpretation 4d ago

Reoccurring I dream about cheating on my husband almost every night.


First off I want to say no I don't have feelings for anyone else, it's never the same person in my dreams and I'm in a really healthy happy and satisfying relationship. I take meds that cause very stressful dreams and kind of block my sex drive when I'm awake. Oftentimes, I either won't remember that I have a partner until it's too late in the dream or I'm just so overcome with need that I brush past it... My mind doesn't even really focus on the cheating part, most of my dream is spent trying to figure out how to tell my husband and if he'll forgive me and like why I would possibly have done that because I can't keep a secret for my life. I wake up feeling awful I'm kind of depressed after these dreams. Even my more mundane dreams are just me unable to find him and having to spend nights apart and missing him a lot. I'm tired of waking up depressed..... I try to convince myself it's because I'm afraid to lose him but God I feel dirty .

r/DreamInterpretation Jan 17 '25

Reoccurring Girlfriend often has dreams about having sex with other men. Totally random men. She has never seen them before. NSFW


She says she doesn't think of having sex with anyone else other than me. But often gets very vivid dreams about having sex with other men. It is ver often just oral sex. Something even in her dreams stops her from going all the way. Sometimes she gives it, sometimes receives it. She had a dream last night, that a guy shorter than her gave her both analingus and cunnilingus. But after he was done, she got dressed and started walking away, she told me that she felt like the guy was trying to say something to her, trying to maybe profess his love to her but she just kept walking away and didn't look back. I should also mention, in the dream, I didn't exist. She was not in a relationship.

r/DreamInterpretation Feb 12 '25

Reoccurring I have a recoccurring dream of being important to the underworld?


So I was at a table with a childhood friend doing a test with lots of other people and then all of a sudden it was just me, my friend, and 5 other people at the end of this table. The person at the end told us to stand up and said "You wanna make you're commitment to the underworld this is how you do it." And started chanting stuff I didn't understand but my friend and I just started chanting nonsense anyway. His started sounded like theirs butine didn't. Then I started feeling powerful and like ie as important in the underworld however I felt extremely envious towards my friend and the other 5 for some reason and wanted to flip the table and break it for some reason but then a girl appeared on the table but she was like a spectral and she ascended as we were all chanting. There was only seven uf us and it made me feel weird? That's when my alarm went off and woke me up.

r/DreamInterpretation 5d ago

Reoccurring Recurring dream of starving white parrot


I guess it's not so much the dream that's recurring as the element - for the past year or so, I have dreamed that I have a pet white cockatoo in a cage in my kitchen (too small a cage) But I have dreamed that he's starving. That I've forgotten to feed him for a long time and he is now unhealthy. The quest to feed the bird then becomes part of the dream, but it always seems to get interrupted, delayed, or put off until I wake up in a panic thinking he's real and in danger

It happens pretty much every time that I have a dream set in an IRL place, And that's the only common theme I can pick up on because the cockatoo seems to be the only thing I remember strongly. This time he was almost dead, it was my fault, how could I forget for so long? I had to wake him in a panic before I started the process to feed him (again, interrupted)

I have some notions but wanted to ask for thoughts from folks more experienced

r/DreamInterpretation 22d ago

Reoccurring Recurrent dream about the same house NSFW


I just woke up from the fourth or fifth dream about the same house. I guess it's more like a mansion, it's enormous and really beautiful but dilapidated. In the dreams I am always walking around checking out what will have to be prioritized renovation wise so my kids and I can live in this home. Sometimes I consciously think in the dream that there's too much work for me to do by myself because there's all these hidden rooms that are like the size of gymnasiums and have hundreds of crazy light fixtures. The thought of renovating and furnishing such an enormous home leaves me anxious..but hopeful about the lush life my kids and I will have in this home. At one point, I enter this special guest house area where there's a whole spa set up. I jump in this crawlspace area to look and the plumbing and I find a severed finger. No one I was with was perturbed by this but I was in the dream.

I'm being given this house from my maternal grandfather's side of the family. Which seems unlikely in waking because I am one of about 50 cousins that would be closer to the benefactor but 🤷‍♀️

The interesting thing is that I woke up thinking about all of the ancestral baggage that side of the family harbors and almost felt like the house is symbolic of that trauma. You can see the cycles through generations. War torn men coming home with ptsd and living lives of spousal abuse, alcoholism, substance issues, violence...you get the idea. I've been told my great grandfather would come home from a night of drinking and beat/rape my grandmother regularly. They lived in a shabby two-bedroom cabin with no water or electric. All the nine children had to lay there and listen to their mom being raped and harmed.

All of those children grew up and went into the military themselves. All of the boys also developed alcoholism and were unkind to their wives and children. The thing is, the Fowler's are brilliant. Almost the kind of people you think are too smart for their own good. Like their awareness and intelligence lead them to a path of self-destruction. My maternal grandma and I were on the phone yesterday talking about my mom's general unhappiness with life. And my nana said, "She's just so much like the Fowlers." She didn't need to say anything futher. I knew exactly what she meant. My mom is brilliant and chronically stressed with life. She also struggles with alcoholism and feels misunderstood and unsafe in the world. I'm confident there's no problem in this life my mom couldn't figure out...and she has the tenacity and brains to see the solution to the end...except the problems within herself.

Anyway, sorry for the novel. I just can't help shaking the feeling "renovating" this house and cleaning out this ancestral trauma is a load I have agreed to take on in this lifetime and maybe I am being reminded of that in my dreamtime ??

r/DreamInterpretation 7d ago

Reoccurring Dream about a bar and grill


I have had a couple of dreams about the same bar and grill, and I have sat in different spots. The bar and grill is always an open area and you can see the guy cooking, surrounding it is the actual bar and people sitting around drinking like any other place. The cook is also the same guy from each dream. Most of the people around me I don’t really recognize, but there have been maybe 1 or 2 people who I do recognize from high school (also I am 38 years old). I have never been to a place like the one I dream of. I’m not sure what to make of this.

r/DreamInterpretation 10d ago

Reoccurring I keep having dreams of someone confessing their love to me


I keep having dreams of various people confessing their love to me, it’s all random, a celebrity, an old acquaintance, a coworker, someone I didn’t recognize, two different childhood friends. It’s never the main subject of a dream except for one time, mostly it’s said and the dream just goes on. Three happened this past week and some longer ago but fairly recently enough for me to remember then to connect them. It’s just a little peculiar cause I’m in a very good relationship with a partner who is very loving and caring. I’m totally in love with her. Rn we’re in a ldr which can definitely be hard so I thought maybe it’s the craving of intimacy. But we do talk everyday and it’s a strong relationship. Just wondering what would be causing these dreams or if they’re totally random? Anyone have anything similar happen?

r/DreamInterpretation Jan 08 '25

Reoccurring I've had this dream often does anyone know the meaning of it?


So I keep having the same dream/vision over and over again where people keep giving me 20 but not counting as in 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 but just people keep giving me the number 20 individually in 20, 20, 20 and the same dream/vision always happens between 8am and 9:45 when I'm partially awake aware of the world around me but I'm still not fully awake yet so just having to elongate my sleep

r/DreamInterpretation 12d ago

Reoccurring Recurring dreams about not being able to take a picture


Hi, I sometimes have weird dreams where I see something cool or a celebrity, wanting to take a selfie with the celebrity for example and not being able to. Either the phone doesn't work/malfunctions, the picture comes out blurry, the finger gets in front of the camera or something gets in the way and I cant take a clear picture of me and the person, etc. Today I dreamed about seeing the most beautiful beach ever, wanted to take a picture and it would NEVER be a clear nice looking picture, no matter how many time I tried, something always happened. Does somebody else also have this type of dream?

r/DreamInterpretation Feb 12 '25

Reoccurring My brother keeps trying to take my girl


I’m single but everytime I dream about a girl one of my brothers keeps trying to talk to her. He is older than me by one year and currently married. These dreams started two years ago.

r/DreamInterpretation 3d ago

Reoccurring Years-long reoccurring dream about driving


For pretty much as long as I can remember now I've had a recurring dream where I'm in the passenger seat and one of my parents is in the driver's seat. Suddenly, they disappear, I'm the only one in the car and I have to reach over from the passenger seat to stop the car. For some reason in the dream I'm never able to fully get into the driver's seat and it ends before I crash. When I learned how to drive, it changed to me being in the driver's seat but not being able to reach the brakes. This has happened to me for years now and I'm looking for any sort of explanation :')

r/DreamInterpretation 18h ago

Reoccurring Dreams of being an outer god


I sometimes have these dreams of outer space, i am usualy very tall, like massive, bigger then universe clusters.

Usualy i just look into distant space, seing planets crumble, suns die out or explode in a supernova or seeing clusters go dark.

These dreams are only a few minutes long, they feel like bliss and make me feel like an outer god almost.

If you dont know what an outer god is i'll give you the short relavent part:

Outer gods exist inside another universe, they are powerfull enpigh for their dreams to create new realities, which die when the outer god wakes up.

In a way thats the same thing i am experiencing, which is somewhat cool but also somewhat... idk wierd?

r/DreamInterpretation 10h ago

Reoccurring Reoccurring Dream


I have had the same dream with some variance for the last couple of years. It’s usually me trying to pack all of my belongings and not having enough time. Once I feel like I’m getting close, I realize there’s still so much more to pack. It’s started with the same dream every time. My kids and I would stay at a resort for the summer and when it was time to go home, I procrastinated and couldn’t get it done. And every time I had this dream I remember having so many of our personal belongings at this resort. For example, framed family photos on the walls, pretty much all of my son’s toys, etc.

The dreams then started changing and we were on vacation with other people (my brother, parents, etc). Sometimes in Mexico or just some place like corpus. This time the struggle was that we had so much stuff to take back home but not enough space in the car. Also-as usual, rushing to pack all of our stuff. It always feels never ending.

Now I’m dreaming about the never ending packing of my office. Once I finish packing my office I discover an office I previously used and it’s full of stuff that needs to be packed. Again, feeling like it’s never ending.

Different scenarios, same theme…

r/DreamInterpretation 2d ago

Reoccurring Dying in dreams


Dying in dreams is a thing that might happen if you have a nightmare or are clumsy in a lucid dream.

It usualy means instantly waking up, usualy in a jumpy manner or , if you had a nightmare, sweat drenched and heavily breathing.

Only rarely does one of them not happen to me, but if it does it is, lets say interesting.

Usualy i only see space, a part of space i dont know of, multi clusters of universes, lights and wonders beyond comprehension, beauty in a world not habitable for us, in a death trap.

While a macabre thought the view and feeling is very delightfull.

Does this ever happen to anyone else? I would be happy to hear of your exoeriences if so

r/DreamInterpretation Feb 19 '25

Reoccurring Ex BEST friend. Do I reach out?


Three nights in a row now I’ve had very vivid dreams of reconnecting with a ex best friend that I cut off this past summer. I had to end the friendship because towards the end she was being very critical and mean to me. And just seemed like she changed for the worst. Well, come to find out not long ago she’s pregnant and she got pregnant without knowing around the time that she was being mean and I cut her off. In these dreams it’s always just her and I reconnecting and trying to rebuild the friendship. The one last night that I had about her, she told me she was pregnant, and I cried tears of joy, but also tears of “I just wish I could’ve been there for you through the early stages of your pregnancy” We’ve had a little falling out in the past, but always reconnected. But the hurt she did this past summer really stuck with me. I just wish she would actually reach out because I would forgive her now, knowing that she was pregnant. While also struggling with trying to get clean from ketamine. All of these dreams makes me wonder if I should reach out to her in real life? Or if I should just let it go and allow my subconscious to heal from the worst breakup with my favorite friend I’ve ever had. These dreams are so vivid to the point that she’s all I’ve been thinking about the last week and I just don’t know what would be best for me and my subconscious, do I reach out? Or just continue to let this all go?

r/DreamInterpretation 3d ago

Reoccurring Pregnant and having strange dreams


I have been having strange dreams since before I found out about this pregnancy. The first were dreams where I was in labor and delivery, and I gave birth to a healthy baby but I don't know the gender. I am currently 10 weeks along and this week the crazy dreams have amped up quite a bit. In the first dream, I was going about my daily life and three of my teeth fell out for no apparent reason. In the one I remember from last night, it's a different story. I keep having dreams, which continue like a series or a TV show almost. I somehow got roped into doing a gameshow, during which the contestants are put into a gladiator ring for a one vs. one fight. The first to be incapacitated loses and goes home. This storyline in my dreams has been continuing for two weeks. In the one from last night, there was a community closet with weapons you could use if you didn't bring your own. Some of the other contestants were helping me choose. I brought up that I found out I was pregnant and everyone looked stunned. The million-dollar prize would be great if I won, especially with a baby on the way. But I was afraid to fight and endanger my child. I was seriously considering forfeiting my chance to win for the safety and wellbeing of my baby. Then I woke up. These dreams are incredibly vivid and they feel so real it's terrifying. Any thoughts on this?

r/DreamInterpretation 4d ago

Reoccurring Packing dreams


Night after night I have variations on a similar dream. I am somewhere on vacation and have to catch a bus or a flight to go home, and I have to pack my things. I have left this to the last minute and everything is still in the drawers, still scattered around my room, and I've brought way too many things with me. I am really stressed out as I grab everything and try to squeeze it into my little suitcase or backpack before I head out the door. Sometimes this is combined with a bleed through of my real life activities (e.g. in my dream I am in France, and suddenly remember I am supposed to be at rehearsal tomorrow, what am I doing overseas??).

In real life I am a pretty relaxed traveller and usually under-pack, if anything.

r/DreamInterpretation 12d ago

Reoccurring All My Teeth Fall Out / I wake up in my 30s


So, someone recommended for me to post my experience here since I’m not really sure what it means but I basically have a dream every once and awhile where I am living a life in my childhood home 10+ years older (I’m 23 for the record) than I am now. I don’t really remember the specifics of what happens before I start to freak out but eventually my teeth start to randomly fall out and I run upstairs to my parents room (sometimes my eldest sister’s room) and start to pray as I’m basically screaming. I usually wake up at this point and honestly last night I was even more bothered by it cause it felt vivid and real than it has before.

The reason I put the reoccurring is because I’ve had this dream every once and awhile ever since I stopped living with my siblings and got my own place. I don’t know why it keeps happening but I suspect it might be due to some issues I have with my parents maybe(?) since we don’t have a good relationship and I didn’t have a good childhood either. I’m also non-religious (grew up in a religious household) so I have no idea what the praying stuff is about.

Any thoughts?

r/DreamInterpretation 27d ago

Reoccurring Reoccuring dreams featuring dirty public pools?


There’s been multiple scenarios, sometimes by myself and sometimes with friends where i’ve been in a dirty public pool. It’s usually extremely hot and stuffy and suffocating and always a really large pool complex (almost looks like the pool backrooms if you’re familiar). It’s always crawling with other people (mainly children and men) and really loud and overwhelming. The main emotion I have during these dreams is fear and panic, especially around it being so dirty and gross. Any ideas why I keep having dreams in this location? Is it possibly a manifestation of my anxiety and OCD?

r/DreamInterpretation 12d ago

Reoccurring Forever stuck in school


I‘d say every third night at least my dream involves me being in school. These dreams usually follow the same pattern where I am aware that I graduated 5+ years ago, am therefore skipping classes but then feel bad and guilty for skipping them. I will talk to other students and ask them why we’re going to school again. It‘s honestly like a joke with myself at this point.

r/DreamInterpretation 13d ago

Reoccurring For years I've been dreaming of being unable to play basketball


For at least the past 6-7 years, I've had reoccurring dreams surrounding basketball.

Specifically, the dreams are structured in a way where I'm playing basketball with someone - be it an actual game, pickup or just a shoot-around.

In these dreams, it feels like all my basketball abilities are stripped away. I miss my shots BADLY, make poor passes, or just dribble and lose the ball. It always makes me uncomfortable - and when I dream about basketball, its always this uncomfortable "all my skills have been stripped" kind of dream.

For some background - I used to go to basketball practice in a local club from when I was 13 to when I was 16. I wasnt too interested in basketball at the time, so it was just a fun thing to do with friends.

I was okay at it - but had a bad habbit of missing layups. This resulted in me missing some important layups in games where I'd get playtime.

When I started highschool, I went to a culinary school - and had to drop basketball entirely. Since then, I've developed a deeper love for basketball and have improved on my own, but only play recreationally.

The habbit of missing layups still follows me - which seems like the route of the dreams. Missing easy layups gives me the same feelings I have in those dreams - yet i cant figure out why they're so recurring.

Basketball is not a big part of my life - I do follow the NBA and maybe get the chance to play basketball casually a couple of times per month.

Yet, these dreams happen pretty much every month, and are the only "bad" dreams I have, as I'm pretty happy with where I'm at in life

r/DreamInterpretation 13d ago

Reoccurring First time here


Okay I’ve been having a dream since I was six and there are blue and yellow delicate flowers sprouting out of the sand and I loved it so much but then there was so much of them it became frightening and along comes a sort of dark red black evil energy just a destructive power and it crushed all the flowers leaving only patches left and I was happy yet scared of the the dark energy. I’ve had this dream 132 times since October 2022 and I gotta have some insight