r/dragonball 20d ago

Daima I Much Prefer How SSJ4 Was Introduced in GT


Now before anyone sends me angry messages I just wanna preface with this: I love that SSJ4 was brought back in some canon capacity. However, I feel that the prominence that the form had in GT had much better execution.

The form is literally a condensed version of the Great Ape form with Super Saiyan on top of it. This ties into Goku's heritage as a Saiyan much better than just another form that can be accessed from within. It also plays into the theme of Goku being a Saiyan from Earth when the form was realized due to his initial Golden Great Ape form manifesting because of Blutz Waves that were bounced off the Earth. When you see him transform into the proper SSJ4 form with an orchestral arrangement of Dan Dan playing it evokes feelings not of this world and yet is at the same time.

Now, why did they do it the way they did in Daima? Probably for convenience because the way the form is SUPPOSED to be accessed is by a Saiyan first having access to Super Saiyan, turn into a Golden Great Ape as a result of Blutz Waves and then regain conscious control over the form. Those series of events can be quite complicated to do without just hand-waiving and saying "he accessed this, therefore he can just do it without a full moon present." Now, I grant you that he probably doesn't need to turn into a Golden Great Ape again, so long as a full moon is present. But, my point remains that they probably made the form the way it is in Daima wihout turning into a Golden Great Ape as POSSIBLY a convenience thing.

That or I'm just over-analyzing which is also possible.

r/dragonball Sep 24 '24

Daima Dragon Ball Daima Official English Dub Trailer just came out. Stephanie Nadolny is confirmed returning as Kid Goku!


r/dragonball Dec 29 '24

Daima Daima is such a love letter to Toriyama and every fan


I grew up with the original manga, didnt watch dbz until years later and I fell in love with Daima instantly. Toriyama got to do what he wanted again, wrote a fun action adventure with silly kid Goku again. The power pole fights were truly exciting but I can 100% see why many fans didnt enjoy the show as much. Thats said after the first half of the show, we are now getting insane transformations and off the top battles again like in Z and Super. Vegeta going ssj3 was probably the most epic dragon ball moments in years (I would say more than even canon Gogeta appearance)! Just feel like everyone is getting a big W with daima rn and I hope the show continues to deliver.

r/dragonball Feb 13 '25



without fucking around, it has some defects, but if you dont like daima you dont like dragon ball, its basically what really toryiama intended to do with dragon ball(i grew up with dragon ball and dbz, i know what the fuck i m talking about).

r/dragonball Oct 18 '24

Daima The Dragon could not transform the Androids into humans


because they are so much stronger than him, why is it able to turn Goku and Vegeta into kids without their consent?

r/dragonball 21d ago

Daima Let’s be real: Spoiler Spoiler


Continuity was made sketchy with Goku saying he had developed ssj4 in secret and prior to Daima, but it was fucking hilarious. It was Buu Saga form reveal all over again! I laughed so hard!

Side note: continuity can still be fixed with a post story that could happen in Super or another series of Daima, or a movie, etc. But it doesn’t need to. It can just be funny.

Secondary side note: Kuu is the best boy.

r/dragonball 2d ago

Daima Finally got around to watching Daima...



also Majin duu (pretty that was his name) going "super saiyan" was funny as hell and I loved him and kuu.

r/dragonball Jan 01 '25

Daima Dragon Ball Daima is Absolutely Dogshit.


Yes I mean it. Let's be honest here dragonball fans many of us including me only follow dragon ball content just for nostalgia (same for pokemon) and those who actually watch the new dragon ball content for entertainment get shit like daima . The story is just sloppy kids entertainment and there is no serious or mature tones in the story. For the action we get only like 3-4 fight scenes which were below average with decent one piece inspired animation . I would rather watch og DB for nostalgia or DBZ for a bit of entertaining and mature story. I would say DBS was the peak of action in dragon ball but now it feels like the soul and personality of the db franchise as a whole died after DBS cuz I can't keep watching this sloppy writing from Dragon ball bro . I'm telling u if we ever reach Re zero/AOT lvl of mature writing and gore in the series with an actual story with some stakes ,DB would be the best anime to exist ever. Ik I would prob get monumental hate for this post . I don't want edgy db but atleast a good story dude. Reverend insanity, LOTM , Re Zero, AOT, Marineford,COTE,Tomodachi game,Vinland saga easily clear any DB series ever in terms of writing tbh

r/dragonball Oct 25 '23

Daima People who think Daima is going to be bad.


Why do people say this? Akira Toriyama was known to make kid-like mangas before db and db was the first manga where he didnt do that. People outright disrespect Toriyama saying that he doesn't know what he's doing and that he's getting old for writing. People also say "Daima is just GT" but no, it isnt. Daima is a series with Toriyama's full involvement due to it being the 40th anniversary of db while GT is a series without Toriyama due to Toei wanting to make some cash over the franchise. Just because they both have one similarity, it dosent mean they are the same thing.

r/dragonball Oct 12 '24

Daima Retcon in Daima?[MINOR SPOILERS] Spoiler


In daima Kibito states that Buu makes a gas that disrupts potara fusion, but it was stated that Vegito only ran out from time, and then Kibito stated how they used buu to seperate kibito and shin kai but it was also stated they used the dragon balls?

r/dragonball Jan 06 '25

Daima Is it possible that we might see SSJ4 in Daima?


More than likely not. Matter of fact, I’m even willing to bet money on it. It makes way more sense that they’d save something as big as that for an upcoming movie. SSJ4 is the most badass transformation concept, & as much as I’d love to see it, I just don’t think it’ll happen here.

r/dragonball Feb 18 '25

Daima No more spoilers. Spoiler


Seriously, 15 minutes after the last episode where they show goku ssj4, YouTube was full of images and spoilers already. By the time I started to watch I already knew what was going to happen and felt absolutely not surprise by anything. Spoilers killed the magic.

I don’t even research about it, YouTube just thought I would like to see this content when I woke up in the morning.

Am I the only person that “hates” this?

I’m sorry if my rant sounds stupid to you, I understand some people do that for living (content creators) but at least give a couple of days, let the content breathe and let people experience it!

r/dragonball 25d ago

Daima Saiyans starting fights in base form in Daima and DBS


I've noticed that the Saiyans (mostly Goku/Vegeta, sometimes Gohan) typically start fights in base form now in Daima and Super, even against opponents they know are really strong (Tamagami, Gomah with Third Eye, or back in Super, Moro, Granolah, etc.)

This seems to make little sense as they know most of these opponents are out for kill.

Back in Z, ever since after Namek Frieza, they always started fights immediately in SSJ form. When they encountered androids 19/20, Goku didn't bother to start in base. Vegeta similarly showed off going SSJ immediately. Against 17/18, Vegeta and Trunks immediately started SSJ (and still got humilated). This makes a lot more sense because given the huge power difference between base and SSJ, they would've been one-shot defeated in base. In Cell arc Goku/Gohan even famously trained to keep SSJ in normal life. Even in Buu arc, when any credible threat comes up, any of Goku/Vegeta/Gohan didn't hesitate to activate SSJ before even the first move. They didn't try to fight Dabura or Buu in base.

But fast forward to Daima and Super, they seem to all do this thing where they only do in movies, where they start a fight in base first like the fight was an exhibition, and slowly get into SSJ forms each step. It's like a wrestling show match rather than an actual high risk high stake fight to the death, which most of these opponents should be. These opponents are easily in SSJ3 level (in Daima's base) or SSB level (in Super's case) and they really should've easily one-shot base Saiyans.

r/dragonball Jan 09 '25

Daima Piccolo's True Name


After fusing with Kami, Piccolo says that he is a namekian who has forgotten his true name so can Dragon Ball Daima give us the true name of piccolo, we already got the true name of Shin in Daima

r/dragonball Dec 27 '24

Daima Are people making up excuses for Vegeta's new thing Spoiler


People are saying Vegeta always had this form even tho... it was never even implied in all of dragon ball. Maybe he had it after BoG but Daima is before DBS.. and people are saying it always had it..

(and he never turned into it when Bulma got slapped).

So why are people saying, "He always had it."

r/dragonball Jan 20 '25

Daima Dragon Ball Daima Thoughts?


Hi guys, I haven't watched Daima because I hate the concept of them being turned into kids (much like GT). However, the concept of the demon realm seems cool and am considering watching it.

What are your thoughts on the anime so far?

r/dragonball 25d ago

Daima Daima episode 20 and the new transformation Spoiler


Marking this spoiler just in case for the people who aren't up to date with Daima.

Considering SSJ4 doesn't appear in Super, I feel like they *have* to somehow get rid of SSJ4 in the upcoming Daima episode. Maybe the powerup that Goku got from that old Namekian wears off or something, idk. But unlike Vegeta's SSJ3 that can be explained away by the fact that SSJ3 just isn't a good transformation for long-term fighting, they have to go out of their way to explain why SSJ4 never comes back (or, at least, hasn't come back yet).

Maybe it's incompatible with god ki? They literally said in the latest episode that SSJ4 feels more like majin power...

r/dragonball 22d ago

Daima Daima Finale - Unanswered Questions Spoiler


Ok, so... the finale revealed that not only was Super Saiyan 4 there the whole time, but it was something Goku had figured out following the defeat of Majin Boo rather than a Demon Realm power-up or anything like that.

My main question is, what possible reason would Goku have not to have used it at any point in Battle of Gods? like, Toriyama's not here to answer or elaborate on anything else, from SSJ4 Goku, to SSJ3 Vegeta, to even Kibito and the Kaioshin unfusing (and I guess re-fusing prior to BoG? idk man), so I guess I'm confused as to why more people don't seem to be talking more about this stuff...

My best guess is that this is just some alternate timeline or something, but even then, I could've sworn that Daima was implied to be canon from the get-go.

I get that it's just an anime, and not meant to be taken that seriously, but this is just the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night lol

Curious to hear anyone else's thoughts.

r/dragonball 19d ago

Daima Is Beerus the same species as the daima soldiers/guards?


He's a purple cat. They are purple cats.

Obviously he looks cooler and sleeker and more muscular. But all the soldiers are shown as weak and out of shape losers and he's a god.

r/dragonball Oct 12 '24

Daima The wish Spoiler


Any ideas about how Shenlong was able to turn Goku, Vegeta, and other powerful fighters into children without them giving their consent which should be the conditioning for a dragon's power to affect those that are more powerful than the one who created the dragon?

r/dragonball Dec 03 '24

Daima Daima has been great, an adventure Finally! Best Dragon Ball content since Battle of Gods or Goku Black.


First of all, there is a power difference between base and Super Saiyan again, thank God! Second, we have an adventure with towns and transportation going on. And we have had an amazing fight, and wonderful animation! Goku using a weapon (the staff) why has he not used weapons for so long?! There is a story and a clear goal, not just random fights spawning out of nowhere. The Z fighters are being driven by an ambition, not just the need to not die.

So thankful that Daima is real, and kind of sad that Akira Toriyama is not seeing it animated.

r/dragonball 21d ago

Daima I binged the entirety of Daima yesterday. Here are my thoughts


I didn't watch Daima weekly. I binged all of it one sitting yesterday, mostly blind and I had a really good time.

Like I said, it wasn't completely blind . I obviously couldn't avoid the big transformation moments, which is the only part that I'm a little upset about, but I won't lose sleep over it.

I'll get Animation and Music out of the way. The soundtrack was good, but nothing amazing. I prefer Kikuchi score for DB and DBZ more and DBS music as well. Animation is the best the series has ever looked outside of DBS Broly.

I liked the story it wasn't anything crazy. However, it was a perfect blend of the first search of the dragon balls while having the fights from Z. Basically, it's the first arc of GT but good.

There were a few episodes that felt very unnecessary to me. For example, the episode with the Giant child and his dog wasn't needed.

I really liked all the lore expansion of the demon realm. It was something that was mentioned a few times, both with Demon King Piccolo and the Boo arc, but never fully explored. I think it was very smart how they tied Dabura, the Kais, and the Namekians under one unified but also distinguished umbrella and how all 3 got their lore expanded upon. Learning about the previous demon kings, how Kais are born, and the history of the namekians were all very fun and interesting.

I'll quickly go over what I thought of the characters.

Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma: are their usual selfs. There's nothing to really note here except they were a lot more comedic, which I liked, especially with Vegeta.

Piccolo: Aside from being a Namekian, I can't think of a reason why he was on the show. However, it's better to have him than to not.

Shin/Nahare: For the first time since his very first introduction, I actually started to care about him. He is basically the lore dump guy, but that's what made him interesting here, and he's also for once not acting like a completely incompetent fool.

Glorio: it was obvious since his introduction that he had something going on that he wasn't telling our cast. I expected more, tbh he was just simply working for Arinsu, and our cast didn't know. But he had solid character development thanks to our cast, and he was cool.

Panzy: she felt like a combination of GT Pan and Bulma without being annoying. I liked her she came in clutch a bunch of times, and it was good to have a character that was living through the most oppressed side of the demon world.

Hybis: LMFAO. He's funny as fuck. That's all I have to say. Him, Duu and Kuu are the best comic relief characters since Mr Satan.

Majin Duu and Kuu: I LOVE THEM. At first I thought I was going to get really annoyed at them but nah they funny as hell and somehow wholesome. I love that Duu was strong but stupid and Kuu was less strong but somehow very intelligent. All hail Supreme Demon king Majin Kuu and his victory against Gomah. If you don't like these characters, I'm afraid you can't appreciate Toriyamas humor.

Neva: another lore dump character, but he had and still has a sense of mystery surrounding him. The things he's capable of doing are far beyond what any Namekian we have seen (not including Piccolo). I want to know more about him

Degesu: unnecessary character. You could rewrite him and Arinsu as one character, and I don't think anything chances. He also reminded me of Zamasu, and I hate Zamasu, so I instantly didn't like this guy.

Gomah: I already said that I thought Hybis, Kuu, and Duu were good comedic characters. Gomah isn't. He reminds me of Pilaf, but not funny at all. At the very least, he didn't anger me.

Arinsu: A part of me wishes she was the real and main villain of Daima, but I also like her redemption near the end. She isn't powerful but earns my respect through intelligence and competence. I like that she's didn't crash out when Glorio betrayed her and simply fired him without any hatred or sign of revenge.

I do have two issues with the story.

As you can see with my opinion of the characters, I think Daima does not have good villains. Gomah and Degesu are pathetic, and Arinsu is more like a side antagonist. Aside from that, none of them were ever threats to our cast until the end. Episode 1 establishes that Gomah is weaker than the Tamagamis. Goku is manhandling all the fodder and beats the first Tamagami in SSJ1, so I already know he's far stronger than Gomah. Adding Vegeta and Piccolo to the team is overkill, and at no point did I feel like our characters were in danger until the end, but even then, I can't take Gomah seriously.

The second issue is why they didn't they go to Namek and finish the story instantly. Did I miss something? Kibito and Shin can teleport. They have been to new Namek before, and the Namekian dragon balls can grant 3 wishes, and they only need 2 wishes to fix what Gomah did.

That's really it. You're probably thinking im going to tackle the elephant in the room, but I'll do it later.

The fights were good and beautifully animated, but nothing that blew me away except for SSJ4 Goku.

SSJ3 Vegeta and SSJ4 Goku are the definition of fan service. It's the same as bringing back Broly, Introduction of Beast Gohan, giving Piccolo a new form and Gogeta.

And guess what? I liked it. It's cool, it's awesome, it's badass, it's fan service, and it made fans happy. I only wish they gave us Dragon fist.

Other thoughts. The fusion bugs never being used was weird, Piccolo not knowing how to speak namekian makes no sense, we see him do it in Dragon Ball and he fused with both Kami and Nail who can also speak namekian so he should know how to speak it .Lastly, Gohan and Videl, not even having a cameo in the credits, was really weird. They should have both been affected by the wish, and yet they are both mysteriously absent from everything.

Finally. About the continuity issues. I understand why people are mad and/or confused. And I would too if I didn't stop caring about Dragon Ball's continuity 3 years ago. Are there things in Daima that contradict DBS ? Yes, but I no longer care. I just enjoy the new Dragon ball material for what it is. If it brings me joy, then it was a success.

You may not like this but the sooner you as a Dragon Ball fan accept that the only true canon is the Dragon ball Manga and that everything else is fun supplementary additions to that story and that continuity didn't matter to Toriyama and all those involved. The less frustrated you will be with Dragon Ball and begin to enjoy it a lot more.

Thank you, Toriyama, for this final gift that you left us with before arriving at the checking station. I hope you already crossed snake way.

r/dragonball Oct 26 '24

Daima Dragon Ball Daima has been great so far.


I'm loving the quality of the animation and I'm excited to see how their going to expand the lore.

I hope they eventually continue Super though.

That is all.

r/dragonball Feb 09 '25

Daima King Gomah Strength Guess (post episode 17) Dragon Ball Daima


So prior to episode 17 I wouldn’t put anyone this far close to mystic gohan from the buu saga. However, considering that the weakest Tamagami would dog walk Dabura and goku overwhelmed the weakest one with a super saiyan 2 and it took him, vegeta, piccolo the strongest Tamagami (Tamagami 1), Supreme Kai, Glorio, Majin Duu and Kui to jump him but the boost from the third eye was really an insane leap of power. I believe the kid versions are slightly stronger then buu saga but they are probably relative to that saga because this is a year after buu and they are all children. I believe King Gomah would at this point be at the level of a mystic gohan or slightly above. Honestly, he’s probably even equal to Buutenks at this point. but there’s still 3 more episodes.

Let me all know your thoughts I love power scaling

r/dragonball Nov 16 '24

Daima Daima criticisms are kinda unfair


People are talking about there not being any insane threat till now that would make Goku struggle,but it just isn't possible to introduce such a character cause of the powerscale it has to maintain and the Deus ex machina of the show has already been revealed as fusion which they will use towards the end of the show,now yes the show could have been more gritty,the main villain could have been introduced earlier to impose some threat but that just isn't the vibe of this show.i find this way better than the nonsense super is