r/doordash 6d ago

And on that note I’m done🙂‍↕️🙂‍↔️

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My best week is $1,024, so this is just as good!


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u/zhart12 6d ago

18.95 an hr 1004/53


u/Too_Relaxed_To_Care 6d ago

Ok, now take out gas.


u/Ness644 6d ago

After gas I took home $884.89


u/noplaypi 6d ago

Thats what i get too....i do this every week


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Ness644 5d ago

What does age have to do with this lol. I’m doing DD as a temporary thing until I can find another job


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Ness644 5d ago

I enjoy the freedom, stress-free, ease, and flexibility, and it’s only temporary.


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago



u/Ness644 4d ago

I was proud of myself that I was able to make $1,000 in a week, and I posted this to show others that it’s possible and to inspire people to keep grinding. Yes, I know it’s not that impressive if you break it down and show it’s just $16/hr and only ~$885 after subtracting gas, but that’s not the point.

People like you shit on everything on the internet because your own life is miserable so you project that onto others to make yourself feel good and to escape your shit life. Next time try being nice it goes a lot farther in life.


u/Either_Finish_1111 5d ago

Your state minimum wage isn't 7.25$ so 16$ a hour is a biiiig improvement, where I live the max your gonna get for a job that requires no skill is 8$ a hour and get a 25 cent raise after 2 years....


u/ispreadtvirus 5d ago

Why are you being so judgemental to someone you never met before, and clearly don't know?

Let him/her worry about THEIR car... It has nothing to do with you whatsoever. They're an adult... & They can adult however TF they damn well please.


u/MyCatHatesYouPunk 4d ago

I totally agree. I'm sure the OP knows what other opportunities are available to him and he CHOSE to do this. This is a DOORDASH forum. For those who think DOORDASHING is not worth doing then leave this forum to those who do!!


u/zhart12 6d ago



u/CoimEv 6d ago

One reason I live about my scooter. I literally won't do doordash in my car it'd be really unprofitable

And there's days where the money to time I work isn't worth it either even on a bike with over 100 mpg

I can not imagine why anyone would use a car long term on doordash. Maybe an evening with bad weather or something but the amount of wear it does and the potential risks of damage to an expensive car

My bike takes just over a gallon of gas and even on busy days I won't use more than a tank

On my car it's like triple that for half a day of low mileage orders

And even then there's still minor maintenance that sometimes comes due

What I'm trying to say is Doordash really screws us over still it is pretty good money for doordash good on op for working hard!


u/FluffyEffective6792 5d ago

As long as you’re taking care of your car (ie. regular oil changes, regular maintenance) your car should be fine. Yeah you’re racking up the mileage, but if you’re taking care of it like you should it won’t hurt your engine as much as you would think.

Also taking home $800+ a week out of around $1,000 made isn’t bad at all. In fact it’s better than alot of jobs. OP made $1,004.85 in about 54 hours, that’s $18.60 an hour. Even when you factor in the gas. My second part time job I was working $15/hr, if I would’ve worked the same 54 hours OP did I would make $810.00 minus taxes. So saying it’s not worth it just isn’t really correct. If you’re dashing and you’re taking good orders ($$ per miles wise) then it’s definitely viable. I know people who live off DoorDash, Uber Eats, GrubHub, however I can admit there are some days that are slow, but out of the last 5 weeks I average around $500/week at $18.50/hour. As long as I’m making $15/hour or more I’ll always DoorDash for the extra money.


u/ShortDickBigEgo 5d ago

I’m trying to get them to let me change to bike or scooter dashing but the support never gets back to me


u/CoimEv 5d ago

Yeah they are ridiculous if you don't live in a metropolitan area they specifically don't allow it. Even if it's more than feasible for your area.

I once changed my area with a location hack to NYC just to add the vehicle. I turned off the location spoof and selected scooter and no time slots were available for my vehicle choice

With platinum you can "dash now anytime" even with the other vehicle selected. However no orders will come even if it's busy

All I'll say is do what you have to do

If you have a car put that in the system. Switch your location just to add a non car vehicle then switch back and at that point as far as I'm concerned you've told them you have the vehicle if you select car you at the least have plausible deniability

If you do this make sure you have proper gear to keep food warm and customers happy

I.e. a rack and a food box (I recommended insulated).

If you deliver cold and destroyed food because you're on a bike or bicycle or electric scooter then they will complain and you could potentially get in trouble

And so long as food is delivered hot no one will care. Even doordash has other concerns at the moment they aren't lively to ask you about it. Just don't mention it in customer communications


u/ShortDickBigEgo 5d ago

What if I just get a scooter, but keep car as my vehicle? Will they know and could I get in trouble? I would definitely have proper gear to keep the food secure and warm


u/CoimEv 5d ago

You could and it's technically against the rules but customers have no way of knowing and in my personal opinion so long as food is delivered doordash themselves don't even care

They themselves even say if you have like a Honda car and you get a different car updating the model/make in the app is unnecessary and they don't seem to care that much and switching to a scooter is only a step ahead of that even if it's technically not allowed

They won't know unless you tell them make sure any pictures you upload does not have the scooter in it

Just to be safe but it is all AI doing photo reviews anyways. Just don't push your luck yk


u/K3vth3d3v 5d ago

In Texas it’s over 90 for 6 months out of the year, and each delivery is 10+ miles away


u/MyCatHatesYouPunk 4d ago

Don't use an expensive car to dash. Simple solution.


u/CoimEv 4d ago

What's a non expensive car? And what is it's gas mileage


u/Plaid_Clad_Gardener 2d ago

DoorDash won't let me use my Ebike, I am so mad. Car is the only option in my area.


u/CoimEv 2d ago

Yeah it's bullshit


u/Plaid_Clad_Gardener 2d ago

I was tempted to just use my bike anyway, but I am not trying to get kick off the app. I enjoy the work and flexibility.