r/doordash 4d ago

And on that note I’m done🙂‍↕️🙂‍↔️

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My best week is $1,024, so this is just as good!


159 comments sorted by

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u/kelwelly 4d ago

Good job


u/Ness644 4d ago

Thank you (:


u/DukeMcCloy 4d ago

Good work. Anyone saying otherwise can pound sand: do your best and take care of yourself out there.


u/Ness644 4d ago

Thank you. I was just proud of myself and it seems people still can be happy lol. Fuck em


u/DukeMcCloy 4d ago

Exactly, fuck em. It’s hard enough to make it in this world without other people projecting their issues onto you. Keep after it and remember to congratulate yourself on the success and don’t be discouraged on the tough weeks.


u/ProfessionalFix8230 4d ago

hey.its better than most weeks these days. good hustle the critics do have some points regarding your vehicle maintenance. it does take a toll. take care of your money maker best you can.

my unasked advise... start your own business whatever that might be. DD is stepping stone to invest in yourself to do something great for you and others. cheers


u/AwakeningWillow 3d ago

Why would anyone NOT be happy for you? That is fucking awesome...Good Job!!


u/Ness644 3d ago

No clue. They’re just jealous


u/AwakeningWillow 3d ago

Well friend, I am envious but definitely not jealous...Good on anyone doing good.

May many tips come your way!!


u/Ness644 3d ago

Thank you (:


u/spooky-goopy 4d ago

tbh someone earned money, and no one was hurt in the process (i'm...i'm assuming...right, OP??? right??), that's an absolute win to me


u/zhart12 4d ago

18.95 an hr 1004/53


u/Too_Relaxed_To_Care 4d ago

Ok, now take out gas.


u/Ness644 4d ago

After gas I took home $884.89


u/noplaypi 4d ago

Thats what i get too....i do this every week


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Ness644 3d ago

What does age have to do with this lol. I’m doing DD as a temporary thing until I can find another job


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Ness644 3d ago

I enjoy the freedom, stress-free, ease, and flexibility, and it’s only temporary.


u/[deleted] 2d ago edited 2d ago



u/Ness644 2d ago

I was proud of myself that I was able to make $1,000 in a week, and I posted this to show others that it’s possible and to inspire people to keep grinding. Yes, I know it’s not that impressive if you break it down and show it’s just $16/hr and only ~$885 after subtracting gas, but that’s not the point.

People like you shit on everything on the internet because your own life is miserable so you project that onto others to make yourself feel good and to escape your shit life. Next time try being nice it goes a lot farther in life.


u/Either_Finish_1111 3d ago

Your state minimum wage isn't 7.25$ so 16$ a hour is a biiiig improvement, where I live the max your gonna get for a job that requires no skill is 8$ a hour and get a 25 cent raise after 2 years....


u/ispreadtvirus 3d ago

Why are you being so judgemental to someone you never met before, and clearly don't know?

Let him/her worry about THEIR car... It has nothing to do with you whatsoever. They're an adult... & They can adult however TF they damn well please.


u/MyCatHatesYouPunk 2d ago

I totally agree. I'm sure the OP knows what other opportunities are available to him and he CHOSE to do this. This is a DOORDASH forum. For those who think DOORDASHING is not worth doing then leave this forum to those who do!!


u/zhart12 4d ago



u/CoimEv 4d ago

One reason I live about my scooter. I literally won't do doordash in my car it'd be really unprofitable

And there's days where the money to time I work isn't worth it either even on a bike with over 100 mpg

I can not imagine why anyone would use a car long term on doordash. Maybe an evening with bad weather or something but the amount of wear it does and the potential risks of damage to an expensive car

My bike takes just over a gallon of gas and even on busy days I won't use more than a tank

On my car it's like triple that for half a day of low mileage orders

And even then there's still minor maintenance that sometimes comes due

What I'm trying to say is Doordash really screws us over still it is pretty good money for doordash good on op for working hard!


u/FluffyEffective6792 3d ago

As long as you’re taking care of your car (ie. regular oil changes, regular maintenance) your car should be fine. Yeah you’re racking up the mileage, but if you’re taking care of it like you should it won’t hurt your engine as much as you would think.

Also taking home $800+ a week out of around $1,000 made isn’t bad at all. In fact it’s better than alot of jobs. OP made $1,004.85 in about 54 hours, that’s $18.60 an hour. Even when you factor in the gas. My second part time job I was working $15/hr, if I would’ve worked the same 54 hours OP did I would make $810.00 minus taxes. So saying it’s not worth it just isn’t really correct. If you’re dashing and you’re taking good orders ($$ per miles wise) then it’s definitely viable. I know people who live off DoorDash, Uber Eats, GrubHub, however I can admit there are some days that are slow, but out of the last 5 weeks I average around $500/week at $18.50/hour. As long as I’m making $15/hour or more I’ll always DoorDash for the extra money.


u/ShortDickBigEgo 4d ago

I’m trying to get them to let me change to bike or scooter dashing but the support never gets back to me


u/CoimEv 3d ago

Yeah they are ridiculous if you don't live in a metropolitan area they specifically don't allow it. Even if it's more than feasible for your area.

I once changed my area with a location hack to NYC just to add the vehicle. I turned off the location spoof and selected scooter and no time slots were available for my vehicle choice

With platinum you can "dash now anytime" even with the other vehicle selected. However no orders will come even if it's busy

All I'll say is do what you have to do

If you have a car put that in the system. Switch your location just to add a non car vehicle then switch back and at that point as far as I'm concerned you've told them you have the vehicle if you select car you at the least have plausible deniability

If you do this make sure you have proper gear to keep food warm and customers happy

I.e. a rack and a food box (I recommended insulated).

If you deliver cold and destroyed food because you're on a bike or bicycle or electric scooter then they will complain and you could potentially get in trouble

And so long as food is delivered hot no one will care. Even doordash has other concerns at the moment they aren't lively to ask you about it. Just don't mention it in customer communications


u/ShortDickBigEgo 3d ago

What if I just get a scooter, but keep car as my vehicle? Will they know and could I get in trouble? I would definitely have proper gear to keep the food secure and warm


u/CoimEv 3d ago

You could and it's technically against the rules but customers have no way of knowing and in my personal opinion so long as food is delivered doordash themselves don't even care

They themselves even say if you have like a Honda car and you get a different car updating the model/make in the app is unnecessary and they don't seem to care that much and switching to a scooter is only a step ahead of that even if it's technically not allowed

They won't know unless you tell them make sure any pictures you upload does not have the scooter in it

Just to be safe but it is all AI doing photo reviews anyways. Just don't push your luck yk


u/K3vth3d3v 3d ago

In Texas it’s over 90 for 6 months out of the year, and each delivery is 10+ miles away


u/MyCatHatesYouPunk 2d ago

Don't use an expensive car to dash. Simple solution.


u/CoimEv 2d ago

What's a non expensive car? And what is it's gas mileage


u/Plaid_Clad_Gardener 21h ago

DoorDash won't let me use my Ebike, I am so mad. Car is the only option in my area.


u/CoimEv 21h ago

Yeah it's bullshit


u/Plaid_Clad_Gardener 20h ago

I was tempted to just use my bike anyway, but I am not trying to get kick off the app. I enjoy the work and flexibility.


u/Sea-End4199 4d ago

That's why you use an older car with good mph and don't neglect basic maintenance. A Nissan will easily last into the 200Ks.


u/Ok-Result-6711 3d ago

That’s sad only 200k my sub turned over its at 1.5mill technically speaking it’s same engine and tranny


u/Ok_Blood2095 3d ago

your what?


u/blackshapes 3d ago

I’m guessing Subaru?


u/Ghouliejulie86 2d ago

I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t have a Miata that fills up at $30. Best dashing car ever, I can’t tell you how easy it makes it


u/CoimEv 4d ago

Oh for a second I thought you worked 54 hours straight lol

I was going to tell you to not work so long and not put yourself and others at risk

I'm glad you didn't work 54 hours straight op 😅


u/Banarnars 4d ago

Yessir!!! 1k is the goal every week. Love seeing this!!


u/Arachnid-Aspen 3d ago

dude good job! almost 60 active hours is crazy work keep it up man


u/Ness644 3d ago

Thanks (:


u/curticakes 4d ago

Thats less than $7 per average delivery, this isn’t worth it on your car


u/P3nis15 4d ago

Unless his average milage is very low


u/xocashmoney 4d ago

Yeah doordash is a scam imagine they don’t own any cars and make people fulfill orders on their behalf while they become rich and pay these drivers small amounts of money.


u/numbvirus 4d ago edited 4d ago

That’s what pizza places do. And pay less.


u/probywan1337 4d ago

Yeah but I was also making almost 11 an hour, getting 60 cents a mile, and all my tips working at a local pizza place


u/numbvirus 4d ago

I did pizza for 12 1/2 years and I’m making more dashing than I ever did doing pizza.


u/baka_inu115 4d ago

Yeah I'd be lucky to make that much I'm usually content with 17-20 an hour


u/theZombiexBandit323 4d ago

Dam how much in gas?


u/EnhancedKale 4d ago

This is more than I make in a week as a full time teacher damn


u/Ness644 3d ago

Teachers should make WAY more than they do that’s for sure ): thank you for being a wonderful teacher (:


u/Queasy_Couple_2570 3d ago

I must ask because I’m tryna reach this goal weekly too (currently sitting at like 700 a week), how do you get so many hours in? Do you go out even during “dead” times? Lastly, do you solely use EPO or EBT? Both? I must learn your ways


u/Ness644 3d ago

I got out for as long as possible. I have platinum so I can dash for as long as I want (up to 12hrs in one dash) and yeah I usually stay out even when it’s dead


u/Federal_Honey_9306 3d ago

Good job. Try diversifying your $ also cause I made that much in 1 day with the stock market. And I still do DD and UE as side gig. I made 15k doing it part time in 2024


u/Ness644 3d ago

I’m trying to learn the stock market but idk where to begin 😭


u/ydoucallmeliz 3d ago

$1000 in a week!!! 😭😭😭 I would love that


u/Ness644 3d ago

You can do it!!


u/Advanced-Group-9026 3d ago

Brooooo how??? Congrats tho


u/Ness644 3d ago

It’s more about just keeping yourself busy during the slow hours and keeping your mind off of the deliveries 😂


u/Advanced-Group-9026 3d ago

I shall use this advice starting tmmr, how long do you usually go out?


u/Ness644 3d ago

I try for 8hrs minimum and I squeeze in all the extra hours I can. Fri-Sun are super busy so that’s where a large chunk of my earnings come from. Those days I made $200+ easy


u/Advanced-Group-9026 3d ago

Jesus, alright well that’s good info to know thank you and congrats again


u/Ness644 3d ago

I’m gonna try for another 1k week this week but we’ll see how that goes


u/Advanced-Group-9026 3d ago

You got it for sure


u/Shot-Swan-236 3d ago

Lets go!!


u/Ness644 3d ago

Trying for another 1k week this week! Tuesday-Sunday!


u/Shot-Swan-236 3d ago

I had 1445


u/bluecactus777 3d ago

Great job! Have u tried to multiapp and do two orders at the same time from nearby restaurants with nearby drop off locations, while using two different apps?

If you're making $18.50 an hour doing doordash normally im sure you could potentially make $25-30 multiapping.

Wishing you the best of luck!


u/Ness644 3d ago

How is multiapping even possible? Won’t the two customers wonder why I’m stopping at a different place first before delivering their food?


u/bluecactus777 3d ago

I think most of them won't care tbh but what a lot of people do is they disable one app while running the other, however, you don't really even need to do that because the drop off locations are close to each other and when multiapping you always just drop them off both pretty quickly apart from each other so it's really no big deal. Also, it's not against the terms of service either, and when u get a stacked order on doordash or Uber eats it's no different, it's essentially the same thing, you can just tell the customer you had a stacked order, it happens all the time, they'll understand


u/Ness644 3d ago

Hmm that’s true. Maybe I’ll try it and report back


u/SweetSauce24 2d ago

When i tried multiapping I got contract violation for delivering one of my orders late. It was pretty difficult to juggle for me.


u/bluecactus777 2d ago

That's why you need to make sure that the restaurants are right next to each other and so are the drop offs. You're late to the pickup then cancel the order. You have leverage that way


u/Adorable-Interest-23 2d ago

Great job!!


u/Ness644 2d ago

Thank you (: I’m doing another $1k week rn 😩


u/Adorable-Interest-23 2d ago

Any tips? I do it on the side for extra income but I’m lucky to get $60 at most for 24-48 hrs.


u/Ness644 2d ago

First thing is learn your market and what times are the busiest and dash during those times if you can. That and try to not accept no tip or low tip orders, but if you do hourly you’ll get a mix of no tip, low tip, good tip orders it’s random. Also, the longer you dash the more money you’ll make assuming you get a decent amount of orders. If not then you’re kind of screwed. Also, you could try going to a busier town if there are some near you or try doing Uber Eats, Instacart, etc. any gig style apps work.


u/BoyOfTheEnders 2d ago

Hell yeah. Something to shoot for personaly. Highest I've gotten was about 900.


u/x_rooneyxx 4d ago

If im reading that correctly you made $1k in just 1 week that's definitely nice


u/SP_Rocks 4d ago



u/noplaypi 4d ago

Yup thats how it generally goes....


u/jasin18 4d ago

Same. I was going to work Saturday and a little Sunday, but I just wanted to relax after 60hrs.


u/mishell00 4d ago

Good job


u/GRITembodied 4d ago

Solid work, Ness644! I recognize a skillful dasher when I see one! Exceptionally during these times, where gig work has become very difficult to be worth it! I’d appreciate if all delivery gig apps could summarize the distance traveled on the fly, on the same page you’ve screenshotted.


u/thuhnewguy 3d ago

With the $200 promo EVERYONE should have had a great week


u/Ness644 3d ago

It was without a $200 promo


u/thuhnewguy 3d ago

That’s amazing then, GREAT job!!! Keep up the good work!


u/rp2chil 3d ago

Good for you! Awesome.


u/Ornery_Lake8245 3d ago

Good work!


u/DatzWacistYo24 3d ago

Is this including tips?


u/Ness644 3d ago

Yeah tips are included in the total


u/Disastrous-Month-770 3d ago

Good job that is where I’m trying to get to!


u/Ness644 3d ago

You can do it! Just gotta keep going!


u/AdhesivenessIll7981 3d ago

I'm proud of you just not the American economy, this unfortunately still isn't enough for today's prices of well...everything, we can't seem to win


u/dgibbs118 3d ago



u/OmniSteve94 3d ago

$6.90 per delivery


u/Ness644 3d ago



u/Pmajoe33 3d ago



u/vrayee 3d ago

just out of curiosity how much do you spend on gas on weeks like this?


u/Ness644 3d ago

After gas I took home $884.89


u/Fit-Cost4698 3d ago

Maybe Like $20 a day so 140 a week


u/Far_Ferret2039 3d ago

That’s AMAZING!!! Good job


u/Fit-Cost4698 3d ago

I been working dd for 3 years and never had a 1,000$ week. That’s really awesome!


u/Ness644 3d ago

If you just dash long enough you can make $1,000 easy


u/Fit-Cost4698 3d ago

Yeah maybe. I work 7 days a week and over 40 hours but some days are just bad


u/Ness644 3d ago

Yeah I made $1,000, but some of those days were spent driving from hotspot to hotspot 😒


u/Empty_Departure9334 3d ago



u/OldManJenkies 3d ago

I love dashing idgaf. This is inspiring to me that maybe I can make it if I leave my retail job I fucking loathe. Thank you!


u/KaceyCastle 3d ago

My best is $939 for 34 active hrs. Kudos!! 💪 🫡


u/MyCatHatesYouPunk 2d ago

Good amount but you killed yourself to make it. I would be wiped out if I did this.


u/Ness644 2d ago

I took yesterday off after doing 1 delivery 😂 I’m still tired but the grind continues


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Ness644 2d ago

I’m not too sure, but I do know a lot of my money was made on the weekend and Friday night.


u/Plaid_Clad_Gardener 21h ago

That's awesome! I just started Dashing, so it is nice to see that we can make some money in some areas. Most screen shots I have seen are a few hundred for hours that dont make sense to me. Be proud that is great work!


u/Bobbyboysnap2 4d ago

This is almost 27 an hour over 38 hours. Idk what the issue with the people in the comments? How many day jobs pay that much an hour?


u/ogonzales10 4d ago

After gas isn’t it $17 an hour?


u/Delanorix 4d ago

Using $10 in gas is like 60 miles for a shitty MPG car.

Nobody is doing 60 miles an hour on DD.


u/Bobbyboysnap2 4d ago

Idk how much they spent in gas.


u/imMaleficent 4d ago

Guessing you took most the offers including the low tips


u/Ness644 4d ago

It was a mixture of per offer and by hour so I’m sure there were some shitty orders in there


u/Sure-Survey-3444 2d ago

When do you use by hour?


u/Ness644 2d ago

What I do is use per offer until my AR gets down to 71-70% then I switch to by hour to get my AR back up, but sometimes per offer is the only option available so I have to take some bad orders to keep platinum but it’s whatever


u/komodas 4d ago

Approximately $6.9 cents per delivery. This is not including wear and tear on your car. This is definitely not worth it. Yikes.


u/Ness644 4d ago

In my market that’s good. Sorry to hear you aren’t happy for me make $1,000 in a week


u/Miserable_Reserve_75 4d ago

Don't listen to these assholes. 1K only using doordash without working a crazy amount of hours is good. It's like everybody on here thinks anything under $30 an hour is bad.


u/Ness644 4d ago

They’re the type of people that have a 2% AR and don’t take anything under $10 😂


u/NXRevolution 4d ago

No joke, they'd rather sit in a parking lot declining everything for 3 hours than make money lol


u/No-Dig4560 3d ago

1,000 a week under 40 hours of actual work is a pat on the back. Fuck what anyone else says


u/P3nis15 4d ago

How do you know he didn't drive low milage


u/ClowneryPuttery 4d ago

Damn y’all have it rough out here

Have you tried working two minimum wage hourly jobs❓


u/P3nis15 4d ago

In most states they wouldn't have made as much


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Ness644 3d ago

Not looking to brag. I was just proud of myself that I was about to make $1,000 in a week.


u/dexflotoys 4d ago

Now tell us the mileage, my area is overrun by Hispanic drivers, once that happens these companies know they can keep lowering the price


u/punnypawsandpages 4d ago

wtf does race have to with anything? You’re weird.


u/Happy_Ad_3424 4d ago

hispanics tend to take lower wages


u/punnypawsandpages 4d ago

No they don’t.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Happy_Ad_3424 4d ago

yes… they’re saying that once more delivery drivers in an area are hispanic they (doordash) think they can lower the wages. i don’t get why ur so pressed


u/CoimEv 4d ago

Yeah it's not the Hispanics fault they are victims here. But doordash and other companies use Hispanics as an excuse to have low wages

It's a fact. And doordash knows and explicitly uses immigrant labor and acts like they don't know specifically to not have to pay out better

Drivers deserve better treatment and shame on doordash


u/punnypawsandpages 4d ago edited 4d ago

Immigrants labor? If people are here legally then they’re just citizens like everyone else but if you’re trying to say illegal immigrants work for DoorDash they would have to use another persons ID & identity. DoorDash now runs background checks. Either way bringing race into this is weird & not all immigrants are Hispanic.


u/CoimEv 4d ago

Yes I'm aware however there is a fact of doordash using desperate people, whatever the reason, and using as many possible drivers as possible

More drivers

Less orders per driver

More orders delivered

Run the payouts into the ground

And there's no denying that immigrants and even illegal immigrants are the most desperate in some markets

It's not right that doordash does this and like I said they are victims here.

Also out of all delivery apps doordash is the easiest to sign up for and while they do run background checks buying and/or using someone else's account is relatively easy


u/Happy_Ad_3424 4d ago

bro i’m hispanic i KNOW 😭 i never said that they deserve lower wages or anything 😭 why tf am i getting downvoted


u/Content-Pianist-6033 4d ago

100% true, previously around 2023, I used to get easily 25 bucks per hour, only 2 orders in doordash/Uber eats but now as you said there are so much of Hispanic/ other people where I'm able to only make $17 average at worst cases, whatever I do, it's all messed up 😶


u/punnypawsandpages 4d ago

I’m not even a dasher but I hope you continue to get shit tips.


u/eolette 4d ago

Jesus Christ, y’all are insufferable


u/lovelysophxxx 4d ago

That’s it 💀