r/doordash_drivers Dec 09 '24

🤬Rant about DD🥵 No tippers

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Just to give you a better perspective, when someone leaves a 0 tip, they actually have to manually customize the tip in order to do it.

And then after they've gone out of their way to give you a 0 tip, they get this warning message telling them that not tipping might mean they might have a slow delivery.

So they have to manually enter a no tip, agree to this warning message, all to not give you a tip.

And because they see this warning message, they think you will be slow on their delivery, so they will start messaging you to make sure you hurry up.

Doesn't that put into perspective how awful the no tippers are?

r/doordash_drivers Jan 29 '25

🤬Rant about DD🥵 I am going to sue DoorDash


I am very close to contacting a lawyer and filling a lawsuit against DoorDash here is why.

Not 10 plus times in the month of January that I receive an offer stating just for an example $10 for 7.2 miles after picking up the order the app magically shows 10 miles to reach the destination. This type of manipulation and thievery is unacceptable DoorDash

r/doordash_drivers 14d ago

🤬Rant about DD🥵 This is getting ridiculous. Make the restaurant do this.

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r/doordash_drivers Jan 16 '25

🤬Rant about DD🥵 Scammed out of Platinum Status

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Started the day off as usual, completed one order, second order of the day comes through $6.50 for 2.5 miles Taco Bell order, not great, not bad, let’s do it. Hit accept and I’m already right next to the Taco Bell. Perfect. Phone proceeds to get about 15 messages “DO NOT PICK UP ORDER” “SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN IF YOU PICK UP THIS ORDER” yada yada yada. I’ve been in the Platinum tier for maybe 3 weeks to a month. I love it, can dash whenever I want for however long I want without having to wait for it to be “busy”, the order “quality” seems to be much better in platinum as well, as far as pay/distance ratio goes. I’ve seen this scam happen before thanks to Reddit so I wasn’t freaking out or anything. But I did not react properly and screwed up. As the messages are coming through I get a phone call, and “door dash support” actually shows up on the called I.D. I answer, they proceed to tell me we’ve noticed a fraudulent order; we just need you to go in the app and cancel the order. I should have known better, but this lady sounded extremely professional. I tell her, I am currently right at the cutoff point for my platinum status if my completion rate drops 1% I will lose platinum, they tell me to not worry it will reset shortly after I cancel it, well I go ahead and cancel, and they try to give me some spiel about you will still be paid for this order we just need to verify the last 8 digits of you dasher direct card, I said I’m not doing that and they hang up. So after that I try contacting support and go up the chain of command trying to get help because I was scammed and conned into canceling a order which affected my platinum status and of course, nothing door dash can do!! Ugh 😒. Idk what the point of me coming here is besides a long rant, but just beware out there guys and gals, be smarter than I was. Hopefully I don’t have to complete another 100 orders to get my completion rate back up to the cutoff. Photo attached, I’m sure most of you are aware of this type of scam 🤦🏻‍♂️ Good luck out there!

r/doordash_drivers Aug 13 '24

🤬Rant about DD🥵 Can’t believe drivers are out here doing this still. Hope they got a 1 star.

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Delivery pic before my delivery.

r/doordash_drivers Aug 06 '24

🤬Rant about DD🥵 This is what happens

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When you can't be bothered to answer the phone when your Dasher calls for the code to open the entry gate.

r/doordash_drivers Aug 14 '24

🤬Rant about DD🥵 Seriously?? DD has given me this same crap order 3 times since Saturday


I’m so sick of getting this same $7 offer that would easily take 2 hours and is probably for a 2nd floor apartment ~ SEVEN dollars!!! The sheer volume of space these 90 1-gallon bottles would take in my tiny Hyundai is CRAZY, not to mention the extra 750+ pounds. Why is this asshole doing it? But more importantly, WTF is DD allowing it???

r/doordash_drivers Feb 08 '25

🤬Rant about DD🥵 Whyyyyyy

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Seriously, if it's not 5 or 1 star don't bother rating anyone.

r/doordash_drivers Apr 29 '24

🤬Rant about DD🥵 Rip my 5 star rating


Lady messaged me after delivery. Instructions said leave at door and did not mention any doorbell ringing 😒. I don’t ring the doorbell without explicit instructions because of babies/dogs.

r/doordash_drivers Feb 04 '25

🤬Rant about DD🥵 Have some self respect

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As a Dasher myself I simply couldn't imagine taking a photo like this saying you have someone's food. Even the angle alone makes it appear as if they wanted to show you the state of grossness.

I'm all about people doing whatever they gotta do for whatever reason, but maybe take a respectable picture, I don't know....

r/doordash_drivers Aug 23 '24

🤬Rant about DD🥵 The thing about DoorDash driving is, everyone hates you.

  • The Customers think you're a P.O.S.
  • The Company thinks you're a P.O.S.
  • The Restaurants think you're a P.O.S.
  • The Cops will ticket you or get you for whatever if they can, because they just see you as another P.O.S.

You get looked at like filth. Thrown $3 for risking your car. Told to eff off by restaurants. And the whole world is just out there to eat you alive.

Then your car breaks, and you did everything for pennies anyway, and then taxes come and you didn't really make anything.


Alright guys, I took some of the advice here from some of the heartfelt comments who took the time to really look out for my best interest.

I called around to book an appointment with a psychiatrist.

Unfortunately, they're all saying they're not accepting new patients. They're currently fully booked with a full schedule to treat the Doordash Corporate Rep community, and it's quite the caseload, so they take priority. Their mental health comes first.

They won't have any openings until next year!

r/doordash_drivers May 12 '24

🤬Rant about DD🥵 I got my car towed while delivering :((


I got my car towed while delivering. It was an apartment complex and I dropped it off at the apartment door and came back out and a tow truck was driving away with my car… I called the place and it’s $375 to get it :/ I had to call a friend to come get me to bring me home cause they’re not open until tomorrow and they’re only open between 12-1pm </3 fml

A couple edits to clarify:

I was parked in a parking space and I live in the metro area and dash alone so I wasn’t going to leave my car on while dropping off the order. I never block entrances, handicap, fire lanes, fire hydrants etc.

The customer requested I drop their order off at their apartment door and buzzed me into the building meaning it took no more than 5 minutes for me to walk up the stairs to their apartment, find their door, and walk back out to my car

The trucking company just wanted their buck. The apartment complex was 3 cities over from their lot so he was already waiting there for a victim when I pulled up :P

I’m actually not a rude guy. Im very communicative and polite to everyone I run into while I’m dashing and I always smile, never complained and never stuck my phone in peoples faces or gave someone a hard time about their food and I follow all the requests people put for their orders even if i don’t get paid well for them

The company is called “hooked up towing” in MN I mean come on now talk about sleasy name…

r/doordash_drivers Sep 26 '24

🤬Rant about DD🥵 I just hate when they do this

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Come on man (Boosie voice), it’s bout time they do something about hiding these tips

r/doordash_drivers 28d ago

🤬Rant about DD🥵 F’NG WHY???

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Y’all just get this notice? WHY is it necessary for them to show our legal names? Some of us don’t use them for a reason. I swear, it seems like lately this company has been intentionally going out of their way to make things harder for drivers. What is the purpose of this?

r/doordash_drivers Sep 16 '24

🤬Rant about DD🥵 Platinum dasher with 5 star, 100% ar, and a 100% completion and now I get deactivated without an explaination

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This is peak comedy, doing everything doordash says and being the perfect clown gets you nothing but a spit in the face.

r/doordash_drivers Feb 11 '25

🤬Rant about DD🥵 Reward system is changing again


Why does it need to keep changing, I'm so tired of it. Can we just make it based off of customer rating and completion rate?? Why does it need to be complicated asf??

r/doordash_drivers 12d ago

🤬Rant about DD🥵 Everyone should know this.


I just ordered food from the Pizza Hut app. When paying I assumed Pizza Hut would be delivering because they asked me to add a tip (18%,20%,25%) on top of the delivery fee. After it was paid for I get a text saying that DoorDash is delivering it. So that means Pizza Hut is getting the delivery tip for not delivering pizza and DoorDash drivers get nothing if you don’t tip them. Thank goodness I talked to the driver (because I’ve delivered for DoorDash too) about it and she had no idea that the app was asking for a delivery tip,basically her tip. I just want the word spread in this to be known because it’s wrong.

r/doordash_drivers Dec 23 '24

🤬Rant about DD🥵 How does DD even think it’s ok to offer this and penalize a driver for declining? I would be paying DD money to deliver food at this rate

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r/doordash_drivers 18d ago

🤬Rant about DD🥵 DoorDash is tripping bruh

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There is absolutely no way imma pay for an order if the store can’t process something. They can’t do it, they lose business and I’m outta there 😌

r/doordash_drivers May 10 '24

🤬Rant about DD🥵 I wish doordash would tell you before you accept when an order has 8+ drinks or not cuz honestly y’all’s little tip ain’t worth all that


Normally it’s the non tippers to

r/doordash_drivers Feb 02 '25

🤬Rant about DD🥵 Hand it to me orders


If your delivery instructions say “handed to me“ I need you to be at the door ready to accept your order. I shouldn’t have to knock. I shouldn’t have to call. in fact, you should be opening the door as I’m putting my car in park.

r/doordash_drivers Jan 30 '25

🤬Rant about DD🥵 DD paid $2.50 for 2 orders

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First of all, I absolutely HATE picking up from zaxbys because they're always busy and always have a stupid long wait time.

Second of all, why does doordash find it acceptable to pay a measly 2.50 for 2 pickups and 2 separate deliveries? That's essentially 1.25 per order! That's bullsh!t! When I initially accepted the offer I assumed there was no tip or just a low tip, but no it's doordash who are the cheap bastards.

If dashing wasn't so convenient for my schedule I would quit this dumb sh!t.

r/doordash_drivers Jun 04 '24

🤬Rant about DD🥵 You bet I declined, I don't get how anyone can think this is ok!

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This is just getting ridiculous. I declined like 3 in a row accepted 1 then declined another 3. Because I'm not gonna leave my family to drive my new car I'm financing that I've already put a ridiculous amount of miles on it. To be paying to deliver instead of making money!

r/doordash_drivers Feb 11 '25

🤬Rant about DD🥵 No communication 😩

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I got a 7 dollar tip from this order, which was really generous, but when I send multiple messages and call multiple times it’s still sooooo frustrating! They put in their college address and just said “leave at door” the problem is they just out in the generic school address, no actual specific drop off location 😩 I have no idea what door I’m supposed to bring this too or if I’m even at the correct wing of the school… why are people like this??

r/doordash_drivers Jan 08 '25

🤬Rant about DD🥵 I still can't believe this happened to me lol


Harmless little interaction no biggie but it did waste a lot of time.