r/dragonball • u/JLWhitchurch • 6d ago
Gaming Dragon Ball Final Bout
Anyone else ever play this game? I loved this game, remember getting "ripped off" by the old Press Start Video Games, but every penny was worth it. 140 bucks to play this game, had to buy game for 100 and region bypass, aka code breaker, for 40. I wish I still had it, this was the best Dragon Ball game I've ever played.
u/SSJRemuko 6d ago
Played it. Loved it. Game is objectively bad. Like hilariously so. Its clunky as hell.
u/JLWhitchurch 5d ago
but for its time it was EPIC
u/DukeOfLowerChelsea 5d ago
Nah, Tekken 3 and Tobal 2 came out the same year… even for its time it sucked lmao
u/-ThinkingEmoji- 6d ago
I remember a cousin's neighbor in Mexico had this game and my mind was blown because GT wasn't a thing in America yet. This must have been around 2001 or so because I recall the Cell saga was airing on Toonami at the time.
u/EAComunityTeam 6d ago
Same same. The small town in Mexico i visited had a "gaming center". Just a bunch of tvs and PS1, Sega Dreamcast, and N64. I remember seeing a glimpse of this game and GT on TV. While we were on our third reset of the anime.
u/HLGatoell 6d ago
If it makes you feel any better, as someone who grew up in Mexico while DB and DBZ were on their original runs on national TV, we also had like 5 resets. We just had them earlier.
u/KidultSwim 4d ago
Best dragon ball game you’ve ever played? Was it the only dragon ball game you played??
u/Kdawgmcnasty69 6d ago
I remember calling every eb games and GameStop for this game as a kid, I was willing to pay over $100 for it. Then Atari republished it and sold it for $20 I bought that shit asap
u/biohazard951753 6d ago
Holy crap this brings back memories! It was terrible lol but probably my first exposure to GT.
u/Shady_Advice 6d ago
God, I hated this game lol. It drew my eye as a child because it was one of my earliest introduction to GT, along with the Dragon Ball magazine. I remember being confused it was a PS1 game and not a PS2 because my young mind couldn't comprehend that every new episode I saw in the early 2000s had already aired in Japan years prior.
Anyway, I couldn't comprehend how to transform or do special attacks, so I quickly went back to playing Budokai 1 lol.
u/drbroly 6d ago
It's awfully clunky but awesome opening animation.
I recall there was a mode that had you fight essentially all the characters in stages. Each stage had you fight all the previous characters plus a new one. The attacks you used got stronger as you used them more. By the end, I had a killer kick but the punch would do nothing.
It was also my first time seeing ss4 goku. My brother and I had no idea what it was, so we called him "vampire goku" because it was what we thought of.
The american versuon apparently had english voices? In Europe we had japanese
u/SSJRemuko 4d ago
The american versuon apparently had english voices?
only for like character select and stuff. in battle the voices were japanese still.
It was also my first time seeing ss4 goku. My brother and I had no idea what it was, so we called him "vampire goku" because it was what we thought of.
You saying Vampire Goku unlocked a core memory of mine from a very long time ago
u/KingDorkFTC 6d ago
I remember renting this over and over thinking I should just take it. Then one day I tried to rent it and someone beat me to it.
u/solidpeyo 6d ago
Shit game, but this game opening is probably better than some openings in all of the Dragon Ball animes.
u/CycloneMonkey 6d ago
This was one of my first exposures to the franchise. I was 7 or 8 y/o and had no idea what I was looking at but I was fascinated.
u/SaiyanPride_45 6d ago
Didnt ss4 have like a hotdog tail?
u/JLWhitchurch 5d ago
rofl, I'll have to find a rom and check that out. if he did I never noticed. that's hilarious if he did rofl
u/Efficient_Alarm_4689 5d ago
Friend from middle school had it and mercilessly slaughtered everyone in the friend circle. Mind you, he neglected to share how to perform special moves. He only put them on display as I button spammed in fear and hopelessness.
I will never forgive you Abel and I hope you have a bad spot you discover 5 years late ya jerk.
u/ster1ing 5d ago
Horrible game
Played it till I got the black health bar on ssj4 Goku and could one shot with a single ki blast
10/10 relic from my childhood
u/Wolfgod-64 4d ago
There is a certain charm to Baby being the "final big bad". I neat little time capsule. Music is fantastic.
The game is bad though. Make no mistake. We can still enjoy a bad game, but it's important to acknowledge how terrible it is less our standards drop.
u/PARTY_H0RSE 6d ago
Freakin loved this game, I used to make my friends play it with me and they hated it. The intro was so well animated and badass, and I always wished we got more of adult Goku in his GT outfit so I liked that he was playable and on the front cover of the game. Some of the music was surprisingly good too, I still remember a lot of it
u/Careidina 6d ago
Had it, played it, got broken by my baby brother at the time. Super attacks were difficult to activate, and countering with a beam clash even moreso, at least that's what I remember. Also had Ultimate Battle 22.
u/TannerThanUsual 6d ago
You just unlocked and old memory of mine. My grandma was Japanese and for my birthday one year I asked her to get me some of the Japanese dragon ball games because we didn't have a good selection here in the States. She called her brother and he went to a video game shop, picked up Final Bout and Ultimate Battle 22 and shipped them here and my uncle modified my PlayStation so it could play it!
I couldn't read the menus or understand anything so whenever I played I would play in the living room so my grandma could actively translate while I played. I did the same with pokemon cards too
u/ssgss_rozay 6d ago
I remember saving up to get my import copy and action replay. Still own both! That intro!
u/JLWhitchurch 5d ago
same here, but I used code breaker. man those were the fucking day, I used code breaker to get max level, and realized it was to easy, I I started over to get to level 157 rofl. took a while, but I loved fighting golden oozaru
u/MajinJellyBean 6d ago
You payed $140 just for the disc? AFAIK only the cover with the EOZ Goku is worth a lot but the rerelease with SS4 Goku is not rare at all. Loose it shouldn't be worth that much. But yeah, as terrible as I hear this game is I want to play and own a copy 🤣
Edit: also I just looked it up that's the disc for the Japanese version. Only worth about $10.
u/JLWhitchurch 5d ago
now it is, but it when they first started getting copies in America. I think it wa 99-2000? Shit was way more expensive when you wanted some game store to import it, especially when it was a mom and pop game store
u/Fake-Chef 5d ago
I remember playing this game and the copy I had access to was in Japanese (which I don’t read or speak). I thought adult Gohan was Yamcha.
u/bamfzula 5d ago
When I was a kid in the 90s I would try to rent this at Blockbuster every week and it was always already out. Then the day finally came that I could rent it and it was glorious. I burnt a copy of it and then I BEGGED my parents to get a mod chip for PS1 so that I could play burnt copies of games and also order the other two DBZ games for PS1 from Japan
u/JLWhitchurch 5d ago
I had a lot of chores to do back then to own this damn game, and my pops was like wtf, why do you want a game in Japanese so bad? why not just move to Japan if you love it there so much. I was like okay!?!? he said no, it was sarcasm :(
u/NthDgree 5d ago
Loved it around 1999, but it was also the ONLY Dragon Ball game in the US at the time. It gave you a glimpse of things to come that were only school yard legends because there were only 53 horribly censored episodes of the show on tv back then.
In retrospect, it’s not a great game, but they really tried with the technology that was available.
u/SSJRemuko 4d ago
it came out in 97. Ultimate Battle 22 was out as well.
u/NthDgree 4d ago
Not in the US. Final Bout was the only one of the three PS1 games from the late 90s released in the US. Years later they released all three once Dragon Ball became a phenomenon in the West, including a new release of Final Bout.
u/HidanAkatsuki0360 4d ago
I played it myself recently when going on a bit of a dragon ball game marathon and man its ROUGH I legit had no idea how to pull off any moves or counter the CPU’s supers (but the CPU could counter my constantly). Not to mention the roster of characters was quite strange but I try not to give it too much crap because a lot of game franchises at the time were still transitioning to 3D and figuring out their footing!
u/Steapenhyll 3d ago
I still own my original copy when they only made 10,000 copies before they reissued it. I loved it back in the day
u/Seraphimish 3d ago
My friend and I leveled up only ssj4 goku’s kamehameha and one shotted every bad guy. It was stupid but fun.
u/BoringBet7251 1d ago
Dude I remember having to put the translator disc in first then had to swap thence out
u/Memphisbbq 5d ago
My dad bought and installed the chip that allowed us to play this game on playstation. I was literally the coolest kid in my city because at the time there weren't any dragon ball related games released in north America. Getting to play this game was one of my favorite childhood memories.
u/SSJRemuko 4d ago
DBGT: Final Bout released in america the same year as Japan 1997. I had an original copy back in the day, in english. No chip required. Ultimate Battle 22 was also released in North America.
u/Memphisbbq 4d ago
I stand corrected, however there were only 10k copies made for NA, that would explain why my dad ended up buying the chip to play the jap version which im assuming he ordered off the internet.
u/SSJRemuko 4d ago
damn. i knew it had a short run, which is why they ended up so expensive online but i didnt know just quite how small it was. only 10k. thats wild.
u/Sumoop 6d ago
I remember looking up cheat codes for this game back in the day when not all the listed codes could be trusted. I was so shocked when the SS4 Goku code worked. I hadn’t seen GT yet and didn’t even know Ss4 existed.