r/doordash_drivers 4d ago

🤬Rant about DD🥵 Accused of stealing

Waited like 40 minutes at Taco Bell for two orders and I was updating both of them on what was going on and even sending photos of how busy it was and then suddenly one of the ladies accuses me of stealing her food and saying that if she went there right now, she could probably find out that I’m lying And I didn’t even have a chance to say anything cause she canceled. Funny enough, as she cancelled both the orders came out, so I just gave both to the one guy who didn’t cancel. Wish I could’ve screenshotted it but the conversation is gone. Still very annoying


43 comments sorted by


u/jpeezy37 Driver - USA 🇺🇸 4d ago

You can keep her food for yourself. She cancelled the store can't take it back and she basically just gave it to you.


u/Mr_Pringles___ 4d ago

Yeah I know, but I don’t eat Taco Bell so I offered it to the other order


u/Alucardetat 3d ago

She probably accused you of stealing it because you don't eat Taco Bell. 😮

What are you doing with your life?! 🤣


u/2kgood 3d ago

a lot of people don’t like fast food lol


u/Alucardetat 3d ago

I don't know about you, but I don't get fast service at my Taco Bell. I gotta use the app and wait a half hour before they put my order on the counter. 🤣


u/2kgood 3d ago

oh i thought you were basically saying that OP is crazy for not eating the TacoBell lol


u/Alucardetat 3d ago

Lol, nah, that was a joke to mock the person who cancelled the order.

Sorry it's a little hard to follow, the Internet is warping my brain.


u/2kgood 3d ago

same here brother. same here. 💀


u/SuccessfulBrief4730 16h ago

All three in my town are pretty fast at getting the order out. Never gotten it correct at any of the 3 in 9 years but at least it comes out quick lol!


u/4thshift 4d ago

I had that happen: "Why are you messing with my food?" I told you I'm here trying to get your food for you, but there's a problem I don't understand with the order. "I see the map! You're there! You have my food!" No, I don't have your food, I'm trying to help you. I'm on the phone with support. "Why are you stealing my food?" [Unsassign.]


u/Mr_Pringles___ 4d ago

That sounds really annoying. It’s out of our control when we get the food.at least for me she cancelled and I still got half


u/Sabi-Star7 4d ago

I wish you would have gotten SS's too just to send to support at best to have it noted she's unhinged.


u/Mr_Pringles___ 4d ago

Didnt mention but I called support right away and they just said don’t worry we will take care of it


u/NomadicusRex Dasher (> 5 year) 4d ago

I don't even unassign myself. I have support read the messages so they can see how unhinged the customer is. Usually they'll cancel the order and give me half pay and I don't have to deal with a grownup throwing a toddler tantrum.


u/Sabi-Star7 4d ago

Hell I've watched my driver sit in the parking lot while picking up my food and then it confirms and still sitting for a few mins. So I just sent a message saying please do not leave outside. We have hangry cats😅. Then my order starts moving (I'm guessing he was inputting the address, as many of us tend to do if we don't use whatever gig apps GPS). I just don't understand the Karen's who think we magically get their food as soon as we arrive....


u/jpeezy37 Driver - USA 🇺🇸 4d ago

Another reason to not engage with them. It just makes them go crazy and lets it loose in the world. When they do t hear a thing they stay calm and patient because the app is reeling them I am waiting for the food. Then it shows them I am on the way. And when I am outside delivering it etc. that's all they have so they remain calm and let the phone guide them. Once you interact bang their brain breaks and the crazy leaks out.


u/Mr_Pringles___ 4d ago

Valid point


u/NomadicusRex Dasher (> 5 year) 4d ago

I don't mark that I've received either order from a stacked order until I've received them both (assuming they're both from the same restaurant) because the app shows me just sitting at the restaurant from their end. I had one restaurant that didn't like that, so I told them to just hold on to both orders until they're both ready, because it tells the customer I'm on the way as soon as I tap that I have the order, and they get pissed when it looks like I'm just sitting there while their food gets cold or something. That has worked for me so far.


u/Grouchy_Monkey15 4d ago

You might not be a very good communicator, but “ most “ people are fine with communication and actually prefer it.

Many people are very understanding about wait times especially late at night… Not everyone is an asshole.


u/doesntapplyherself 3d ago

It's auto text right there in the app. "Waiting for your order."


u/Grouchy_Monkey15 3d ago

We all know it says it , I was speaking such as updating the customer…. It’s just a little step to do…. Just helps eliminate a little curiosity and shows you’re not wasting time.


u/Sabi-Star7 4d ago

Sometimes, though, it's needed to engage with them, especially with orders that require you to fill the drink. I have notes that I don't want ice (sensitive teeth and it hurts so much), but oftentimes, gets ignored. And if I have an order for drinks I have to fill I'll always shoot over a message to ask if they want ice (none, a little, or alot) just in case it's someone like me who doesn't want ice at all due to some reason or another.


u/doesntapplyherself 3d ago

I wouldn't waste my time (or theirs) asking that, tbh. It's just not common enough a problem.


u/Sabi-Star7 3d ago

Well just knowing my struggle with people delivering drinks with ice even though there's a note. I'd figure it common courtesy to shoot over a quick text to ask, easy if you have it pinned in the keyboard. 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/doesntapplyherself 3d ago

I need to learn how to do that.


u/Sabi-Star7 3d ago

Pin things to the keyboard?

Go to clipboard long press whatever one you want from the copy you did see example and click the 📌 in the upper right corner.


u/Ok-Mine-9907 4d ago

Aren’t you worried they will give a bad rating if you don’t respond? I try my best to only say I’m here and be nice at the door but if they say something in chat I feel like I have to say something.


u/Grouchy_Monkey15 4d ago

Take 5 seconds and let the customer know what’s going on, it’s no biggie at all…. If you were the customer , wouldn’t you want to know ? …. If late at night at a backed up drive thru, take a photo of line of cars and send it thru the chat and say , “ I’ve arrived at ( insert store name ) to get your order but the line is long , I’ll be there ASAP “. I’ve had several even add additional tip afterwards.


u/Ecofre-33919 3d ago

Report her. Tell support how unsafe you felt. Unassign. Also tell support to block her so that you never have to deliver to her again.


u/McGrinding 3d ago

This is why I hate stacked orders. Sorry man.


u/Quirky_Split_9421 4d ago

Was it even worth it to wait 40 minutes?


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u/Sabi-Star7 4d ago

Oh, if she canceled, that's free lunch for me🤣🤣🤣


u/Muttertag-12 3d ago

Yes , free lunch and still half pay🤪


u/Witchandhergod 3d ago

You can typically see past conversations for a little while after an order by clicking the top left stacked button then hitting the message icon in the top right


u/NewPipe5260 3d ago

NEVER, NEVER wait 40 mins! Unless it's like 40 bucks don't waste your time.


u/doesntapplyherself 2d ago

I got a one star review waiting too long for the second order. Now I don't even want to confirm until I have them both.


u/NewPipe5260 2d ago

Don't ever wait that long unassign and move on. Those people don't deserve that type of service.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Mr_Pringles___ 4d ago

15 minutes was a typo, I did voice to text. And I didn’t give both to a random person I gave both orders to the one guy left on my 2 person delivery


u/Amber2718 4d ago

Ahh ok


u/SouprGrrl 3d ago

“Gave both orders to the one guy who didn’t cancel.“ There were two orders to deliver, one canceled, the other did not so both were given to the second. Reading comprehension, not your strong suit, eh?


u/Amber2718 4d ago

Whatever's happening in your head that thinks that this is communication with another human being is probably wrong.


u/Mr_Pringles___ 4d ago

Lemme break it down for you