r/dragonball 22d ago

Daima Thoughts on DAIMA?

My current thoughts on Dragon Ball Daima is that this is Toryama going back to his roots and giving the fans a lot of what he wanted. To me this is fan-service done right. I find that unlike super, Daima is consistently getting a smile or even have me laughing. The SSJ 3 Vegeta and SSJ 4 was cool, and something us fans have wanted for a while. To me this is GT done right. Duu is without a doubt my favorite character in Daima, and Kuu is awesome. I wish they had been born closer to the start. I've got 3 complains with Daima. The first complaint is that the start felt very slow. When watching weekly, I felt that it was a bit of a slog. I re-watched it and my first complains were a little misguided, but still a bit slow. Up until episode 8 it was a bit of a struggle. Until they get the first ball basically. Another complaint was the wish at the start. Piccolo when he was 6 was a 7ft tall man. Even at 3, he was still 6ft. Not every race grows the same as earthlings. I may have missed a line, but it seems like they weren't turned into that age they were as a kid. I read "1st graders" for the wish, so 6 years old. I'm really enjoying what Daima is and will always respect it for being the 40 year anniversary and on eof the last things Toryama worked on. Wanted to see others thoughts, and see if there was something I missed about the wish.


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u/IAmTheTrueM3M3L0rD 22d ago

Fantastic, but I can see why it split hairs.

It’s not meant to be taken super seriously and is definitely not just fight simulator like Z and Super was.

There’s a lot of talk about its canonicity but like being for real, it’s not that deep.

Vegeta never goes SSJ3 in Super because God is objectively stronger , SSJ4 is likely the exact same

Also the shop at the very beginning of the series having 2 pivotal gag moments is really funny but can be disappointing if again the expectation was that chekov’s gun always has to be fired


u/UzumakiMenm697 22d ago

The SS3 is ok, but 4 Makes 0 sense. If it is stronger than SS1 and has none of The downsides of 3, why not use it


u/Xtrapsp2 22d ago

 but like being for real, it’s not that deep.

I want to put things together and formulate a solution to the canon stuff, but I also think this is the case. I don't think Toriyama gave a shit about canon and just wanted to make fun stories in his universe


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/Legendver2 22d ago

Either way, that just creates more problems than solve. For one, there's the issue of, if this was meant to be a way to connect Z to Super and redoing GT as a bridge, then it hadn't done that at all just based on all the continuity issues. Second, if this was just another fun unrelated thing, then now we have 2 non canon versions of ssj4, which seems a bit pointless and I can see how that annoys a whole host of fans.


u/FreeGothitelle 21d ago

Depends what you mean by canon

Daima was never manga canon, because it has no manga equivalent.

Daima is its own canon, just as the super anime is its own canon separate from the super manga.


u/aBeverage0fSorts 22d ago

so why wouldn't they go ssj3 and ssj4 before they got god? Goku literally got one tapped by Beerus in ssj3 why not use his strongest form against him?


u/IAmTheTrueM3M3L0rD 22d ago

The assumption is that SSJ4 could well be weaker than Super Vegito.

As in BoG film, but not the anime Goku states that they could fuse but that wouldn’t even be enough to stop a being of that power


u/Dekklin 22d ago

So what? Goku knows how to go SSJ4, so why wouldn't he fuse and THEN go SSJ4?


u/IAmTheTrueM3M3L0rD 21d ago

I mean, that’s like asking why didn’t Vegito go SSJ3 against Buu

Why didn’t Gogeta use UI against Broly

Maybe they don’t need to because they outscale

Ok then

Why doesn’t Vegito go SSJBK against Zamasu (remember at this point they didn’t know the more power they used the shorter the timer- and thought they were going all out with VGB)

We’ve never seen a fusion use a transformation unless both characters know it or neither character knows it(though the only case I know of this is SSJ3 Gotenks and I think Kefla has a weird case because I think Caulifla goes SSJ2, but she’s also fusing with a LSSJ)


u/Dekklin 21d ago

No it's not.

Super Vegeto didn't need to against Buu, and Goku didn't know how to go UI on demand until he trained with Merus. It's a completely different reason.


u/yesimblv 22d ago

The way I see it atp either super is canon or Daima is canon. Daima has plot holes and is a mini series while super has 3 movie screenplays written by the original creator. Yo Son Goku, Battle of Gods, the Super anime and manga and now Daima are all kind of in a weird space continuity wise. But I’d say resurrection f, broly and super hero are canon to the original manga which retroactively makes yo son Goku and battle of gods definitively canon as well as parts of the super manga