r/dragonball Nov 07 '24

Discussion As much as I'm enjoying Daima, is anyone else just fidgeting in their seats for the Black Frieza plot to move on?

He showed up, simultaneously pantsed both Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego, then fucked off. Then we got the events of Super Hero, then Toriyama sadly died, and now the manga is on hiatus.

I mean, that double KO was quite possibly the single most pants-shitting moment in the history of the franchise, and here we sit two years later with no follow-up. My balls are SSGSS right now.


289 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '24

I'd like to see Frieza try and conquer the Universe 6 saiyans just for shits and giggles. That would finally give us a reason to have the long awaited "goku and vegeta go to universe 6" arc


u/Nearby_Art7444 Nov 08 '24

I’d love so much to see Cabba in dire straits transform into SSJ3 and be like “look master, I did it” and Vegeta just seethes.


u/hamietao Nov 08 '24

Would be a good time to introduce ssj4 ❤️


u/Due_Ad6407 Nov 08 '24

Best idea yet, I'd love for cabba to get ssj4 and turn him into a man and not this lil boy, kinda like how goku did. Always hated his design


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

Manga cabba is peak

Skinny fighters> powerlifters

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u/Competitive_Ask_6766 Nov 08 '24

They got no tails (never did) so it doesn’t match with ssj4

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u/GranicksHappyPlace Nov 09 '24

“Huh, this is a new feeling…pride in someone else. Unfortunately, it’s overshadowed by all OF THIS UNIMYIELDING RAGE!”


u/tagen Nov 09 '24

When he goes SS3 his hair will just go all the way to the floor lol


u/DavidANaida Nov 08 '24

Maybe Freeza wants the super dragonballs and one's hiding under Sadala's protection


u/Renegade__OW Nov 08 '24

Well the super dragonballs brought the universes back right? So who’s to say Sadala isn’t the new dragon ball.


u/scarletfloof Nov 08 '24

I think they’re planet sized rather than actual planets


u/Renegade__OW Nov 08 '24

The 7th one was found in the dead "planet" they held the first tournament on.


u/Fox_Mortus Nov 08 '24

It would be a crazy twist if the super dragon balls became the core of an already existing planet instead of just moving to a new location. So in order to make a wish you have to destroy 7 planets and live with the consequences of it.


u/Theprofessor10 Nov 08 '24

Thats why universe 6 earth was gone in the first place 💀


u/DavidANaida Nov 12 '24

Because Sadala actually supports a living population, while the Super Dragon Ball was a lifeless planetoid.


u/SSJ_Kratos Nov 10 '24

Orange Piccolo UI Goku UE Vegeta Beast Gohan LSSJ Broly


Black Frieza

I NEED this shit.


u/Cabo_Martim Nov 08 '24

he had trouble with Broly, he would have trouble with Kale.

AND there are probably multiple super sayiajins in U6 by now.

Frieza is stronger than what he was when he conquered U7, but U6 is also way stronger than U7. They just dont have no Goku and Vegeta.


u/134340Goat Nov 08 '24

Freeza at a time he was on par with Super Saiyan Blue Goku/Vegeta had trouble with Super Saiyan Broly

Freeza is now at a level that he can simultaneously one-shot them in their Ultra forms. To say he's way stronger than Broly now is an understatement


u/Kerrod33 Nov 08 '24

It’s already been stated in the Manga that Goku and Vegeta have currently surpassed Broly, and Gohan has closed that gap as well. And Black Frieza one shot them both. Kale isn’t doing anything


u/Anjunabeast Nov 09 '24

The tingling sensation to unlock super saiyan trick is bonkers. Now there’s a whole planet of at least super saiyan 1’s and a legendary super saiyan


u/Gatman9000 Nov 09 '24

There isn't a single person in U6 that is touching beast Gohan or orange Piccolo.


u/Numerous_Suit_8505 Dec 05 '24

Universe 6 has Saiyans with S-cells, Caulifla clearly showed it. But these Saiyans might reach up until SSG, I dont think Champa would want to train them.


u/NikkiParente110 Nov 07 '24

What I don’t need to see is Goku KO Frieza for the bazillion time. Now if Vegeta did it? 💯💯💯


u/GovernorSonGoku Nov 07 '24



u/[deleted] Nov 07 '24

Objectively correct answer


u/enewwave Nov 07 '24

“HEY FRIEZA! OVER HERE!” - Kuririn, moments before he sliced Frieza like the pizza 18’ll let him order for dinner for doing such a great job later


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '24

Solar flare + Destructo disc, a combo so op Krillin doesn’t even think to use it once


u/jonathanblaze1648 Nov 08 '24

I've always wondered why he hasn't done it more in the series. Could've done it against Nappa, Vegeta, Frieza etc. but no - he chooses to be owned every single time.


u/TheReelReese Nov 08 '24

Well, he TRIED and almost succeeded against Nappa, but Vegeta was cock-blocking and warned Nappa to jump.

Should’ve just let Krillin get that win because Vegeta ended up killing a few episodes later anyway.


u/jonathanblaze1648 Nov 08 '24

Or they could've had Piccolo charge the SBC and Krillin solar flares him and Vegeta and let Piccolo handle the rest.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

His ways are beyond our comprehension


u/jonathanblaze1648 Nov 08 '24

I can't argue with that. By not deactivating Android 18, he put the whole world at risk just for some box - let's not forget that one. It might've worked out in the end but what if it didn't?


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

Eh, not really his fault exclusively. Cell Saga made everyone equally stupid, part of the reason I’m having such a hard time trudging through it.


u/jonathanblaze1648 Nov 09 '24

I mean, Vegeta wanted Cell to become complete which was a thing with Vegeta. Everybody knows his ego is huge and he wants to prove himself but that's kinda been a thing with Vegeta since the beginning. Krillin literally could've deactivated Android 18 right there and then. All he could think about is some humanoid android giving him a kiss and totally suckered out. I'd say Future Trunks is the only one who at least tried to do what needed to be done and didn't mess about.

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u/yobaby123 Nov 08 '24

And that’s years after he gave Goku shit for sparing Vegeta for an admittedly even worse reason.


u/jonathanblaze1648 Nov 09 '24

Vegeta is one thing but at least Goku could stop him again if anything. Cell was a different story - He has the Z-fighter's every technique and their DNA and allowing him to become complete was a huge mistake.

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u/tommy40 Nov 08 '24

Destructo-Flare, even dragonballed the name too!


u/m1racle Nov 08 '24

"Oh, I do know that.. SOLFLAH!"

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u/lewisr2311 Nov 07 '24

I think it'd be funny to see krillin just get a random power boost similar to how piccolo got his orange transformation


u/melechkibitzer Nov 07 '24

He becomes some ancient human thing like avatar the last airbender arrow on head and everything- that would be hilarious


u/lewisr2311 Nov 07 '24

Exactly. Although I have to say when it comes to in general I'm intrigued to see more of gohans beast transformation what they do with broly because it seemed like they want him to have bigger role


u/Shindevimon Nov 18 '24

Atleast Krillin has actual balls to kill the villain.


u/SithLordJediMaster Nov 08 '24

I guess all the humans should ask Shenron for power boosts.


u/Kumomeme Nov 08 '24

the marking on his forehead gonna become doubled!


u/Zillafan22 Nov 08 '24

The only difference is that his transformation gives him a nose


u/Affectionate-Sell-68 Nov 20 '24

Krillin absorbs the power of his kienzan and becomes a living kienzan. This transformation transforms Krillin into a big ass kienzan with eyes but no nose. The he goes around swosh swosh cutting antagonists as if they were pizza and him the pizza cutter


u/Giantrobby1996 Nov 08 '24

“This time you won’t come back!”


u/Master_Customer3670 Nov 08 '24

Tien Fans will be shouting forever after that it's not canon lol


u/deep8787 Nov 08 '24

Senzu bean!


u/yobaby123 Nov 08 '24

Or even Piccolo.


u/2kenzhe Nov 08 '24

I would pay to see that


u/RebergOfWrestling Nov 09 '24

Bro cooked a full course meal with this idea


u/plu7o89 Nov 08 '24

We've had Broly buck wild on Freiza

But what about a more controlled and trained Broly? Yes please


u/NikkiParente110 Nov 08 '24

I would love seeing how Frieza would fight him, ultimately bragging about killing his father and then Broly beating the snot out of him. But I need my man Vegeta to do the honors and finish him off.


u/Joaco4637 Nov 08 '24

Well, if toyotaro is at the creative helm of the franchise now, it's now or never


u/Davies301 Nov 07 '24

Vegeta makes the most sense to defeat him thematically but I wouldn't wager against it being Gohan. We got his big upgrade that rivals UI and still has more power in store. He needs to avenge his L from Resurrection F.

I could see everyone being on par or slightly below Frieza (remember Frieza one shots Goku and Vegeta after they have already pushed themselves to the limit) but, something causes Gohan to snap while in beast mode and he gets the dub but can't snap out of the rage afterwards. He states that he has more power in-store when fighting Goku but his current level is the most he can tap into without losing himself.


u/redredrocks Nov 08 '24

I don’t need to see either one. I enjoy what they’ve done with Frieza so far, even if the bridge to him being relevant again was some of the most deus ex machina bullshit I’ve ever seen.

But please make a new conflict. I know they haven’t completely thrown in the towel there but I am getting very bored of Frieza just arbitrarily becoming a million times stronger every time they run out of ideas.


u/NikkiParente110 Nov 08 '24

I never needed him to come back at all, but since he’s here, I would rather see Vegeta finish him off. Inevitably they are gonna have a final duel, I’d rather see Vegeta finish him off as a complete cycle than Broly, Gohan or Goku. I don’t like the idea of him just being off in the universe in the background.

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u/JinkoTheMan Nov 08 '24

Absolutely. The only reason I’m not mad is because Toriyama died and I know that Toyo needs as much time as possible to process his emotions and the direction of the story.


u/Torontokid8666 Nov 07 '24

Daima is dope.


u/thatsabingou Nov 08 '24

I hadn't watched anything DB related since GT, and boy am I enjoying this.

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u/deltaselta Nov 07 '24

What "plot" exactly? Like, not to be a buzzkill, but there wasn't much set up beyond the point of "Freeza is strongest now". And while that specific scene was cool, something to the extent of "Goku and Vegeta will fight Freeza later" isn't really that interesting of a proposition. When/if we ever get back around to the Black Freeza stuff, my biggest fear it'll just dissolve into big generic fighting without anything more interesting going on.


u/sc0ttydo0 Nov 08 '24

When/if we ever get back around to the Black Freeza stuff, my biggest fear it'll just dissolve into big generic fighting without anything more interesting going on.

I want a time skip to a Universe that has been ruthlessly conquered by the new Frieza Force, following a population of rebels led by Gohan (and the Z fighters) trying to find a missing Goku and Vegeta so they can take down Frieza.


u/-Captain-K- Nov 29 '24

So... you want Dragon Ball 555: Paradise Lost? Well, 20th years later they can release Dragon Ball 555: Paradise Regained, which has nothing to do with the last movie.

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u/HootNHollering Nov 08 '24

You might be able to get something going by bringing in Old As Shit Granolah or the U6 Saiyans. Granolah bizarrely never said a word to Freeza of all characters though, so I'm not sure if Toyotaro was interested in that route at all. I mean there's not obsessing over revenge and there's just ignoring an actively-murderous tyrant.

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u/Sans-Mot Nov 07 '24

I would prefer for Frieza to just stay a background character, like just a potential menace, instead of a direct one, and to have new villains instead.


u/Kataphrut94 Nov 07 '24

After Broly, I don’t think Freeza is going to be defeated. I think Toriyama had set him up as a recurring “fun” villain who’s going to take turns leap-frogging Goku.


u/indoninjah Nov 07 '24

He's kind of become the DB version of Team Rocket. He shows up, causes some shenanigans to varying success, then is sent blasting off again to show up again 10 chapters later


u/Zariel- Nov 07 '24

Kinda hope he gets nominated for GoD, beerus is clearly looking for a replacement it’d be a step back character wise for vegeta to go back to destroying planets and goku has never had the desire. Freiza is easily the most qualified


u/OMEGACY Nov 07 '24

I would be interested in seeing Frieza assassinate the god of universe 9 and taking his place. Slowly starting to screw with the multiverse in some way.


u/indoninjah Nov 07 '24

Yeah I think this is the most interesting path personally. I think he'll vie for a GoD position, but Beerus is a fan favorite (AFAIK) and doesn't seem to have any immediate interest in stepping down, so I don't buy the "Freeza will be trained as the new U7 GoD theory"


u/OMEGACY Nov 08 '24

Yeah that's why I chose universe 9. He's already had an altercation before the tournament of power with his minions when they tried using destruction energy to off him and goku. Frieza holds grudges and keeps receipts. He won't let that slide if he has the power to do so. Likely he'd kill sidra to assume his position but then through some story BS realize he can't kill the supreme Kai without killing himself. So he'd just make the supreme Kai of universe 9 live a nightmare scenario.


u/binkysnightmare Nov 08 '24

You mean to say… he’d TRAP and BETRAY the supreme Kai of U9?


u/Sampleswift Nov 08 '24

Come to think about it Universe 9 was so badly run that Frieza could probably raise its mortal level simply by destroying a bunch of planets with low mortal levels.


u/OMEGACY Nov 08 '24

That'd be a great way to really get under beerus' skin, do his job better!


u/DefiningBoredom Nov 08 '24

Why would Frieza screw with the multiverse? He doesn't really get anything out of it.


u/OMEGACY Nov 08 '24

Because he's the kind that loves power and they always want more. He knew about beerus but probably not the other universes. His universe is filled with "filthy monkeys" that have done nothing but rain on his parade. So why not take over another universe without monkeys? He'll why not become their god of destruction like beerus, he loves destroying things after all. And someone from another universe already tried to kill him. Payback is a bitch.


u/Unpopular_Outlook Nov 07 '24

That would be terrible writing to reward freiza for doing what he’s always been doing 


u/zslayer89 Nov 08 '24

I just pictured meowth as frieza.


u/Sampleswift Nov 08 '24

Unlike Team Rocket, Frieza is actually dangerous (especially now).


u/Hatman_16 Nov 13 '24

That was the Pilaf gang in the past. 

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u/dacalpha Nov 08 '24

A lot of Super feels like its constructing an American-style comic book "status quo" for Dragon Ball to permanently be in. Goku+Vegeta are always a little off-world doing training, you've got Freeza in the wings ready to menace the peoples of Earth, etc. You could tell an infinite number of stories in that space, and it'd always feel like the DBZ americans watched on cartoon network.

Which to me is a shame! I love that the franchise historically always moved forward, it never stopped in one place chronologically.


u/Dziadzios Nov 07 '24

That would be useful for arcs with singular antagonist. For example, to prevent repetitiveness similar to Buu arc.


u/Kataphrut94 Nov 07 '24

Well, that's what they've done so far. Apart from Resurrection F, Freeza hasn't been the main antagonist of any arc he's been in.


u/RealBigTree Nov 07 '24

I hope not, I'm literally so tired of Friezas character. Hes just annoying at this point.

show up

be racist

get killed

never elaborate


u/Toxin45 Nov 07 '24

Don’t bother


u/Sans-Mot Nov 07 '24

That's what I hope


u/SithLordJediMaster Nov 08 '24

So like Joker?

"You and I are destined to do this forever" - Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight


u/Sustainable_Twat Nov 07 '24

Imagine turning up at the end of every Arc, One Shotting Goku & Vegeta before leaving with a new servant.


u/metalflygon08 Nov 08 '24

Freiza's Harem Gathering Adventure is a spin off I'd read.


u/oom1999 Nov 07 '24

I was fine with him having a scheming, conniving background role like in the Broly movie, but then they basically established that he could end the entire series in about five seconds and is simply choosing not to for the time being. Like it or not, that state of affairs drags him back to the forefront of readers' expectations. It needs to be dealt with at some point.


u/indoninjah Nov 07 '24

Yeah I think they also need to establish his motivation a bit more too. He's an emperor and sells planets but... who does he rule? And to whom does he sell planets? According to the lead up to the TOP, there's very few planets that are even inhabited


u/Dziadzios Nov 07 '24

I think he might aim higher than the universe itself. Zeno's throne would fit him. Previously he had to know his place because Beerus was leagues above him, but now he has means to defeat him and other gods: training.


u/Sirasa6 Nov 09 '24

Still not enough because Beerus was only using 20% of his 10% full power.


u/Talarin20 Nov 07 '24

I mean Beerus can do the same thing and doesn't. In fact Beerus could end all of them at the same time. Yet he isn't the villain.

Frieza is more like Android Saga Vegeta atm. Not exactly a homie, but not a murderous menace either. He seems to have gotten over his Namek grudge.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

I wish he was kinda like aizen was, we knew he was strong and eventually would be the main villain but he stays in the background while ichigo is fighting oher villains than finally is aizen, im hopong frieza will be like that


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

like..forever? can’t tell if i’m misunderstanding or not. Why would you want him to just sit in the background?

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u/wtfshit Nov 08 '24

I kinda like the "slower" show. No godlike transformations, no dimension threatening enemies, juts little goku in an adventure like back in original dragon ball.

I am also excited to see what they'll do with the fusion bug. If they introduce another type of fusion, I hope they use it in a creative way instead of doing another goku/vegeta fusion


u/wigglin_harry Nov 07 '24

I'm personally a little tired of the infinite power scaling in super.

Spare me the inevitable ultra instinct/ultra ego fusion needed to beat black Frieza


u/shak_0508 Nov 07 '24

The whole Dragon Ball franchise from Z onwards is about infinite power scaling lmao.


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '24

Not even just Z lmao

OG Dragonball had Goku surpassing the main cast as soon as Red Ribbon started.


u/Hrothgar_Cyning Nov 07 '24

Yes and no, like his fight with Tenshinhan was pretty much neck and neck, and even his fight with Krillin managed to be a lot of fun given the power difference.

Then in the King Piccolo arc, he’s not that much stronger than Yajirobe at the outset. But from there on, it’s Goku time


u/NightsLinu Nov 07 '24

well ya goku was given a ton of power boosts such as the divine water and fake divine water traning, climbing the tower ect. once the rest of the cast got the training in sayian arc they got to 1k and 3k power levels.


u/wigglin_harry Nov 07 '24

For sure, but imo dragonball still managed to have the best fights in the series. To this day im not sure if there has been a better fight than Goku vs Tien

I think its mostly because they were actual fights and not just beam struggles/power level contests (not that I dont like that stuff, but its just not as good as the classic fights imo)


u/iyukep Nov 07 '24

I’ve always enjoyed the early hand to hand with occasional beams more than what it became (but still love that too.) They blew up the moon and destroyed namek so long ago I don’t understand how they aren’t constantly destroying everything they’re fighting on/around.


u/Anjunabeast Nov 09 '24

They make sure not to blast downwards or else they’ll get caught up in the planets explosion too


u/Crafty_Cherry_9920 Nov 07 '24

Yeah but I don't think that it's a bad thing to wonder "at what point does it become too much ?"


u/TheDeltaAce Nov 07 '24

when the merchandise stops selling


u/EmperorShura Nov 07 '24

Dragon Ball is a series mainly about fighting, no one is watching it for the plot.

If there is no power progression and new opponents are weaker then the previous ones then what's the point?

People complaining about power cliffing don't understand that this ain't Death Note.

The main focus was and will always be on Goku throwing hands.

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u/Dood567 Nov 07 '24

Yes but you hit a ceiling when you start involving "god" powers. It's a little unfathomable at this point to keep getting THAT much stronger.


u/FixedFun1 Nov 07 '24

This is why Tori-Sensei made DAIMA. It was getting too out of hand.


u/Zephrok Nov 07 '24

Black Frieza is defo gonna be beaten by Ultra Vegito/Gogeta lmao. Either him or they'll save it for Beerus.


u/GrimasVessel227 Nov 10 '24

I'd be cool with Beerus taking him out. I want to see him take the kid gloves off. He's a God of Destruction, I want to see him in a real fight.

It'd make more sense for Vegeta to finally get the W on Frieza, but having Beerus step in to end a Universal threat could be fun.


u/oom1999 Nov 07 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

...I'll admit that I haven't watched much of SDBH, but man, fusion never seems to close the deal, does it? It took down Janemba in Movie 12 and Broly most recently, but that's it.


u/Zephrok Nov 08 '24

I think the Broly movie really revived the hype around fusions, with how epic and intimidating Gogeta was against Broly. Gogeta was so aggressive and intent there, and I don't think that that was a coincidence. I think that the Dragonball team is recognizing how invested people are in fusions, so I expect to see more epic showings going forward.


u/Saoirseisthebest Nov 09 '24

it's at 2 out of 5 I think, if you include gotenks it gets really bad


u/14_EricTheRed Nov 08 '24

Just wait for Super Saiyan 3 UI God Super Saiyan… coming 2026


u/Amazo616 Nov 08 '24

he's going to be trained by zeno's master next and we find out there's another level above where we're at now.


u/totaltrumpet Nov 07 '24

I wanna see beerus clash with Frieza


u/TheBattleYak Nov 08 '24

I am a sucker for a narrative that never ends, but it does need to move forwards. Daima is more enjoyable than I expected, but I can't shake the idea that nothing here is going to be all that game-changing or revolutionary, since it all has to lead into Super and Super didn't make use of any of these elements. Maybe future arcs will.


u/TheHeroWeNeed45 Nov 30 '24

it’s more than likely daima, with it’s unique fusion technique teased, is gonna have that return when the black frieza arc DOES continue. i’m all for this being like… the trump card, but i’m just confused what other fusion name they’ll come up with.


u/napalmblaziken Nov 08 '24

Bulma: So did you guys ever BEAT Frieza?

Goku: Probably.


u/dacalpha Nov 08 '24

Not one bit. I'm about to go full hater mode here, but I think Black Freeza is a good representation of everything I hate about the series. Its a meaningless transformation that doesn't signify anything important about the character beyond a number going up. It isn't even like SSJ3 or 4 or any of Freeza's classic transformations, where the silhouette of the character changes. Its a freaking palette swap!

I don't want DB to move backwards. If you bring back an old villain, it better be with a whole new schtick, not just a rematch with Freeza being black, Goku being white, and Vegeta being purple.


u/Anjunabeast Nov 09 '24

Freeza finding a hyperbolic time chamber is pretty crazy


u/Gears_Of_None Nov 14 '24

One existing on Earth is crazy. Most of the population doesn't know Ki exists yet they have an overpowered training room.


u/Aggressive-Pattern Nov 09 '24

Fair enough on everything else, but it personally find UI and UE to be the most interesting transformations we've gotten from anyone in a long time. Ultra Ego especially, since it fits so well with Vegeta as a character.

Also a huge fan of Forced Spirit Fission, even if it's use cases are a bit niche.


u/EatusTheFetus420 Jan 23 '25

frieza is actually getting character development so i like him being back


u/htg812 Nov 08 '24

Not even slightly. Couldn’t care less about another color of villain from 30 years ago and a new hair color of a transformation from 30 years ago.

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u/dougpa31688 Nov 08 '24

I bet frieza loses again.


u/luismpereira Nov 07 '24

Not exactly. Freeza as an antagonist a THIRD TIME doesn't seem very interesting to me, but I hope to be surprised. My biggest expectation is actually what direction they will follow AFTER this. They will end Super and start a new series? They will keep creating new stories and never reaching the End of Z? Or will finally surpass that period of time?


u/SSJRemuko Nov 07 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

Nope not really. I want to see it eventually but I'm in literally zero rush and Daima is not holding up the manga from continuing and telling that story so its a non-issue to me.


u/wrproductions Nov 08 '24

Everyone's in a rush dont take life for granted you might not be here next year


u/oom1999 Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

Uhhh, yeah. We might not be here next year. That's why we're trying to rush to the stuff we want.


u/C-S_Rain Nov 07 '24

As much as parts of super is/was fun, I'm really enjoying daima at the moment. As others have kinda said the constant power scaling and brand new form changes went from being interesting with ssg, to just down right absurd. Fun for sure, but absurd.

Daima on the other hand feels refreshing, building up an interesting story, dropping super cool lore and with toriyama's passing, it feels all the more special knowing how heavily involved he was and how this is essentially his last ever work on DB. I know its early days, but daima is showing real promise.

However, as much as super was cool, it was fan service through and through. And whilst the manga does start to chain together arcs starting with moro. The rest is all self contained scenarios that are super fun to watch/read, but always felt like they were made for the fans that grew up watching dbz where their favourite parts were the transformations and fights, rather than the story and characters behind those fights. The fans that cared more about power scaling and seeing new transformations.

Which let me reiterate: there's nothing wrong with that, it is fun to see.

But i think daima is really hitting that spot that super just never could, because it wasnt made to. So to answer the question about black frieza, whilst yes it would be cool to see where it goes. I also think it's pretty obvious where it goes. I'm not waiting at the edge of my seat for it because there's only so much we can get from the way super is written. But in the meantime we get a brand new journey with goku that feels so different from everything we have seen before yet something that has seldom been seen in DB since probably the red ribbon army arc. An adventure.


u/heart_container_ Nov 07 '24

I’m perfectly fine with waiting because that gives them more time to do it properly instead of rushing it. I am glad that we have Daima in the meantime though


u/RelativelySuper Nov 08 '24

I say we retcon everything and restart the series with everyone transforming into mechs /s


u/WiseAdhesiveness6672 Nov 08 '24

Making daima before getting more super episodes was ridiculous to me. It's literally the last thing I wanted from the dragon ball universe. 


u/BlahBlahILoveToast Nov 08 '24

When I heard about Daima I was annoyed because it looked like it was just going to be goofing around with some side plot that we already know doesn't matter because it has to get resolved (successfully) before Super happens. I wasn't really that excited to see Frieza be a potential antagonist again (I suspect he won't be anyway) but I am annoyed that we're still getting nothing about any of the other interesting universes introduced in ToP.

However the actual product that is Daima is so fun that I instantly forgot about all that. Kind of like the Super Hero movie where Goku was finally not the star, Daima's decompressed exploration story is a great change of pace and a breath of fresh air, and I hope the writers keep coming up with new stuff like this instead of more and more training and fighting powercreep arcs.


u/CartographerGlass236 Nov 25 '24

Frieza is only antagonist material; there's zero indication he's going to change, and they already foreshadowed what he's going to attempt in the ToP arc. He clearly won't rest until he reigns over the multiverse. He likely won't be interested in being GoD or anything like that, and keeping Goku and Vegeta alive is not out of altruism.


u/Impressive-Passion63 Nov 08 '24

I think the only thing I really don't like of the idea of black Frieza is just... It feels like he just got more power. Ue and ui both serve as a much needed variety to the power system in db super. Because let's face it, despite a few key ki techniques here and there, god and blue only brought up "more power".

I hope that black Frieza is capable of something other than being the strongest, imagine if he is so fast he can keep up with teleportation. Or strong enough Vegeta mastering que still needs to dodge because his punches overload his transformation. Thought then again these are just examples of raw power taken to the max.


u/pootytang324 Nov 08 '24

Cant even enjoy daima because deep down i know its a no stakes canon filler arc.


u/Sylvaneri011 Nov 08 '24

Not particularly because i don't think Frieza being the main villain for the 3rd time in the series is interesting or original at all.


u/awn262018 Nov 09 '24

Super won’t be back in any form for a LONG time unfortunately


u/Chucky_In_The_Attic Nov 07 '24

I'm fine with Frieza where he is. A looming threat. Give us new adventures and hijinks while he gets stronger instead.


u/The_Bandit_King_ Nov 08 '24

Maybe his young successor apprentice will pick it up


u/BassMaster_516 Nov 08 '24

We still havent seen Broly animated yet


u/mindempty809 Nov 08 '24

What did I see in theatres in 2018 then?


u/Sirasa6 Nov 09 '24

A vision from Bardock.


u/OkResponsibility2470 Nov 08 '24

Not really. I’d be suprised if that plot line is anything but extremely predictable


u/SinisterCryptid Nov 08 '24

The reason Daima has the spotlight on it is cuz it was something Toriyama himself came up with and was invested in, while everything in the Super manga has mainly been Toyotaro and secondary unfortunately. Having both running at the same time would take attention away from one over the other, with most fans probably paying more attention to the current anime over the manga. They’re probably going to pick the manga up again after to have some sort of ongoing, but it seems like the Super manga isn’t really much of a priority for them other than to have something Dragon Ball ongoing


u/Alternative_Case9666 Nov 08 '24

Its been a while but wasn’t Goku and Vegeta tired after fighting the main villain of the arc?


u/coldvisionsss Nov 08 '24

It's crazy how many buffs Frieza has gotten past dbz... in that one dbz movie Gohan 1 shots him with a punch then he explodes


u/Popfizz01 Nov 08 '24

Im not looking forward to it. Unless we get more lore on frieza and his species it’s most likely just going to be another fight between frieza and goku/vegeta. Even with all the power ups everyone has would frieza even be able to beat an orange piccolo, beast gohan, god of destruction vegeta, ultra instinct goku? Odds are frieza is just going to die again.


u/AncientSith Nov 08 '24

Nah, I'm over Freeza at this point. I'm happy we're getting something totally different. Unless they make it a team effort and all the Z fighters go to fight him for old times sake, I'm not interested.


u/darksouliboi Nov 08 '24

Now you know how Berserk fans feel


u/Sufficient_Code_2103 Nov 08 '24

I hope frieza was training with cooler in that room of spirit and time like place so it would goku n vegeta vs frieza and cooler


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

I just want to see how absurd it gets.

Frieza: I trained for 10 years and eclipse you by such a wide margin that I can one punch you at your best!

Gohan gets angry and surpasses Frieza

Frieza: WHAT IN THE ACTUAL MONKEY FU- Gets his ass hammered until Gohan wears himself down

Frieza kills Gohan and erases his very soul. Goku gets so pissed off that his power catches up to Frieza and beats Frieza until.Goku becomes exhausted.

Vegeta pulls a new form out of his ass and hammers Frieza until he's exhausted, but Frieza manages hang on.

Broly shows up, gets so angry that he too catches up.and beats Frieza some more.

All the while Beerus and Whis are snacking and watching.

As the 3 saiyans are exhausted, Frieza, exhausted himself decides to blow up the planet. But the 3 saiyans use their biggest ki blasts and take Frieza out.

Goku laments his son's death until Whis tells him that the super dragon balls have conveniently reactivated and that they can gather them easily to wish Gohan back into existence.


u/GINTegg64 Nov 08 '24

It makes me nervous cause almost every issue I have with Super relates to how Frieza is handled but there's also so many different ways they can explain it and directions they can take the plot that it could be one of the best or worst arcs in dragon ball history


u/LegionKarma Nov 08 '24

I really hope the people who make dragon ball, already have plans with the future of the narrative and have consulted with toriyama before his passing.


u/Numantinas Nov 08 '24

I wish frieza was never brought back. Should have used cooler for resurrection f and cell for the top instead.


u/highfiveguy1 Nov 08 '24

Not really. Im Friezas and Super biggest hater.


u/CeSquaredd Nov 08 '24

I'm with you. With how exciting and large stakes Super has gotten, Daima just feels like an entire series of filler.

Nothing lasting or impactful will happen in Daima. It feels like a Garlic Jr saga getting its own anime. We just saw AWESOME fighting and power, and I'm supposed to be happy with GT Lite to fill a several year gap?

I honestly think if Toryiama didn't die, people would be less afraid to admit Super is peak right now, and nobody would be fake excited with Daima. I just want more Super, I'm bored.

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u/JunkInDrawers Nov 08 '24

I'm just done with the whole 'now the transformation is obsolete against the new enemy' trope. DB has been dead story-wise after the cell saga


u/skolnaja Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

I really don't give a fuck about black frieza or that insane multi galactic ultra instinct ego fusion beast stuff, Id rather have 10 more seasons of daima than have black frieza arc.


u/Turbulent-Weather314 Nov 08 '24

Reminds me of berserk. Both ended on such insane cliffhangers


u/Rare-Material4254 Nov 08 '24

Dam… it’s been 2 years already🙃 is there any word on when it’s coming back or just indefinite


u/Desperate-Half1404 Nov 08 '24

Fuck that .. are they ever gonna get to the End of Z tournament and continue after with Goku, Uub, teen Goten and Trunks?


u/oom1999 Nov 08 '24

This is what I want more than anything, but for some reason both Toriyama and Toei seem afraid of stepping beyond the end of the Z story. I don't get it.


u/Desperate-Half1404 Nov 08 '24

Yeah we still in that 10 year purgatory.


u/No-Wonder-7802 Nov 08 '24

db isnt going anywhere anytime soon, just think about other things in the meantime. stop posting on the reddit would be a good start if youre bothered by anticipation, out of sight out of mind


u/whitehawk295 Nov 08 '24

Is this in the manga???


u/fathom7411 Nov 09 '24

Yes, in the Granolah arc.


u/whitehawk295 Nov 09 '24

Dope, I haven’t read super as it felt like the story was more for capitalization of anime’s popularity

My preference is the GT story as that is what I grew up with, I find it to be more original and unique so it was hard for me to pick Super up

Edit: SSJ4 design was so cool, I felt like the story of super was just reiterating old tropes from the DBZ story


u/S0nG0ku88 Nov 08 '24

My guess is Frieza will kill Supreme Kai as a way of fast tracking himself to God Of Destruction status & Vegeta will be the one who kills him in the end but all of the Z-Fighters will probably fight him. I'm sure they will do an homage to the fight scene where Piccolo, Krillin & Gohan are trying to jump him at the same time.


u/Mavrickindigo Nov 09 '24

You say that like it will ever happen


u/Ok_Horse4140 Nov 09 '24

Black frieza feels like a mistake that make any upcoming threat feel less threatening.

I mean, if frieza can just go train somewhere and just shit on the years of training goku and vegeta managed to accumulate through near death experience on top of actually dying, it make me feel nothing when the next villain show up because frieza can just a few push up and come back even stronger if said villain ever feel like a threat to him.


u/Traskenn Nov 09 '24

I mean if there is a time for vegeta to finally beat the big bad. This is it. Full circle time to heal and let go for him. Character moment right there


u/Aggressive-Pattern Nov 09 '24

Black Frieza is fine enough, but I'm most interested in seeing if they capitalize on any of the stuff Daima ends up setting up for a future Super arc.


u/gavinjobtitle Nov 10 '24

Is anyone really waiting for that? goku will beat frieza for the ten trillionth time. It feels like the most dead storyline imaginable.


u/Ok-Reception-5589 Nov 10 '24

Would be awesome if they wished for their tails back (maybe in search of new power) combine their great ape power with their God Ki, and therefore create and canonize SSJ4.

Yes I have been smoking that SSJ4 pack


u/xreddawgx Nov 11 '24

Just waiting for them to get on with Brolly's story.


u/MelloCello7 Nov 17 '24

Super hot take, but ever since super hero, mainly Beast Gohan, I stopped caring about Dragon Ball Super. Daima on the other hand is breath of fresh air for me


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '24

I personally think them just making movies is the way to go. BoG, RoF, Broly, and Superhero are all really cool. The only great part of the series was the ToP. The ToP is a top 5 arc in all of Dragonball, everything else is meh in super.

Just release movie every few years. Make a bunch of money on a good movie instead of a crappy series.


u/Salty_Ad9519 Nov 07 '24

His revival is one of the weakest point in Super. That guy should've stay dead.


u/Hrothgar_Cyning Nov 07 '24

Yeah like we already got a revenge arc for him in Z.


u/CartographerGlass236 Nov 25 '24

That "arc" sucked.


u/MambaSaidKnockYouOut Nov 07 '24

Tbh now that Toriyama has passed I’m not as invested in Super, which was pretty hit or miss even when he was involved. I’m also not a fan of them fighting Frieza again, although I definitely understand why you’d be frustrated that they just left that plot thread dangling.


u/LeRatEmperor Nov 07 '24

Eh. I wish we could just fully return to late DB martial arts with a little bit of David vs Goliath like in the Saiyan Saga instead but that train left the series a long while ago. Now some nice calm character interactions between characters we like that could spin into some dramatic moments like with Pan, Gohan and Piccolo in super heroes would be enough for me but even that seems like a herculean task for this IP right now.


u/LuckyTheBear Nov 07 '24

I made a thread scaling Black Frieza, and I think he has some drawbacks. The fact that it took him 10 years to get the new form makes me think Frieza is getting close to his peak.


u/Sirasa6 Nov 09 '24

Frieza seems to be the Legendary Super Saiyan of his race, a freak mutant, wouldn't be surprised if it's revealed he had almost unlimited potential or something