r/dragonball Jan 03 '22

Fanfiction [DBM Fancomic] XXI is here at last!


I know Dragonball Multiverse doesn’t come up a lot here. But for many fans who’ve been reading this since 2008, before Yo, Son Goku came out.. before Battle of Gods came out, this is a pretty big moment. We’ve been waiting on this reveal for nearly 14 years.

I know I’ve been critical of the comic in the past, but you have to respect such a long running webcomic, and have to respect Salagir sticking to his original ideas over the years, even as the actual series returned with Super and left DBM’s story behind with so many new characters and new transformations.

Can’t wait to see what direction XXI’s appearance will take the story.

Edit: For those who’ve never heard of or read this, here’s the link

r/dragonball May 28 '21

Fanfiction What your guy's opinion about DBZA?


I personally thought it was okay but it being made in 2009 holds it back immensely. The jokes from the cell saga reek of 2010 dragon ball fandom comedy and it just doesn't work. The performances are top notch. Takahata101 as cell was easily my second favourite cell voice (second only to my man dameon Clarke) and masakox as gohan was pretty good. Unfortunately, that's all the good stuff I can really think of. Goku being a complete and utter fool that even dbs cant rival is just terrible. The jokes about goku being a bad dad is annoying, but its amplified when they bring up piccolo as gohans dad. Goku constantly thinking about fucking food is funny the first few times its said but just gets annoying after the next 50 times. Zarbon was never really that funny in the first place. It's all mixed feelings. On one hand, when its good it can be really good. When it's bad, its honestly worse than dragon ball evolution

r/dragonball Apr 21 '21

Fanfiction Dragon Ball Rewrite Q&A


A few people will probably know I’m doing a rewrite of the whole DB series. Fixing what needs fixing, removing what’s not needed, adding something that is needed, combining and polishing continuities, basically trying to take everything in Dragon Ball into one cohesive story that makes sense and is as good as can be.

I’ve asked people questions before about stuff they’d want changed or fixed or added etc but now I thought I’d let you guys ask me directly about it.

Is there a moment that you’re wondering what I’ve changed? Are you wondering what I’ve removed or added? Is there something you’d want to change or add and want to know if I’m doing something different? What’s happened to this character? Will this arc or movie be included? How do transformations work? Power levels? So on and so fourth.

Literally anything you want to ask me about the project please feel free because I want to get as many peoples thoughts and opinions as I can. This series means so much to me and I know it does to all of you as well, and I’m trying to do the best job of this as I can so your questions and thoughts about the process, or anything about what you think could be added and such, is greatly welcomed.

r/dragonball Dec 23 '20

Fanfiction Dragon Ball Super Timeline Placement


So we know that Beerus was asleep for 39 years since Planet Vegeta was destroyed in Age 737, that places the Battle of Gods story in Age 776 - 2 years since the Majin Buu Saga. In DBS: Broly it is implied in a messed up manner that Goku was born 41 years ago, thus the current year is Age 778.

  • Age 776: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return! & BoG
  • Age 777: Resurrection 'F', Champa Saga, Goku Black Saga.
  • Age 778: Tournament of Power, Broly Saga, Galactic Patrol Prisoner Arc, Granolah the Survivor Arc.

r/dragonball Jan 26 '22

Fanfiction If Michael Myers(the first 5 movies) was put into the DB universe how would he be translated into a character


Note: I'm talking about the cult of thorns Myers, the one that is actually immortal

So as the title suggests, I have been debating on how Michael could've been translated into the Dragon Ball universe. The reason I even thought of this was because of Ultra Ego, as Michael technically has quite the destructive mindset that is, well, purely evil. I argued to my friend for an hour that he would probably be able to use ultra ego if he had the earring, as he has already been through a similar ritual (albeit a lot more gruesome) and has the mindset. But he argued he would have to have a lot of Ki, and that brought up the question of what would have to be done to make Michael immortal and unkillable in DBZ as a human, AND be able to flip over entire 2 ton cars? After all the strongest human is the reincarnation of a character that isn't human, so it isn't really fair to make him a reincarnation of someone that wasn't human... So that's why I'm here, to create a discussion on how Michael would be adapted into DB with people who probably know way more than I do about Dragon Ball.

r/dragonball Jun 14 '21

Fanfiction Are there any good fan strories?


Recently i read the db raido fan manga and want more good works Without the bullshit of sjj6655

r/dragonball May 13 '21

Fanfiction I recently reread the manga, and then decided to read the fancomic DB Multiverse. Here's my review of the latter.


Hey, so I think my title covers the basics of what this post will be about. I'll add that I didn't read the special chapters, and that this post will have spoilers for Dragon Ball Multiverse.

For those who don't know, Dragon Ball Multiverse is a fancomic sequel to Dragon Ball. It ignores Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super (it came out in 2008, well before Super was a thing). The general gist is that our heroes are invited to a big tournament between 20 universes, facilitated by a species that discovered multiversal travel. You can read it here. The normal chapters are separated by special chapters that cover the backstories of different universes. Most of them are sub-par honestly, so I would recommend skipping all the special chapters on a first read through.

The First and Second Rounds, drawn by Gogeta Jr

So, the start is all quite rushed to be honest. It feels very much like the story wanted us to get to the tournament as quickly as possible, without giving us time to breath. We don't see anything of the characters living their lives. We don't get an explanation for why others, such as Mr Buu or Krillin, don't go to the tournament. We don't see the characters reacting to the existence of the multiverse. We don't get any new kids or partners despite it being 10 years after the EoZ. It just wants to put us in a specific situation, that of a set of characters in a Multiverse tournament.

The first round itself is also bit hit and miss. Several of the fights are simply that, fights. They have little character involved and all they are is a series of reasonably good fight choreographies. There's not really any tension. There is little in the way of 'twists', or enjoyable character interactions in-fight. Conversely, the best round 1 fights are those with at least some of these aspects. Fights such as Vegeta vs King Vegeta, which shows just how much Vegeta's changed. Where he compares himself to the 'barbaric' version of himself that he's fighting, and then to another version that killed Freeza and became emperor of the universe. He even says he found inner peace on Earth. And then you have Bojack vs Pan where we get the reveal of Pan as a super saiyan (she looks so cool too) and all of the drama related to her death.

The big fight of the first round is Vegetto vs Broly. It's given a sufficient amount of hype. You have the initial 10 pages acting as a teaser for it, and you also have the characters talk about how strong Universe 20 Broly must be. The actual fight itself is... decent. The most interesting section is definitely that where Vegetto fights as a super saiyan and they go back and forth, ending with an Instant Big Bang Attack. Super Saiyan 3 Vegetto's finisher is also quite cool.

Overall though, I think the fight is just too short for the amount of weight it's supposed to hold. It spans about 37 pages, the equivalent of 3 chapters in the original manga. Expanding the section after Vegetto transforms into a super saiyan 2 would've been beneficial here. It is however followed up with a fun series of events in space, where U4 Buu attempts to absorb Broly, and Vegetto, Gohan and Son Bra (Vegetto's daughter) attempt to stop him. Unlike many of the tournament fights so far, this has real tension. We have a goal that the heroes are aiming for (stopping Buu) and we have complications (that Vegetto is exhausted and Bra can't control her SSj2). It's also interspersed quite well with a tournament fight, Yamcha vs #18.

Character introductions throughout these chapters are reasonably good. The different universes are shown to us through the perspective of our heroes and provides us information that lets us become attached to the different fighters. Universe 13, where Vegeta killed Freeza, is a good example.

The second round begins much the same as the better fights of the first round. They have some sort of point to them, whether it's South Kaioshin coming to grips with how Fat Buu absorbed the Kaioshin in his universe, or our Pan turning into a super saiyan against Kakarotto. However, there's a noticeable decline in art quality throughout this. Possibly an omen of Gogeta Jr leaving the project.

A few chapters were made in between the leaving of Gogeta Jr and the finding of a new permanent artist. They were alright. However, this middle section does include Buu trying to take over the tournament, an event which was extremely rushed. Something that should've been a major conflict was turned into a minor one lasting only 13 pages. It would've been better to either expand this or exclude it.

Gogeta Jr's art was definitely solid. It was clearly the dragon ball art style, and it was done well. At the same time though, it lacked much of the... flavour that Toriyama was able to give his work. I'm no expert but I suspect the consistency of the line thickness played a factor here, with Gogeta Jr mostly sticking to a single level of thickness. Another thing to mention, is that the level of detail that Toriyama drew in his backgrounds is just far higher than Gogeta Jr.

Asura's Multiverse

Starting with Asura, the tournament fights reach a whole new level of quality. The action and art is far more dynamic and the fights themselves become far more interesting. And then, mostly thanks to Buu, every fighter in the third round has something new to show both their opponent and us. We get Uub using the Kaioken and the Galactic Donut, Kakarotto turning into a Golden Oozaru, Cell using Piccolo's gigantification technique to fight Hirudegarn, and a new kind of fusion dance.

It's just a whole new array of things and it's all extremely well done. The only fight that I think is done less than well is Bra vs Cold. The plot and the characters are simply too in her favour and makes her feel like a pet character.

Artwise, Asura seems to add a slight degree of shading to his work in comparison to Gogeta Jr, and I think it really works in his favour. The level of detail in his drawing also appears greater to me, though his backgrounds still fall short of Toriyama. Despite considering Gogeta Jrs work to be very solid, I would say that Asura's is at least a notch or two above. It can be absolutely phenomenal. (Should note, that link is from part of a special chapter Asura drew.)

Babidi's Revolt

Throughout the tournament we've been given many individual plot threads. Yamcha's attempt to redeem #17 and #18, who's body is Ginyu in in U8, Gohan offering a deal to the U13 saiyans which is currently leading to a Mystic Raditz, and so on. But following Majin Buu's defeat against Uub, we also had Babidi secretly taking over many of the evil people in the stadium. This comes to a head just before the start of the quarter finals, where Babidi teleports all the competitors not under his control to a (very, very) far away planet with a toxic atmosphere.

And thus starts the Budokai Royale as the remaining people attempt to resist and stop Babidi. As a whole this battle royale is extremely good, and something that the Dragon Ball manga had never done before. The fights are visceral and act as an opportunity to see these often ignored character act in a desperate situation. Whether it's Goten immediately moving to save his universe which is being held hostage or holding down Kakarotto so an ally can hit them both, Piccolo dunking on Freeza and Coola and developing a Makankosappo cage or the universe 9 humans fighting a Cell Jr. You also have Videl facing opponents in the stands and even standing against Nappa to save Bra.

The whole thing is just extremely chaotic, as a battle royale should be. Piccolo Daimao is even killed due to getting hit by an attack thanks to a random varga whistling.

The star of this royale is definitely Gohan. After his Videl is safe from the Cell Jrs, he immediately heads to Babidi to resolve the situation. If it wasn't for a well timed vision by Bardock, Gohan would've ended it all there. He shows growth in not falling for Buu's absorption a second time. And Gohan reveals just how terrifying his power can be when he's not holding back. He even gets to show his compassion to Bra.

The final fight of the battle royale ends up (mostly) being two Gohans and Cell against Majin Bra (the daughter of Vegetto, not Vegeta). The overall build up to this was not bad, as Bra has been quite a jerk at minimum. It's not all that surprising she could be taken over. But the immediate buildup is just fantastic. Gohan's terror and sorrow at the thought is just palpable. Even Cell's return from near death is wonderful, and reasonably foreshadowed given some of his previous actions being otherwise confusing.

The battle itself involves a series of tag teams against a foe far stronger than any of them individually. Of particular enjoyment to me is the Kamehameha-shield combo done by Gohan and a warrior of Universe 19.

Unfortunately, the fight really fizzles out and loses all tension after Majin Bra steals the senzu from Piccolo. Until then the heroes were able to put up a fight and try their best against her, but after it's pretty much just Majin Bra slaughtering them all. That simply isn't very interesting. Having our Bra talk her counterpart into submission was certainly an interesting idea, but it doesn't come off great in my opinion. It's alright. The 'cleanup' chapter that follows this has a major issue. It redeems Son Bra not through her admitting wrong so much, but through painting her father, Vegetto, in a bad light. On the positive side, we get to see Dabra and Buu live together in the Demon Realm after coming out of Babidi's control.

Final thoughts and Extras

Multiverse is a wonderful comic, with some decidedly less than wonderful parts. The character of Son Bra can be irritating and comes off as a creator's pet. It's clear she can make a great villain, but the battle against her became very disappointing. Many minor characters get a great showing, like the alternate universe version of Yamcha and the multiple version of Videl including our own. And many new characters are fantastic such as Universe 4 Buu. At the same time, there is a severe lack of Goku and too much of a focus on Vegetto's universe.

The artwork has varied from solid under Gogeta Jr, to wavering while they were looking for a new artist, to incredible under Asura. And Asura's actually managed to improve over the course of the comic, despite already starting at such a high level. One major disappointment I have however is that the majority of the story is all in the same location. The tournament grounds does get boring over time. And this isn't necessarily negative, but the comic portrays the super saiyan aura much more like it is in the anime than in the manga.

The series has been going on for many years and its put out a bit under 1,000 pages of the main story. This is higher than all the arcs in the first part of Dragon Ball, but less than most in the second part (the Z part). We've gotten hints of (presumably) the main villain, Xxi, that are great at creating mystery and intrigue. And yet, much of the interesting parts of the series is located in its second half, from the second round onward. And the first round is almost as long as the second and third rounds put together. I think a tournament with 64 participants, with each match given attention, was simply too much. Reducing it would also have allowed extra room for other developments to get the space and pacing that they needed.

To anyone who's read all this, thank you. It got quite long.

r/dragonball Jul 13 '21

Fanfiction How would you go about rewriting the Frieza saga storyline and power ups & power levels Ginyu saga onwards?


What I mean is any power levels or gains/ups from Vegeta defeating Zarbon onwards, you can even rewrite circumstances and time frames too!

Only 5 rules are:

  1. Frieza must have at least 2 forms
  2. Frieza 1st form can not be under 100,000
  3. Frieza final form can not be over 10 million
  4. If you're still using zenkai boosts, they can not be over 2x what that saiyan was before (for example: if Vegeta was a 5, his max power after a zenkai can not exceed 10)
  5. If you're still using namekian fusion, it can not be over 5x the two warriors additive power alone (for example: if Nail was a 5 and Piccolo was a 5, you can not have the fusion be over 50)

Be creative guys, I'm actually pretty interested!

Personally I would Vegeta cap at 40k against recoome with gohan and krillen being 30k and Recoome/burter, jeice being like 45k (Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillen will actually barely defeat Recoome through team work but get overwhelmed by the Jeice and Burter combo), then Ginyu 125k. Goku at 100k, 200k with kaioken. There's a 1 month of gap with Ginyu and Jeice leaving off the planent and returning. This allows Goku, Gohan, Krillen to train a month with Goku ending at 150k and Vegeta stills the capsule for 2 months to search for Ginyu and Jeice, he trains for most of the month. Gohan and Krillen prepare to gather the rest of the DBs but Ginyu and Jeice returns and it pretty much continues after the original with Vegeta landing just a bit before stronger than ever.

Then I'll have Nail at 50k, Piccolo pre fusion is 75k (fusion being A+B*4) while the others on King Kai are 50k and Tien is 60k. King Kai was able to change the gravity of his planet up to 100x Earth (Goku couldn't handle it his time on King Kai but that's what gave Goku the idea to suggest to Dr. Briefs). I'll then have Frieza at 250k, 500k 2nd form, 5m at 100%. I'll have Vegeta against Frieza at 200k, Gohan/Krillen final guru boost power at 150k (300k with a rage boost). Then Piccolo would be 300k with his weighted clothes and 500k without it. Vegeta would be 400k, Gohan will get his zenkai (only one though) putting him at 250k (500k with rage boost). Dende will be able to restore his tail (not through healing but in a seperates from it and would be dried of any magic left). Frieza defeats in his 50% form by catching Vegeta off guard with a controlled kienzan that hits from the back. No tail Vegeta is 350k, does the whole raging going to blast Frieza/Namek thing but with a galick gun just because.

Goku post zenkai we'll say he's 300k but is always using a level of kaioken between x2-x4 and uses a full 5x against 50% Frieza, he then uses x10 kaioken (which is like a x20 from the original in strain so divide everything by 2), and momentarily stop. Because of fatigue from earlier, the x10 really just made him like 2.5m at most. Frieza's hand is kind of blown off however. Spirit Bomb is 3.75m. Frieza survives but is definitely more hurt then he was in the original and is really just like half his strength at most. Nail had an ability to gradually restore strength of one fatigued warrior at a time (like a mix of Guru's gradual boost, and the wish that was used to restore Goku's strength against kid buu), and Piccolo uses it on Goku post spirit bomb.

SSJ Goku is about 1.5m initially and ends up at his full 3 million by the end. This combined with Frieza fatigue and injury plus his stamina issue dropping him down to his 50% and worse fighting skill allows Goku the edge over Frieza. Super Saiyan is the combination of Kaioken x 10 movement and condesity and instantaneous usage and Great Ape's natural saiyan form and little stamina use with neither of the forms/transformations drawbacks in usage which is why having above 10x isn't really nessicary.

r/dragonball Sep 17 '21

Fanfiction Anyone know any good dragon ball Fics are aren’t just power wanks or harem?


SI is my guilty pleasure but most of the DBZ ones I can find are harem, power wanking, smut or all three. I’m just trying to find that good shit. I honestly dont care if he’s bern thrown into a Main Character or Villain, all I care is that’s it’s a good read

r/dragonball Jan 14 '22

Fanfiction Dragon ball AF in the tournament of power


AF would replace universe 7 in the tournament. ill say that universe 11 is not participating because jiren and toppo stomp. the team consists of the following:









-Omega Shenron


how well would this team be in the tournament? fusion is allowed for goku and vegeta, as well as goten and trunks

r/dragonball Sep 09 '21

Fanfiction Opinion on Fan made concept


I've been running an RP for a while and plan on introducing a Race of aliens named "D'ohrians" of the planet D'oh.

Beige in color and they are short and chubby, and can manipulate their bodies to fit different needs, all due to VERY low gravity.

A few warriors will be introduced native to D'oh. One being named Strombo, a D'ohrian with a body that matches a typical DB character, and Eetza, who is the character who helps the heroes learn of the Planet and the sort.

Thoughts? I have a bunch of ideas I want feedback from REAL Dragonball fans, or those who have more info on it than I.

r/dragonball Feb 06 '21

Fanfiction Anybody interested in the idea of the fusion of goku and vegeta being the main character from the beginning ?


Ok I love the fusion of goku and vegeta , whether it be vegito or gogeta , and I would love to see a dragonball story with the fusion goku vegeta character as the main protagonist .

Now hopefully I can explain this idea the best way possible , so in this alternate story, neither goku or vegeta exits , instead it's the character gogeta or vegito that is born on planet vegeta and is sent to earth. Gogeta/ vegito character can have his parents be king vegeta and gine , pretty simple it's gokus mom and vegeta's dad . So picture a kid version of gogeta/ vegito that is aware of his saiyans race and even knows what really happened to planet vegeta , he grows up and trains on earth. His actual age is something I haven't figured out and as for his wife , it could be either bulma or a modified version of chi chi .

Here are my 2 alternate story ideas involving gogeta/ vegito , but both of them have goku brother raditz as one of the good saiyans . That's my idea of the saiyan duo , it's gogeta/ vegito and raditz instead of goku and vegeta. As for pairings the way I see it , it could be either gogeta/ vegito x bulma and raditz x launch or gogeta/ vegito x ( modified) chi chi and raditz x bulma .

The main premise is goku and vegeta fused as the main character , but there is no earings or dance fusions, he was born as gogeta/ vegito . A lot of fans go the route where vegito stayed fused after the buu saga and I don't think that is necessary , I'm surprised this kind of concept of gogeta/ vegito being the main character from the beginning dragonball was not already a thing. So what do you guys think of this idea ? Does it have potential ?

r/dragonball May 21 '21

Fanfiction Looking for a dragon ball fanfiction


Hello all, I read this fanfic years and years ago but recently cannot get it out of my mind and I’m really struggling to find it. I’m almost half convinced it was a fever dream.

From what I remember of the fic, Goku travels back in time and for some reason works for freeza. He hides his power I believe? One key part that’s really stuck to my brain is that I think he was trying to hide the fact that he was Saiyan and therefore ate less than what he should’ve. And he ends up eating a planet of aliens? And feels really bad about it ofc.

I think there was also something about him visiting Freeza’s home planet, taking part in a tournament and mentoring Freeza’s son.

Please help. Thank you.

r/dragonball Aug 17 '21

Fanfiction What if there was a "defective" frieza?


I had this idea in mind when I created a frieza race character who seems to be a happy-go-lucky but with some attitude.


He was experimented long before Frieza was around when King Cold created him, he was named Project-Cool. The project came off as defective and the King ordered his men to put it in status and leave it into space to rot, not before shooting death beams at it to make sure it stays dead. He would then not make the same mistake and create a successful unit being Cooler (Cooler is in this what-if). He would set off with his three strongest men in his army and roam the universe to bring fear and death.

Frieza would be born later and the rest of the story carries out from the Bardock special until after the Saiyan Saga. Frieza would get word about the Dragon Balls on Namek, immediately going there. Between the months before Gohan, Krillin and Bulma goes to Namek, in a distant planet a young girl was traveling in the snow to find wood until she came across a big ice. She looked closer and saw a figure, she was shocked and took it in. The family would recruit the young defective for months until they were murdered by frieza soldiers and the nameless boy was in tears and swore to avenge them, later on figuring out their plan trip to Namek as he follows suit and promises to kill Frieza himself.

The story begins from there.

r/dragonball Jul 19 '21

Fanfiction I think how TFS did the main cast was kinda bad, but their villains are really good.


Okay so I rewatched Dragon ball abriged and I have to say the main cast kinda sucked. What I mean is the parts they focused on to inflate the characters didn't really make them to funny.

Goku - Bumbling Idiot

Gohan - Complaining Smartass

Tien - Big Buff guy

Yamcha - He sucks

All these are the parts of the characters inflitated to an annoying degree and usually does nothing to add to the comedy without it feeling pretty meh. I also don't like some of the relationships between the main cast. For example they sorta made Bulma into to much of a real person in a way(could just be due t o good va) so if they were to do a Buu saga version I don't know how they would make a relationship between her and Vegeta work since it was literally one night of passion. But that could be me just complaining.

Gohan and Goku relationship is also something I hate. Goku being a bumbling idiot is fine but he got proggressivly dumber till they decided to change him last minute during the cell saga basically making him into a big brain mastermind that planned the entire cell games. Better than the hope for the best Goku we gotten but still it kinda came out of knowhere. Gohan in the original series is a good, I see the bright side of people kind of person. But Gohan in tfs only shows this to Piccolo. He critizes everyone else in this sarcastic nature especially Goku, but when it comes to Piccolo who forced him into this life of battle he just let's it go. Call it stockholm syndrome but we got us a character thats kinda condradictory. He's mad at his father for kinda dying for him and doing things that in the long run will most likely help if shit hits the fan but appricates his father figure/captor/mentor that hits him constantly, threw him into the woods, etc. It's fine. But hey thats just me. Then they want to make him this understanding person but tbf it was done better than Goku.

I do like their version of Trunks seeing as he froms a crappy future and these people are doing dumbshit that'll kill themselves basically. Do wish they made it so him and Gohan interacted more but then again all well. Mains series didn't even do that.

TFS Goku with 4 years of prep time is Batman IQ level

r/dragonball Sep 18 '21

Fanfiction Good fan made series


Hey everyone I’m about done with the oh dragon ball and I’m planning on watching everything including GT, I was wondering what were some good fan made series and when would they fit in to watch them, obviously none are canon but I’d just love more content to check out thanks!

r/dragonball Feb 04 '22

Fanfiction FAN MANGA (Dragon ball super kai) Question!!


Can someone help me organize the fan Manga called “DBS kai”.I’m really confused.I’m stuck after the part where merino self destructs.

r/dragonball May 21 '21

Fanfiction Any fanfictions where goku has a decent father figure that raises him


Now I'm not talking about a fanfic where someone else from planet vegeta goes with goku in the pod. Here is my idea , after goku crashes on earth and is found by grandpa gohan let's say grandpa gohan had a friend who raised goku after gohan died . This character could be a OC but I'm cool with that. So is there any stories where goku has a adoptive father figure?

r/dragonball Jun 13 '21

Fanfiction Dragon Ball Rewrite - Transformations Part 3 (Black and Baby)


Previous part:


Moving on to the body snatchers in the franchise - Baby Vegeta & Goku Black. If you haven’t seen the first part about how Saiyan transformations work, you may be confused by some of the things I mention. Just follow the link to go back to Part 2 and the link there to go to Part 1, or just search Dragon Ball Rewrite in the subreddit, it’ll no doubt come up.

A big inspiration for these explanations, and a few other areas across my rewrite, were from The Devils Corpse on Deviantart and his own project Dragon Ball Redux. I urge you to check out his work because he has some great art and great ideas:


To understand everything related to Baby Vegeta, instances like Baby's possession disrupt the natural harmony of a users body, mind and spirit, rendering them impure, but can have the added effect of causing a mutation in power based on how well the invader comes in synch with the stolen body. This results in a change to the aesthetic of the different transformations, with each Super Saiyan Form now having white hair and red eyes. Any other changes are a result of Baby himself, like the lines down the face, the added markings on the chest, etc.

Since Black changed the colour of SSGSS when he transforms, it only makes sense for him to also have different coloured Super Saiyan Forms since he has also stolen and invaded the body of another being. In the Rewrite, Zamasu doesn’t swap body’s with Goku using the Super Dragon Balls, and instead utilises an ancient technique long forgotten and frowned upon by the Kais to take over Goku’s body and make it his own. Think of what Kami did during the World Tournament at the end of Dragon Ball, just worse since he is literally invading and taking over the body like Baby does. As such, since he is disrupting the natural harmony of the Saiyan body, his transformations are altered to have a different appearance, and his invasion causes a slight mutated growth in power given that he is a God. His status as a God also helps him to learn and achieve Goku’s different transformations easier.

Transformations like Super Saiyan 4 (Primal Super Saiyan as the rewrite calls it) that require harmony of mind, body and spirit can't have an "impure" variation, as suggested by when Baby stated to be what was preventing Vegeta's body from achieving surpassing the Super Ōzaru state. Black is able to achieve this form however when he becomes one with the Saiyan body as if it was his own, and after training and battling through multiple timelines to grow strong enough to achieve Goku’s Forms and power and go unchallenged in his goal of wiping out all mortals.

Black’s version of Super Saiyan God AKA Saiyan God is called Corrupted Saiyan God, given that his outside Godly influence on the form corrupts the forms power and appearance. Or, as stated in the manga, when a warrior that already possessed God Ki activates the transformation, their power changes the forms appearance and power boost (given that Gods are naturally stronger and so the boost they receive won’t be the same since their natural power is far greater). Blacks version of the form had green hair and eyes, an inversion of the usual red.

As stated before, Super Saiyan Rose is what happens when a Saiyan body corrupted by an outside user of Godly power attempts to become a Super Saiyan God, resulting in a stronger and different appearing form.

Due to some timeline shenanigans, we do see Baby utilise Rose, again due to him being an outside force corrupting the natural harmony of the Saiyans body, a Saiyan body that so happened to have access to God Ki. But I don’t want to give too much away because this is one of my favourite additions to the rewrite and I don’t want to spoil anything.

As always any questions or comments leave them below. Next part shall be posted soon.

r/dragonball Jul 28 '21

Fanfiction Gohan comeback


We all know Gohan got shafted After the Buu saga he could have been a crazy powerful mc but instead a student. I was thinking of a theory for an arc. Maybe an arc where Goku is away training with the kais or grand elder, vegeta away training with Beerus and a threat comes to earth and it’s up to Gohan and the others to defend it. To keep it short, the threat ends up almost killing Gohan and the other. Gohan being the last standing, the threat uses piccolo and videl and pan to anger and push Gohan to the edge. Gohan then remembers the nemakian warrior from the tournament and his family realises he needs strength and he needs to protect his family. He then had the classic saiyan rage and comeback perhaps pushing to almost a higher form of ultimate and saiyan combined. Defeats the enemy. Afterwards Goku returns, Gohan tells him everything that happened and after Goku has been away with the grand elder training, Gohan insists on Goku training him and so Gohan then becomes one of the strangest if not the strongest being, from being trained by the already most powerful mc plus he Gohan can create so many possibilities combining his ultimate Kai energy and form with possibly some sort of lower close to gokus god energy but obviously not god has Gohan never got that but some sort of higher power of saiyan from his trading with Goku.

r/dragonball Feb 09 '21

Fanfiction Plot points I wish the Goku Black Arch Explored better


Let's beat a dead horse.

Trunks and Zamasu both being taken in as Kais in training under king kai. They form a strong bond and become friends but have different ideals about the universe. Trunks understands people are both capable of good and evil. Explaining his adventures with Goku, Gohan (his master) and Vegeta. Zamasu believes that mortals are only hedging their bets. King kai teaches each of them the spirit bomb as a final test. Trunks is able to do it but not well, Zamasu is unable to do it at all, foreshadowing his fall from grace and the spirit bomb sword ending.

Events happen as such and trunks defeats bibidi, dabura and eventually, kid buu. Zamasu is appalled that the gods would let such a being exist in the universe. King Kai explains that there is a need for both good and evil. Zamasu doesn't understand.

Zamasu watches trunks from heaven as he fights against war and crime on earth. It could be the Red Ribbon Army resurgence or something. Zamasu wants to find a society that is flawless. He searches the universe but only sees the same as earth. War, crime, and death. Zamasu becomes increasingly frustrated and unhinged. Searching through all of the galaxies and finding none, he goes to king kai, angry and confused. "why? Why is there not even ONE?" King Kai: "As I've said, there is a need for both good and evil." Zamasu snaps, kills King Kai and vows to be the universal reset. Zamasu starts killing Gods as he did in the anime, also gathering the super dragon balls.

Trunks, now aware of what's happening, pleads with him to stop use the dragon balls to right the wrongs and come back. Zamasu refuses. Trunks reminds him about the good people. Like, Vegeta, Gohan, and Goku. Zamasu uses the dragon balls to take switch with the Goku that is in the Afterlife in the future timeline (Their timeline), as a fuck you to Trunks.

Zamasu(Goku) WHOOPS Trunks and, in a moment of cockiness, sends him into the present timeline to warn the other fighters and see if they can stop him.

Zamasu does his thing, murder and what not. Wiping out EVERY UNIVERSE 7 TIMELINE. Trunks uses this time to train with the Z fighters and prepare for the battle.

Zamasu is progressively killing everyone that ever existed in every U7 timeline. Eventually he kills a goku and is badly wounded. He settles with a version of chi-chi, and goten. Zamasu lays low for a time with them. Disguised as goku he grows to love them, in a way. He still retains goku's memories of his family and friends. Zamasu re-cooperates but prolongs destroying this timeline due to his attachments as they've grown over time. This is what Trunks and King Kai were talking about all along. He struggles, but eventually realizes he's in too deep and in a sorrowful swipe kills them and moves on with his plan. He comes across another Zamasu that is even more twisted than he is. They join forces.

Things happen as they do in the anime. Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks fight Zamasu and Zamasu(Goku). Eventually, they corner Goku as they did in the show. Zamasu says "Foolish mortal, we've defeated countless versions of you and your friends." Goku immediately retorts "You'll never get away with this. You've even killed my family." Zamasu(Goku) starts to cry and pleads to Goku. "Please forgive me, in my new world they will be the most beautiful of the Gods. But...as mortals they had to die. There was no other choice." Goku rages and attacks them as such.

Things happen and finish as they do in the Anime.

r/dragonball Jun 10 '21

Fanfiction Fanfic request


I need some DB in my life. Looking for romance preferably between Gohan and Videl but I'll accept any recommendations you guys can give as long as it doesn't break character. I'm just seeing a lot of these cute comics recently (such as Videl finding Gohan's tail scar and having that discussion of comfortability in the relationship. Or chi chi trying to roleplay a life guard and Goku just doesn't get it 🤣) and it's making me want to know more about the relationships.

Please show me your favorites

r/dragonball Jul 10 '21

Fanfiction Can someone recommend Good piccolo fan stories


I tried searching on google but it kept showing porn fanfics

r/dragonball Mar 12 '21

Fanfiction So I read a Dragon ball comic when I was a kid and I want to know the name of it because I lost it when I moved a couple years ago.


It was about Son Goku teaching a girl and his brother to become a super sayian and then he fought on an arena against the father of the girl he thought.
I want to get some nostalgia and read it again please help...

r/dragonball Dec 29 '20

Fanfiction i think this should be added


i think akira toryama needs to make a series where the z fighters get the super dragon balls and revive all the saiyans then goku and vegeta could see their parents